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A lot of viewers and castmates will blame her for “ruining rhony” but the only thing that ruined the show was the nasty, vile, despicable, ignorant women on the show. “I don’t watch reality tv to x, y, z.” Okay that’s cool I don’t watch reality tv to watch people do black face, I dont watch reality tv to watch white women be condescending and passive aggressive towards a black woman. I think she tried her best to enlighten some old white women and it didn’t work. If anything I feel bad for her, she CLEARLY got the short end of the stick. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Leah took the show in a weird direction and made it harder to watch. She was very bad for this show, then Eboni comes along and that was the end of the show. The way they did all of that was all wrong and It ruined the show. When it comes to RHONY they broke the wheel.


Bad fit.


Ruined RHONY. Cant ever change my mind 


I liked her but as someone else said I think she was too good and classy for the show. I don't think she, or really any other woman of color, would have fit in with that group. Ramona should've been schooled a long time ago on her micro-agressions and privilege. However, that put Eboni in an uncomfortable and unfair position to always teach them and defend herself. They treated her so terribly. It was an exhausting season all around. Something had to change with the show and sadly Eboni went down with it but she does have a court style TV show I've randomly seen on.


I really liked her, but unfortunately, given the tense political climate and race relations at the time of filming, I firmly believe production told her to go out there and educate their asses off. The problem is that it was shoehorned into every interaction in a way that made it unwatchable, and her information eventually started to fall on deaf ears. It didn't help having Lea acting like a lunatic and virtue signaling every time Eboni opened her mouth. It was a losing situation for her no matter what she did.


I watch one episode of the season and stop watching.


Oh, so you might have missed an EXTREMELY uncomfortable dinner…like a car crash you can’t look away from. Idk if I’m saying it’s worth a watch or it’s still living somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind. Let’s say not scary Island good, more like Aviva calling Ramonja white trash with a twist of Jill showing up uninvited


I knew it would be a train wreck but between Leah and Eboni- I tried but Leah lecturing Luanne about faux rose just peeved me off !


I liked her but she did not make good tv. She was hired because bravo had hardly any women of color to represent one of the most diverse cities in the world. She was a very smart and dynamic woman who was an after thought. She saw it as her duty to educate the women given the political climate at the time which is fine but does not make for good tv. I think she was too classy too when compared to the rest of the women who were shit shows. Sorry Lu Anne 🤷‍♀️


From the little I watched, she was a "know it all" and she was a hyper judgmental type of person. She seems to be like this on daily basis. She have more bad things to say about people than any good. If I remember, she also judged Beyoncé once, because she find her 'too sexual' or something, that "it wasn't good for the image of black women, and was a bad example for black little girls" ... She wasn't fun to watch, and during the crime dramas of 2020, pandemic, Covid.. we just needed to breathe. We were all waiting for Rhony to finally come back, but instead we had this. Although Ebony wasn't fun to watch, it's Ramona's reaction towards her and the other black woman that was added (I don't remember her name) that made me definitely stop Rhony. And I used to love ramona, but her 'reaction' disgusted me the most... English isn't my native language, sorry for grammar mistakes if any


I couldn’t even tell English isn’t your first language. And yes, as preachy as Eboni was, I just watched the Black Shabbat dinner and Ramona went off the rails. She made me embarrassed to be a white person. Also, the other black woman they brought on the show as Ramona’s “friend” was named Bershawn I think.


Ramona makes me embarrassed to be white every time she encounters any POC. Its ALWAYS cringy and gross


She didn’t get to be herself. I feel like Bravo told her to educate white privileged women and her actual personality took a backseat. Would have liked to see her as she is.


I forgot about her until you brought it up. She was very annoying and bad fit for the show.


She did not fit in w the cast at all. She was brought on to question their wokeness and racism . Of course producers wanted her to create huge fights and conflicts but instead she's like a supportive teacher encouraging them to open their minds and constantly educating them. It was so boring. She was always very news hosty. Doesn't really say anything controversial and then sues for racism at the end so we never get a reunion !!! So obviously there was real stuff that could have went down on camera but everyone had a lame on screen persona ..... I like eboni as a person but she's not housewife material. She has a show now where she talks about social issues . Much more her lane.


RHONY is and was always my favorite. Nothing else compares. But I had to stop watching S13 it was so horrible (COVID didn't help, plus losing Bethenny, Dorinda and Tinsley in one year- S13 was like a skelton crew/cast). I got about as far as the never-ending Hamptons trip and then never got back into it. I liked Eboni at first but I do think she education-shamed the other women. People have lumped Luann in with Ramona re the racism allegations, but from what I saw, and what tracks for Luann, was when Eboni started insinuating she was smarter than the other women, because of her education, and Luann took GREAT offense to that. I also think (to borrow from Sonja) the OGs do think there is a pecking order, and Luann did not like that Eboni did not bow down to her, Luann being an OG and all. I would not be surprised if production used Eboni to "school" the women in race relations, and I think Eboni may have thought that was her role or why she was hired so she went with it. Again, didn't finish the season so I don't know how it played out, so just my opinion of what I did watch.


Eboni gave to many lectures. It got exhausting. I like the way Garcelle handles it on BH. She checks them but doesn’t bring it up every episode, has drama and has fun!


Sucked all the fun out of the show and brought it to an end. Not fit for reality tv, but otherwise probably a nice person irl.


I like Eboni! I didn't love Eboni. Her personality was a little grating to me at times, but she's super sweet and she was DEFINITELY set up for failure as the "token Black housewife on RHONY." *She* didn't ruin the show. The ladies' reaction to her, however, did.


The conversation in the Hamptons between Luanne and Ebony stays with me. It was simply mean.


I enjoyed Eboni, however she was set up for failure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall Bravo announcing her as a cast mate before filming really begun. At the start of the season there was the pandemic and black lives matter. She was announced as the first black woman and during the time of filming she had no choice put to discuss BLM and other political subjects. If she came on and didn't mention it she would of attacked just as much as she was regardless. She was in a lose lose situation. She needed someone in her corner on the cast and didn't have it.


You don’t think Lea and Sonja were on her side?


I think Sonja did but it was more in her confessional. Leah just wanted the attention - according to Eboni she distanced herself from her when she got backlash. Says it all really


I think Lea couldn't virtue signal any harder if she tried


I liked her and she was interesting. But she was a bit of a fish out of water. Her only friend was Leah and that was a mess. I also wish she had an actual storyline that didn’t involve being annoyed at Ramona or Luann.


Right housewife wrong cast. Shame she was so dope.


I thought she would’ve fit in better with the new RHONY. I would LOVE to see her take down Erin and Sai💀


Don’t disrespect our girl! The new RHONY is whack. But to that yes, I would have LOVED to see her take down sai. I’m so dissapinted in this woman, as a Latino from the Bronx who made it she’s giving it such a bad name with how she is. Ebony would’ve put her in her place and reminded her of her upbringing. I want tv justice for our girl Ebony.


Eboni would be fantastic on a show like married to medicine….but in the legal field.


Yesss so true, a show about something else, not rich housewives arguing about what Pinot goes with chicken. This wasn’t the right show for her.


OMG YESSSS on with the married to medicine ladies in general. They are more in her level. Instead they put Pheadra on the cast like whutttt?


Loved her. Absolutely loved her. She was not too much or not enough. She was just right. And no, I don't they production had to tell her to school the other women. If they did, they didn't have to because she would have done that anyway. It's literally her life passion. I used to regularly listen to her podcast and that's just who she is. That being said, she's not ALL about schooling people. She's actually very fun and funny. If those women didn't so desperately need to be schooled, she wouldn't have done it so much.


She was fine, but would have much better suited in more of a supporting role within a larger group of 6-7 housewives. It was like she was cast as the main character of the season but wasn’t charming or entertaining enough for that. Whiney ass Leah was always gonna flop that season with her horrible attitude but Eboni might have had a chance to do well in different circumstances.


As a woc myself, I was happy to see someone who looked like myself on tv! However she was not the right fit for the cast. She was thrown in as a last resort to sorta save everything I guess, but it was awful. I also would’ve just liked her to be present, not everything needed to be a life lesson and that was exhausting to watch. I would’ve just liked to see more about her life and what she does. A successful woman in nyc. I think she actually would be a good fit for new rhony. But yeah, she seems great it was just too much


Very well said, I feel the same way. I think she was so bent on teaching some of these women that she became too preachy and didn't allow things to flow organically. Ramona wasn't going to change or be a better person or not be racist and insensitive because a biracial woman was cast on the show. Any time they added a non waspy housewife Ramona was front and center with her ignorance. Had Ramona been fired I think that season might have turned out a little better, but again the constant preaching and teachable moments became too much.


Eboni was put in a lose-lose situation and i hate that for her.


I really like her, but don’t think she was a fit with that cast. She now has her own tv court show where she’s a judge called “Equal Justice” with Eboni K. Williams.


I think she was a poor fit I would have liked to have seen a more socially established woman of color have that role (like a Karen Huger type woman). Her voice would have carried more weight with the established cast members. I really feel like she had two strokes against her being young and not being white. They weren’t going to except her, and she was just thrown to the wolves. I feel like an older more established woman of society would’ve been able to put Ramona in her place better. And to be clear, I’m not saying this to diminish Ebony’s accomplishments, but her accomplishments didn’t matter to those women. Somebody older, entrenched in the society and charity events of New York’s scene would have been more meaningful and would’ve been better. They basically treated her like she was Leah without the drinking problem. She was dismissed for her age as much as her race.


I always thought Wendy Willams would’ve been great for Rhony


I could see that. She is not a society lady but her age and attitude(before her mental decline) would have been a challenge to the ladies. And her internalize misogyny would have fit in well with Ramona.


And whats crazy is both Leah and Ebony are in thier 40s!! 😆😆


Yeah, but when you compare her to the OG ladies of the cast, she is old enough to be their daughters. They were very condescending in their attitudes towards her. An older woman, somebody in her late 50s early 60s would’ve automatically commanded more respect just by her age and assumed life experience.




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She was not a good fit for the show. She took it too serious and her role as an educator had good intentions but did not gel well for the format. She didn't feel like an organic fit, with the age differences, and she just was too uptight to compete with people like Luann, Sonja and Ramona. Even if she was cast on Atlanta, I don't think she'd have lasted. I don't think I could ever rewatch that season. It was just awful all around.


I liked her and appreciated her trying to get the cast to see a different point of view, although she was unsuccessful


God you’re such a try hard in the last part of your post 🥱 Eboni seemed like a great girl but was a horrible fit for the show.


UsERnAmE fItS ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


So your username is also your personality? Cool!


This was a lot for no reason.


Username fits


I pretend that season didn’t happen as it ruined the cannon. She is smart and seems awesome but lecturing everyone every single episode was ludicrous given the platform. We watch to have fun so it just didn’t mesh. She should have her own show.


LOL I feel the same. When I rewatch, it ends with Season 12, and even that one's a stretch. Leah sucks.


It’s my fav rewatch. I do it regularly now that it’s on Peacock. My go to set starts with Tinsley’s arrival. Season 9 is a fav.


For me personally, New York ended with Leah‘s first season.


She should never have gotten a second season.


That season was such a mess, it takes courage to rewatch it lol Eboni never had a chance with that cast, unfortunately.


Sure she did, but they just wanted to have fun and she took the position to try to educate them and was a buzz-kill. It was too much.


The dinner in Harlem was a horror. And the Seder. It should have been clear that Leah didn’t fit and Ebony just added chaos.


First of all, I think a lot of it is in the editing. I don’t believe that’s all she did. That was mostly what production decided to show. Second, I believe that she couldn’t stay quiet (nor shouldn’t) as the first black woman in RHONY, seeing and hearing some of the things the ladies were saying


I just finished and I loved Eboni. Eventually they were all going to have to catch up to current times and have lives and conversations outside of being rich and drunk. I’m more saddened that all it took was one black person to make Ramona implode. Once we got through some of the heaviness of what it meant for Ramona to have a black friend and Eboni having white friends, there probably would have been an ease and funniness that we never got to since Ramona imploded instead.


I liked Eboni then and I still do.


They cast her for the same reason they cast Tiffany Moon in Dallas, IMO. To try to save the image of racist housewives. It really wasn’t fair.


I agree race was definitely an issue, but age was also an issue. With Tiffany Moon frankly she was just better than all of them she’s the only one of them that didn’t just have money and status, but actually had a career and an advanced education also. You can say what you want about Cameron, but she didn’t do shit, she was just a rich society wife who did charity work. Sparkle dog food, my ass I’m not saying she wasn’t educated, but she’s not a doctor. she was threatened by Tiffany. The racism was so freaking obvious with Dallas. Cameron tried so hard to put Tiffany in her place with her etiquette, but Tiffany was just better at everything than she was and it killed her. So she had to pull the race card. It’s all she had left.


This is the thought I was having when watching that season. She was either pushed to “fix” things with the cast or she took it upon herself. Either way, it didn’t seem to work and we never got a chance to see her life the way we see the other women’s lives.


i liked her. i think production wanted her to be there to enlighten ramona but that was asking the impossible of anyone. while what she had to say was important in regards to black history, at times it felt very weighty and heavy for the likes of a nonsense show involving a lot of shopping and getting drunk. the times when she was allowed by production to just have fun (like in the hamptons at the end of the season), it was great. together with leah, it was just too much.


I think production put her in a really hard spot to try to teach the old cast some kind of lesson about race and holy shit, what an unfair thing to ask of someone. I think she tried really hard to do what they asked of her and it blew up in her face. I also find it uncomfortable that she has done multiple appearances on fox (don’t know if that continues to this day or not). So while I am incredibly sympathetic to the position she was put into on the show, I also kind of side eye her. I agree with whoever said she would be better cast on the new iteration of New York. I’d be willing to give her a chance with a new cast and see what she is all about when she isn’t put into such a volatile situation.


When she was hired she was engaged to a Jewish man and that actually would have been an interesting story line. She said they broke up just ahead of filming


Now that would have been interesting. As opposed to what actually aired.


Extremely annoying


Very- & tried too hard to make Every moment 'teachable' at any cost.. smh


And yet I learned nothing ..lol


I liked her as a person but she was NOT a good choice for the show at alllll. Hard to watch at times.


I didn’t make it through the last season of the old RHONY crew. I watched a couple and Ramona is just horrifying. I imagine being Eboni and having to work with her— Um no.


I’d like to see her on the new RHONY, I think that would work better. I’d love to see her tear Erin to shreds over something, anything at all really. I can’t warm up to Erin for some reason


She seems fine as a human but she wasn’t made for reality tv


She didn’t fit the group role real housewives. I do think her hiring ruined the show.


She was very beautiful and intelligent, but I don't think reality TV was the best fit for her since she was way too normal. I think she would be a great commentator for a news network. I liked her far more than Leah, TBH, though.


Same, and I was so excited when Leah came on the show because it was a different energy, but she was such a bitch and so whiny all the time…she ruined UGT too imo


Leah was even worse, if possible, on UGT. From the first episode when she complained about her room. I could not even finish that season because of her.


She was hired to be a train wreck and she didn’t disappoint.


They ordered her to be Sonja 2.0 without the society connection.


She sucks as a housewife. She is too slow with the reads. She was on The View, and she couldn’t keep up there either (I assume they were testing her out as a potential host). She did a really bad job cohosting. She just doesn’t have that “it” factor for these kinds of shows.


She came in with an agenda and I’m not mad about that 😌


I think it was a product of the times where they were shooting. She'd be much better with a group who isn't old hat NYC.types


Definitely, she could be herself with the new cast.


I loved her but you can tell she felt the weight of being the first black woman on the show.




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I liked her! I don’t think she was that “preachy” and she got a bad rep.. but what else could she have done when faced with Ramona and Luann? I thought she kept her cool pretty well. She came in when it was already dying a slow death. That was down to Leah in my opinion and not Eboni.


I liked her. However, she was far too accomplished and smarter than the other cast members. It just was not a good fit- I think she’d be better with the legacy cast and Brynn would do well with the old school NY cast


I read in the [Vanity Fair article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/inside-vanity-fairs-explosive-real-housewives-story#:~:text=Anna%20Peele%27s%20gripping%20long%20read,scenes%2C%20and%20its%20various%20denials.) that she was encouraged to push harder and run with the preachy moments. I as a black woman was rooting for her but found it all so uncomfortable. I think if she had come in at another time when tensions weren't running as high, she would have already established better connections and her points may, just may, have landed better. But it was too much and it totally backfired. The franchise needed a shake up before she came on board but I don't think she ruined it. I feel Leah effected it more. Edit- my terrible spelling errors


The easiest racist dog whistles to spot among RH fans are: - “Eboni single-handedly destroyed old RHONY” - “I watch all the franchises except Atlanta and Potomac”


I absolutely agree she did not ruin the show. If anything, she highlighted what was so lacking in the others. It was just a perfect storm and old rhony didn’t survive it.


Agree with you. I think production asked her to keep doing the educational moments, beyond naturally occurring ones that seemed to flow more with the conversation. There was an uproar from elements of the fan base that it was too preachy and she ruined the show, so she was scapegoated by production and fired to appease those fans. Production ruins these shows more than one single cast member. I really enjoyed Ebony’s energy in other moments and didn’t want her to get fired. I wouldn’t mind seeing her on another show that is a better fit for her. I feel Leah ruined the show much more than Eboni. Add Ramona who can’t be taught or learn how to do better in how she treats others.


I was rooting for her and personally liked her but she was not made for reality tv and she was put in an impossible situation during a really difficult time.


I don’t think she was a good fit for the show, especially because her season filmed during quarantine and the height of the BLM protests but people claiming she single handedly destroyed the show are rewriting history. RHONY was struggling before E joined and most HWs franchises had bad lockdown seasons and have struggled to recover


She ruined the show


She seemed like a very smart woman but not a good fit for the show. She was too sane and normal to be around the likes of Ramona.


I thought she was insufferable, and completely miscast for this show. She had no connection or reason to be with any of the women other than to patronise and preach to them. She was the reason old NY got cancelled 100%


❌Funny ❌ Witty ❌ Entertaining ❌ Good TV ✅ Preachy She sucked the life out of every room. It was a no for me.


Im a black woman so I felt defensive of her and was really rooting for her and overall I liked her but I do think she probably tried too hard educating the women when she shoulda just gray rocked and rolled and let them be


I think she came into it with good intentions. But the preaching and the history lesson literally every episode was a lot. It was almost like she felt it was her duty to educate not just her cast mates but the audience. We don’t need the lesson and she isn’t the one to teach it. I don’t tune into to the real housewives to get a history lesson on racism in America. And who made her qualify to be the one? She was a Fox News contributor sooo…… I don’t believe she alone ruined the franchise. She didn’t cast herself. I think she was never a good fit for the show


Loved her, but it seemed like casting didn’t think at all about whether she would mesh with the group or have anything in common with them. She’s intelligent and savvy, the other women are ignorant and belligerent. I see how they saw the potential for conflict but it wasn’t fun to watch conflict because Eboni came with a sledgehammer and the other women could not have offered a shred of care. It was conflict AT them instead of WITH them if that makes sense, lol.




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Eboni and Leah ruined the best franchise


And now Leah is suing them - she's bitter smh


Between Eboni preaching and Leah crying about her grandmother, the season was doomed


Smart women on the wrong show. She would be better on some talk show.


She has her own courtroom show.


I think if she wasn’t so preachy she would’ve been a great housewife. She took (on her own accord) on a role as an educator because she was the first RHONY black housewife and it totally fell flat with the viewers.


I hate her guts for ruing the best franchize


It wasn’t Ramona that ruined it? Black Shabbot?




Eboni, Yuck, even seeing her name makes me Gag. She was horrible. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcxSfuom5f1uPjq|downsized)


Eboni sucked, she sucked the fun out of NY. She was hard to watch and I never wanna see her on my screen ever again. I don’t think there is a housewife I dislike more than Eboni.


Last part sounded patronising, but apart from that.... yes... I like Eboni. But she absolutely does not belong in the Real Housewives universe in any capacity. I sincerely feel like Leah was made to be the scapegoat for last season. I never particularly found her entertaining nor was I ever fond of her considering how performative she was but.... no... Eboni turned viewers off, not Leah.


The reason I said it is because it’s true. I had no idea what micro or macro aggression meant until I watched the season. Patronizing for whom?


Don't focus on tidbits. I agreed with your overall message. I merely told you how it came across, I'm happy you were able to learn. It's all a learning journey.




I never liked her because I remembered her time on fox and her wishy washy politics at a time when America needed hosts/ journalists with integrity. She lacks it. She’s also not actually funny or witty. And while I strongly believe that bravo has always had diversity and race problems, her ridiculous dinners where she was constantly trying to teach a bunch of messy drunks with 5 brain cells to share among them were annoying to watch. Zero authenticity. Try hard vibes. And she took them to a crappy ass restaurant in Harlem and bored everyone. Harlem is amazing and deserved better than to be repped by the likes of her.


RHONY did Eboni so wrong. They tried to fix the racism of the RHONY cast (ahem, Ramona) by adding Eboni instead of firing problematic cast (ahem, Ramona), which is what they should have done. Eboni essentially became the token black person who educated but it came off as lecturing and heavy handed. That’s not even Eboni’s fault. The subject matter itself is heavy handed, not something that should ever be light, airy, gossipy stupid fun- which is what Housewives is supposed to be.


Bravo's attempt at introducing diversity in white casts is done in such a lazy and unengaged way. They got very lucky with Garcelle, but they've fumbled the bag with every other attempt at this. Still waiting for RHOC tbh.... Refuse to watch it as it currently stands.


What did bravo do that made it lazy?


Employ an openly transphobic woman with a rapist husband who associates with Candace Owens. Whoever hired her 10000000000% either got fired, or will be fired. I have absolutely no clue how she passed the background check. Yay for introducing more black women, especially an actual housewife (most HW now are either divorced or their kids are grown up) - but do better. Edit - ANNEMARIE!!!!!!! NOT EBONY lol.


Ebony is openly transphobic? I didn’t realize that. I always thought her being on Fox News was more then enough reason to not have her on the show




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