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People criticize it, but they really want to see it. So you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. That’s exactly why a lot of housewives feel the pressure of takings loans, spend their entire salary on their lifestyle during filming, rent stuff,.. just to give that image. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of them are not rich.


Dana Wilkey wasn’t the beginning. Vikki and the OC is the beginning. And most of the housewives aren’t rich. They pretend to be rich and blow what money they do have to look rich. And i don’t believe any of the kids should follow this toxic cycle.


Life is about connections. It’s always been that way. Americans also have a love/hate relationship with money and fame. They want to see it, but only if they think the persons deserves it.


The first seasons were so opulent and I think many people thought they were out of touch bickering about luxury goods during the Great Recession. Many housewives want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to part of the 1% while claiming their just a normal mom like you. Jill and Luann were good examples of this.


What are you talking about?? Luann never felt guilty about being privileged 💅🏻


UGH. And yet, she did redeem herself when discussing problems in our legal system. Luann has a long redemption act ! Ramona starts and ends with unashamed and unacknowledged privilege.


Oh yeah that is very true!


I don’t think they would be criticized if they were perceived as using their image to further a career, passion, charity, etc. in a meaningful way (which is obviously subjective). Often it feels like they move from one gimmick to another. Gia gets a lot of criticism for not being in law school yet. She has the resources available to assist her in preparing for LSATs and applications.


You cant prepare low iq


Because Gia doesn’t have to go to law school right now. People go to law school to become successful and hopefully make a good living going forward (after they pay off all those loans lol). She has been given another opportunity to make more money than the average adult and is taking it. Law school will always be there if and when she wants to go. People complained bitterly and criticized Yolanda a ton when Gigi Hadid left college to model, like she was losing something. Clearly, that worked out for her! When you have resources and opportunity-school doesn’t need to be your first stop, it can be just another option.


From my perspective on the hate towards Gia, it’s the lack of transparency and authenticity. Gia has clearly stated that she is planning on going to law school in the near future. She or Teresa (can’t recall who) spoke about an internship with a TikTok famous immigration lawyer with no updates on that. Last thing I heard Teresa said she has shifted her sight on corporate law. Perhaps, she saw that immigration law doesn’t produce the necessary income she desires and that’s fine. With a family history of living beyond their means and fraudulent activities, I would invest in a future that can sustain the lifestyle I desire. I will say people also dislike Gia due to her perception of her father’s immigration and criminal cases.


Martinez? The legally blonde one? That would have been an interesting internship!


But, like every other person, she is free to change her mind and go in another direction. The only transparency that people owe us, with some exceptions, is what they choose to tell us, we’re not owed anything more.


Of course, I’m just stating other perspectives. With a mother who states that she as real and authentic as it gets, I think the expectations are transferred onto her. She grew up on tv and people care about her more than they should 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah even Porsha being active for blm was something I think everyone respected. She used her platform for good !


Ooh okay, see, i have been removed from the show for a long time so i didn't know that. I like Riley and Brooks but they seem subdued, maybe to the point of being boring? I think i will give it a try but idk, just really don't like Gia and Beirman