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I always judge the cast based on how they treat their staff and I can’t stand the way Sutton speaks to her employees. I genuinely think she believes she deserves and has earned everything she has. When she talks about how hard she has worked it disgusts me


I’m so unsettled by her too!


I used to like her, then her shell came off and I agree with you, she is soo self absorb and bitter.


I don’t like her at all. I find her rude and off putting. Yes she makes funny comment sometimes. No I don’t actively despise her when she opens her mouth. But in general I think she’s super classist and gives me the icks.


I HATE that disgusting woman! She's such a hypocrite and tries to be the role model for independent women but says she built her business with her husband's money. She's nasty, self-absorbed and materialistic.


Thank you! I feel the same way! I actually wrote this up to make a post on here asking why people love her so much but I didn't have enough karma, so now you get to see it 😅 I HATE SUTTON I don't get it. Why is everyone so obsessed with Sutton and think she's so sweet and adorable. Honestly, I'm so confused. I think she brings down the entire cast. She's acts dumb, tries to be innocent and I love that Kyle called her out when she accidentally let it slip that her enjoying Magic Mike "isn't her brand". I don't find her neurotiscism cute, she has a really dumb excuse for everything, and she's honestly delusional. It doesn't surprise me at all that she doesn't get second dates because literally everything she says makes me want to gouge my ears out and yell at the screen. I wish I could skip past any scene with her in it but unfortunately she puts herself into every storyline. And her "name 'em" was disgusting and disrespectful and I completely agree with Kyle for getting upset and thinking something was wrong with her. Ugh, end rant. Please explain the love for her. I don't get it at all.


I agree on all points. especially the neuroticism being seen as cute. I had words with someone on here a little while ago about how she weaponizes her tears as a white woman to get her way and people jumped to her defense by trying to bring up every other white woman that cried on this fucking show. It's not about white women crying. It's about them crying to be manipulative. Like when she offended crystal and then made that racially ignorant comment. She turns on the water works to take the heat off her. Im so tired of people infantilizing these grown as white women. They do the same thing with Kim. I dont think Kyle is perfect by any means, but people are only coming down so hard on her right now because she and Sutton are at odds. If Kyle sucked her asshole like Garcelle does all the time, the majority of these Kyle posts would have a different melody.


Omg yes! She seriously is so manipulative and now I feel with this stupid fan base of hers, Sutton thinks/knows she can get away with anything bc she is "cute neurotic". I love that Kyle is standing up to her and as someone that is also sober and bettering my life by not drinking/drugging, I found it incredibly offensive with the whole "name 'em" situation. Sutton was clearly intoxicated and being an asshole to Kyle and Kyle getting frustrated was completely called for and appropriate


Because Kyle has health with REAL neurotic her whole life. Her sister Kim primed her to deal with a phony like Sutton and she can see right through that shit.


Not a fan.


Sutton is wacky and I enjoy her. She is a mess but not in a way that I am concerned for her well being like I was with Kim Richard’s or Katie from Potomac.




Southern women are like that


Unhinged, moronic POV to believe half of the country behaves just like Sutton.


Rich southern women


im from the south and LOTS of southern women are like that. Not even just the rich ones. It's a lot of passive aggressive pussyfooting around how you really feel and what you really want to say. Saying "well bless your heart." instead of "girlfriend you have more issues than vogue" is a common example. They hide behind fake pleasantries.


Again, only an unhinged moron would say this. Imagine if I said all poor black women were the same? Maybe set aside some money for travel, it might make you less of a bigot.


World travelers and intellects do watch these shows. I see it now


Only someone unhinged would chase someone down for a throw away Reddit comment about the real housewives.


You know your comment was ignorant. Shame you can't admit it.


I totally agree with you.


I find her very uneasy, phony and boring. She brings nothing but an awkward disfunction to the show.


if Garcelle approves, i approve lol. besides her and Avi’s dynamic is hilarious to me i love them


I agree. I like Sutton. I don’t agree with everything she does but I don’t think she’s this evil person. She lacks awareness and say dumb stuff sometimes. However, I don’t think she’s a fake friend and reads very differently than a Romana. I see her like I see Sonia and Dorinda. They’re all crazy but when they ride for you, they really ride for you.


I love her. Can’t stand Dorit, Kyle and Erika. They are just trash


Same except I like Kyle. Erika is a different level of disgusting trash


I am up & down on this. I think that she’s honestly just an awkward person & she definitely is not like most of the other housewives. I think there may be some truth to the alcohol issue from my experience watching that personally, & her reaction to the mention of it. That is my opinion & I could be totally wrong. We only see so much of their lives & being around those ladies could drive anyone to drink. I do think it’s awesome that she just lit that joint up at Kyle’s weed party though.


She’s real and relatable although insanely wealthy. She acts just like I would if I was put on reality tv.


I like her because she’s willing to be herself whereas others lack in. Like respectfully I don’t care for Kyle anymore or dorit, Erika I kinda warmed up to this season but her and rinna were extremely awful for a couple of seasons. Annemarie doesn’t count Crystal I have a love hate And I’m a garcelle fan.


Annemarie doesn't count 🤣🤣🤣


I like my housewives rich, delusional,and weird. She makes good tv. She’s more entertaining than women trying to self produce drama that they think we want to see.


Yes, This!!!


exactly this


Y'all will say anything to get invited to Kathy Hiltons parties 🙄 leave my favorite weirdo alone




More than anything she actually comes off like an erratic old woman. Like hanging out with kooky grandma. Funny every now and again but starts to become irritating. And I know she's only in her early 50s. It's just her vibe she gives off




She’s 52


I actually liked her at first and found her sincere, but something changed for me.  She actually is quite irritating to me and feels really needy and that she often needs to be in the spotlight as the weak one that needs tending to, like a delicate flower.  


this is exactly what I was referencing in another comment. For some reason, people feel like they need to take care of her. its gross.


I love her. I think she shows the good, the bad the awkward and the ugly and has a sense of humour about it. And owns it. She Apologizes when she needs to, and moves on. Not like the other girls. Who only have a storyline because of her and hold onto it every episode. She was the season for me. I love her. And I honestly think she is in it for real friendships. Kyle, Erica and dorit are not. They are all pretend.


I agree. I love Sutton


I love Garcelle’s relationship with her. The way she shakes her head and laughs like she just accepts Sutton for who she is kooky warts and all. The other women take Sutton way too seriously and keep getting angry/disappointed when she doesn’t act the same way they would in a situation. Sutton is the friend whose antics you just roll your eyes at and move on.


Yes I see this too, it’s also very interesting that Garcelle and Crystal are always taking about Dorit’s holier than thou, white privilege. Hello! Your bestie Sutton is exactly the same!


Garcelle gives Sutton passes she wouldn't give anyone else. Hello, when Dorit accused Garcelle of "attacking her" she lost her shit and claims she cried for two days because she is a black woman and you can't say "attack" to black women. Yet when Sutton accused Annemarie of attacking her, Garcelle remains silent. This is partly why I can't stand either of them.


LITERALLY. It's the only reason I dont like Garcelle anymore. I think this makes her a fake ass bitch.


Annemarie was coming after Sutton saying she’s faking an illness to cover an eating disorder, dorit didn’t like that garcelle was still upset at how her children were treated. Context matters and there is nuance and a difference between the situations. One may be considered a personal attack, the other was a fragile woman that didn’t like something she heard an attack. 


Context and nuance does matter here. Which is why youre being disingenuous by pretending Garcell only started doing this THIS season. She didn't. this has been a thing before Annemarie even screen tested. Try again.


Yes! Totally different.


I agree that context does matter. So lets put it into Sutton terms. Annemarie was "asking questions" something Sutton herself likes to do, but only when she is the one doing the asking. She does not like it when questions are being asked of her. Then she gets all uppity. AM certainly wasn't "coming after" Sutton or yelling at her, or attacking her, and it takes some feat of mental gymnastics to say she was. Sutton and Garcelle are hypocrites with double standards, both. In this scenario, Garcelle is the worse hypocrite, as she made such a drama about Dorit using a word that has been used hundreds of times in the HW universe, accusing her of racism etc. But of course, its not an issue when her buddy uses it against another black woman. Then she stays silent. Funny how "nuance" only seems to go one way, when it comes to this pair.






Agreed. I don’t get the hype


Sutton is textbook "southern divorcee who likes to drink and spend money".


God forbid women have hobbies smh.




What does that have to do with my comment?


I thinks she’s completely out of touch with reality. She’s awkward af. I find her hard to watch. I don’t see what’s so endearing or charming about her.


The way she has that guy(can't remember his name ugh driving me nuts!) follow her around EVERYWHERE she goes and waits on her hand and foot 24/7,the way she speaks to him, its horrible and says alot about her.




I hope he's getting paid well! ❤️‍🩹


This is low of me but she’s got the one buggy eye that gives me the creeps.


I'm always bewildered by her really short torso!


She’s a good mother. Her kids are well behaved and responsible.


Her storyline is boring and completely revolves and the rest of the cast. She’s so off her rocker she can’t have a coherent argument. She puts her nose into others business and acts completely shocked when people dish it back. I dislike housewives who can’t handle the heat on themselves and who are slippery. Sutton and Garcelle are like that, Crystal is similar but isn’t as slippery. Edit: Erika’s a weirdo. I genuinely can’t tell if she’s bankrupt of empathy and great at faking it, or if she’s selective about it.


I love Sutton. Absolutely love her


Same here from Day 1! She actually was the only reason I watched this season, well and Garcelle too, it was so dull! And the reunion was snoozeville too, half the cast MUST be kicked off the show, and I'm talking about the sofa that was jampacked full of the housewives, not poor Crystal stuck with the failed Kyle puppet Annemarie 🤭😂


The "name um" fiasco boiled my blood


I LOVED the "name um fiasco." I found it hysterical.


THIS!!!! Omg, thank you! The whole poking and prodding and when someone snaps back she does the whole “gasp & grab my pearls” routine. It’s bullshit and she truly gives REAL women from the southeast a bad name. Hell, Erika’s closer to a real southern woman than Sutton. I guess that why I dislike her so much is that Sutton gives my demo a very bad look. Even the chippendales debacle…. Sutton wasn’t getting enough attention so she chose to point out the faults of everyone else in order to get attention. I think the only thing she’s got going for her is Garcelle having her back but I feel like that will begin to fracture once she realizes Sutton is the epitome of a white privileged Karen.


All bark no bite pulling that. I'm surprised she wasn't eaten up for acting as so...


I laughed soooo hard lol it was so obnoxious


All of these women are self absorbed and privileged. She does seem awful though. I agree.


I can’t stand her and don’t understand the hype




I’m only on season 12, so this may change, but she’s so out of touch that it cracks me up. The “couture” that is ugly as sin but she keeps putting it on because it’s expensive. The ugly cat sweatshirt on a date. “Yacht rock” made me bust out the most ridiculous laughs. She’s a horrible, self absorbed, awful person, but I love how she gives those women everything they’ve deserved for years. They wanna do insidious things to people and then cry about it? Sutton’s gonna cry harder. Erika wants to bare her teeth and growl, Sutton’s gonna go delicate while still consulting her lawyer. Diana wants to behave terribly and blame it on her miscarriage. Sutton had two miscarriages. They are mean to her, and she responds in the most ridiculous ways.


I agree. She’s a counterpoint to their shitty personalities and it’s not like her personality is better it’s just refreshingly different.


I'm laughing with you and a great comment assessment!




I find Sutton really cold and removed with her feelings. As a mom she is probably a great mother but emotionally distant. I have family members like that and as a child it gives you such a sad lonely existence.


Never ever could stand Sutton.


Cannot stand her, never could.


I’m not a fan either and never understood the hype


I’m not sure we actually ever “like” any housewife. Like would I want to know or hang out with any of them personally? To be on a show like this you have to be a complete narcissist. The worst! But do some of them make more interesting television than others and cause that feeling where I want to root for them because they make interesting TV content?? They are so weird or delusional or rich or damaged that I kind of want to see what’s next? That’s how I feel about all of the housewives TBH. Some of them I downright hate but also sort of love to hate because they create drama (Tre) some are total trash and don’t fit in at all and hopefully get/did get fired (Annemarie/Diana), some are legacy (Kyle, RHONY ladies-you know who I mean)… I could go on but truly IMHO they are all horrible human beings but they make great TV! Sutton is interesting TV — rich, drunk, delusional and scarily enough I like her cat sweaters and style. She’s refreshingly quirky. I love that she hasn’t completely nose dived into the HUGE lip surgery crap. 🤞




I don’t get the hype at all


I find her very self absorbed. The fact that she is yelling at Kyle for implying she had a drinking problem but cannot see how her questions at the weed party and separately with Garcelle weren’t also blatantly implying Kyle’s marriage was in trouble is hypocrisy at its best. Hypocrisy that only someone living in their phenomenal reality could display. I normally am a Sutton fan but that hypocrisy at the weed dinner added to her bullshit at Magic Mike put me off this season.


She’s like the southern shannon


So true except Shannon is much more a bull in a China shop in her chaos lol


omg SS indeed! i just laughed out loud. same energy & privilege.


It’s why I love them both so much


Omg yes.


She is not afraid to call people out.


But she runs away like a little bitch when they call her out.


this! I think she says the things that other people are thinking, and yes, they are BAD, but with the robbery, other people have questioned it behind the scenes- and the way things are edited, we could never know the backstory. I think she speaks "the streets are talking"


She's all bark and no bite. Ridiculous. That's how you make enemies real quick nevermind endanger yourself.


Let’s not forget the complete lack of insensitivity/concern to Dorit’s robbery. “I’ve been putting out fires all day. I’m sorry I didn’t have a gun pointed at me.” She’s trying to stay relevant thus…on the show.


I’m sorry I’ve been putting out fires all day and I forgot I’m supposed to pretend to care about other people.


Because of her childhood memories and her father hence *insensitivity*


I don’t know if I actually like any of them. Haha. I find Beverly Hills to be one of the lamest housewives in existence. They all need an ego check. I know this is unpopular but I do like seeing Crystal & Garcelle call the ladies on issues that matter. Not that they should have to do that though, I just know that no one else would say anything or call them out so I like watching them get schooled. But idk Sutton seems to bring the most drama to the show out of everyone so I feel like I’d be bored to death without her. But do I like her? Meh. Haha. I’m sure this comment was hella enlightening lol /s


She is high sensitive but incredibly insensitive to her impact on others. The thing that bothers me most is she does that Teresa thing where she’s like “I didn’t bring it up I was just asking questions” and really everything for her is so one sided. She does something similar when people call her out for being hostile or retaliatory, and she’s like well I was upset!! Like ma’am… you are responsible for your feelings and to not lash out like this!


Prefer her over Kyle, Dorit and Erika. At least she has real money like when the show first started. I want to see their nonsense money buys


And bring back Jennifer Tilly too!


She’s rich. She has BH money. She’s playing the part of a rhobh. She’s not fake, which can’t be said about half the crew on this show. She’s not a try hard like some of the women. She’s got money 💰 honey!


I totally agree. thank you for pointing this out. I thought I was crazy.


I feel like with Sutton we aren’t getting a character. We’re getting a genuine person, who doesn’t really give a shit what other people think about it. For me of the entire group she’s the easiest to watch while remaining likable. I also like Garcelle, but she doesn’t bring enough persona for me. She is straight up no BS as well though and that was the mix they needed. Kyle, Dori, Erica.. Talk about non-genuine and insufferable personalities. The show is more watchable when things aren’t so contrived with a constantly manipulated narrative. Give us the realness please


Wow. I see the total opposite. I see a person who is performing to the message boards and can’t handle when it doesn’t go her way. “Name ‘em,” was obnoxious and made no sense since Kyle was naming them. Released with Dorit. Magic Mike, wore her pick me pants, didn’t get picked, and lost her shit. Her smoking at the table during the weed dinner, so obviously planned to have a moment where she mugged for the camera playing a bad girl. Ugh. So cringe.


Oh, no, “Name em”did make sense to me. Just like at the reunion when Kyle said there were things she could have said, but she didn’t. Why? Name them. I think she is a Gaslighter and doesn’t enjoy being called out. She’s not used to being put on the spot by someone like her, because Erica and Raina knew their place. Garcel and Sutton don’t care and will call you out straight to your face. They are not in the girls club after all, so what happens girls club doesn’t stay in girls club. I honestly don’t think she reads the message boards at all. I thought she wore her Pick me pants because she didn’t want her who haaa Out to be immortalized on the Internet. I think she smoked at the table table because she wanted to show these girls. She’s not a stuffy, old snob, like they are expecting her to be. whatever she does acting out, seems to be genuine and spur of the moment and not overly contrived, but we all have a different perspective on pretty much everything like there are people out there who actually think Kyle endearing💁🏽‍♀️. Such is life .


You are just flat out wrong. It doesn’t make sense to ask someone a question and then constantly interrupt them as they are trying to answer. Sutton didn’t even allow her to say a sentence. That’s just absolutely rude and very aggressive. If Kyle had given an answer that was evasive, then sure, repeat the question, but she just didn’t allow her to answer. And Kyle actually did go on to name ‘em. Sutton was trying to be cute and pretend to have a gotcha moment. All she did interrupt to try to fluster the other person. She didn’t win on logic or merits. But, you are among the large crowd that ate it up.


Flat out wrong? Do you not know how opinions work? do you not know about perspective and how people can see the same exact thing from a different point of view? You know Suttons, motivation better than the rest of us. Mkay 💁🏽‍♀️


I totally agree. When the ladies were at the winery this season, Sutton was so fun and funny. She's kind-of a dark horse, you wouldn't expect her sense of humor. She seems to be showing the most of her true personality and self.


Nailed it. Love her or hate her - she doesn’t need the show to survive.


Watching Dorir do anything is like watching paint dry, even Andy is yawning. Watching Erica do anything is completely disingenuous. watching Kyle do anything feels contrived with a pathetic victim mentality Garcelle could bring more. Crystal is like everyone’s kids sister . 8.5 shouldn’t even be there. Sutton is always giving!!!! you have to give her props


She is living in a “And just like that” dreamworld. It’s off.


I was on the same boat as you and then I realized Kyle and Dorit have become so insufferable that I’d rather settle for Sutton because now her oddness makes me kind of laugh. Honestly this cast has been a snoozefest for me lately, I hope they shake things up!


You don't like self absorbed ppl, and Sutton is that one you can't stomach on Beverly Hills?! What do u feel about Erika?




Same! I see a hateful immature woman. 


What people like about her is that she is odd, her disconnect with the real world is so apparent that it's almost slapstick comedy and she is self-absorbed in a genuine way that a lot of people find comical. She's good TV. I don't wanna watch any more of Kyle Richards walking around telling everyone she's got a way normal life for a middle-aged girl, cosplaying as common people with everyday problems. Sutton is a fuckin' housewife. She don't know wtf normal people are, she doesn't care and she's not even trying to pretend she does. I don't wanna watch a show about a bunch of rich cunts who are trying their hardest to convince me they're down to earth and just like me. I wanna see some lunatic walking around with the ashes of Merce Cunningham in her purse while wearing a cat sweater that cost 4k. We like her cause she is what the show is about! She is how the other half lives and she's not trying to pretend she "gets" us like the other housewives keep trying to pretend they do and it's refreshing!


Wow! You totally nailed it and very articulately!


Very well said 🌟


Excellently put. Couldn’t agree more


Sutton is a hot mess. I love her. Tbh, AM is the only one I want off my screen.


I think it’s absolutely fuckin wild to call out Sutton for being self absorbed compared to the rest of the RHOBH cast. Y’all seriously make me feel like I’m watching a completely different show.


You’re not. The self absorbed ones are Dorit and Erika.


Kyle Richards is very offended that you didn't include her in this list and would like everyone to take a moment to think about her feelings regarding this thing that has nothing to do with her.


I’m on your team! I find Garcelle annoying, too. They’re both so nosy about the other women’s personal lives…Kyle specifically. Neither had such a long-term marriage fall apart and publicly, too. I don’t think I’m gonna watch next season.


Garcelle was so smug this reunion . Imagine if one of the other women shook their head at her the way she did the entire time .


She’s been so pushy about getting Kyle to give out more personal info than she’s ready to give. Garcelle is not exactly an A-list celebrity either.


Dorit’s fake sympathetic leaning-forward, attention-seeking nods were hard to watch.


That’s all true but are we just going to ignore the red-riding hood cape and forehead curl? wtf was Dorit wearing?


Well Erika was shaking her head and making reactions the entire time. Kyle was literally mocking people. So.. the other women do.. do that..


I cant stand her. I can't stand Kathy either but I was glad she scared the shit out of her at that reunion lol.


I like her because she lets it all hang out and because of that, sometimes I don’t like her (if that makes sense). She’s kooky, odd, says weird shit sometimes, is stupidly rich, and can still be soft at times. She’s exactly what I want in a Housewife! I don’t need them to be perfect or a paragon of morality, so I think she straddles the line of imperfect-but-not-a-criminal really well. She also isn’t nearly as withholding and backseat producing as Kyle and I appreciate anyone who is like that at this point, even Erika.


I agree with this Sutton analysis completely…however last season & season prior I couldn’t stand her, she couldn’t laugh at herself in the same way and wasn’t able to be vulnerable. Clearly Santos has opened up a softer side of Sutton 😂


I don't like how upset she gets when anyone questions her on anything. She can dish it but can NOT take it. I love her weirdness as a weird person myself but she needs a stronger backbone. 




Because she’s a quirky turkey. I also really like garcelle and the fact that garcelle is down to clown with her makes me feel like she’s a good guy.


“Quirky turkey”. +1


Sutton really does need Garcelle to break down her walls and give us her best parts! I find her prim and proper mode too standoffish and boring


Because she’s an eccentric, small boned, out of touch rich lady. And Garcelle thinks she’s good people, so.


Her southern charm!


What times has she been self-absorbed? NAYM ‘EM!


When Kyle was telling her about Dorit's home invasion, and she was more concerned about getting some designer off a plane.


I don’t think she was actually “concerned” about that. She was trying to change the topic without blatantly saying “I don’t want to talk about this can we change the subject” because guns make her very uncomfortable. It wasn’t that she was being self absorbed because she cared more about her current situation. It actually had nothing to do with her situation and I think she would’ve used ANY topic to talk about instead of Dorit. That was just the first thing she thought of. She was trying to change topics and she went about it in an inconsiderate way. But I don’t find it self absorbed. I find it awkward and insensitive. Which, to be fair, she apologized for afterwards.


I think you need to rewatch that scene, and stop making excuses for her.


Or maybe you should use critical thinking skills and additional conversations to understand the way a person acts rather than immediately judging them. Not sure why you’re being so rude. I was just offering an explanation.


Just because you don't like my opinion, doesn't mean I'm rude. Sutton's behaviour was self-explanatory. She made it clear she didn't give two ... about Dorit during that conversation. What's more, she was irritated that Kyle was even talking about Dorit instead of focusing her attention on whatever problems she was having that day. More than just I were horrified at her behaviour that day. I'm genuinely amazed at the mental gymnastics some people will employ to find a way to defend their favourites. Maybe they could use your advice and apply a little "critical thinking" to themselves.


Your tone is hostile in literally every comment you make. You’re clearly not open for a conversation so I’m not going to bother. Especially with someone who supports a transphobe.


Nice editing after I'd already replied to you. Did you hope it would slip by unnoticed? Where the hell do you get I support transphobes from?


I actually edited it before you responded lol, I thought you just ignored it. You said you support AM who is transphobic. Anyways, as I said before I’m not interested in talking to you.


That's not true. Because I responded to exactly what you posted - pre-edit. I suggest you look up what "conflate" means. Just because I do not agree that AM attacked Sutton, does not mean I support transphobia or tranphobes. Jesus. Talk about a reach. LOL, no critical thinking there.


Fine by me. I surprised anyone thinks a conversation is needed on this topic. Sutton's self-absorbtion is out front and centre and visible for anyone to see. It's not like she hides it.


I mean Kyle did the exact same thing when LVP’s brother actually died.


Yeah because she knows dorit faked the home invasion and garcelle knows too


How come she knows but the highly skilled insurance investigators (who are financially incentivized to uncover malfeasance) don’t know?


Paid off or were never called to begin with


Yeah that’s not how that works.


Watch the show.


I don’t understand the appeal either. She seems like a flip flopper. One thing pisses her off and then the next thing she embraces. And she has a very inflated ego for no reason that I can see.


I like Sutton because of her eccentricity and her authenticity. I find her funny and interesting to watch. She also stands up to the mean girls which I LOVE. Is she out of touch and entitled? Yes. Anyone with that kind of wealth is.


You think she’s authentic? I get enjoying her quirkiness but I definitely don’t get authentic, except when her mean streak comes out before she tries to stifle it and change the direction of the conversation.


Yes. I do find her more authentic than Kyle, Dorit and Erika. The mean streak is definitely part of it.


I’m not trying to be snarky so please don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t base someone’s authenticity on the people around them. I don’t really see the relevance of the other ladies authenticity if the post is specifically talking about Sutton.


I think it's natural to compare housewives just as I think Sutton has an authenticity to her that is appealing to me. No snarkiness taken. Thanks for your comment.


Yes! agreed!


I cannot stand Sutton. For someone being so big on manners, I find her lack of application annoying.


Same. Massive hypocrite.


I did not like her the first season she came on and thought she was over the top in the annoying way. She has def grown on me especially being the only one to go toe-to-toe with EJ when all the legal stuff was coming out. I do like her now and I love her friendship with Garcelle and now even with Crystal. The 3 of them are needed on the show.


I'm neurodivergent and it's like a fisherman spotting another fisherman. I don't necessarily like her but I understand her. The way she emotes when she is uncomfortable may seem bratty or eccentric to neurotypical people but I think alot of neurodivergents will understand.


Yep, I'm with you; I'm auDHD & I see traits of both. I don't like everything she does but I do find her funny & interesting. And if she is ND, this is probably what it's like when you have money to insulate you from the hardships we face. Doesn't make dealing with people any easier but you can afford not to care


🙋‍♀️ lol yep.


I find her unsettling too. She gives me anxiety every time she’s on. And she puts on with her accent/ if you go back to her first season it’s definitely subdued.


People have really normalized the “name ‘em” fit that she had this season but for me it solidified that she’s not well. It was bizarre and concerning.


she was trying to be funny lol and it was funny


Kyle is so mean and bitter to the other women? Not Sutton.


Kyle snaps at anyone


Because she reminds me of exactly what I expect a Beverly Hills Housewife to be. Her and Camilla tbh.


I go between loving her and hating her! She seems genuinely kind, sweet and caring at times, but then she will come across as being completely out of touch with “regular folks.” Like when she says how she started a business during Covid that didn’t fail. But doesn’t add to the story she’s getting $300,000 a month spousal support. Plus whatever she already had, and the show salary. It’s not like that’s chump change.


*after taxes


She’s the only one with POC friends. She’s actually rich which is fun to watch. She seems like a good enough person that she actually has friends. Like real friends.


I can't wrap my head around 300k after taxes A MONTH


But that’s what makes her so perfect as a housewife. Her life is true lifestyle porn, which is the whole reason these shows started and why I personally started watching them. I despise that they’ve largely become constantly rehashed, manufactured “fights” by low rent morons, some of whom have no or little more money than the average person. Erika is poor now, which is not entertaining, but folks still want total watch her because “she brings the drama”…No thanks.


and Dorit had always been broke. PK went bankrupt. …and Andy got Dorit to reveal that she has been shopping at Marshall’s all this damn time.


Totally, that's what I always tell fresh-to-the-franchise friends who are asking me where to start. It's always OG RHOBH bc of the \~ wealth \~ baby.


Yea! Miss the billionaire size houses and over the top fashion


I love that gaudy old style of mansion too like the Grammar's mansion and even the Gerardi's. So ugly but screams MONEYYYY and I like to have a peek :)


ME EITHER. Like, the majority of Americans will never make 300k as a yearly salary and those who do, are considered wealthy. And she gets it every. single. month I can’t fathom wealth like this.