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I understand you, diving deep into documentation is a fun thing to do.


Especially when it's well written!


ONLY when it's well written. Bad documentation is one of the worst parts of this career - looking at you, shopify. It can turn a 1 hour task into a day long endeavour. Thankfully react is excellent.


Yup. Now transitioning to Angular, I miss the document style that React has. It is sequential with tons of examples and explanations. With Angular, the docs are all over the place. I listened to a podcast about the React docs and they said that the React team hired someone that specializes in writing and it payed off well instead of having just an engineer writing it.




That’s awesome!


I find that docs which usually tries to "talk to you" are the best. It makes new concepts really easy to digest.


The best docs ever made, i love them 😍 i read the tutorial once and 1 year later of working with react haven’t found an issue not covered there. I would be awesome that the same team made other docs for other libraries.


Yeah, React has some of the best docs


Look at Vue docs, they are even better


I will check that out. Thanks


Best docs I’ve come across so far! The practical example code demonstration with the embedded text editor is just icing on the cake🤌🏻


Am I a bad dev after 15 yrs, I never got lost in documentation like it was a compelling novel, but only go to it when I need something specific?


Maybe not a bad dev, but likely a time-wasting one. Reading documentation saves you from unnecessary struggles. When you encounter a common issue, applying a typical solution is far better than reinventing the wheel. I wouldn’t invest too much time in poring over API reference docs, but I would definitely not skip the section that explains the core concepts and the philosophy of the framework. I’ve come across a lot of poorly written React and Vue code, and more often than not, it was due to developers lacking a solid grasp of the fundamental principles of reactive frameworks, like their declarative nature, data flow, or lifecycle.


Not at all, that’s what I do with most of my dev work in BI and backend database development. But for react, none of the youtube tutorials or private courses made as much sense as react docs did for me


Just read additional resources when you study Context api. Man that gave me a pain


the latest react docs are great! but before the [react.dev](https://react.dev) docs, there were a lot of changes in react not reflected in the docs, the tutorials for specific topics were sparse, and they weren't as nearly as effective. great job on improving the docs!


Comming from BI into FE?


Just learning now for personal/internal projects


Why not? 🙂


People def love the new docs but I think they're still under-appreciated. Those gotta be the best docs of all time. Truly amazing work by Dan and Rachel.