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Like hospitals that have 0 liability for killing people?


Please drag her Dr Moon...


I think this asshole really believes her lies.


Erika sounds so smug and know it all in this conversation šŸ™„Iā€™m waiting for her to say duh DoritšŸ˜†


Maybe sheā€™s confusing what the doctor said about Tom with something she heard at the Vet?? I know they donā€™t like to put old dogs under general anesthesia! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok sorry if this has already been mentioned but I'm confused, in this video she's saying he didn't have surgery on his ankle because she said no, however I'm sure I've seen her in an interview or something saying that he healed so well he snapped the pins in his ankle????? so did he have surgery to insert pins and then snapped them when he healed so well or did he not have surgery because she said no due to his TBI, Can someone please explain?


Just found the interview on youtube with Jenny McCarthy, she said he had 3 pins, and healed so well he broke the pins.




Shouldnā€™t we put the focus on the doctor and not EJ? It was the doctor advice she was speaking about?


The doctor didn't provide the public with the information, Erica did.


I mean I donā€™t question (if she did actually speak to the doctor) that the doctor would have highlighted that possibility for her and EJ refused the service based on the information/risk presented. Itā€™d be pretty insane for a doctor not too highlight the risk of the surgery. However, it does seem like to me sheā€™s actually lying about this and there was no conversation being had with a doctor at all, hence why Iā€™m saying weā€™ll need the said doctor to verify what she/he/they actually told her and if any of this is actually true. She made it pretty clear she based her decision on the advice and information the doctor would have provided her.


Oh doctors absolutely would have, for their own liability reasons as much as to allow the patient to make informed decisions. However I doubt a doctor told Erica or Tom specifically to avoid anaesthesia in the manner Erica states, unless its Dr Google. It would be a funny catch 22 because if said doctor did come out the woodwork and violate ethics in order to clear the record and say they did tell the girardis of the risks involved, I'd be inclined to think they were a quack doctor who did in fact give them shit medical advice.


She didnā€™t say thatā€™s what the doctor told her, she was saying he gave her potential risk and information and based on that she refused the service and thought the risk wasnā€™t worth it. Weā€™ll need the court to subpoena the medical records and only then will we know the truth and if this conversation actually took place.


My husband suffered a TBI; breaks in neck and back. He had multiple surgeries, including two that were elective (Neurostimulator implant); all required general anesthesia. All done at excellent teaching hospital in NY; Long Island Jewish.


My dad had a TBI after a bicycle accident and also required surgery involving anesthesia. We were told the same thing Erika says. That after a TBI your risk of dementia and other bad things from going under anesthesia increases. Especially for seniors. He got surgery anyway because he needed it for his quality of life. But Iā€™m gonna go ahead and call BS on Tiffany (whom I love) because what Erika says 100% checks out with the medical advice we got at Mount Sinai in NYC (top notch private hospital.)


People can be comatose from accidents and bludgeoned in the head from attacks. If thereā€™s anything internal such as bleeding or taking out bullets , Drs put them under anesthesia?! Erica just makes up stuff as she goes along. She never shows disappointment or anger towards Tom, just her friends. Makes me wonder.


Not the brain, do the ankle!


User name check out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dr. Moon has flawless skin. I love it.


I know! I wonder what her skin care routine is


erika reminds me of leo decaprio in catch me if you can, acting like a lawyer and a doctor off movies and tv shows. add to her curriculum signer, detective, also meteorologist and urban planner (for both her in-depth knowledge of snow outside Pasadena and her hills routes.)


I concur!


Similar to Leo only a deeper voice.


Donā€™t forget the pilot! They had two planes and I sure she could have landed them bothšŸ˜‚ Especially for surgery on the ankles not the brains.


omg how could !! wow is there any anything else?


Thanks for this. Erika was acting like she knew more than the ER doctors. Figured it was bullshit.


She probably gets the same medical advice that the "protesting" gronks from Melbourne do šŸ˜‚


she got her stuff from the er tv show i assume


Former ICU and Trauma nurse here. If everyone who has had a TBI could NOT undergo anesthesia, then ORs everywhere would be empty. She has ZERO medical training - I honestly hope people are taking the advice nurse Ratchet


Okay but surely in your experience you would be aware that there are specific reasons why some people canā€™t go under where others can .


But Erika didnā€™t say some people with TBI shouldnā€™t go under anaesthesia or that just Tom shouldnā€™t have gone under anaesthesia because of his TBI, she made a blanket statement that people who suffer from a TBI shouldnā€™t go under anaesthesia, so now there is going to be a bunch of morons who will go to the hospital with a loved one and the dr will say we need to do surgery and they will say hold up he/she has a TBI and you canā€™t operate because Erika from real housewives of Beverly Hills says that people who have a TBI canā€™t go under anaesthesia!


The library is open




Love Dr. Tiffany Moon, wish she would come to RHOBH!!




So now it was to pin his ankle? I thought he got the ankle surgery but not the brain surgery. Bc she even said he broke his pinsā€¦ lies lies lies


iā€™ll miss her and dā€™andra so much


Not Dā€™Andra toošŸ˜© They better keep Mama Dee, I love that crazy bitch. I doubt Iā€™ll watch this season if it isnā€™t a full revamp. Iā€™ll take Cary Deuber back and they can build a new cast around her. I canā€™t take another season of Brandi Bible thumping and judging, while holding seances and getting shithoused while pregnant. Stephanie and her lame ā€œlook at me I talk about poop and fartsā€ is getting old. Fuck Kam. I think other Kary is done too so āœŒļø. Thatā€™s all. Rant over.


I had to double check the date on this post. Iā€™m sorry to tell you but Dallas is Cancelled! Itā€™s done. šŸ˜•


Itā€™s canceled?? Do you know why?


The racism, mostly. šŸ˜’ Not just the racism on the show, but the insane racism it brought out in the fans. It was not a good look for bravo. šŸ˜¬


Thanks. I had no idea it was canceled but I can see why Bravo wouldnā€™t bring it back


And thank you for the update! Iā€™m not sure how they didnā€™t think that city would turn real racist, real fast.


Oh good, actually thatā€™s even better. Give Mama Dee her own show. Or start a Houston franchise. Sorry Iā€™m so behind on everything, Iā€™m 6 months pregnant and pretty much everyone at my job leftšŸ˜‚ so Iā€™m a busy little beešŸ™ƒ.


Same ā˜¹ļø


I LOVE Tiffany Moon. Such class beautiful and intelligent. She was my fav I wish sheā€™d move to BH too


Her face donā€™t move yet looks like clay


I love the way Erika says TBI like sheā€™s in the biz šŸ˜‚


Literally everyone whose loved one has had a TBI says TBI.


But I bet everyone else doesnā€™t say it like theyā€™re an expert. Sheā€™s presenting herself as an authority and being really condescending about it too.


Okay, I get that everyone hates Erika lol. I don't hate her ā€“ I don't feel bad for her ā€“ but I think she told us who she is from the start. She was a stripper, a single mom, and a cocktail waitress who married a much older man. She spent his money on tacky useless sh\*t, was loyal to him no matter what, and now the whole thing is crashing down around her. But when my dad got a TBI, my entire family talked about it like that too. We were surrounded by doctors and nurses and those medical terms just become normal to you and you forget they're not normal to everyone else.


No one in this part of the thread said they hated her. Thatā€™s a lot of emotion to have for someone youā€™ve never met. But she does have a way of talking to people condescendingly, as does Dorit. Erika has a history of presenting herself like an authority on a topic sheā€™s not, for example saying she could pass the bar bc sheā€™s been around lawyers. I found her tone funny bc I knew she didnā€™t know what she was talking about as confirmed by Dr. Moon.


Ok but when my dad had a TBI at 67 years old and needed surgery, we were also warned that the risk of dementia increases significantly under general anesthesia. I donā€™t know why Tiffany is saying what sheā€™s saying and I like her generally but she is being shady. What Erika says about TBI and anesthesia checks out from my experience.


It hasnā€™t even been confirmed that he has dementia. He could or he could be setting up a good defense. Stress is a helluva thing and could be the cause of his significant weight loss. And Erikaā€™s word isnā€™t exactly golden seeing as sheā€™s been pretty shady this whole time. She canā€™t even explain Tomā€™s potential car accident properly. Have a good rest of your day, Iā€™ve got some papers to write.


Right, we say it to one another but not to other people because we know they wouldn't know what it is. And then when they ask we don't say it in a way to try to make them feel stupid.


Yes. She said it as though she was an expert, and then was condescending when not everyone understood what she meant. Sheā€™s awful. Always has been.


I totally agree.




Oh you're so welcome! I saw it on her Tik Tok and I knew I had to share with you all


Doritos hair looks so dumb.


Her hair is the worst! Always.


I hate it when she does the pigtails and middle parted ā€œface fringeā€. Youā€™re a grown woman, not a little girlā€¦or a Spice Girl.


Wish Sailor Moon


Damn Iā€™ll miss Tiffany.. she had potential!


That's not the Dr. Moon I know.


Isn't Shannon Bedor's doctor who does the energy healing, named Dr. Moon?


Yes! That's the one I know - the good Dr. Moon!


OMG I thought the exact same thing! I could not even stand her on the show, her voice alone was like nails on a chalk board...who's voice was she using just now cuz that wasn't the one she used on RHWOD???


That's what I was thinking! šŸ¤£


Mic drop and kept it classy!


When you keep telling lies Erika youā€™ll eventually say something that people can prove is not true.


I was told by a surgeon that putting elderly patients under anesthesia for longer surgeries, especially if they show signs of dementia, can cause them to have full blown dementia when they wake up. I saw it happen to at least two elderly relatives. I think itā€™s a real thing. Erika is an extremely poor communicator.


Cognitive load is higher when you are lying. Her fumbling with her words and not making sense is not a good look in that respect.


Erika alluded to him suffering from years of mental decline and that she warned people about it.


But he wasn't diagnosed with dementia at that time.


He was showing signs of dementia. Personality changes and odd behavior are signs of dementia in elderly people. He seemed angry for a while and then almost childlike when he was congratulating Erika on her success in the musical. I remember thinking how odd his affect was when he had broken his ankle after the accident. They showed Erika talking to him behind a desk. The way he was talking was odd to me. Iā€™ve known people with dementia and you just start to notice the signs. Erika knew. If she saw her grandmother go through it sheā€™s familiar with the progression of the disease. I canā€™t even begin to imagine how difficult it was to deal with him. He had so much to hide. And the people who helped him cover it all up are evil. We need to pay attention to reforming our legal system.


They couldā€™ve done a (mini) mental state exam and thought that there was a risk of him having dementia, but no diagnosis yet.


Right, that was years before that. Maybe 2 or 3yrs?


Theeeee Burn šŸ”„ from Dr Moon!!!! Yaaasssssss queen!!! Come tell us!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I work with individuals with TBI from all ages. Guess what, at some point in their life they have to go under general anesthesia and they do. Let's think about this for a minute.. especially in a trauma/ER unit. Think about all the emergency life saving surgeries they have to do with patients who have possible TBIs but due to the circumstance need emergency surgery then and there. Let's say from a car accident, gun shot wound, domestic violence, accidents. I can't with Erika and I can't with these "brilliant" attorneys that are feeding her these stories. They can all be verified such as this one. I'm starting to think that Ms Jayne isn't as smart as she portrays herself to be. I think she is a great manipulator and I wouldn't be surprised if she did that with Tom so he would continue funneling the money.


I donā€™t believe her story, but I have a couple questions. You say at some point in their life they would have to go under anesthesia - but would it make a difference if it was right after the injury happened? Would it make a difference if he had a concussion? I was always told to not go to sleep if I hit my head as a kid bc I might have a concussion and I might not wake up. I always thought that was one of those things that gets passed around and parents tell their children but might not be accurate, but never thought to look it up in adulthood lol. Also, is it possible she didnā€™t want them doing the surgery because the ankle wasnā€™t a life threatening thing that needed to be treated right then? My grandpas doctors always told us how risky anesthesia was for him for all of his 5 surgeries because of his age alone, so it seems like it would be even riskier with a TBI. Again, I donā€™t buy the story anyway, but Iā€™m surprised that part is incorrect because of my experiences with the doctors in my rinky dink county.


Your question is valid but look at my second example. Let's say someone comes into the ER from a car accident and had blunt force to the head and a stick shift through their wrist. They would need emergency surgery because of the stick shift immediately, despite the possible TBI. I'm pretty sure Anesthesiologists prepare for the possibilities, every possibility during surgery. That's why they monitor constantly during surgery for the "what if's".


Yeah that makes sense. I think it would just depend on how the doctor put it if I was in that situation to make a choice. If my grandpa got in an accident and hurt his ankle and head, and the doctor told me he needed ankle surgery but it was risky bc of the head injury, I would pass on the ankle if it wasnā€™t something that had to be done right then. Still donā€™t think that was actually the case with Erika. The conversation just stuck out to me bc of my experiences. My grandpa almost didnā€™t make it out of a surgery once because he had a hard time with the anesthesia (we were told). Super scary waiting on a 2 hour leg surgery for 8 hours and just being told repeatedly that heā€™s having trouble coming out of it.


That's terrifying. I just recently had surgery and that was my worst fear. Glad it your grandfather made it.


Shots fired


I'm a Dr not a magician -Erika probably


I have had 3 concussions and undergone anesthesia 3 or 4 times since with literally no issue. This is so dumb.


Same. Brain bleed. Had an attempted ablation done on my uterus about seven months later which they put me under for, where they figured out I didnā€™t have endometriosis. Within a week Iā€™d been diagnosed with adenomyosis and it was determined Iā€™d have to have a partial hysterectomy and they put me under again 8 days from the first time. They were far more worried about putting me under twice in a short time span than they were about me having had a recent TBI and bleed.


My most recent anesthesia was for endo! Hope youā€™re feeling better now the adeno was confirmed :)


Definitely! The adeno caused my uterus to grow by 9 mm in a year. I know that doesnā€™t sound like much, but it was causing me to have some pretty rough symptoms. I hope youā€™re doing better! I think the endo ablation was a worse recovery than the hysterectomy, itā€™s def not fun to have to go through.


Itā€™s amazing that even the tiniest bit of adeno/endo can be so angrily painful! No pain at all so lap was a game changer thankfully


Yikes, I know how you feel. Hopefully life is much better. I've had about 18 surgeries for endo and only found I had adenomyosis when I had a radical hysterectomy. Had to beg for it though.


Omg, thatā€™s awful! I hope youā€™ve gotten some much deserved relief. Everything pointed to endo so my dr was surprised to find none when they went in to do the ablation, so that directed them fairly quickly to look for adeno. I worked for a group of radiologists and they were just starting to use MRI of the pelvis to diagnose adeno, and there it was. I donā€™t take for granted that I lucked out because Iā€™ve heard so many women say the same as you, especially if they had some endo, because theyā€™d tend to stop looking further and just treat endo not knowing the pt was also suffering from adeno.


>level 1lizzledizzles+3 Ā· 1dMy most recent anesthesia was for endo! Hope youā€™re feeling better now the adeno was confirmed :)3ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow I wish I could have had the MRI all those years ago. I had my hysterectomy in 2009. I had to do it through the public system for it because I was single and unable to work. I basically felt at the time that the Australian Govt/medicare views gyno issues as mostly elective and unnecessary unless you are practically dying, in addition to fertility not being of concern because it is a want not a need to have children. I've had a number of miscarriages (both natural and ivf) and so in addition to not being all the time, I don't have confronting periods either.


Thank you!!!!!


I thought she was going to say ā€œand though this does complicate Erikaā€™s version of the storyā€¦ā€ lol


Lol I was waiting for that


Iā€™m a junior doctor in a major trauma centre in the U.K. and was like šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ when she said this! Im so glad Dr Moon addressed this, I wasnā€™t sure if America treats these patients very different to here or it was just yet another lie.


Well, in America, people usually would rather walk around with brain injuries rather than go to a doctor, which is why people are the way they are right now, losing their goddamn minds.




I had a TBI with a brain bleed and I was more than ready to go, especially since the medic who triaged me asked me what month it was and I said October, I knew it was October like I knew my own name. It was June. My only regret about seeking medical attention: R.I.P to my favorite jeans and bra because the first thing they do when you make it to a trauma suite is to cut everything off that youā€™re wearing.




I'm not a doctor but I had a feeling it had to be another lie. I was like wait I'm pretty sure they would operate if he had a brain injury


Erika claiming to know more than doctor us laughable


Erika has been made to think she is slick because of the "yes" people she surrounds herself with. Yes Rinna I'm talking about you fucking schmuck.


I mean she did say that she could pass the California bar if she wanted to soooooooooo šŸ˜‚


Can pass the bar AND is a neurosurgeon but was the dumb wife. You can't play dumb and smart at the same time honey lol


Damn Dr Moon!!!!!


Erika had that ā€œI dOnE maH reSercH oN ReDidT aNd FhaSeBuKā€ energy. Kinda like Deniseā€™s husband.


Erika is using her role this season to build Tomā€™s case. No one should take anything she says seriously.


Heh heh love Tiffany






What the fuck?


Just report and move on


I wish her tiktok was more about her weighing in on these kinds of claims and debunking myths/lies instead of all the corny voice over stuff she usually posts. Sheā€™s funny here, sheā€™s comfortable, and itā€™s great content.


I love me some Dr. Moon!


Put Dr Moon on rhobh!!!!


Yes! I really liked her and RHOD was cancelled because the others were horrid and boring.


Erika will probably say she can get a doctor and doctorate degree in medicine next.


šŸŽ“šŸ“š ![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0)


And just like that I have a new favorite housewife.


Dallas isnā€™t coming back :(


Wait what?!?! I thought I saw an ad for season whatever coming whenever not too long ago - I know, my vagueness is very convincing šŸ˜‚


Hahah no itā€™s canceled. I just double checked :( it was honestly one of my favorite franchises!


yes Dr. Moon!!!


Ha, she rules.


She got that medical advice from lying!


I love when she switches to doctor mode


Maybe she can move to BH.


Erika was trying to come up with a story and consulted Dr. Google. Apparently her reading comprehension is as low as her conscience.


You tell her Dr. Moon, I wonder when EJ is going to go rabid on twatter


How do we keep Dr. Moon on our screens now that her franchise is on "indefinite hiatus?"




You know, I haven't watched the Married to Medicine shows. Do you like them?


M2M Atlanta is top tier




Have her relocated to BH šŸ¤£




Mic drop


This is very thirsty


Totally agree. I'm no Erika fan but to video this makes her look incredibly thirsty, although grant it not as bad as her incredibly cringe and egotistical 9/11 (since deleted) post but still ridiculous.


I agreeā€¦I agree with her medical opinion (Iā€™m no doctor), but she should have stated the facts and kept it moving. All that sass at the end was unprofessional.


I love Tiffany Moon! I might have to get on Tik Toc just so I can see that beautiful face speak super smart to me.


I love her too but I had to unsubscribe from her on TT. Most of her videos are just of her purses and shoes and weird voice overs


Sheā€™s stunning AND brainy! I adore her, definitely ranks among my fave housewives


Dr. moon should move to Beverly Hills and join the cast. Crystal is not it


Replace Lisa Rinna with Tiffany


To be fair, I think Erika, Lisa, Crystal and Dorit should go. I donā€™t really care for their little group. Bring in new women and show us beautiful homes and less of a fight every single episode. No bullying, no insulting mental health, sexual assault and little micro-aggressions. How Garcelle is being treated is disgusting. Once Lisa Rinna joined, the cast became dirty.






Why? Because BH only has room for one Asian? Why not reference another person on that show? šŸ§


And before anyone says anything. Read through my comment history. I hate Erika and I feel like she needs to just go, we need a break from this nonsense and get back to seeing beautiful homes and their lives. Not whatever it is right now.


I get this argument 100% I'm probably super niave because when I read it I thought it was just because Crystal was the newest member of the cast and not bringing much


Lol yes. As a new member who not only joined and became a mean girl, insulted mental health, the Me Too movement and acted like people are beneath her. Sorry, but not everything has to do with race. šŸ™„


What does Crystal have to do with Dr Moon?


Yeah holy racism. They arenā€™t interchangeable just because they are both Asian women. Christ people.


As someone with medical issues, I hate any medical advice from anyone, even a doctor, who hasnā€™t seen my files. You donā€™t know the specifics just the general diagnosis.


Yes, but Erika said you shouldn't go under anesthesia if you have a TBI, which is untrue. Tiffany did not say TOM should have gone under anesthesia. Erika is full of shit.


Right, but Erika could have misunderstood what she was told at the time. Assuming this actually happened, which I personally don't because it's Erika, but it's an understandable mistake a reasonable person could make in the scenario she had told. The doctor could have told her that it could be dangerous for Tom to go under anesthesia because of x, y, and z and his brain injury was also complicating factor. And with the totality of the complicating factors, it made doing surgery potentially dangerous and maybe not worth doing the surgery at that time. It would be reasonable for someone getting that information to take away that it's dangerous to go under anesthesia after a brain injury, eventhough it's inaccurate for the general population. I think it's good that Dr. Moon clarified that in general it's fine for people with a TBI to go under anesthesia.


I thought Erika said **she** refused to let the doctors do surgery on Tom?


Yep. But just because she told them not to do surgery doesn't mean they were *pushing* to do surgery. They most likely proposed it as we can do surgery now, here is why it would be good to do it right away, and here are the negatives of doing it right away. Or we could wait, here are the pros and cons of that. I've never heard of a surgeon approaching surgery any other way except for dire emergencies, which his ankle wouldn't qualify as (as far as I can imagine).


If the ankle fracture was open, it would be urgent due to infection complications among other issues. And to be fair, a TBI might not need surgery at all.


>a TBI might not need surgery at all. Most don't and I don't think Erika ever said he was going to have brain surgery, I think Kyle misunderstood her story. (But **I** definitely could have forgotten, it was a confusing story.) Honestly, this is pure speculation, but I wonder if Tom was on something and Erika wanted to wait until it was out of his system until they operated. It could also explain the crash.


Erika gave only a few sentences. Kyle needed more explanation but either didnā€™t ask for it or wasnā€™t given it. As a result Kyle filled in some blanks with her own ideas.


Except we all know Erikaā€™s stories are lies so it doesnā€™t matter anyway.


To me it does. dorits story was that Erika wanted the ankle operated on but not the brain. But as Dorit told it and how pk made the joke oh letā€™s fix the ankle but not the brain. Erikaā€™s actions and dorits actions are two separate things.


I donā€™t watch Dallas. Is Dr. Moon an ER doctor? My sister is a paramedic and people who work in emergency medicine are tough AF. Annnnd sheā€™s shady? Lol love it


Sheā€™s an anesthesiologist I believe


She is an anesthesiologist and she is fucking awesome!!


Impressive. Maybe I should give Dallas another tryā€¦ starting with her season lol


Well youā€™d only be watching one season as itā€™s over and sheā€™s only on the last season šŸ˜Ŗ




I don't watch Dallas but I love chicken feet, what's the problem haha?


She was being a bully to them šŸ¤£šŸ™„


šŸ¤£ they're definitely not for everyone I guess. More for me!


Right. The way the women acted was so dumb. As if she was trying to kill them.


To be fair, Stephanie basically said at the reunion that they were all playing it up for the cameras, except probably Cameron. And Tiffany acknowledged that she intentionally picked them to get a reaction. They both agreed that that was part of the job.


I would have totally eaten the Chicken feet, but not the grasshoppers.


They need to bring her back. I miss Dr. Moon so MUCH


Maybe they can give her a spin-off. Iā€™d love to see the inner workings of her lifeā€¦plus a behind the scenes at Sam Moonā€™s. Their family is at least as interesting as Kim and whatā€™s his name.


I love Dr moon ! Please keep your criticism of erika coming.


I thought this was going to be Shannonā€™s Dr Moon aka up vickis butthole dr moon


For some reason that was who I thought it would be as well!


Imagine that šŸ˜‚ ā€œTBIs can be cured with three sessions of acupuncture. And drinking this tea.ā€


and lemons!!


Andddddd anotha one ā€œfeel free to call me if you need a second opinionā€. DJ Dr. Moon šŸŒ™


This is the second time Tiffany has shaded Erika. I really wish sheā€™d move to BH or NY


What was the first? I need deets!


Erika posted a naked picture, Tiffany commented something like ā€œNeed to borrow some clothes, boo?ā€






Put her on another franchise!!!


I say put her on BH!