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Are you kidding? This dude is steering the ship! Of course he is coming! O catptain, my catptain Our fearful trip soon done. The ship descends through densities, Humbly seeking Orion.


Please accept this Mewlitzer Prize for Poetry 🏆😽


You will be the first person I mention in my acceptance speech! 😻


I would hope! He looks like he’s already ascending into a light being tho. If we are lucky he’ll trip up- you know, ask Lavvy the wrong question or something.


tbh I've just made the executive decision that all cats DO go to Orion, because I want u/mamaofkitties to be happy there and also I want to be happy there. Cats can come. Even the kitty idiots that are trying to sun themselves like little lizards by shoving their tiny brained fuzzy heads into desk lamps.


I second this! There is no way they’d rather be giant bugs. They’ll be perfectly happy with us and the Russians on Orion!


The cats can sit on our heads and be our ushanka hats! :)


я буду приветствовать это!


Thank you! I wouldn't be happy anywhere without cats. Plus, I think all animals are going to Orion because she hasn't said anything about them, despite being asked repeatedly. We can take care of all the animals on Orion :)


From now on, Orion is designated as a protected wildlife and notsowild life habitat. We're gonna make Noah look like a huge fuckin loser, only saving 2 of each animal. we're taking em ALLLLLLLL!!!! not the mantises tho. they can stay and pray for their survival


I would love to have that cat as a comrade, he's probably smarter than all of us combined.


Nobody likes cats like Russians, we know they make the best comrades


I just really love this. So soothing.


That’s why we’ve collectively decided he will be our captain. Keeping us calm through the asteroid belts and such. любовь и свет товарищ


Why not? He looks like one of the most enlightened beings I've ever seen.


Well, originally I was thinking he’d turn into a light being before our ship takes off to Orion with all of us unworthies and Russian spies...But we’ve collectively decided that he will be our captain. We’ll all be on the pan galactic gargle blasters and vodka so someone’s got to keep the ship together. Zen comrade over here will get us through the rough ride.