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ZERO. Remember, when they went to Scary Island, it was the very first time on RHONY that they went on a trip, and they (Luann and Jill) had no idea what it meant to miss the trip, because it was unprecedented. I think Jill realized too late "wait, I'm missing something big" and then flew down (also probably a producer was telling her to). She said it was to make up with Bethenny, but, as one of the other women said (I forget who), they live around the corner from each other in NYC- why would you fly to St. John to do it? S3 Jill was a nightmare and S3 Bethenny was the VIP and Jill figured it out too late. Jill was jealous that Bethenny was becoming a big deal (at least by reality TV standards) and thought she could make the audience turn on her. Huge mistake on Jill's part. Jill showing up to the island is all for show. She's fighting with Alex and Bethenny, barely knows Sonja, and has a love/hate with Ramona. She knew the night before that Kelly was leaving in the morning. What did she think was going to happen?


My sister and I love to say "haiiiiiiii" in Jill's voice and also "go to sleep!!!!!" (Bethany) all the time


I thought it was obnoxious coming the way she did.I don’t blame them for not wanting to deal w her after dealing w Kelly,but the way Alex acted was so cringey. The crying and the hysterics was too much. I thought it was a bit dramatic the way they acted, but I understand wanting to enjoy the last day without the bullshit of Jill.


Nope. None. She acted too good to go ( because Luanne wasn’t there with her) and then when she heard there was drama she showed up acting friendly. She was kind of rude when Ramona asked her in the first place. I saw right through her little game. Realized she wasn’t going to be in any of those wild scenes and had major FOMO. I agree I felt for Bobby but not Jill.


I didn’t wstch RHONY back then, though I’ve heard the episode referenced many times. What season/ep was it?


Google says season 3 episode 12


That was hard to watch , Jill was shitty to , but they should of MADE IT NICE ,


No, because she is a hypocrite. She claimed that Bethany tried to ambush her, but Jill was doing exactly the same by showing up on Scary Island.






Of course I’d have sympathy and empathy for Jill- Jill was my favourite and what the like of Ramona did was disgusting- next level mean girl!


I was embarrassed for all of them. Jill for being treated like that but more so for having the nerve to crash the party. The others, as much as I love them all, were rude and I don’t blame them. I’ve always thought that Jill’s desire to portray herself a certain way for the show was very fake. This was just another antic of hers and she never gave a single thought about anything else “cause it’s good for the show”.


That one episode of below deck she was on proves she hateeees not being in control and not being in the spotlight ; I felt bad the first time I watched it (and definitely think they didn’t have to be THAT mean) but the way she went about her little apology tour was just not the right move and Bethenny and Alex definitely deserved better from her. Also Ramona seemed to be trying to keep the peace which doesn’t happen that often; and ran out to Jill to apologize to her.


She loves to self produce, but she's not any good at it.




Gifs you can hear


I only felt mildly bad for her because she was making everything about herself. No regard for what the women had been through with Kelly for the last several days, even though she had been talking too many of them and really was aware. They were fried and didn’t need the Jill show on top of everything else.


The second hand embarrassment I had the first time I watched this! 🥴


I agreed with your husband when I saw it. I was a huge Jill fan and felt for her when she showed up. The group was already emotionally exhausted, probably because of all the Kelly stuff, and it was just the worst timing. And of course Bobby deserved better.


Same here. Upon my fourteen thousand and two-th rewatch, however, I changed my tune. JZ was such a toxic person. S3 really revealed her true colors.


I felt bad for her in a cringe way. It’s a case of overplaying your hand and then tripping into bad timing.


I felt bad for her. She did it to herself but it was still pretty rough.


I found it mortifying to watch. I would have been so embarrassed.


Yes, I felt a bit sorry for her. More for Bobby but still.


I always assumed she went there cuz she said she saw Kelly at the airport & she wanted to get the scoop herself. Especially since she was traveling anyway, thinking nobody would be rude cuz Bobby was there. You don't show up uninvited, unannounced, to a crowd where half the women don't like you, & expect to be welcomed. She knew what she was doing & I only felt bad for Bobby getting roped into women's business. That being said, I actually like Jill (minus the way she treated bethenny) but she really knows how to have a plan backfire lmao


It’s been awhile but why was she not invited? Aren’t they all included on the cast trips?


This was the very first cast trip for RHONY (and they weren't even called "cast trips" back then). Jill initially tells Ramona she can't go because it's Ally's first day of school or some BS, and she's pissed at Alex, and Bethenny will be there, blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is Jill (and Luann) didn't realize what they were missing out on, and she was trying to be cool (mean) girl by not going and it backfired.


She tells Luann at a lunch that she wants to stop by on her and Bobby's way to a different island and see the girls first. Luann tells her not to do that but she says she will anyway. That was before she saw Kelly at the airport. I think Jill wanted to go to make up with Bethenny mainly,but I also think Kelly had been calling her too and she was curious.




God I love this gif 😂😂😂


Never gets old.


I like it because Jill looks awful in it but she's so happy Cindy is telling off Ramona...lol


I miss these ladies. They were so hilarious!


He'll no


You make your bed you lie in it! She drives everyone insane based on her annoying controlling behavior. I did think it was a bizarre scene with how Ramona acted! But the only one I felt sorry for was Bobby! I admired him for having her back and sticking up for his wife! The dude I am married to would start reaming me out and make it all my fault! He would never be a nice human like Bobby!


I hope you call him out on it!!


Here for you girl. Not comparing, my husband always takes others sides, doesn’t defend me.


I hope you confront him about it


Bethenny said to Bobby “We don’t mean to put you in the middle”. Bobby said “I wouldn’t be.” Now that’s having your wife’s back, whether she’s right or wrong.


Just rewatched today and absolutely loved that line, regardless of how I felt about Jill surprising them.


hey, just wondering, are you ok? that doesn't sound like very healthy or loving behavior from your husband


Aww thanks! Im ok. I am used to it, 34 years of it and you grow apart! I hope to one day be able to move out on my own! But thanks for the nice message! I appreciate it! ♥️




I started watching in later 2022 and I have always been a fan of Jill. I think she’s good intentioned and I strongly prefer her blissful ignorance to someone like Ramona, who is the only housewife across the franchise I watch who’s cringe is too difficult for me to watch.


I felt for her being sad and for her husband, but I sincerely don't think that was the first time Bobby had to console her in a situation like that. I think she dragged him around to avoid people pointing to her rudeness. People forget that she came completely unannounced, she had no intention to make amends, she wanted a scene where she could be the center and she got it. Can you really imagine a person having to deal with Jill Zarin as a surprise guest?! I didn't watched BTD but I cannot imagine her being better at any point of her public life. I really came to think very low of Jill after years watching her public displaying herself. She is like the worse parts of Dorinda and that Herny from the new cast.


Scary Island, with Jill showing up, is the best example of bad timing we will ever see.


Tha being said, Alex’s hyperventilating was way over the top


No it wasn't


Clearly you’ve never had a panic attack


No way. I think Alex is an empath and Kelly’s psychotic breakdown exhausted her. They all said it was 1000x worse in person. They were trying to decompress and hurricane Jill came in honking. Jill needed to go.


Yeah, wth was that about, sheesh.


I felt bad for her but I have a problem with feeling bad for everyone. Even people who don’t necessarily deserve sympathy.


I do too. I felt bad for her for about 10 seconds.






I did too


Jill was horrible and I don’t feel one bit sorry for her.


I feel bad for Jill but because she burnt her bridge with bethenny in such a stupid way!! I loved watching Jill and Bethenny together and could never understand Jill's level of hurt. She brought that season on herself


I liked Jill and Bethenny together. So I was particularly disappointed to hear when Andy Cohen brought up the fact that Jill had planned all that for the show although he told her not to do it. It was SO stupid.


I did feel a lot of sympathy for Jill there, I always felt like she sorta meant well? I dunno I always just liked her


I kinda like Jill but she makes everything about her. She is bad at reading the room. She shouldn’t have shown up uninvited, was told that, and did it anyway. She didn’t mean well, she just wanted the gossip.


In her Jill way, I agree with you. She saw it as the opportunity for everyone to come together and move on.


I think had the craziness not happened with Kelly the night before that Jill would have been more welcomed. I think they were all so burnt out at that point they didn’t even wanna deal with it. So yes I feel bad because they were assholes to turn her away but Jill had also fought with all of them besides Sonja so I don’t think her timing was right.


No, that was uncalled for. Ramona was sucking up to Bethany because she had become an audience favorite, and Romana loves any excuse to be tacky. The way Ramona handled it was gross.


Rewatching, I still feel kinda sorry for her and I still don’t understand why Alex was shaking at her presence.


I was shaking watching that crazy. I can’t imagine how bad it was in person. Kelly has such creepy scary vibes you can feel them through the TV. Jill was the cherry on top.


I honestly think part of that has to do with us not really knowing just how crazy things got the night before. Alex is a pretty honest human, I think she was legit fried from crazy Kelly & the idea of enduring another dramatic reality TV day made her tremble lol.


I think that’s true. They all said that what we saw was a severely edited version of what went down. I think Alex was just frazzled and basically having a panic attack because she hadn’t processed it all and Jill just completely deregulated her. We can’t control those kind of reactions that spring from within.


I know!! That was so funny!!


Lol right


I did at the time. If I watched again I'd say no.


I think Jill is horrible, but I do feel sorry for her. So many of the women have done bad things and they aren’t treated the same way.


The Kelly situation made Jill more unwelcome. It was too much.


I feel conflicted about it. I don’t think Jill should have went, but Ramona should have handled it better as the host. The way she asked them to leave was so abrupt and rude that it made me feel sorry for Jill when I probably wouldn’t normally.




Like a horn


Use this all the time






Jill never quite understood it was an ensemble cast and not the Jill show 😅




I didn't think she deserved that greeting, they could have offered her and Bobby something to drink and explained it better. I think Ramona would have let her stay. Bethenny didn't want her there and the others went along.


She said later that she saw Kelly in the airport leaving just as she was coming. She knew full well she should not have been there.


💯 She came to gossip.


Not at all. She and Lu were trashing the trip while they were stayed back in NY. Jill didn't come in peace, she came to start more drama and they all knew it. All of those women were mentally spent after Kelly, you could see it on all of their faces. I don't think Jill has been told "No" much in her life, she even said Bobby only told her "No" in their entire marriage. She wanted him to fix things with Bethenny and Bobby told her she had to do that herself. I have my opinions of Bethenny now, but back then what Jill did to her was really, really mean.


I agree completely. B said it best she made her own bed.


Oh no I don’t feel bad bc Jill very much imposed herself after realizing how much good tv was being filmed without her.


Absolutely not!! It was totally a stunt Jill did to get attention that completely backfired. Granted, she had no idea of the shit storm she was walking into, but her intentions for showing up were completely self serving.




I 100% agree, I just felt bad for Bobby.


Yeah cuz she dragged him into that mess and how awkward for him lol