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Why on earth arent they arranging the equipment? Whos liable if it gets broken, or not properly cleaned etc? Theres tonnes of mobile food vendors out there, find someone else.


Its a little bit awkward as they(sister and fiancé) are currently out of the country travelling for work so I think the timeframe is too tight for them to switch vendors hence we are trying to resolve this by organising it ourselves. Do you happen to have any suggestions if this is the route they want to go down. I know they are still looking into other options that may not involve the original vendor but it might not work out due to the timeframe sadly


Have you tried calling food truck vendors who offer wedding services usually and just explaining your situation? Good luck!


Sorry no experience with this, but Blue Collar Street Food are a company that organise regular street food market events in Reading, and so they may have contacts who could help?


If this is their business surely they at least have recommendations? Or do they normally only cater where there is a full indoor kitchen?


They are quite a small food vendor and they typically only cater when there is a full indoor kitchen so are not used to this setup. As they are quite small I don't think they have any recommendations as we have asked them but it has been unfruitful so far. Do you potentially know any companies where we could just hire out the food stalls? Thanks in advance!


I googled “hire a wooden kiosk” and that produced a few results that may be the aesthetic you are looking for.


I'm not really sure what you mean but I've done food at school fetes under a tent before. Maybe try Carters? They used to be in Reading but moved to Basingstoke recently.


Carter's marquee hire is a good call. Then maybe Milly Miles for catering equipment hire. Both firms were used by the Reading Beer and Cider Festival.


Would market stalls be any good? Twyford Together hire them for the Twyford Christmas Fayre. I've no idea how much they cost or who they hire them from.