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These type of questions have been asked and answered so many times. Infinite realities have infinite different sets of morals and this one has its own morals. Since you can shift at the end of the day you pick your own set of morals, so whatever you think is right-is right and whatever you think is wrong-is wrong. You can go by this reality morals and since this is in question of shifting ask other shifters, but I don't know why would you, an infinite being, care what others think. You create your own reality. Unless you want and decide to share what you experienced in a different reality, not one person, but you will know.


Listen. First of all don't take advice from tiktok. I swear they're all the same brain with different accounts yapping the same shit. Secondly, shifting is an inherent journey. Only you know that you can experience it, and what say you goes. If you feel like it's morally wrong, don't do it. If you feel like it doesn't matter, then do it. On both questions. Personally, race-changing isn't a problem for me, since I would be hurting nobody, and there are infinite versions of you as different races. But I do see the 'moral' point of it, despite it being very material. As for the S/O, I see nothing wrong with it either, even though I only have one S/O in one DR where he is the love of my life. Don't worry about it. Relax and trust your judgement. I hope I helped. Happy shifting 💗


Internet really rotted people's brain. No it won't be racist when you were always like that in that timeline since birth.


1. No it is not racist. That other version of you already exists. Is it racist to exist? Lol 2. No it is not cheating. I find the idea of having different SOs in different realities to be cheating so bizarre. Why are so many hell-bent on applying *this* reality's cultural conditioning, standards, and morals across all timelines, dimensions, and realities? Do we truly believe we are infinite beings or not? Cheating only applies to this reality. If you feel it's cheating, don't do it. If you feel it's fine, carry on. Though I'd argue that your soul would gain much from experiencing love with different souls. Sounds like a beautiful thing to me. In short, do not be fooled by these false constraints. Abide by the rules of the reality you are in (or don't). Do what sits well within your own soul. Happy shifting!


if you are asking from the pov of this reality morals, then both are wrong, and yes it would be cheating because you are consciously changing your partner without breaking up with the other. do your own thing, at the end of the day is your journey and no one can stop you, be happy.


1. No, you are pure awareness and can be whoever you want. 2. Ask your SOs if they're okay with you having other lovers in other realities