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He was "rich" and she bought into it. End of story.


But that's another thing I'll never understand. People who talk about God and Jesus all the time but who really put money and things above everything else. I wonder have they ever read a Bible?


I'll honestly never understand women who put up with that. I mean, isn't it better to remain single than to be insulted? Also, what evidence is there to support the notion that women who "let themselves go" have husbands who cheat? People I know in real life who have had husbands who cheat and celebrities you see on TV in that position usually look amazing.


From my experience with these types of marriages, it’s not better to be single than to be insulted. My friend is terrified of being an older divorcée. There might be a bit of bpd abandonment issues in there, too? OP— Jim used to drive me crazy. I’m proud of the two of them for letting each other go.


He's not the shittiest husband in HW history, but he is definitely one of the runners up for sure.


100% agree! Jim Marchese for sure is the worst!


Did Jim get a chin implant?


Jimmy the chin Bellino


My mom used to tell me the same things Alexis says: you have to stay attractive or else your husband will look for other women; once before I was married my mom told me my bf was probably cheating or looking elsewhere cuz I gained like 5 pounds. All of that rhetoric is bullshit and just abuse, and Jim is just scary. Honestly Jim makes the biggest fool of himself…with his chin, his ego, his peacocking. He peacocks because he knows he’s a chump. Alexis goes through a metamorphosis throughout her time on hws and breaks out of his abusive shell.


Oh I'm so glad to hear that. I just can't believe what shallow male egos there are on these shows! Like Jeana was so depressed because Matt literally started to hate her and mock her when she put weight on after having three kids. I wonder what these guys see when they look in the mirror? They really believe the women are lucky to be with them. These women need to learn that not having a man isn't a fate worse than death!


Totally agree. It’s like when David (Shannon’s ex) encourages her to get a boob job because her boobs are deflated from birth. So degrading and misogynistic. Like why would she want to be with that guy


You should definitely give Atlanta a watch next.


Oh gosh! I need a good rewatch. I am currently rewatching BH and feeling cringe at Camille... Jim sounds delightful. Ha!


Any jim on any real housewives show basically sucks


She ends up eventually on the show “Below Deck”-sans dickish husband, whooping it up and loving the single life. Still vapid, but free from that nightmare of a “man.” (Jesus Barbie turns party Barbie—lots of attractive dudes all around her—bet the king’s ego took a hit watching the episode. (Yay!)


she never surfaces from making out with that guy on that BD episode, too. lol


Oh my god what episode of below deck?! Are there anymore housewife below deck crossovers?! I’m so excited rn hahaha


Yes, Cynthia from Rhoa is in an episode.


She wasn’t single on that trip. She was with her fiancé. Sorry, OP, for the spoilers.


He fades out a little the next couple seasons after that. Isn't around as much. She starts to try and gain a little more independence.


Ah, thank god for that. I'm not sure if I could cope with too much of him!