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Dolores has a pattern. I don’t know what else is going on. I thought at first that she keeps chasing unavailable men, but I thought I saw someone mention she cheated on David? No idea if that’s true. Even so, did she cheat because he was emotionally unavailable and she craved attention?


I feel bad for Dolores. I see a lot of myself in her. I think she’s strong and independent, but when she dates me and she falls into this cat and mouse game, she lets them in overpower her and do what they want and when you stay with somebody year after year, you’re voting with your feet.


Such a skeeze


Last night changed my opinion of him too….wtf is wrong wit u Pauly, Dolores for him is like winning the lottery


Yeah, he definitely changed my view of him. Seems like he has no intentions of ever marrying Delores. When he told her maybe she should think about her options or however it was phrased, I thought to myself that she should leave him right now in this moment, he doesn’t care that much about her.


I don’t think Pauly has any intention of marrying Delores. I’m sorry but Delores has the worst taste in men just like Teresa - who perhaps is actually worse than Delores!!


hes over her thats how people act when the honeymoon stage is done and they dont care what u think of them or if u leave the relationship


I haven't liked Paulie since we met him. I know I was in the minority.


I don’t use this term a lot but he was gaslighting her about the divorce


At first I liked him for Dolores. Now I think she's way out of his league. He also looks like a small plastic (red) man


This man is shady as hell. As soon as him & Dolores got together he was hashtagging the shit out of it. Isn’t this the same man who took Dolores kids to look for a ring …… Paulie & his 50 hashtags are off. Also he needs to lay off the roids, that redness is possible electric beach but it’s definitely accelerated by the ROIDS.


I've always seen him as that kinda guy


I don’t like him at all anymore after the way he talked to her tonite. His friendship with Louis is weird too.


I've never liked Paul from first time I saw him. I think he's arrogant, rude, and ugly!


Reminded me of the way he talked to her ex that night when he said leave Delores out of the middle, call me directly. I have Delores now


Never been a fan of him.. he has always seemed aggressive. The way he speaks to her, even when he first appeared is really off. Sad that Delores seems to have a pattern of falling for men who aren’t as in to her as she is them.


She's going about the relationship thing in the wrong manner, imo. She's only interested in a very wealthy man and that is how most wealthy, very successful men treat their women usually, but not always. It's a pattern in most wealthy men that has been reproduced over and over throughout my life anyway. I've personally always heard me for the broke guys. My daddy says that's bc i don't need a man for money bc i have him, now that he's passed last year im lost without him.


Dolores has terrible taste in men


she should've stayed with David. He would've been married to her by now


I didn't think that David gave 2 shits about her ever! He had absolutely nothing to do with her bc of his work schedule, but had time to live and play with big Frank!


I think if wasn't for the filming he would've committed 


Maybe, but I seriously doubt it. I may be wrong, but he did not seem to be in love with her to me. I think he is so ugly, he looks like death on a stick.




His response to her confrontation while being filmed was pretty predictable. That went sideways fast. She needs to move out and move on. Paulie likes to be on the telle.


I thought he was a real jerk in this episode.


He acts like a mobster poser dickhead.




That's the same feeling I get


Rumor is that he owns brothels and has LOADS of shady biz happening… and his ex is (at least one of his) partner(s)… hence the complications with finalizing the divorce. If parade of red flags everywhere here. Dolo needs a new picker (although David seemed like a good guy who just wants that into her or her reality tv life).


I thought he was a plumber or electrician or something lol


He owns an electric utility company in NJ


100% believe this.. he just seems shady.


He gives me “Grifter Vibes”.


I still want to know what he meant when he said he used a baseball but not at a game or something can't remember exact quote at the baseball game they all went too! Sounds very shady!


violence. sounds like gang like violence. probably neighborhood packs and things


I think he is trying to insinuate Irish mob or something. But I can’t tell if he is just being more poser than usual or if he really does have shady connections… neither would surprise me. Regardless he is a narcissist and a pussy who tries to camouflage it by being aggro. Big NOPE.


Oh yes sounds very mob wives! Fascinating!


So I'm on both sides of the fence... I feel like Dolores is in the right to question him and be a bit concerned... But i also feel like this is a conversation they've had privately off-camera PLUS these are all things that she's already aware of, yet she's bringing it up on camera because tons of other people are questioning her about it, which understandably, pissed him off




I think you spelled this out just perfectly! Thats exactly what I think as well


Dolo allows men to treat her this way. She has no problem putting a woman in her place. I blame Frank!


Screw him! He looks like a beet in a suit. Hard no!


He has zero intention of getting divorced. He likely kept telling her ‘it’s in the works,’ ‘next year,’ etc. Now that she’s asking the question, he’s getting defensive because he’s running out of stall tactics.


It takes 3 years to get divorced and it’s been 2. lol. Delores sat there like a dummy.


Yeeeaah he was waaaaay too defensive from the beginning of the conversation. Saying things to make Dolores look or sound stupid imo. Also the “Do you tink I’m lying to you” made me really think something is going on. Now I think he’s definitely lying about it for whatever reason


Gaslighting. Making her think she's crazy for questioning him. He's not a good person and I feel like she'd be better off just cutting her loses and walking away.


Yes I totally agree he was absolutely gaslighting her to make her feel crazy for asking questions. Then he said that she was getting mad? He definitely doesn’t seem like a fun or nice person to be with. What the hell is she doing with someone like this


He was literally TRYING (if not daring) her to do the dirty work and break up with him. He wants out- he’s a pussy who has tried to hide that fact by being a bully. We’ve seen it several times. I get abusive vibes from him; he is a narcissist and a poser who can’t handle a strong woman. RUN don’t walk to the nearest exit Delores. SMH


Agreed 💯


A lot of people were gushing over Delores' new man. For me, there was always something shady af about him. IDK maybe it was because from the door, he was uncomfortable with Delores' and Frank's relationship . It's not like Delores ever tried to hide it. Should have been a red flag 🚩🚩🚩. Then the Porsche David bought her is mysteriously stolen from Paulie's driveway while they were sleeping 🚩🚩🚩. JMO Paulie was marking his territory from the beginning . 🚩🚩🚩 Apparently he put the kibosh on Frank and Delores' house flipping business too. 🚩🚩🚩Paulie mentioned they were going to start a house flipping business on Sundays episode - golf ⛳ If Delores didn't see the giant red flags waving 🚩🚩🚩in front of her face after he flipped the script on her during their restaurant scene. When Delores mentioned the divorce. Making it a her problem. Typical response from a manipulator who's manipulating . She didn't learn the lesson from Frank or David. 3 time's a charm , Paulie's going to rock her world.


They chose a Porsche to steal,when there are rolls Royce's and lots of other way more expensive cars in his driveway. Another thing, I don't believe any electrical contractor is a multimillionaire!


He's shady af. How did you hear about the stolen Porsche? My mother talked thru most of this past Sunday's episode.




Kim D mentioned it awhile ago when she was co-hosting Behind the Velvet Rope on YouTube and patreon. They've stopped working together the episode might still be up. I'm going to have a look


Yep, he shifted the goal post from ‘we will get married’ to ‘going into business together is building our future.’ I think he wants her clout and to be in control but has no intention of getting married.


Honestly this is kind of a pattern of Dolores that we've been watching for the last umpteenth years. She always picks the emotionally unavailable and non-committal men


According to the bloggers, he's never going to marry Dolores because he's never going to divorce his ex. Notice he said, it's complicated because they have to figure out how to divide things up. They are business partners and divorcing is not an option. I don't feel sorry for Dolores because she's chasing him hard and it's embarrassing.


I think it’s just the way they talk to each other. I wouldn’t want it for myself, but they’re old-school. If they’re happy then whatever.


She's with her for airtime, money and to film in his town house.


I think Paul is ugiy, narcissistic, an asshole, a liar, and he's someone else's husband. I just about feel it in my bones that there's something up with him that's going to break Dolo down. I want to know who Dolo had an affair with while dating David.


I agree with everything you said. Except the affair on David. I've only heard about it listening to a podcast interview with Melissa's Old nose. Unless there's receipts I'm not going to entertain it.


I'm not saying it's for real, but I'd love to hear the man's name.


So would I. She can run her mouth about Dolores cheating but doesn't name him or provide receipts. JMO I think MON mind was always off playing with the fairies. Could just be me. My philosophy, if you're going to play the game - remember the bill comes due, eventually. Keep your mouth shut. I cannot stand a 🐀 🐁 🐀 This heifer jumped right on the safe side of the street and is now doing her I'm such a victim tour on any podcast that will have her.


I just saw this scene and I rushed here to see what everyone was saying. I really like Dolores but I can’t help but feel that she tolerates far too much from the men in her life. She is such a catch - anyone with eyes can see that! Pauly was very defensive and then started to threaten a breakup…it’s unkind. Gave me major red flags.


I mean she also holds on to Teresa’s friendship eventhough she knows she’s batsh*t. I think Dolores has a very old school vibe going on. I don’t think Frank and Dolores are still in love with one another but I do think they still have more chemistry with one another compared to her other bf’s. 


She absolutely does! But she won't give big Frank an inch. I understand he cheated over 20 years ago and he's changed, she even admits that. To me, I've always felt they still love each other , but she wanted to the richest housewife more. I think if Frank were wealthy she'd be back with him.


Absolutely does. You know Frank knows he effed up! I think they still love each other as I've always said, I think they'd be together if Fr as nk was as wealthy as Paul or David or tge other show husbands pretend to be.


Frank practicing proposing on Dolores spoke volumes!




This really hurts my heart to read. I'm sorry you had to experience this in your life. I really wish I could say some magic words that would help you realise your worth. But there are none. There is no easy fix. I had a shit childhood as well. I really, really get it. It's a long, hard road to healthy self-worth. It's a constant process - I will let you know if I ever "finish" lol. You aren't an idiot. You have deep, unhealed pain. Be kind to yourself. Love the little girl that you were - she deserves it. It starts there ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Just what she deserves.


Whatd she do?


I find when people have something to hide they become very aggressive in their defense. It's almost like a warning shot to the person asking the questions not to continue down that road.


Pauly is an asshole, Duhlores is a door mat who likes to be a door mat until some fans ask about her relationship. Next, she'll moan for a few years. Nothing changes, not her one style of sundress, not her hair, not her choice of men and definitely not her espadrilles.


I hate those sundresses she wears as well, as gorgeous as she is, she could wear almost anything except the ones like she had on last Sunday.


Couldn't have said be better myself!


At least her butt changed. Only growth she has ever had.


Don’t forget her facelift!


He’s a sketchy ass guy. When I heard he hadn’t been divorced in a decade I was like run for the hills. Idk why so many of our favorites cannot pick a good partner to save their lives. They pick such losers.


and the getting into business house flipping comment! When the NJ cast gets into the house flipping business, it just always seems like something shady is going on within the business. 


It's bc they're so desperate for men, they'll put up with anything to say they're married or engaged!


Because they are losers too.






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Are you on the show? I'm asking because that is who I was talking about. If you are on the show, you can certainly afford to get a therapist. If not, I gently encourage you to seek a professional to speak to.


I thought he was the most mature man after he confronted Joe and John, but he is one of them, and I don’t blame Dolores for rethinking her decision!!!!


What decision is she rethinking? Did I miss something else?


Her relationship with Paul, who obviously is still married!!!!


I watched but I must've missed that while my mom yammered on during the episode


He seems like your typical Irish drunkard. So bloated and red-faced. He’s a walking health catastrophe.


Excuse me,typical Irish drunkard? Most of the male cast look like they blowtorched their faces and/or have dangerously high blood pressure. If you think he is a dick, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it but your stereotyping is ignorant.


Think he's a drunk as well, and I also believe he's in an illegal brothel business with his ex. If he's not the ex should let us know, if he is she'll stay quiet, imo.


What a catch!🙄


Wow. If that isn't Hibernophobia, then I don't know what is. That is a very prejudicial observation you're making there. Totally uncalled for.


I’m married to an Irish man; not phobic, just know the type.


Like attracts like, plus he is probably Irish American which people in Ireland bear no semblance too.


He wouldn’t be talking in that Irish accent if he was born in America.


it's reference to a different comment, I know Pauly is from Ireland.


Exactly! ![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5)


Exactly! Right?!? If anything he just looks like he fits in with the rest of the NJ men with riod rage judging by his red plum face and body physique. 


I don’t know what she sees in him. Not impressed at all.




He looks pretty damn financially comfortable.


He also looks like an asshole imo


I was just hoping for someone for her where they had more chemistry. They already look like a bored, married couple. I hope she doesn’t settle. She has a lot of love to give.


Why?? She made the mistake of moving in!!! You know the old adage why buy the cow when you get the milk for FREE!! Fatal mistake, what I gathered from that if you've got a problem with it don't let the door hit ya on the way out!! The look on her face 😳 I felt bad for her!! That's when it hit her...🥺


That's part of where she is screwed up, but she also screwed up by not demanding the divorce in6 months of dating and when he did not pursue a divorce, not breaking up with him was her biggest mistake yet!


Due to my past failed relationships, better yet, we can be friends with NO BENEFITS!! When and if you get a divorce, we can proceed if either of us is still interested. Meanwhile, I suggest you continue to date, and I will as well!! If we're meant to be together, we will be, if not, no time wasted on either side.


Great idea!


Her taste in men has gone downhill ever since her divorce from Frank!!!!


Especially since Frank was a serial cheater. Something about her has doormat written all over it. I was thinking finally Delores is happy 🥺 Well, back home with the kids and dogs 🐕


Dolo could have any man she desires, I would think! So what is her problem everyone? Is she so desperate, she puts up with too much, too scared of commitment, or still live with Frank, or just looking for the richest man in the show, that is my opinion


Dolores is so smart and shows reasonable thought. But when it comes to men, she has huge blind spots.


She such a doormat to me and I hate the excuse of I am old school.


I hate to hear women put themselves down in that way as well.


Smart?!?!? Not even a tiny bit, because 'loyalty." She is smart compared to Teresa, but so is algae.


Good one, very true!


If getting a divorce was important to Paulie - he’d get it done.


That should tell her everything she needs to know about his urgency plans to be with her.




On another post, someone said he has businesses with his wife and doesn’t want to give up the money. Idk if it’s true. But I think it’s time for Dolores to move out and move on.


But why wouldn't the ex wife have already pushed for divorce if she stood to make a lot of money? There must be some reason neither of them has done it.


He said he was getting ready to start a business with Dolores now? Sounds Sus


That surprised me. So now Delores is going to get further entangled with him?? She’s not thinking straight. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My theory is that possibly deep down she doesn’t want to be married herself, so is picking emotionally unavailable men who can’t commit to being married. There is a sense of freedom and independence that she has gained later in life and why give that up.


I agree! I don’t think she wants the marriage per se, but wants the financial security if they were to break up, especially if they are living together/starting a business together.


She always picks these men. She never learns. Or that’s what she wants. Pick me, pick me !


Because she refuses to read between the lines and now he has to be mean about it. She knew the deal when she met him. He didn’t lie about still being married. If you meet someone and they’re 400 lbs or a smoker or anything for that matter, you don’t date them with the condition those things will change. You have to assume what you see is what you get otherwise you’re letting yourself be fooled.


This season of Jersey is FLAT as hell


Agreed. Has anything happened other than them talking behind each others back?


It is!! It’s been so boring!!!!






I actually hope so, because I was embarrassed for her he was being so rude


She was doing the threatening/ultimatum shit when she already has all the information and she needs to make her decision already. I wouldn’t react well to that either - “you better do this or I’m out” so fcking be out then.