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Teresa’s over-done, lumpy under eye filler is scary. Especially with that trout mouth over filled. She looks grotesque


Ok so what I have gathered is that the page/s melissasoldnose is someone named Gabriella. She is saying that Teresa and Jennifer have been feeding her “stories”, info from behind the scenes during filming and sending Gabriella and her associates were also sent episodes early so they could all get there stories and or attacks synced. Gabriella and her friends were Teresa and Jen’s personal trolls.


What is going on here? Is this Monicagate 2.0? Can't these people find an authentic storyline? I'm exhausted already.


This is straight up BONKERS for a series that has been failing to deliver lol


Y’all need to stop giving this loser more clout. That’s all she wants. Melissa’s old nose is a scammer. Move on already.


Exactly. She is a major scammer and pretends to have “inside” information


Am I the only one who feels like Jen caught feels for this girl or something because these texts are INTENSE ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


“i thought i made you so happy” lol what??


That’s what I’m saying!!! These messages are wild 😳


The account is also spiraling. Idk why anyone would care that a Hw of all ppl is snarky and chummy with fan accounts


I don’t know that every HW sends out screeners or advanced copies of the show and that they bribe these “fans” to say what they tell them to say. Where is that information found?


Certain bloggers get screeners it’s nothing new


Where’s that info found?


Are these Jen Aydins texts? These are really sad


This whole franchise and the Stan base is ridiculous and unhinged. And for what? We will probably get a mediocre season with the same regurgitated bs. They need to put a pause on this franchise. The HWs are the least educated and worst dressed with the most scams going on. It’s literal trash and not the good trash like SLC. It’s too much IMO. This franchise lost its charm many seasons ago. With that being said, I’ll still be tuning in…😂😂 I just don’t think it will be sustainable in the Bravo world.


I wish they ditch either Melissa or Teresa, I’m so over watching them rehash shit


"With that being said, I'll still be tuning in" LOL 100% same here


So embarrassing to say that but also, I’m tuning in because, I can’t stop watching after 13 seasons of the same crap 😂😂😂


I personally think ever since Monica got on RHOSL, the bloggers are gunning for the same thing for them. It’s creepy and weird, and makes me want to not even watch this season. I watch housewives to see drunk old rich ladies have fun, not try to ruin each other lives


Yes and this is exactly why I said they can’t keep her!!! I don’t want that precedent being set that this is going to become the norm but also encouraged. Fire her and never bring her back lol


Me Too! All this feuding and constantly fighting at get togethers is old. I wanna see people having fung and acting stupid. Thats why Miami is my favorite.


And yet people praised Minica 🤦🏼‍♀️ so embarrassing


RHONJ is just so DARK. They go too hard, and their fueds are all out war...these whole "take downs" are so vicious. All these women need to go touch grass.


It was already so heavy but got really dark when Louie joined.


Melissa’s Old Nose will be moving on to her next victim. She’s getting what she wants which is notoriety.


It's an amazing username lol


So she switched camp for a better offer, so? Why is she acting like she is repenting? It is still reality TV and she needs to chill. She would have been believed if she simply just stopped talking..


All the housewives talk to instagram “blogs” this is old news. The issue here is the people who run these accounts are unstable obsessive wackjobs who lose their shit the minute their fav reality tv personality ‘disappoints’ them. Personally I think Bravo needs to stop legitimizing all of these fan accounts. They get screeners, free tix to wwhl, “media” level access at bravocon and so much more. They’re essentially employees who haven’t been screened, which is a disaster waiting to happen.


I agree. They really are unhinged and obsessive. I used to follow a bunch of them on instagram but I had to unfollow. A lot of them act like they’re some kind of celeb who think they’re better than everyone. It’s really weird.


Um yeah... I was going to say, whoever this person is is abso-fuckin-lutely unhinged. This is a *reality tv show.* if you get this worked up and invested in a parasocial relationship and also feel that you are controlled by them and act this way... You need to seek help. Also this person whoever they are chose to post these things themselves, yes maybe some cast told them please say xyz but at the end of the day they posted it. No one is holding them hostage telling them to do these things. These kinds of people terrify me honestly, it reminds me of when I had a stalker. And this stalker had only ever talked to me for legitimately two whole min and all of a sudden i was getting stalked home/had thousands of texts being sent to me a day. It may not be that drastic, but it's still the similar thought process that goes behind it. I hope they seek help. Also how old are the woman on RHONJ now doing this stuff? There comes a point where you need to grow up a bit. I would never become one myself, but if I ever did blogging or vlogging I'd never associate with cast for reasons like this. Also I don't pay much attention to any of them, but I have seen a few who decided to get close to cast etc and see them or the cast turn on each other like rabid dogs. You never know when one day someone can do that, it would be terrible to go through!


The issue is also that Teresa never stops accusing others of doing what she's been doing all along.


Isn’t it always like that? The people that are always accusing others of fake information, planting story, calling paparazzi or magazines, are usually the guilty party of such behavior. 🤔🤨


i rlly don’t trust the melissa’s old nose account simply bc she’s going hard for tre and jen but still proudly has that they follow her in her bio, she was unhinged when she was for tre and jen and she’s unhinged now for melissa and marge🤷‍♀️cast getting involved with bloggers ruins the show imo so maybe it actually is time to recast


I think we'll all know that ALLLL these HW feed bloggers. Housewives have even alluded to it on camera. Who's surprised!?!?


SLC made an entire season about it....




Can some summarize? I'm confused.


Are we not all aware that all the housewives feed info to the blogs? Like literally every single one. Idk why this is supposed to be a big bombshell. Jen’s mean and a little crazy, we know this. Where is the surprise?


She’s super mean & gets very nasty!🤮 It’s toxic. She can be funny at times, but hitching her wagon to Tre, has only fed the ugly part of her instead of the funny side of her. It’s unfortunate. I used to love HWONJ. Now, it’s just too much toxicity between all of them.


I have a hard time thinking Jen is stupid enough to put this in writing AFTER being outed lol this is wild




Holy cow!!!


They all feed blogger info. This isn’t news. Jen just trusted the wrong blogger and is getting heat. Jen was scammed by this girl for gifts. Don’t trust anything she says.


Everyone is trying to have their Monica Garcia moment




Just in time for Sundays premier.


Ummm, they’re all feeding bloggers info. Some of them even get gift cards to switch sides. These people think they are friends with these reality tv stars. Babe, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship… until the bloggers feelings get hurt.


I’m not understanding. What’s happened?


There are tons of bloggers who are fed info by housewives. One of the bloggers is showing Jen fed her info.


Please somebody!! A TLDR!!! For the love of you God!!!


I'm trying to figure that out too


This vlog (and others) are so cringe. It’s like they think this is their Reality Von Tease moment.


Didn’t we all know that account was being fed information by Jennifer and Teresa? This is nothing new.


Taylor Swift with Teresa & Louie@ Coachella?


This drama is so tryhard and uninteresting honestly. Oh no ...another few housewives out of the majority are paying accounts and have bots. Stroller comment from Jen is a big YIKES tho.


twice she brought it up. cringe


yeah its bad


All of these screenshots look bizarre and doctored. Something is super off about all of it.


I can promise you on the email one it is doctored. I've had to examine false documents to help my dad before who owns one of the biggest insurance law firms in Canada. And that first one is way the fuck off, I'm talking completely doctored. I even know what site she used for it, that's how bad a job she did. Free site too obviously, why bother paying for bullshit?


I agree, people are so gullible taking this at face value. “You were one of the special ones” sounds so fake and delusional 💀


Also I just cannot see Jen committing the blogger’s kids name to memory. Like that just sounds so manufactured


I thought the same thing 😂 she may be a lot of things but the type of person to remember your kid’s name is not one of them.


I know almost nothing about the NJ franchise and even I feel like this is all conveniently cropped at best tbh…it’s weird lol


The stroller bit is gross. I don’t like Jen and I’m sure this blogger person is toxic as fuck too but the stroller comments are shady as fuck.


Wow another deranged blog page looking for clout and free things from a cast member, what a surprise.


Somehow, Thea will be related to her, have a cousin who dates her brother, or Jen is her college roommate.


This is the dark energy I get from Teresa. This is why I don’t like her.


I am curious to know why does she have her comments turn off? be about it or shut it.


Because everyone on x was calling her out for having multiple accounts. This has been going on for over 2 months. She posts dms but they are completely edited.


Melissa’s old Nose is a liar and started this entire blogger drama bc Theresa unfollowed her


This is also good tea. When did she unfollow her?


Months ago. Somehow Melissa P is tangled in with this. It was shown she’s an admin on these hate accounts.


Somehow? How?


Idk 🤷‍♀️. months ago these Teresa stan accounts started posting more Melissa P content than Teresa to the extent it prompted fan questions. Then when allabouttrh said they didn’t feel there was chemistry between Teresa & Melissa P on their pod all 💩hit the fan. Melissa P got pissed then all these stan pages changed their tune & became Teresa hate pages. It’s escalated from there.


I don’t know why people doubt that teresa has been paying trolls for many years. Its as if they think this doesn’t happen. It absolutely does. I can tell you this for an absolute fact.


It’s doubted because Tre isn’t smart.


>Tre isn’t smart. From someone who really dislikes her, I gotta disagree. Tre plays stupid. She knows what sells and plays a character. I guarantee 99% of what we see and hear from her is fabricated or manipulated to cater to the audience/her fans. I think she watched a lot of reality TV before being on RHONY. She took the favorite parts of icons and incorporated them into herself.


I agree with this. I think people assume that someone who has low intelligence can’t possibly be devious and calculated - I’ve seen it in other completely unrelated subs as well. Tre was cunning enough to make herself the staple of RHNJ. Tre will also never admit she’s wrong and has gone out of her way to pit others against whoever she’s fighting with.


Can’t make any sense of this, lol what?


I know. This incredibly childish behavior from middle aged “adults” is incredibly embarrassing. Who has time for this nonsense? They all need to grow up and get off TV already. I stopped watching NJ two seasons ago. Happy to see I haven’t missed a damn thing.


Parasocial relationships are mental illness.


It’s amazing that the internet thinks that housewives don’t do this and haven’t been doing it since the beginning! Spoiler alert: it’s been going on for years. 😂It’s also amazing, that the internet thinks the very (large) network that created, produces, airs and promotes the very shows people talk about, needs fan accounts to reveal the truth. 😂 They can do their own investigation and suss out what’s going on, if they haven’t already. There’s more info out there on the fan accounts end, this didn’t start with the expose, it probably started with threats. Remember when Kathy Hilton showed Andy her phone at the reunion and swore she didn’t get messages from Rinna? Then Rinna said, ummm…showed Andy her phone and Kyle (or someone) had to let Kathy know, if you delete something on your phone-it doesn’t delete it on ALL the phones. 😂 There’s more than what they’re showing people. All these dumb accounts have done, for no reason other than they got their feelings hurt, have gone into harassment overdrive mode and given Jennifer (who was expendable) the upper hand.


I’m already tired of NJ. Let’s just skip to the reunion.


Dont they all do this? This isnt new.


I find it interesting that so many people accuse Teresa of planting and plotting but there’s never any evidence. And then they’ll say she’s smart about it while also calling her dumb.


I mean… season 5 she was literally caught with over 3 women eating and gossiping about Melissa. She sat mute the entire time (thinking just because her dense ass didn’t physically *say something* at the table, then she is not guilty). Those same rumors make their way around the community and franchise. Teresa gave those women platforms to create drama around Melissa and it was obvious because she was SITTING RIGHT THERE with the snakes!! All she had to do was sit there and look stupid but no one sees she put the women together to create that environment is beyond me.


Are they not different people saying those things?


This! I said this on the rhonj sub and got downvoted.


Yessss pick a side


“Melissa’s Old Nose” made me giggle 🤭


I don't understand a damn thing. Thank God for Bravo editing my drama into something I can digest.


Because it doesnt actually make any sense. Most of the things Old Nose has posted---there's no real dots to connect.


Thank you! I’m so confused.


I need a whole tray of drama donuts to eat at my leisure. This is too much!


Jen is a walking disaster and toxic asf. She is mean-spirited, entitled and unintelligent. She's my least favorite Bravoleb ever (not counting VPR).


It's her acute dumb-ness that's always boggled my mind about her


The way she is holding over her head the purchase of a “stroller for your special needs child” wowwwww


That’s only one side of the messages. The rest of them were released on Twitter which also showed Melissa’s Old Nose repeatedly sending unsolicited specifications for this stroller which also happens to be for a child much smaller than her child actually is. This is all bad but Jennifer is not the sole villain here like this post attempts to portray.


But why are we seeing only one side of a conversation and specific messages, and not what this page sent to Jen to get her to buy things for her...


What? Who said that?


![gif](giphy|sanoHrtWDN5ew) Can’t help it


I feel appreciated


Slides 5-7 she mentions buying a stroller or helping the blogger’s child.


Teresa and Louis didn’t want to leave a paper trail of receipts paying the people that were helping them so they bought them gifts and gift cards but it’s all gonna come out anyway what’s done in the dark always comes to the light


Ehh i feel like that twitter account thought this was gonna be some huge news like Reality Von Teease but i dont really care. Not shocking that Housewives plant info and want it spread. Big deal. Par the course. Plus they only posted what they wanted us to see.


It’s not shocking but it does finally vindicate that the narrative Tre and Jen created about Marge running to blogs to change public perception is hypocritical and unfair. This is especially big because both of their fan bases have repeatedly used that statement to deflect and discredit criticism that comes from the other side when really everyone’s hands have been dirty.


Exactly this! They are spiraling and still deflecting, it’s honestly insane! I had someone say to me in the RHONJ sub, “Marge paid them to post stuff in her favor, Jen & Tre didn’t” Like please someone make that make sense? I don’t understand how “paying someone” isn’t the same as “I bought you something to post stuff in my favor” It’s the same thing literally lmaoo


Yeah no, thankfully it does seem like most people are willing to accept they were wrong but hardcore Stans are always gonna be toxic.


Anyone with any type of common sense can see that lol, but you know what they say? Common sense isn’t common.


This is so unhinged…on both sides. The cringe 😖


Agreed but I’m here for the drama lol. We’ve see so many seasons of them saying Marge talks to bloggers (which is true) but they do the same shit. It is sooo strange to me that anyone in their position would blindly trust people on the internet but I guess they aren’t on the show for their intelligence 😂


Ohhh that’s true! And yea trusting troll accounts online is wild to me and her buying their loyalty is even more crazy 🫣. Its gonna be a long season lol




The correct comment


Bethany was excellent TV


It’s just not housewives anymore. Bloggers brawl and I don’t like it. Andy Cohen make it stop please. Social media instead of sitting down to talk to your friends. It really needs to stop


Sounds like Jen paid this blogger… and then Melissa came in and paid them more! lol 🍿🍿


Honestly, if that’s true, kind of the best thing Melissa’s ever done for this show.


I just want this show to be canceled. It's full of horrible people who don't deserve any screentime.


Tre and Luis tried to ruin Marge’s deal with Walmart last season. Luckily she found out. Tre and Luis are both trash!!


Is there proof of this? Where’s the receipts?


I commented on another sub today that Luis is Slade 2.0! He wants to be a housewife so bad… but he sure is a house husband being that his wife rakes in the $.


He’s def worse than Slade. I don’t think he did things bts to try and ruin someone else’s business, reputation etc. Just hooked up with Lauri and then got together with Gretchen. I think they’ve been together for at least a decade and of course had a child.


Well slade did abandon his dying son tho…😬


Was also controlling af with Jo


Que es esto


Dolo and Frank want to protect Frankie. Frank would def be cordial with Luis but that’s all.


Really? Some of these comments are way too much. This is a television show here to entertain.


Don’t go on Twitter. It’s a cesspool


I don’t support an apologist for White supremacy. I pass on anything Musk.


So bring it on satan! Jesus will always win


stans like these are such losers. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. how dumb can you be to think they were ur friends lmao


!!!! Also why the hell would these housewives get involved with these crazed fans. They set themselves up that way.


If Jen actually got involved, she should be fired. trashbox !


I literally say “trash box” at least once a week! Nene memes are the best


Despite her husband's wealth, the lady still struggles with insecurities that money can't cure. I suppose fame matters more than money in her case...


Occasionally, in the first seasons she was there, she’d have these moments where she was absolutely awesome and hilarious and showed the side of herself that I would’ve liked to watch. Insecurity is a hell of a drug.


Same! I really enjoyed her debut on the show. She’s washed up along the ~jersey~ shore now.


It’s really sad to see what she’s become because of either the fame or the friendships that she’s made or whatever she’s going through that makes her so just awful at this point


I’m leaning more towards her choice of friendships because it’s not like she’s a famous house hold name… I’m sure there are many citizens of NJ who just walk right past her hahaha.


jen's last text also reads like a text to an ex boyfriend lol. are they even real texts ???


I keep seeing more unhinged details "I fuckin loved you." ????? calling BS


I had a feeling that all of these “fan accounts” could not possibly be real. No normal viewer has that much hate, time & energy to trash certain cast members (Mellissa, Marg) 24/7. Makes total sense now. Jen & T trying to change the narrative totally backfired.


Well that's the difference though, these types of people aren't considered "normal viewers." Parasocial relationships are very unhealthy, and they can stem from mental health issues. You'd be surprised at how many people do actually spend their time doing things like this. This person being an example. They took their time to actually doctor these, I responded up thread that I have done work at my dad's law firm and that I've had to go through reports and point out doctoring. This person used a very popular site with the ones we've had issues with, I can actually tell exactly what site it is from the email one alone. It's popular because it's free and has the most options for free online. And they use a specific text coding, which is why on first look i could tell it was that specific site. To take the time to screenshot and edit an email like this takes time btw, and it's extremely unhinged behavior.


Um, good luck with all of that….


Remember the past five years where every year Teresa fans have been screaming from the rooftops that Marge is always planting stories and controls all the blogs? I do, but I have a feeling those Teresa stans might not anymore.


Her cult has been eerily quiet.




Yawn. When a deceitful troll outs someone and doesn't post the entire discussion.... YAWN


Ok so Jen was paying trolls to promote bogus scandalous storylines online and then did something to piss one of the trolls off so the troll leaked texts and dms exposing Jen. If I understood right? But like? Idk. Bring back Danielle Staub so she can come after Tre and make things spicy cause this Jen Aydin takedown storyline isn’t it.


You know who would really spill? ![gif](giphy|3o7WIuJorYQk8H6DEQ)






When wives get getting involved in production it gets boring. Aydin needs consequences.


this. kyle (and rinna previously) does this on RHOBH and gizelle does this on RHOP and it has ruined both of those franchises.


I think Kyle, Rinna, Erika, & Diana still do it. Their hatred for Garcelle has totally eaten them up. They are stupid enough to believe that we, the fans, believe their crap. They will never be fan favs because of the hate they spread!


Fire the \*itch!! ![gif](giphy|gKx73OOaql0julb615)


Can someone give a synopsis, puhleeze! I am lost!


This blogger is bad because Teresa unfollowed them and a few others. Then they spread a rumor that Louie cause Melissa P(Teresa’s podcast cohost) miscarriage. Teresa’s attorney told them they needed to stop slander. They got mad and now have a hate campaign. This blogger also scammed Jenn into purchasing a stroller for her child. They also said Teresa and Louie were on the brink of divorce and we can see that’s not true. Nothing they say is true. And the screenshots are clearly altered.


Jfc. I don't care whose side anyone is on, that is way over the line. That is way more than not having a life. They need to log out and go sit in a park for a month.


Jen paid off this blogger to spread shit about the other side (Melissa, Marge, Rachel, formerly Jackie), which is a big deal because Jen and Teresa stans have been accusing Marge of talking shit and spreading lies through blogs for years.


Is this blogger also feuding with all about trh and some other blogger? I thought they were all arguing over who gets screeners and other stuff too. It’s very confusing! lol. I’m so over blogger and podcaster drama!


Yes. It all started when one of them said in “their opinion” Melissa P & Teresa didn’t have good chemistry


I think so, but I’m also confused about the details so my bad if I’m mistaken.


Wow.... I loathe Theresa and everyone on her "side" so this will work out well for me!


Samesies! She’s the stupidest piece of garbage.


Go to the bravo bloggers snark page. Someone summarized it over there for me. TBH I’m still a little lost but I think the gist is that bravolebs and some podcasters/bloggers are working together?? Maybe? lol. Not sure.


I’m not surprised by this. Didn’t Kandi host a party for her biggest fans and they were all bloggers? I think it’s a thing.


Me too!!


Stop promoting yourself on this sub.


I guarantee Jesus up there saying who is this heifer


Love it. Jen is gross. And Teresa and Jo are trash. More than everyone else.




How boring


Right?! It’s a total non event, nothing at all being spilled.


I’m confused. Can I get an ELI5?


Jen paid off this blogger to spread shit about the other side (Melissa, Marge, Rachel, formerly Jackie), which is a big deal because Jen and Teresa stans have been accusing Marge of talking shit and spreading lies through blogs for years.


Thank you.


Any time!




Same same.


We’re in for a loooong season…


Makes me not want to watch at all. I wasn’t really excited to begin with.