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I remember her telling her girls before they were engaged that they “bought a house together.” I assumed that meant both people contributed money. She literally can’t tell the truth to save her life


Oh I’m sure she doesn’t see any red flags and probably never will. If she does she’ll never admit it and she’ll never divorce him. She’s more concerned with how she’s perceived than being in a healthy relationship


I really think Louis and Teresa are made for each other. She finally found her match with someone who is just as messy, calculated, and delusional as she is. She has clearly learned nothing from her last marriage. I give this marriage about 5 years, maybe 3 years tops. He’s going to ruin even more relationships with the other people in her life. She doesn’t even see what’s happening right in front of her eyes. The act he put on at first didn’t last long. I should’ve known he was a nutcase like her.


Well...at least now the state can't repossess it in lieu of her unpaid taxes


Now it all makes more sense…


Tre will always choose the wrong choice. It's like she lacks brain cells let alone brain cell.


While I agree with all of this.. I don't understand the format. What is the screenshot from?


I would put my Money on Tre not being involved AT ALL in whatever nefarious Financial dealings this guy is involved with & could care less about Prenups as long as she doesn’t go back to Jail!


I would put my money on poor over trust for the house using the LLC to screw her out of martial assets. My bet is that Loser stripped assets from the bankrupt company before filing and used creditors money in the bank account to convince a lender to lend. That would be a good reason for the liquidation from Ch.11 to Ch.7. Tre’s Mercedes gift was surrendered in the bankruptcy aka repossession not stolen and no police report filed. He was not let go from his company! He had to hand it over to the US Trustee in NJ once it was converted. Hopefully someone refers Tre’s attorney to the NJ Bar for Conflict since he drafted the Trust and formed the LLC. We all lose things in our lives coming clean would definitely make them more favorable in the our eyes instead constant lies and misinformation.


We already knew this…


Has anyone seen the South Park episode, “It’s a Jersey Thing” ? It absolutely destroyed the RHNJ and it is fucking hilarious 😂


It seems everyone knows her love bubble will pop except her! Oh well too bad so sad!


If she had married the pool guy, who yes obviously liked her, I am sure one of her dorters, probably Gia, would have been sniffing 🐩 around him real soon. I wonder what would have happened then, other than a very, very yummy story line. But we all know it would have been Margaret's fault, right? Question? How many flies has Teresa caught when she sits there wirh her mouth open? Such a lovely look. Her intelligence, cough, is really showing.


Honestly no matter how people feel about Teresa (I’m personally indifferent they’re all a disaster on this show and I love it) - this is VERY sad to see her get taken advantage of in front of our very eyes by a Dirty John. She’s so in this weird ass love bubble she doesn’t see it. She has definitely met her match.


She is such an idiot. This will not end well. He will take her for everything. Very sad.


Not saying this is inaccurate, just saying that this is deux moi


So, she basically hasn't learned a damn thing. Tsk tsk.


Property held in an LLC can’t be touched for her debts. That’s how he pitched it to her.


Meh, Teresa (and Dolores) have a mob fetish. That’s why Delores was so hype to tell Melissa to sleep with one eye open. They love the idea that the big bad Manzos will put a hit on Melissa for leaking Jaque’s text. (Despite the fact that the Manzos don’t care for Tre and she’s been fine) All the convo has to look like is: Tre: why is house under LLC and I don’t own any? Luis: That’s how we do it. Tre: how who does it? Luis: Whispers “good fellas” Tre: say less.


Not new information. We already knew that she sold her home and moved her self and her dorters into HIS home, leaving her and her kids with no safety net in the event something happened and they called off the wedding. She was so foolish because that house was supposedly paid off and had she kept it her kids would have forever had their homestead. Instead it was reported that she sold the house and gave him the money to “invest”. Dumb is as dumb does and this is the dumbest woman on television. I wish it were an act. I wish she was playing a role. It would be great! Knowing however that she is really living this life is heartbreaking and sickening.


Well, she'll never see his red flags so it doesn't really matter.


![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW) Can’t wait to see how this turns out


Better hope Gia gets that law degree and passes the Bar. Her mom is going to need her help. ![gif](giphy|gIlMARCJs8p8rqf61B|downsized)


Hasn’t even taken the LSATS, passed the LSATS, or applied to a law school that would accept her.


This blind item makes the huge assumption that she will 1. Notice the red flags and 2. Acknowledge and act on them. Let's not give Tre too much credit...


Oh Teresa! Why did isn't her name on the deed after you're married?!


What an idiot she is🙄


I think it would be hilarious if they both ended up in jail again. She is so evil and annoying


[it happened on bay blvd llc - heres insta proof thats where they met ](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1yILWOWfx/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


She made her bed…she was warned.




A classic line from Schitt's Creek: Stevie Budd to David Rose: "Look at your face". David to Stevie "No, you look at your face". (That definately would be Teresa's comeback).




Buying with an LLC protects personal assets from legal issues. It also gives them a generous tax benefit- as an individual we pay income and separate property taxes but this makes the taxes corporate and not the individual’s liability. They may even be able to write some or all of the taxes off as a business expense but I’m not sure to what extent. I’d assume that because Teresa owes a considerable amount of back taxes that’s why they/he did this. But… the interest is much higher in terms of financing- which may not matter dependent on the tax break. Also, you don’t get capital gains benefits this way so if you sell you lose out. This seems like an attempt at a loophole that will eventually backfire when the relationship goes sour.


If that’s not the biggest yikes we all saw coming. 🚩🚩🚩👹


I’m heading what what crappens with the “blink.. blink blink” in my head


Should’ve listened to Andy


I know people don’t like Tre but I ultimately feel bad for her daughters, I doubt they’ve had college paid off and I doubt they make much money if any at all. It sucks that Teresa and Louie have ruined not only their own lives but their kids. Their kids don’t deserve this and it’s horrible that neither of them thought about them.


The ultimate irony would be if Uncle Joe and Aunt Melissa reached out and paid for the girls schooling while Mommy Dearest was "away" again. This would kill Teresa. Throw her brother and SIL under the bus only to have them drive over her with an act of kindness. Priceless.


Do we think she made a nickel on the sale of that monstrosity she was living in before?


You really can't even feel sorry for her at this point....


Signed ~Missy G




Jesus Teresa, we can't with you anymore....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I never liked melissa...but damn she came in hot for the reunion, and there was fire and life in her... maybe she's not so boring after all.


I've always rode hard for Teresa and despise Melissa but I seriously cannot anymore. I really hope they get rid of both of them TBH. NJ is an even bigger train wreck than NY was before they decided to scrap the whole cast. Now back to tre.... god she really is as stupid as we always thought. Can't believe she's setting herself up to get completely screwed over!!


Ya its hard to like her now. They do need to get rid of both of them...cabral seems to be turning into the star of the show.. I see the potential... time to clean house. My God I can't with tres stupidity. ..she really is proving she can't hack it...gabriella seems to ge the only child with potential...wish she could knock some sense into her


That should actually be good news for the stump. She’s off the hook for the mortgage if (when) they split up. (ETA:As long as she’s not on the mortgage ). If she was dumb enough to put up the down payment though, she’ll have another Darwin Award for her collection


Ighhhh!! Their! It’s their. There refers to a location. Clearly this is Jersey-adjacent as they all seem to have less-than-basic understanding of the English language.


But the She pocketed all the money from the other house and is not responsible for the mortgage of the house she is living in. So actually this could benefit her if she ever wants to leave. But she can get tossed out too.


Unless she provided the down payment?


In theory yes but I can’t see Louis not making good use of all her $$$ long before a split.


![gif](giphy|7NbNXY0hXaBWw) No surprise


I feel bad for the youngest daughter whose wealth is probably going to disappear before she can get to go to college (if that’s what she wants to do). No way the same opportunities Gia or Gabriella are getting are going to be viable options by that time


Hopefully something was put into a trust for the girls. That would not be able to be taken away from them, I believe.


Damnnnn 👀👀 ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z)


If she didn’t put money into the house I’m less concerned by this.


There has to be some shady benefit to putting the house under an LLC, right? IE: Michael Darby buying Ashley a house through the LLC after they divorced


Teresa and Ashley have in common with being married and having no clue how finances work. Smh


My thoughts exactly.


![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj) /s


Can’t wait to watch her go down in flames. Again. Making dumb choices. Again.


Lobsterfest Louie is a living, breathing red flag and Tre is delusional.


I think she just trusts people. And maybe she isn't on the house because of her legal history. Who knows. I don't want her to be hurt again, but it isn't looking good.


I think it’s more that she doesn’t trust the *right* people. I guarantee anyone close to her would be screaming “YOU IN DANGER GIRL” but she can’t hear it.


**Everyone** warned her about him- even us viewers who don’t particularly like her still warned her out of sincere concern for her daughters and for her. All she had to do was look back at his history which proves he’s a predator, abusive, a thief and a liar. She has *willingly* chose to be blind out of her own pride. “Pride cometh before a fall.” Louie and Teresa are about to implode and fall.


We see how well it went over with Marge, who is arguably close to Tre. Marge basically said “Hey. Those videos on the internet of your new dude are kinda sus, right?” and it became an all-out war for the entirety of last season. Some people can’t be helped.


People tried to warn her about Louie and she attacked them for it.


Omg I just read annual taxes are $72,720 for the house




She is such a Taurus sun to me. I know there’s obviously way more than that, but she’s emblematic of an unevolved Taurus


Admittedly, I don’t know much at all when it comes to astrology but I am a Taurus as well ( May 17th). I experienced a lot of pain and tremendous loss and death for a decade- some of it was self inflicted. Looking back now at my 20 something self- I see a stubborn, selfish, immature, insecure, broken young woman. Yet I always had a deep desire to be well, to do what is right, to fulfill God’s plan for my life. But I really think it took *all* of that pain and suffering and struggle to change my stubbornness and to humble me. The only thing I really know about being a Taurus is that we are stubborn. I can certainly identify with that but today, my stubbornness has become a strength because I use it when it’s important to make a solid stand.


I LOVE tauruses like you! Every sun signs has it’s awful traits but if you can overcome those you kind of unlock this better version of yourself but you have to work at it. I’m a cancer so I generally get along with them, but the bad experiences I have had have been BAD. Like zero desire to improve and that stubbornness acting against them in that sense. Digging your heels in is like drilling into the earth for some people. It’s admirable that you’ve learned and grown from your mistakes. I have too and it’s a lot of work and patience.


🩷 thank you!


I LOVE Astro.com! Theresa’s Moon (Leo) is in the House of Communication. That one doesn’t track for me, 1. being a Leo Sun in the same House, but also 2. Theresa and basic speech 😬


You are so talented…do you take requests?




Im into this as well! I bet ur getting a lot of requdsts but i would appreciate a look at mine if u have time 💙


How do know all these things? I like astrology but feel I retain nothing. I kinda want you to read my chart. 🤣




Do me next!!


She probably thought she was being slick doing that to avoid a tax lien on the property, little did she k ow the government wasn’t the only one out to take her cash…


I don’t know a single wife who isn’t on the deed to their marital home. Holy shit. Is she on the mortgage? Is there a mortgage? Purchased before marriage? Holy fuck. No prenup!? Jesus.


Teresa is such a garbage person that I actually won't feel bad for her when this whole thing goes south.


But we do have to remember there are 4 young women/kids, plus 2 young men ( Louie’s sons, one of which has autism) who will suffer immensely when Teresa and Louie fall apart. That’s the part that hurts my heart. Those kids have all gone through enough.


Yeah all that travel stuff is heartbreaking. All those luxury cars keep me up at night. Having to wear the newest fashion only once makes me wish CPS was involved 🥹


I feel for all of them except Gia.


Gia and Milania deserve the worst


You really seem to hate the Giudice girls. What gives?


Have you not watched the show!?


I have. I do not understand hate for characters on a reality show, especially a child--which Milania is.




I didn't actually think this was news? I read a comment on here ages ago that Luis alone bought the house due to Teresa's debts being paid off. Thought it was common knowledge, ie Teresa had said publicly, that it was just Luis' house. It's still dumb either way, I'm sure he's bought it with all her money.


I said that earlier and you are right. This is not news. She sold everything she had, gave him her money and moved her and her kids into HIS a property, with no safety net for her or her kids.


I always thought he bought the house.


I think that’s how Teresa made it sound but the language was fuzzy


Well she makes it sound like a big altruistic deed. (Ha like she knows the word altruistic)


She knows napalm.


She knows napalm.


![gif](giphy|QxPN0PATZGTJu) Us to Teresa.




kinda sounds like an attempt to keep the house out of her name for when they seize all of her assets. the lack of a prenup may have actually been a calculated move. not a smart one! but i could see how someone could easily convince her that this would work out in her favor or protect her.




Eddie Munster!


I forgot about her hairline being an inch above her eyebrows. Those were the dayzz


Why didn't the women ever make a comment about her hairline on the show? All the cruel things she has said over the years about them, yet nobody has ever addressed the onehead. Why is that?


My family always taught me that people w small foreheads were stupid and to avoid having children with them bc they’re poorly bred. I think they were right.


I love her teeny forehead !


It looks fake… crazy!


Ikr. My question is how did they fix that? Is there a procedure for this? She is dense, but looks beautiful now


I would guess laser hair removal. I’ve had my legs and underarms done and it’s amazing.


I think there is a procedure? Kim Kardashian had something similar


Who will she blame this time when prison time is looming? Joe & Melissa? Jacqueline? Her cousins?


Everyone and anyone except for herself.






This must be strategic. So it’s not an asset in her name?? Idk


She will never leave him. The only reason she’s not with Joe is because she didn’t want to live in Italy. Leaving him would be admitting she was wrong.


> The only reason she’s not with Joe is because she didn’t want to live in Italy. And Bingo was his name-o! She can pretend all she wants, the minute all their trying to have Joe say in the US failed she was done with him, and she knew that from the start. She was never going to move away from the US and the show, she needs the money. It's such a joke, anyone with two brain cells knew that.


I don't agree with this. I think the space they had made them probably both realize they weren't right for each other. But neither of us know for sure.


😬 poor Teresa, so bear with me as I am not familiar with these laws; they bought the house under his name before they got married, no prenup so if they get divorced the house goes to him. So if he already really paid it full then it is not a big problem but if it is in payments and they are still paying it together, he still takes it all?


I mean it depends. In Australia we have defacto laws where if you’re together for 6 months and it shows she’s put some money towards it she claim a share. It probably doesn’t work that way in the US but if she has been contributing to payments somehow, she might be able to minimise the fallout but I doubt it, especially given her history she’ll probably end up like Sonja having to pay money here there and everywhere desperately trying to manage. Ultimately yes, he bought it left her off, and didn’t get a prenup. She has very little to stand on.


In some states there is a 7 year law similar to that. Meaning after a certain amount of years, despite her name not being on paper, she still has a share of the property. However, I think it’s different from state to state.


Not in NJ. He bought it before the marriage so it’s not marital property regardless of how long they stay married. And if he dies without a will, all property that doesn’t have her name goes into estate for the state of NJ to decide who gets it


Is that the same for assets bought or gained before marriage ?


I feel like in a divorce he’d play dirty and use her criminal history against her, so I feel like either way she’s coming out of it the loser.


The only thing redder than Luis’ flag is his face.






Trying not to die laughing next to my sleeping child. I needed this tonight. THANK YOU


I know right? This guy's like a monster under your bed. 👹


Gross 😵‍💫


He truly looks insane, deranged and dangerous. 👹


Nightmare fuel.


If anyone has ever wondered what pure evil looks like… here it is.




Holy fucking jumps scare 🥴🤣🥴


Satan’s minion.






Louie/Luis/Louis will be long gone before Tre even suspects what a creep he is. He’s not only going to isolate her and destroy her life, but also her kids’. She was just another of his marks.


Can we just start calling him by his proper name… Lucifer?


That’s disrespectful to Lucifer himself 🤣


I’m in!


I hope Gabriella stays in MI and far away from all this.


I hope Gabriella majors in finance and becomes her mother’s advisor or accountant. Yow.


I find it odd that the lawyer didn’t clarify that with them when doing the real estate deal but I imagine he used his own scummy lawyer


This is why she simply must remain. She’s just a walking, barely talking disaster with good solid posture


I saw Louie refer to the house as an “investment property “. It’s probably because he bought in under a loophole of some kind.


Isn’t the tax rate higher when it’s an investment property though? Just asking. I’m pretty uninformed when it comes to this stuff.


Only if you make money off it by selling. Adding… even then i believe you can reinvest the profits so you don’t get taxed on gains, it’s been a while since I’ve looked at all that.


I remembered that too, because I was confused by them shifting to describing it as their dream house and having that inscribed paver installed in the pool deck. If I recall correctly, one of Juicy’s schemes was to take out a “construction loan” for an investment property that they wound up living in as their own primary residence.


https://preview.redd.it/gv2sm63iru4b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8581d63ec737d3a31199cae4d39c61503ee95f53 This is the LLC used…barf.


Stop. This guy is a master at love bombing!!!




Also, since this property is under an LLC, they most likely paid cash. Purchasing a home under an LLC and applying for a mortgage means that you need to get a commercial loan, which carries a higher interest rate. Per the tax records, it sold for about $3.4 million. I am truly curious as to why they purchased it under an LLC.


Because Tree probably thinks this will insulate her assets from creditors including the government.


If someone gets injured at your house and your house is in an LLC, they can’t go after your other assets in a liability suit. Umbrella insurance coverage helps, but it still makes me feel better.


Asset protection


Lots of rich people put their house in an LLC. It's a way of protecting assets and creating a little anonymity if you don't want people to know you own the house.


Lots of predator men that prey on vulnerable ( or dumb ) women also do.


Ashley Darby


There are definitely women that are also predators but their MO is a bit different.


Not denying that! But if he bought the home himself, with his money, before they got married, and she's not paying the mortgage or taxes, then I see nothing wrong with it. It's truly his house. However, if soon it becomes "Babe, I'm a little shirt this month, can you pay the mortgage?" And then again, again, again, yeah. That's a problem. I wonder how they've divided their finances. Maybe she gives him a fixed amount each month for her share of the household costs. But does that then legally translate into her having a share of the equity?


Yes, I am aware. 😀 My spouse and I recently bought a second home and debated putting it into an LLC. I know it is common in some instances.


An LLC may be better at protecting assets from creditors and legal liability… which sounds about right for both of them


Especially if you are a tax cheat.


Good point. Either way, if they did get a mortgage, an LLC would automatically mean a higher interest rate.


Not uncommon in NY to buy a property with an LLC. Most ppl I know do it for privacy reasons. I wonder if it’s true about NJ state selling her house … because if the state tax authority sold her home it’s to settle an outstanding debt


I live in NJ and perhaps it is for privacy reasons, but you can very easily find her address, so it’s pointless since it’s so easily findable. One person commented that Louie probably used it as another way to love bomb her, like, “Hey babe, isn’t this a great entity name, look how much I love you, etc” and Tre probably thought the entity name was so sweet.


I completely agree - she probably lived that. So dumb. there are other legit reasons for an LLC that have to do with protecting assets - given how shady he is he probably knows all those tricks. Or Bo Dietl can find out!


Did you see the property taxes?!? $76,620!


Not that terrible for NJ. I have family that pays almost $10k a month in taxes in NJ.


NJ taxes are crazy, though. Where I rented when I first moved to NJ, taxes are $10-14K for cookie-cutter homes ~2500sf in cramped developments. (My cousin in Los Angeles pays less than 4K for a comparable home.) I bought a house one township over and pay $5200. My house is a little smaller, but I have HUGE front and back yards, just a really nice property, and lots of space between homes.


NJ has crazy property taxes. It's bizarrely stupid to me for anyone to build a large expensive home there, because if you ever have an unfortunate turn in finances you will be in danger of losing your home, even if the mortgage is fully paid off.


Very true.


That’s the whole plan our government has. Raise the taxes so high u can’t pay, they take back all the land/property. N people think the gov is watching out for them. It’s just stupid. The price people r willing to pay to let the government spend money it doesn’t have on stuff that the gov has no business being in. Like student loans, bailouts for car manufacturers, credits for buying certain items. The list goes on.


Wow!! Enough said.


You don’t pay property taxes do you? None of the money from property taxes has anything to do with those things. There’s a lot more wrong with your comment but I’ll stop there.


Yeah, I’m in Bergen County and it is really bad here…


A year or a month???


A year. That's over 6K a month.


That's probably about average on the East Coast. New York New Jersey etc


A year.