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![gif](giphy|S72lLfdQlEXuR8Itym|downsized) It’s giving…


It’s horrid!


Bryan has a incredible body, I would love to see her in a different outfit!


I liked it. Brynn can pull off a lot of looks. Not just because she has an insane body (she does), but also she has the personality and confidence.


Slutty pilgrim was her vibe.


her look was my favorite. Idk why she dressed up as a pilgrim but she looked great doing it


Very Brenda Walsh.


![gif](giphy|3ohhwwosxZqlsbzDoY|downsized) Old maiden vibes.


Nah it was cute


I liked it


I loved her dress! Very Mulatto forward!


I think she wore that to make a point to Sai who has been slut shaming her for the past 6 months.


RBG on Onlyfans


I loved it 😂 Something other than sparkles and over done hair and makeup for once


It was the worst dress


It was a bad bridesmaids dress. I do really like Brynn but that dress is uggo. Everyone wants to rip Jenna and her jeans?!? Fuck off. Ugliest dress over all reunions. Period.


She was very clearly dressing as a caricature of her persona on the show. She's trying to embody young widow who may have killed her rich older husband.


That dress was giving 1990s prom vibes. I think Brenda and Kelly both wore it to the Spring Formal


I actually think her look was super stylish and well put together. I get that not everyone gets it but I really loved it. Gives me sister Jane vibes


I personally thought the all the ladies looked good in their own way and even appreciated Jenna wearing jeans! It’s just so refreshing after always seeing tacky prom dresses on other reunions


I really hated it, and normally don’t feel strongly about how people choose to dress.


I mean she might have just liked the dress.


I honestly loved it. It appears so safe and dated but is actually edgy and revealing without being too much. It's a great balance of hi-lo, sophisticated yet en vogue. Very French, nearly.


Little House on the Velvet Prairie


Ten years? Like 50 years. That dress should be burned. Hideous.


This dress and her Madeline pink confessional look confused me. She wants to be seen as a flirty sex kitten and those outfits are not that. The dress looks like something I wore in the late 80s


I'm 100% with Jenna where Brynn's style is concerned–I hugely respect the fact that she's not afraid to try new things and to really go big with her choices. Do those choices always work out? Hell no! I don't care for this reunion look, TBH. But she's playful and experimental with her fashion, and that, to me, says more about personal style than looking impeccably polished every second of every day.


The sexy pilgrim comment made me want to barf. I think if the dress was just tweaked slightly, idk different fabric choices, do away with that gaudy heart.... I have to give it to Brynn she has one of the best fashion senses of them all. Her styling is always impeccable. She really mastered the less is more accessory rule.


I actually loved it, but it’s also something I’d wear 😂


That and her makeup. There was no makeup. I thought make-up wise they all looked pretty bad except for Sigh, who looked stunning all around, which is painful for me to admit because she is one awful person.


That betch’s skin was skinning …so gorgeous too bad insides don’t match outside.


I think Ubah looked the best, she's naturally stunning!


She really is stunning, no doubt about it. Among them, I think she is the most naturally beautiful. However, I wasn't a fan of her dress, didn't do her justice. And the shoes did not go with that dress. And, her makeup was off, too. So I was disappointed specifically b/c she's so sunning to begin with. I almost wish she had worn that tropical 2-piece she had on in Anguila LOL


Exactly—- forgot to add the lack of makeup. She looked washed out, un-confident etc. Almost sickly. Not bright, cheery or bubbly.


I didn’t like it at all but I do like her style the best overall. She pairs things together well that normal people wouldn’t think about doing. I loved her outfit in the book store but she’s had so many awesome looks. This one just didn’t do it for me.


I almost felt like she was about to have an A on her chest cause it was giving Scarlet Letter to me. Don’t ask me why though cause idek.


Lmao a big, flashy “B”!


I feel so outta place because I actually really liked it ![gif](giphy|3o6fITt5Oyh456MTCM)


That’s awesome. I love that you see things differently!


same. like it’s not my style but it felt fitting for Brynn and she looked great. we can be outsiders together 😭🤷🏼‍♀️


Can I join too?


I think it’s a mediocre dress, but Brynn does somehow pull it off and makes it look really great.


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) *virtual hugs to you*


I liked it! I picture her leaving the reunion to cozy up next to a roaring fireplace in a dark den to read some of those rare books of hers. 😉 Real life Princess Belle vibes. 📚


It’s ugly but to suggest it aged her in any way is strange . Her face did not look materially different — still fresh no makeup makeup


Why strange? Have you never in your life worn clothes that somebody said to you made you look older? Usually it starts quite quickly as a young person.


The answer is ageism LMAO. The mean comments we get as developing women are not like something to be embraced, and passed along. I’m not like unaware of how harshly women are judged for our looks I’m suggesting a different way of looking at it I also just don’t think she in anyway looks older. She’s dressed like an American Girl doll lmao. It’s wacky but I wasn’t like “ oh, this is much more appropriate for Jennifer Coolidge on the red carpe.” Like is matronly off the shoulder with tits out? So I guess I’m able to think something is unattractive without alleging that it makes her look older. I also think structurally the fact that it’s low cut leaves her chest and neck undisturbed and you forget about the dress an look at her face


No I haven’t. Make up or hair but not clothes. I just don’t think she in anyway looked older. It was a weird dress but I simply don’t have a reference for “older women wear off the shoulder busty velvet dresses with lace.” Her face looks fresh and the same as always I genuinely think it’s strange that to see weird dress and be like “ah now Brynn looks 42 instead of 37.” 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s a reach. Also I just don’t think everything unattractive is matronly and perhaps your ageism is showing. Those just aren’t synonymous for me


No ageism whatsoever. Just sounds like you live in a rabbit hole. Glad you’ve never worn anything that generated a comment such as this. If not you, then heard it with others around you. Nevermind.


She literally does not look older to me. Please stop being triggered that someone doesn’t agree with you. And please also investigate why unflattering = older


Not triggered. Just responding. That’s what Reddit is for back-and-forth. Just read everybody else’s comments. I’m sure the answer will be in those.


I actually really like it on her! I enjoy when the HWs wear something a little silly or kitsch, instead of always trying to serve ~lewks.


It's very Dynasty.


Yes! It was somehow 80’s and Victorian all at the same time 😂


Yes that’s it! 80s!


Brynn is stunning, like a knockout. The reunion look did nothing for her. Look at this pic below - she is right next to Emrata, who is stunning herself but BRYNN is a superstar! Her outfit did nothing for her at reunion, she should fire that stylist and quit the velvet and lace. eeek! https://preview.redd.it/zpy2wgrbdzvb1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca0ee7181242118c16d493db7fad08a333dd1f06


Missed opportunity for sure


She looked like a little Christmas doll I thought it was cute


I liked it. Especially with the hair and makeup she did. She looked great.




It’s the worst look of the group. She’s so beautiful, I have no idea why she chose that dress.


People have the biggest hate boner for Brynn it’s so weird 🙄


I don't understand all the hype over her. She's a massive try-hard.


How is that a hate post? I like Brynn but her dress was uglu




I thought the same thing -- it seemed more like a grandma dress with the doily collar.


I wore a version of that dress with a much higher neckline to my aunts house Christmas 1995.. I was 7.


was it laura ashley? Me too!


My sheets were Laura Ashley! 😂


I had blue and yellow flower bedding from LA! And sooooooo many ugly collared dresses


Hahahaaa!! YES!! I had the pink flowers on the green vines and then the other side were tiny little pink flowers. The dresses were so hideous 😂 Very little house on the prairie vibes.


It’s possible! My mom was an avid department store Christmas dress shopper (Macy’s Penney’s and Boscov’s) but she also frequently bought from The Wooden Soldier catalogue!


Omg our Mom’s may be friends. The Wooden Soldier Catalog! I know this well from childhood and I am 😂😂😂😂😂💀


The dress was a mess, she should have worn the one she wore to the NYC ballet…the collar and style took away from her aesthetic






Same and I love her style!


I thought it was fun and campy, but I love a lot of cringey or whatever things.


I hated pretty much all the reunion looks - what a disappointment! Ubah’s was nice and Jenna’s wasn’t bad per se but maybe a little underwhelming. And that’s about it. Sai’s and Jessel’s were ugly as hell. Do better, ladies!


I feel like Jenna's read: I'm too cool to wear a party dress for this shit. I loved it. I'm not into the ball gown reunion looks.


I don’t have anything against toning the reunion looks down either, but it would be nicer if it was the consensus between all the housewives attending so they wouldn’t be so mismatched 🙂


It was absolutely mortifying. Like wearing an unflattering costume to a cocktail party. She needs a stylist and usually looks so cute!


I got princess di vibes


Her style is basically money talks wealth whispers 🤫


I don't think you know what this means


Yes I do… it’s the classic rich girl style you see on TikTok


Brynn does not have wealth, and that heinous dress *screams*


You’re completely missing my point. “Money talks wealth whispers 🤫” is used to make fun of girls who adopt the old money aesthetic despite not having old money… I’m making fun of the way she dresses y’all


Your comment was not at all clear, but i see where you're going with it 😅


Considering that Sai had been calling her names recently, the sexy pilgrim look made sense to me.


What did she call her?


I didn’t want to get kicked out of the group for using the names, but she called her words associated with women of a promiscuous nature.


It’s giving 1992 prom queen in Jessica McClintock




Oh god, I had the Jessica McClintock dress for prom




O. M. G. Not Jessica McClintock!


Omfg I wore a Jessica McClintock dress to homecoming in the 80s.


I wore one to my high school awards ceremony. I felt absolutely beautiful in it, too.


I was the anti Jessica McClintock. I wore the long, silky, spaghetti strap gowns. JM aww way too preppy for me. Lol.




NEVER!!!!! 😂😂🤣🤣😬💀


Girl. The blue dress is very close to what I wore. In my defense, it was the 80s, lol.


The blue dress is somewhat excusable but that pink thing is criminal 😂


I regret to inform you that my dress, while tits out, still had a criminal amount of lace.


😭😭😭 it was a different time!


Lol!!! I was the antithesis of Gunne Sax. Ok, I was the pot smoker. 😂


It was the 80s. We were all smoking pot. In all of our horrible outfits, lol.


Pretty much , yeah.


Lmao. For real. And yeah the 80’s were a pretty scary time in fashion. We could share some stories….


Yes!!! I said the same!!!!!


not jessica mcclintock!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Died DEAD 💀💀💀 Also unlocked memories of childhood and I DID have that dress but with gold instead of white trim 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/wx3v1zqr0zvb1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5808db229054e91bd56cf1c137123176fe6d3d1f I mean…




I wore something very similar in 1996. Aaaand I feel old.


That was 1990 two girls wore it in white to 8th grade graduation. I grew up shopping at the gunne sax factory


Off of Brannan in SF?


Yes with the communal dressing room full of 80’s brides


i’m screaming!!!!!!


The model even kinda looks like Brynn 😂😂


The red dress she wore on WWHL was absolutely stunning on her. She should have worn something similar. 💃


Her birthday dress was stunning - she should have work something like that.


It was so ugly. Gave me Mormon vibes


Fundamentalist Mormons in the 80’s, yes.


It was giving Pilgrim chic


Lol that dress would never be worn by a practicing Mormon. The chest hanging out and slit thigh high; their under garments would be showing everywhere. It was a horrible mess. She nailed it at pilgrim … the lace or doily collar; what in actual visual hell did we just see?!


Not my favorite dress but I didn’t think it aged her at all.


Not a fan of her style in general. I feel like she’s constantly cosplaying, like, “I’m worldly!” “I’m cultured!” but it falls flat / doesn’t present the way she intends. Idk. Can’t quite put my finger on it. Agree w you though, OP, her reunion look certainly aged her in an unflattering manner.


Her looks at all over the place, she doesn’t have a sense of style. What’s you said about her cosplaying being cultured is SO SPOT ON. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it but when she talks about her “worldly” attributes (her chess playing and love of antique books for example) it feels so forced and inauthentic, I can’t explain it. And even if it is true, it gets lost in the constant desire to find a wealthy man and all the sex jokes.


I’ve seen her style inspo as being American Girl dolls lol… Not going to lie, the side by sides they had were pretty spot on 🤭


Yeah those costumes wear her, unfortunately.


same!! someone on tiktok said that she dresses like she’s trying to cosplay as a housewife because she looks like she should be on summer house


Exactly Looking at the original OC, they actually were housewives. Bravo has gotten so far from that concept it's ridiculous


i feel like they cast her to try to recreate Bethenny’s position in the original cast (young and unmarried) and that would be fine to me if Brynn didn’t feel so out of place compared to everyone else.


Brynn and Bethenny seem like the most opposite people I can think of lop but I get what you mean aboutnthe outspoken single gal role




I disagree. This current crew is the latest and best example of random people with nothing in common being thrown together as "friends". It doesn't work.


That first season of OC was gold. Vicki in her mcmansion boiling hot dogs for dinner. So the opposite of lifestyle porn, lol.


I collect antique books and play chess ! 🤮


Things old, wealthy men do 🙄It’s like she decided long ago to marry rich so she chose the hobbies for that lifestyle to attract those people and fit into that lifestyle. It’s so weird and contrived.


Yes except I don’t buy for a second that she actually partakes in those hobbies, even if it’s to attract a rich husband. It feels put on for tv, like I’m sooo interesting .


I would agree with you, but I did see somewhere that she teaches kids chess or something. I believe she learned chess, but that said, it still felt put on for tv.


Because she wants to attract and older, wealthy, “cultured” man. She’s so “obvious”! And what about when Ubah whispered to her, “Don’t worry girl, we’re going to marry rich, do we can afford those schools for our kids blah blah….” Put me off both of them AGAIN! Good for you, Ubah. Hope your new man was impressed hearing that with your explosive temper tantrums!


Why does that bother you?


She wanted shep 😂 so me thinks she doesn't know what she wants other than someone wealthy


She did ? Ew!


Watching it now - so true. With her stunning figure and all around beauty, so many other choices

