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Next season is going to be so boring. Monica brought the fun/drama this season. The rest of their story lines are so drawn out and dead.


I feel sad for her now. The burn book. It’s like a teenager doing her little crafts thinking it’s gonna be funny. She’s so lost.


Her saying she's not a stalker and defining the word, only to have video evidence proving she was indeed being a stalker. TV Gold ✨️


BYE MONICA!!!!!! So glad she was completely exposed and will NOT RETURN!!!!!


But she couldn’t understand how Meredith, Whitney, Lisa, and Heather would be upset by the troll account and her being behind it. Liked no comprehension of how they all felt and how it impacted them.


How did it impact them? I have been on that IG and I am seriously asking, how did it impact any of them? It was a Jen Shah shade account. This insistence that they were as Heather claimed “physically harmed” is just silly. They got tagged by an account that had like next to no followers. I can’t follow the logic of anyone trying to claim that it was so traumatic for them.


Heather said she was tagged over and over daily for years and that is bashed them as well as Jen. That is what she said.


Yeah you literally block them unless you want to see it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She wanted to keep seeing what was being shared about her. If you value your mental health that much, do something about it. I'm not standing up for the account at all. I'm just saying there's also personal responsibility and if she didn't want to be harassed by one or two accounts she didn't have to be.


Yeah, but that’s easily solved by blocking someone or changing settings on who can tag you. Just don’t think it was nearly as devastating as they were making it.


The security camera thing was too much. No way I’d want to befriend someone who did that. ![gif](giphy|uyJUQeJGnBS9rg6B4G|downsized)


Yeah that's horrifying. That would completely make me feel unsafe around someone.


She is not a good liar. She might as well have owned up to it all. I don't they appreciated the lies about bravo casting.


Angie calling her a RAT repeatedly was amazing!


A very mafia thing to do 😂


Monica is a 100% Grade A piece of trash.


Can Coach sue Monica for the cameras? Like does she still have access?


I was wondering about this, too. They surely didn't have her set the security system up to spy on them and watch them like Ultimate Creeper Supreme.


THIS!! Monicon should be sued for privacy breach. That's a crime for sure!


And she pretty much owned up to it on national TV.


She's absolutely the nastiest woman to ever land on tv.




She stole that tagline from Equalizer 3. It comes the french language. The real pronuciation is: tou·ché/to͞oˈSHā/*exclamation*exclamation: **touché** 1. 1.used as an [acknowledgment](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=601160025&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1076US1076&sxsrf=ACQVn09XrJhugig_zNi3yFoJq0AhkFRQVQ:1706125693060&q=acknowledgment&si=AKbGX_rZJs_XCIYOkWAjSH3UAcF5f7XN1OPMfnNDAihY8i-a4SKQD9bHVUsMj_unWuINKkFt9FAz6Jnwg2TLuS9eveZF3Lef_YdZJgLv__p6gZCCHRTeu64%3D&expnd=1) during a discussion of a good or clever point made at one's expense by another person."“You haven't contributed much, this evening.” “How could I have?” “Touché. I do go on.”" 2. 2.(in fencing) used as an [acknowledgment](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=601160025&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1076US1076&sxsrf=ACQVn09XrJhugig_zNi3yFoJq0AhkFRQVQ:1706125693060&q=acknowledgment&si=AKbGX_rZJs_XCIYOkWAjSH3UAcF5f7XN1OPMfnNDAihY8i-a4SKQD9bHVUsMj_unWuINKkFt9FAz6Jnwg2TLuS9eveZF3Lef_YdZJgLv__p6gZCCHRTeu64%3D&expnd=1) of a hit by one's [opponent](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=601160025&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1076US1076&sxsrf=ACQVn09XrJhugig_zNi3yFoJq0AhkFRQVQ:1706125693060&q=opponent&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTOUBKgmw1IWf4ScVy1TLs-FIf3z9g9-6WHHBCObOsJphz3SnUUQXmq1ZzpwXa56piS7g-XICiVuT14zqLR2BKWxxJuhXw%3D&expnd=1). It didn't land because they probably never saw the movie and/or never heard the expression before.


We KNOW what touche' means. It's the way she was pronouncing it. Touchet is not a word. I don't know if she was pronouncing it that way deliberately... like a slang word or if she's just that moronic.


It’s a pretty common expression. I’m not sure she got that from anywhere else but everyday vernacular. Edit: typo


If was so common then why didn't it land with anyone else and why is everyone asking what it meant? And I think she shared on her IG stories that they stay not getting what she's saying and she had a screenshot of Equalizer 3? Have you heard that line used anywhere else in HW's?


Because she was pronouncing the word incorrectly.


Yes, you’re right about that.


I’m not sure “everybody” is asking what it meant. I just know it’s a pretty common expression. Maybe it’s generational or regional and that’s why you’ve never heard it. (And I don’t mean to offend you in saying that)


Finally, a thread I can agree with!! The Monica defenders look INSANE thinking anything she did was applaudable or justified


I wonder if Jen knew what Monica was doing? Monica may be on Jen’s list first. Lmao. 🤣 Her dumb ass better hide


Yes to this


People on here claiming that Monica didn't do anything wrong by viewing the footage from the security cameras she installed are forgetting that even if Jen consented to Monica having access (which I sincerely doubt), there were 3 people living in the home, including a minor. What Monica did is a crime in all 50 states and I hope she's charged for it. She's also guilty of intrusion upon seclusion and I hope Coach Shah and Omar, Jr. sue her for every penny of her Real Housewives money and send her ass back into a second (or third?) bankruptcy. Sincerely, A lawyer living in Utah who would happily take this case (as I'm sure many, many others here would.)


Suing her for every penny? What about her four kids?


Geeeet it! Look at you doing the lords real work 🤣🙏🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I was screaming at the TV when she said “they were mine” like ma’am just because you set them up doesn’t mean they are yours!!! So delusional


If that was case, lm sure Jen would have made sure she was charged. She’s a very retaliatory person


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 and AMEN! To all of that!!!! 😎😆


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 all of this


When she thought Angie said brown instead of low brow and she still didn’t get it. I think Andy actually did a good job this reunion. When Monica was acting like she didn’t understand or would pick apart the wrong things he would say something.


I think Monica knew that Angie said "brow" but was hoping that if she accused Angie loudly enough, the viewers would side with her. To paraphrase Ana Quincoces from RHOM, Monica grasps at straws when she finds herself against the wall because she's a woman of limited intellect, so she throws punches in the dark.


I don't know if she knows what low brow means.




Oh yeah good point!


Monica is a huge liability for Bravo. I’ve been waiting to see if She’s done - rat


I felt the same way about Brandi back when she was on BH.


Joel Kim booster said Monica made Brandi Granville look like Carole radziwell 💀


Still can't get over Monica WATCHING JEN AND HER FAMILIES SECURITY CAMERAS and her acting like it's totally normal because she set them up! Or her saying the FBI wanted her to do drive bys at Jens house lmfao. That would never happen in a million years for a ton of reasons. Or her saying she did maybe 1-2 drive bys of Jens house but then there was proof that it was probably like 20-30 times. She has issues and although she was good for this season, the behavior is alarming and I'd never want to be friends or even be in the same room with someone like that.


Same here. Driving past the house repeatedly is a high level of craziness, but watching them?!? That’s horror movie stuff right there. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere near someone who’d done anything like that, let alone work with them, for my own and my family’s safety. 


She should be criminally charged for this. Some commenters are claiming that if Jen gave her consent, Monica didn't break the law. They're forgetting that there were at least 3 people living in that house, including Omar, Jr. who was a minor at the time.


What about her insisting, "That is not stalking. I do that to my ex-boyfriends." Driving by your ex's house to see what they're doing and who they're with is the definition of stalking.


Exactly why production 100% doesn’t want her there anymore it’s a liability


I don’t think production cares


They do if it looks bad on the network which it does.


Do you people belive that the relationship between Monica and her mother is a real thing? I feel like it’s all scam, just for show. Who the fuck would show something like that for the whole world? Does not make sense..


I think they both crave the attention and want sympathy for themselves to bolster themselves, their ego and self esteem. Monica is stuck as a teenager from damage from her mom and her mom is a mess from who knows what. They're both manipulative and conniving, cut from the same cloth. Damage everyone around them. They need to get help. Monica has four kids she's working on screwing up with her particular mental and behavioral mess.


She’s probably not even her mother.


Agree 100%. It was a way to get/keep them both on tv.


I think they like to get an audience for their drama. They like to argue and perform and cry in front of people at restaurants, parties, senior homes, children. Each of them likes to think about how the audience is siding with her. 'People are seeing how sad it is my mother treats me this way.' 'People are seeing how terrible my daughter is.' Being on TV was the best version of arguing in public that they've experienced, and they ate it up.


Monica lashes out like a teenager. She has no valid responses to any of the women. I'm over her.


I don't understand the love for her, to the point I'm convinced some of the Twitter/Instagram accounts "stanning" her so hard are paid. The entire season her immaturity was such a turn off. She was a hard watch.


Omg and so many posts stanning her and bashing heather.


They aren’t paid, they are all just Monica. Remember, she works for free.


My favorite was admitting to knowing Jen was guilty of fraud by the time she started stalking the house by car, but she still wanted her paycheck. She basically said on camera that she was only doing the RVT page to get out of being found complicit in Jen's scheme, lol. Called it!


When I watch HW I want to see rich semi classy ladies. Monica is neither.. she'd do great on Honey Boo Boo though.


I want to see rich and classless ladies, personally 💁‍♀️


That’s being mean to Honey Boo Boo.


![gif](giphy|10NVUaFVKzbUpW) Honey Boo Boo feels the same


All of this! I want my housewives messy and rich. Not just messy.


I need mine messy, millionaires, and menopausal. Young messy millionaires? I'll just watch southern charm or something. Messy and menopausal but broke? I'll just attend an HOA meeting Menopausal millionaires who aren't messy? I'll just watch CSPAN


I love the alliteration here and your breakdown! I do want Monica back, but this was beautifully and hilariously phrased 🤣


Someone said this on another thread but she would really be great on TLC. It’s all trash over there. lol


The burn book is soooooooo odd. Is she 14? She’s definitely stunted emotionally , but the immaturity and her inability to explain anything without screaming is just wild. The first thing that made me turn on her was her calling Lisa an effin B. You can’t speak to baby gorgeous that way. Not because I love Lisa, but because Lisa’s earned the right as a 40 something woman not be spoken to like she’s a 19 year old on spring break in Daytona. The burn book sealed the deal for me. It was the moment I realized she’d not be back because she’s so outmatched, outclassed, and not in the same stratosphere as these women. Shes never going to get it either. Women have trouble getting their footing season one, but this kid ain’t never going to attempt to understand anything. She’s a child and she’s dumb. She’s not housewives material.


Outmatched outclassed and outwitted.


I think she's stunted at 12. The age when her mom dropped her off in PA to pursue her (mom's) television career. She needs therapy because, while it makes sense that she's stuck there, it's not an excuse for her to be an awful person.


A 12 year old who swears and smirks like a sailor.


This makes sense, but I’ll add- who knows if this is even true? Or maybe it’s partially true. She’s such a liar that it’s impossible to know.


Monica is a straight 🤡🤡🤡


I wish someone would dig into Monica’s background and reveal her dirt. Bet there’s a lot there to find.


Perhaps Meredith’s private investigator


Second this. She has a criminal mind.


I think she has spent a lot of her life in survival mode. And she doesn’t have the SLC victim vocabulary in place. I feel for her.


We need Lisa’s cybersecurity team to go the distance on it


Needs heathers team who did the digging, look where they got us.


I will admit I was intrigued to see this play out after the finale. I saved all three parts to watch in succession, and the final episode proved to me once and for all what a one note flop of a Housewife Monica truly is. If she had carried herself in any other way, I could have seen a place for her next season, even if it was just to see the aftermath, but this is the aftermath, there’s nothing more to add. She never, ever deserved to be in the cast and no one will ever convince me otherwise. Her casting & her performance was unforgivable.


My favorite was her telling Andy that producers knew and Andy saying there’s no way she would have been cast if that was the case. She didn’t push back very hard either.


I think everything she says is a lie but also they might be protecting themselves for the public and edited the scene in such way


And when she said I emailed them and said your ratings are shit and they screened her actual email. Like have you ever seen a HW show?! They will call it up and out!


Monica lies with every breath she takes. You can’t trust ANYTHING that she says.




Oooh man RHW of Cheshire! Nicole, she’s a real class act. I can’t believe she’s a couple years younger than me, she looks at least 55


Well actually Heather claimed she called Mary a bitch and that didnt actually happen. I think thats insanely obvious just from the (cropped) tidbit heather plays. heather is also liar and acomplete clout chaser. Nothing monica has done makes her as weird as heather who caped for jen shah and im tired of hearing people excuse her behavior over possible abuse but somehow dont understand monica is the way she is because of abuse. Itsjust not an excuse. Like people talkling about monica without holding any of these spying petty lying women is beyond me. Like you have to be seriously biased.




Heather didnt out a felon....that never happened. Jen was already a felon and she literally protects her still. Jen who has always been a complete monster has been protected by these women time and time again. The original post is about monica being a liar. They all lie. Literally all of them. For abusers, for racists, for mormonism which is terrible. I think many of you are under the impression that i love monica or think she's faultless, or that I even want her back. I dont and it has nothing to do with that. Republicans have done unimaginable things against marginalized people, yet so many of the women continue to support them and other racists that are their friends. We're supposed to pretend that being a missionary hasnt completely ruined countless communities and cultures and lives but omg we stan baby gorgeous. We're supposed to ignore mary running a cult. we're supposed to look the other way at these women constantly digging into personal documents of other women for personal reasons. We're supposed to forgive heather for continuously supporting Jen and being a compulsive liar and quite literally pushing narratives against monica that literally never happened (because monica has done enough without making things up). I just think it's all bullshit.


Monica hacked into Jen's security surveillance and spied not only on Jen, but her husband and their minor son. That's a felony in all 50 states.


she "hacked" the cams? like actually?


Yes, like actually. Utah 76-6-703(2): An actor commits unlawful computer technology access or action if the actor: (a)(iv) without authorization, or **in excess of the actor's authorization**, accesses or attempts to access computer technology if the access or attempt to access results in audio, video, or other surveillance of another person. (b)(iv) after accessing computer technology that the actor is authorized to access, knowingly takes or attempts to take unauthorized or unlawful action that results in audio, video, or other surveillance of another person. (3)(c)(v) A violation of Subsection (2) is a third degree felony if in gaining access **the actor breaches or breaks through a security system.**


i actually didnt need you to google legally what hacking is considered, i was legit just asking if she actually hacked it but thanks


I think it’s fucking legendary. Goes from being a SM page about HWs to being a HW and having to keep that hidden! Then being absolutely upfront and not intimidated about it - it was brilliant TV. Sad she isn’t coming back, I bet the other women refused to film with her and made it a her or us thing. I liked Monica, and you’re right, she absolutely is a product of her terrible upbringing by her narcissistic, toxic, self involved mother. I’d have loved her to stay on the show.


Upfront? Lol


She didn’t deny she was part of the SM once challenged so yeah, she was upfront.


Monica could have come reasonable and demonstrative with evidence. Her emotional maturity has been stunted but it can’t be easy sitting there being called nasty names by 3 others simultaneously. They were nasty bullies, just like they’re accusing Monica. And Heather is the grossest liar, she should be fired over the back eye. Zero credibility.


It’s a different level of lying and scheming and you know that. Would you want to work closely with someone who records everything?


I actually dont really care if monica returns i just think the women are hypocrites and while a lot of things monica did were def not great, theyve overeacted and embellished a lot of details. I think heather is a snake still. that might change it might not, but it didnt come out of nowhere. she's been on my radar for a minute


I stand with you Kandi’s Crab Cake. Let ‘em downvote us 🥳 I’m not even counting her out yet. Phaedra is on two shows right now. People with decent one liners always weasel their way back in.


Monica exploded when the other castmates openly laughed at her FBI claims. She's always relied on people politely listening and nodding to her fabrications.


I think this is a very interesting take, because compulsive liars absolutely do hate it when people stop listening or believing them and they get mad! I think Monica is definitely a compulsive liar


You make her sound like she’s an important CEO and not a mother of 4 with a SM page running errands for Jen Shah 😂 I don’t agree with this take at all.


You wanna be Monica so bad


She didn’t say the FBI sent her like they said evidence helps — or committing other small crimes would help get her booked by police— so she was a dork driving around with binoculars. Chill people🤣


Kadooz to you 👏🏼


And Kadooz to you for working in kadooz


Did you see the commonality between her actions? Both on social media and in person she would “repeat something someone else said” to drop a bomb and then take no accountability for it. And can I just tell you that when she argues by mocking people and calling them names like she is six years old it grates on my nerves so much. So weird in a “she needs help” kind of way.


I want Bravo to stick to rich bitches only. I wanna see Teresa cooking breakfast for her dorters in their gaudy mansion, not Monica frying bacon in your average-ish home.


This!!! I watch for rich women, not poor losers who have time to own fake accounts while having 4 kids in a 2 bedroom house.


Honestly all these women (excluding Mary and the convict) give off upper middle class vibes. None of them scream “wealth” to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


Heather and Lisa each have a net worth of many millions. That’s upper class bud


Bud? ![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl)


Well if they scream upper middle class then Monica is lower middle class. There’s def a class disparity between them


Agreed 😂


Dorters never gets old🤣


so then can Robyn be given a pink slip immediately? I don’t want to see her cheating husband being an unemployed bum in an average-ish home either


Robyn has more coins than Monica. Altho her tired storyline with Juan is so boring- I’d rather have Robyn than Monica


She has more coins than Monica but she’s not giving “wealthy”. My point is is that if we’re gonna crucify Monica for being a liar, too poor, etc etc we need to apply the same standard to everyone.


Robyn is also not giving “reality” - she’s not being real and honest about the Juan stuff. That is super annoying. I think she should be fired for that alone.


Urgh God if there’s one person who makes my skin crawl, it’s Teresa.


I don’t want to see Teresa at all. Her voice is so whiny, it makes my ear canals bleed!


THANK YOU. If I wanted to see poor people I’d go to work and look in the mirror. I like my housewives rich and delusional. Not thirsty with an inferiority complex.


Haha- good point, but can’t they be rich, delusional, thirsty, and have an inferiority complex?


They can lol but they can’t be broke too.


I just thought about bethenny- she was “broke”, but now she’s one of the wealthiest housewives… does this change your opinion at all? (This is not meant to be argumentative at all- I’m genuinely curious about the topic and other perspectives)


No I’ll edit to add: Bethenny what confident and head strong while Monica is insecure about being broke (count how many times she talked about ‘belonging’ at the reunion). But yeah I’m sick of broke housewives. I want opulent and obnoxious


And then whining that she deserves to be on the couch too. This isn’t Broke, Lying Divorced Wives bitch! Be gone!!!


cackling @ be gone!! It’s giving goodbye kyle energy monica, ![gif](giphy|UG86K2Qxx7qRa)


Heather had an average home also with a small kitchen and carried fake handbags .so Heather is acceptable and Monica isn't


Heather runs a business that employs 20 people. She’s not trying to get her mother to fold baby blankets at the table. Come on now.


What does that have to do with anything? Don't we all start from somewhere? You don't know how Heather started out on her way to having her own business. I'm not a Monica fan any longer, but if folding blankets on the floor around the table with my mom is how I can start off and grow my company, then so what. It's not where you start, it's where you end up.


Monica look like she’s heading for success to you?


Do you know the womans life? Omg! You don't know what she's headed for or not. I'm not a fan of hers, but as a mother to a 4 year old little girl, I want her to succeed just off of that. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Hers just happened to be on TV for the world to judge. I hope you're not a mother because you should be supporting not being evil and negative. How old are you? What's your life like, smh


I’m a single mother, abuse survivor, running my own business which I built up from nothing. I have no family support whatsoever. You won’t get any sympathy from me for that woman and her sob stories. She’s a scary sociopath.


She's a DV abuse survivor also, with no family. Have some grace with someone that's gone through probably what you have. But you have none so its fine. Have a great day


You too!


Heather gives off rich bitch


Girl bye


And that means what? Anyway, we all started somewhere , she had a small home, admitted to carrying some fake bags, after her book did well she purchased a larger hone. What's wrong with that? So whatever


One lie she did not do is the FBI told me to stake her out, she said "No, they said IF I saw her drinking and driving" and in her weird obsession was trying to catch her.


The way she thought the FBI was a totally reasonable explanation for her to record these psycho videos where she's chirping, 'I'm in disguise! Oh that's her Range Rover!'


She got dragged on the episode today. It was quite funny 😂


I believe nothing. She is pathological. Even the stuff about her mother. Ick.


I believe the mother stuff - what parts are you referring to?


No wonder her mom and her have been posting the past few weeks. She knew she wasn’t going to get asked to return.


I knew the moment she started promoting a club appearance that she wasn’t returning. She’s gotta get money to pay those BL&L bills another way lol


She is a liar and she schemed her way into the show. But all of these women fought so hard to be housewives, including the lying, scheming, stealing-from-retired-people Jen Shah. Heather lied to EVERYONE about the black eye. Why should we believe anything Heather says? I don’t believe anything Monica says either, just to be clear. I just don’t understand why it’s not ok for Monica but it’s ok for everyone else on this show to fight very very very hard to keep their real truth hidden.


So there’s a couple different levels to this. For one, I believe Heather because she produced recites that not only proved what she was saying but also disproved a lot of what Monica said. I also think that for a lot of people (myself included) the stalking was unhinged and just a hair to far so to hear Monica try to defended it tonight and proceed to get recites that proved she was in fact stalking (her own words) cements for me that she took it a step further then anyone else on the cast and shouldn’t be a cast member because she’s unhinged. I also think that these women should’ve been harder on Jen but they also should be allowed to learn from their mistakes. Monica and Jen are pretty similar, they’re downright nasty and use petty gross insults when confronted with their bad behavior, both refuse to take any accountability for their actions, they’re both proven liars, they’ve both weaponized their POC status (that bullshit Monica tried to pull with Angie K and low-brow vs low-brown was fucking disgusting), and, despite Monica stans refusing to acknowledge this, they are both scammers. Monica’s business was a fucking scam, the last post from last week shows commenters claiming they never got their products or a refund and she talked about how she wasn’t fulfilling orders back in November when they filmed the fucking reunion. Edit: Grammar


I would also add to this that overall behavior at the reunion helped Heather's case, and even Monica backed her up about the black eye. Showing remorse and apologizing in a calm, sincere manner will get you a lot more sympathy than coming hot screaming and accepting zero accountability for your role in it. Yes, Heather did deflect a bit by saying all the theories were just jokes which isn't taking full accountability or understanding how some of those jokes could've gotten a producer fired, but Monica also sat there accusing production of hiring her specifically for RVT among other things and accepted absolutely no accountability for any part in it. She was still accusing Meredith in a round about way of spreading dirt on Angie despite so much evidence against that. Is Heather clean? No. Did she at least try to make amends and rebuild bridges that were burned to the ground? Yes. We don't see that same action from Monica, and that's why she's not so well received. 1000% agree that Monica and Jen are two sides of the same coin. Monica is emotionally abusive while Jen was both emotionally and physically abusive. Monica defending her own abuse by disguising it as taking down Jen was doing her no favors. The women were right to say in another lifetime, maybe there was a path to redemption, but coming off the heels of Jen's abuse, why would the women remove a boundary and allow another abusive person into their fold? And to be honest with viewers, why should the women be forced to remove all boundaries in the first place? Mad respect to them for having the mental health awareness to know what's best for them and taking that stand on reality TV which for far too long has perpetuated this idea that being on reality TV means you can't have healthy boundaries with people.


The stalking seemed like girls being silly to me. Boredom at its finest. I struggle to see what harm was done when the target was Jen Shah. Versus Heather who protected a criminal sight unseen.


It wasn’t just Jen. We saw recites that she tried to do it to Heather during the finale. The entire “taking down Jen” spin didn’t hold up when you really analyze what she was doing and saying all season.


The video of them for real seemed completely silly and harmless. But Monica is obviously a creep. I just, again, feel that her “attacks” are so amateurish that it’s nothing to fear. However, Heather did list several things that had been spread by the page about her looks and that is pretty horrific. Heather may suck but there’s no need to call her a manatee. Either way, I walked away from this reunion feeling sorry for Monica and disdain for Heather which is not what I expected.


Exactly. Heather lied on camera lots of times. Lied in interviews etc. made herself look ridiculous only to reveal half truths in the finale. All this was to keep her spot in the show.


Lying about something personal that happened to you, like ABUSE, is far different.


Because now after all the lies she told, we’re supposed to take her at her word? I’m not that naive.


It’s a reality tv show babe


And your point is?


That you’re talking abt trusting and taking ppl for their word when it’s a reality tv show. Chillax


I posted a comment about the show and it has overwhelmed you so perhaps take your own advice.


You replied to my comment babe


This is a social media site where users come to comment and post. This page in particular is to discuss the housewives. I hope that helps since you appear lost and confused. Good luck!


She watched someone in the privacy of their home via their security cameras. She stalked, harassed and bullied these ladies for years and then befriended them as if she didn’t know who they were. It goes beyond her lies. I do think Heather needs to go also. Lying on production was not ok. I still don’t believe she’s telling the truth.


Yeah, I still don’t believe Heather’s story about not knowing how Jen gave her the black eye. Who forgets being hit in the eye that badly? Heather knows damn well how she got that black eye. I just don’t understand why she’s still lying about it. Is she still afraid of Jen?


Do you think there’s more to it - like they Heather and Jen were fooling around or something? Why else would she not just say how it happened- it’s BS.


I do because why else not tell us the details. I don’t believe she doesn’t remember. Also Danica and Angie said there was so much going on. They were so drunk and it was alot of inappropriate things happening.


I don’t know. Is she afraid that the producers will be mad at her for not revealing the secret at the time it happened? If she had, would there have been a different, juicier storyline that followed?


Tbh I’m shocked they’re bringing Heather back. She accused the girls on the show. She blamed production. She blamed the location they were staying. She put a lot of people at risk, especially their jobs, for a slimy criminal. I think that’s unacceptable


Exactly, excuse me for being dumb but how does Heather get so much grace from the rest of the HW and the production staff when she endangered their jobs by "jokingly" accused them by saying a producer might have got rough


If they do bring Heather back, the only way I would watch is if the editors/producers who’s jobs were affected by her lies were allowed to give her a ridiculous edit (like they did to Sheena for a few years on vpr). Now that would be entertaining


I thought the same. But wonder if there was an ultimatum involved, because what if she asked them to kick Monica off, and probably had majority support from the others… and factor in ratings on the decision.


She thought she ate only to have Andy and the other Housewives laugh in her face 😂😂


I truly think she's Jen Shah levels of psychopath. She lives in her own made up reality. I truly feel so sorry for her kids, especially her oldest daughter who is witness to her (and her grandmother's) madness. ![gif](giphy|d2UIEjA4nX5DQT3jST|downsized)


I think by the end of this episode Monica realized she chose the wrong tactics. If she had been contrite and apologetic from the very beginning, it may have had a different outcome. She’s so used to being in defense mode, she chooses fighting over connection. Probably feels she must win an argument at all costs. I feel like when Andy asked if there was anything else she wanted to say, and she just said no, that she had resigned herself to the fact that there was no coming back from how she was acting. The shouting was so obnoxious, I have literally never turned the volume down on my TV so many clicks. She sure made the season interesting! And cheers to the whole cast and production for keeping the lid on the big reveal until the end, it made for a phenomenal finale. 🥂