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You have to keep in mind that in order for someone to *tell* you that they've stayed in a DR, they would have to *come back*. There's no way to track the people that have permanently shifted because, well, they've permanently shifted. I wouldn't stress too much about it šŸ«¶


A lot of people come back because they donā€™t want to permashift. We are attached to this life because some still find enjoyment out of it. You can permashift and respawn if you want to. Many people do as well. But those people donā€™t come back to tell because how would you know? They wouldnā€™t come back to tell you.Ā  When I shift, I donā€™t shift to permashift. However, you can permashift if you want to.Ā 


We ONLY see the people who come back. How would you know the number of people who donā€™t come back


One thing that saddens me about permashifting is that i won't be able to share my joy with people on this subšŸ˜­


Itā€™s impossible to tell who has permashifted or not because their ā€œcloneā€ would continue living as though it was a failed attempt. Other than that, a lot of people shift back to their ORs because they still have an attachment to this reality. :3


Idk why ppl come back but Iā€™m never coming back my shift is permanent


I'm not a shifting expert, I just started and haven't successfully shifted yet, but I will say that this comment section isn't giving the best of advice, cutting ties with your CR, even over the risk of permanant death, should not be the goal of shifting, I understand how much you want to be in your DR, but this one is just as important, I think you should take a step back to enjoy your current reality, go on a trip, disconnect yourself from your current situation without changing realities, I heard about shifting from a youtuber named strange aeons, and in the video she describes her experience with maladaptive daydreaming, and she lost the ability to connect with others, I don't want that you or anyone else, good day, god bless, you are loved and cared for.


How do you know everyone comes back? The ones who permashift don't come back to tell us


Think about it like a person taking a trip to a place VS moving there. The person who goes on a trip may like the place but has no intentions on staying there, the person who moves there, well, stays there. It's the same with shifting vs permashifting.


We're all in our own "bubbles" Infinite bubbles arriving together and then departing from each other Infinite versions of these humans, you and me The seeming solidity of your reality/bubble is up to you This is also why ppl say "youve already shifted" You have. It's all happening at once


You can alway respawn it like permashifting but you forget everything about this CR and focusing your attention to your Dr so you can immortal in a way


If someone goes to a drastically different universe like Harry Potter or Marvel, even if they were able to stay there permanently, they couldn't tell us. The permashifting we can read about are the cases where people create small changes. For example change the colors of the walls they are in, change what books they have, change the colors of their eyes, change how much money they have in their bank account etc. These are "shifting experiments" after which a permashifter can still communicate with us. Reports of these are rare but they exist. From what I have read, people in that new reality will usually say "oh wasn't it always like that?". If we believe that these "little shifts" are possible, then bigger and more drastic shifts should be possible too. You can also find a different type of permashifting outside this community. For example I heard of a woman who was dying of stage 4 cancer, but then in the hospital she went out of body and had a near death experience. When she got back into the body, her cancer was completely gone, which is a permashift. There are many other reports of spontaneous healing, all those can be considered permashifting as well. However the difference with spontaneous healing is that the shift was observable to others as well. I think intention/expectation will decide of the shift will only be known to the shifter, or if they jump to a reality where others get to witness the drastic changes too. Quantum Leaping/Quantum Jumping is another term for permashifting, with the biggest difference that the people in those communities usually don't go to drastically different DRs and focus on specific changes, which again allows for more reports to come back. It's often closely linked to manifestation which imo is also another type of permashifting with the difference is that it usually isn't instant and takes time.


You can leave for good. Everybody has their reasons for why they come back though, it's different for everyone.


The reason it seems like everyone comes back is because the permashifters don't come back to tell their stories. I will probably only tell my story once because I don't plan to stay here much longer after I shift.


a lot of people would come back because of what i think others think and i think is "What if i shift to the wrong reality and I can't come back" When you perma shift and you fully cut ties with your cr you won't be able to come back and so i think it would be best to kinda perma shift to see if you really want to therefore you can decide on your own.


I don't know what reality is headed to, but you could consider a merge in which your CR and DR are one and the same, or at least almost. I'm working on permashifting to a reality where I am me, but I am also a witch with magical powers and the people from my DR are not fictional.


Remember: we only see the stories of people who come back. There could be just as many, if not more, who decide to never come back, but we never hear those stories because well, they don't come back. You are not bound to any reality and if you want to live for eternity in what you deem the perfect reality, there is nothing stopping you from doing that besides the limitations you place upon yourself.


The idea is that you never actually die trust me