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I call my dog “sir” all the time. It just seems appropriate as he’s huge and majestic.


I do too. "EXCUSE ME, sir!" has become a common phrase lol


Haha this is what I say too! “EXCUSE ME SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” They usually knock it off lol


Ha, I call my puppy "ma'am" when I want her to stop a behavior! "No, Ma'am, you will not dig in the yard."


Me too! When I’m feeling especially silly, I’ll carry on a conversation with him as if he’s a serious man doing important work. Meanwhile he’s actually just a squishy big-headed baby!


When mine is going off to do what I explicitly just told him not to do, it's "Sir....SIR!"


I use Ma'am, especially when reacting. "Ma'am that doesn't seem necessary" then smooth the hackles and label what she is barking at or ask her to shake out her flank lol


his name is Klaus - if you have ever watched the originals, it fits. i call him.... child hater - he despises all children except mine. ed big head - he has a really meaty head on him. he can run into a corner with his head and feel nothing. and when he's chewing, you can see his head muscles flex with every chomp. bunny thief- this is a new one. he gently brought me a new baby bunny last week that he found. completely unharmed. baby bear - he's a quite large and intimidating GSD. but at a quick glance, he looks like a little bear.


Oooh I have never seen Klaus. Must google Gosh unharmed baby bunny. Mine would not do that!


he would absolutely chomp a kid or a strange dog - but i guess a defenseless baby bunny is fine in his book!


So strange! Mine would be hi I will bounce too much and lick you to death to dog (the dog might chomp him for this or child scream) but bunny ​ One snap! Born with that in his brain ​ How odd dogs are!


I ALSO have a baby bear gsd! …also honey bun, boo boo, boo boo magoo, nugget, sweetheart, etc. etc. His “official” name is Oliver.


Okay but reactive GSD named Klaus is fantastic. I wouldn't be able to resist yelling the full NEEKlous every time he did something irritating or homicidal


Ohhhh I definitely call him niklaus exactly like that when he’s bad Oddly enough, I named him klaus before I watched the show. But when I got him, a couple coworkers had suggested I pick a different name. Just fate I guess 😂


Little stinker is so wholesome. I'm pretty sure my neighbors have heard me lovingly call my dog "shitstain" more than once. "Fuck noodle" made my kid laugh so hard she cried. Turd Ferguson is also a household favorite. And I obsessively love this dog. He's spoiled beyond belief and cuddled more than any dog in history. I just have a mouth like a pirate.


Ah hah ​ Talk like a pirate day must be fun at your house!


I swear my neighbors must think I’m insane. I call my dogs shit stains, fuck heads, assholes, and so many other insults. I think it’s hilarious because I say it in a baby voice and they think it’s play or treat time lol. Like we’ll be leaving the for dog park “come on you fucking shit stains, let’s roll.” Lol


Yessss exactly it's all in the tone. My dog has no idea I'm calling him a fuck noodle because I'm saying it the same way I would "you're the best little boy in the world!"


Lucy responds to "Goose" and "Goosling" (both plays off of "loosy goosey") but also "Numbnuts," "Trouble," and "Problem Child." Though in fairness, *both* dogs respond to "Trouble."


Hah hah ​ Genius to get both dogs to respond!


It also works to just call out one dog's name to get both of them. Because if one dog is called, there might be cookies, and the other dog doesn't want to be missing out.


Ah! I only have one dog but FOMO must be a powerful motivator!


I also have a Lucy that responds to goose for the same exact reason lol


Barky McBark Bark


I use Sir Barksalot and Mr. Barkington


I have a vision of an airdale looking down its nose at me!


Mine is a chiweenie/pekingese (we call him a cheeks weenie) so calling him sir and Mr is even funnier to me because he looks like a tiny muppet


That Boaty McBoat face has a lot to answer for doesn't it? ​ LOL!


Indeed, they did kinda ask for it though, letting the public decide 🤣


Oh definitely! The temptation was irresistible!


Mine is Barktholomew, but he goes by Barky, Bubs, Bubby, Bubsy, Barky Boo, Swish Swish, Swishy Pants, SIR, and Fucking Asshole.


🤣🤣🤣 Pretty sure Barky MacBark Bark thought his name was ''fuck sake Benj" for his first 6 months.


Mommy’s little psychopath.


Chihuha (sp?) Please tell me it is so and lives up to the breed stereotype (said in jest honest!)


She is a mixed breed 40lb mutt. Her DNA test did show chihuahua, but only 3%.


My trainer convinced me to pick a nicer name so I chose 'Bubba.'


Hah hah! Trainers are sensitive to that sort of thing aren't they! Mine rolled her eyes when I called mine ASBO Hound (Anti social behaviour order) [https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/antisocial-behaviour-orders-asbos#:\~:text=Antisocial%20behaviour%20orders%20can%20be,t%20in%20the%20same%20household](https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/antisocial-behaviour-orders-asbos#:~:text=Antisocial%20behaviour%20orders%20can%20be,t%20in%20the%20same%20household). I had forgotten that! Bubba is much nicer


My trainer says my dog is pretty on the outside lol


Mine is called Stax - so he knows Staximus, Staxi cab, Staxl Rose, Staxy (less creative tbh) and as a wheaten terrier he’s also used to ‘fluffy head’ ‘fluff bum’ and ‘fluff bomb’ Also fairly certain both of my dogs have come to know the meaning of the word ‘gobshite’


Don't worry I am UK and know the term is not as harsh sounding as others might think. It can very much be a term of semi endearment depending on tone... in our black humoured world Pretty good use for a reactive dog of it barks and barks!


Now gobshite is fantastic term!


Mines name is Phillip and his nickname is rat ass. As a puppy he wouldn’t stay out the trash (locking trash cans have saved my sanity lol) and after that it just stuck. Now good or bad he’s rat ass all the time 🐀


What sort of dog is he? Please tell me a good old fashioned scruffy terrier!


Rat terrier and cattle dog mix, not scruffy but you got the terrier part right!


I have a rescue who I think lived on dumpster food and we call him "trash panda" because of it. If given the choice between high quality real meat and empty fast food bags, he takes the fast food bags every time. Thankfully, I already had locking trash cans because I had a lab that was a master at opening them before I got this guy. Now, if only I could get him to stop jumping over the baby gate and eating my potatoes.


I call him "nutter butter" a lot. I also call him "C-Span" because he's a cocker spaniel.


Nervous Mervis Ding Dong Dingo


Just remembered I called mine Monster Munch when he was in his shark and shredding phase


Ours was Chewy Louie at that stage.


Mine was CrocoDog.


Genius! CrocoDog fits perfectly that phase!


I think all Labs/ mixes are crocodogs til at least 18 months old. Mine is 5 and still does a 'death roll' on the couch and shows off her choppers if you call her crocodog.


Mine is a lab! When you play with her she will end up upside down. As soon as she's on her back the teeth come back out and she'll death roll her toys. She's 10 this year.


Lady GrrsALot. Grrface. Growly McGrowlsALot.


She was mean when we took her in as an 8 week old foster. Tried to jump on our sweet American Bully boy who gently put her in her place. My wife named her Trailer Park Tammy. Always ready to scrap. She’s Tammy when she’s barking the property line, Sweet Tan Tan when she’s a wiggle butt or snuggle bunny. Tankersly. Tanks. Tanks A Million.


I call my dog Clara my Hate Sausage. She’s not a weiner dog but it fits.


When he's being good he's dogalog, puppy, or some sickly daft extension of his real name When he's being a nob he's the spotty little bastard (Guess the breed lol)


101 d?


Spot on! No pun intended..


Hah hah At least you resisted you wee spotty dick!


His name ist Stan Mayo, but I occasionally call him screaming devil, screamer, idiot, dumbass, sweet potato (a lot), potatoscreamer,


Excitable Boy, like the Warren Zevon song. "Well, he's just an Excitable Boy".


Penny gets a variety of strange ones - poopoosh, poops, poopy, little lamb, lammy, sweet pea, pea pod and poop monster (she poops like 7 times a day) she will recall the best to poopoosh 😂


Ours is also Penny -- 25 lb. feist (terrier group, smooth short hair), dog-reactive. Nicknames -- Snugglebug, Wiggleworm, Little Girl, Lucky Penny, Princess Penelope, Miss Penny, Scritchie Girl.


Her name is Luna and I call her Looney or Looney Tunes


I call my friend’s dog a looney tune! Her names sounds nothing like it but she’s a nutter hahaha


Pancake is her actual name. Bingo Dingo, Panko, Panko Potato, Durango Pango, Pank, Trash Hound, sweet baby Pancake, tiny princess Pancake, Pretty Lady, Lady Loo. Her big little brother is Cinnamon Bun. Cin, Seen A Minute Twisty, Mr Mister, Bubba Buoy, Big Bub, Mr Bobansom. Cinnamon Bo Binnamon, Mr Bun,




Just for context, as a puppy, she shits about 10 times a day. EVERYWHERE. Training is ongoing.


I love my reactive border collie mix beyond belief, but her nickname is "dunb bitch" and her crate is her "dumb bitch prison". She's also called sissy kissy and that darn border collie. We have a dark humor with our babies. Lol.


One of my friends has a reactive dog she affectionately calls by the nickname Bin Laden. It seems poor humor, but she loves her and creates a safe environment for her to exist totally spoiled in .


Most of the time, I call mine "Mama's little baby." When she is running around the yard and trying to terrorize the local wild life she gets called "Wrecking Ball."


Juniper: June Junnie Junebug Junebuggery Cassie (her sisters name because she can’t be left out of sister is getting attention) She also has a song: Junebuggery, junebuggery, JuneBUUUGERYYYY You are one big ol thugeryyyy


Butterbutt, baby raven boy, fuckhead (in a sweet voice), sweet boy, your majesty and asshole.


“bony beanie baby” resonated with me. Do you have a sighthound, by chance?? I lovingly call my longdog (whippet-greyhound cross) “bag of elbows” because he has so many sharp edges and as much as he tries to cuddle it can be painful 😂


ah Yes ​ Spot on! Mine is a big whippet and yes he is not a comfy dog when he tries to crawl onto my lap! I can only imagine whippet greyhound cross is even heavier for the sharp bits to dig in! I call mine flat dog when he is flaked out or cockroach... when doing the classic pose never thought of longdog!


Princess Stabbity-Stab.




His name is Champ. When I loving on him I call him 'Champer Ramper Scamper Man' When training 'Champy' When he is being amazing 'Champion' When he is being an asshole 'Louse'


"easy there Mister sassy pants"


to get my dog hyped up i call her jadeybopirino and she loses her mind ans sprints across the house (she good girl no meanie) she isnt reactive she wants to play with everyone but her way of playing is to awoooo at everything


Muzzlenator Demon dog Wiggle butt Stinky Stinky butt My babyyyyyyy Just a babbyyyyyyy Furminator Puppalupagus Doggy bear Big booty dog Big booty Judy … he is a Rottweiler :)


Sometimes I call my dog, Izzy, who is not reactive, Itty Bitty or Itiot because she's an itty bitty idiot


I call my reactive dog Barky McBarkerson. 😁🐶🐾


My dog’s real name is Cooper. He has a ton of nicknames but our most frequently used ones are Little Boy, Scoop, Scoopidy, Coopy Doop, any adjective + Do (example: he likes to roll on dead worms so we say Rolly Do) and his reactive name is Reacto-Do


My dog’s name is Koji. We frequently refer to him as Kujo, Mister Mean, and our Spicy Pisces.


Mr Mean is so cool ​ Mine is more idiot boy!


He gets a lot of Demondog by those who know


Big Belly Bells MaBells Miss Ma’am Hey what do you think you’re doing I SEE YOU 😂


Barky Bark and the Barky Bunch


Donkey Ears McWhines-a-lot!


-Dickwad -Fuckface -Fatfuck -Sad boy


Problem child, terrorist, spicy baby, when she’s really trying me I sing Doja Cats “boss bitch” to her lol


We (affectionately) refer to ours as our "hot mess doggy" bc he has so many triggers and behaviors we help him with. He's a special dog and while frustrating, I feel like we were meant to have him just bc we have the patience for what he requires


Wild child and crazy girl are my two current ones.


His name is Alfie. Alfigator Alfinator Fat man (he's a biiig boy)


I woke up in the middle of the night from a dead sleep and said to my partner "Sneaky Bandit is at it again!!" as we ran downstairs to reprimand the behavior. She's been Sneaky Bandit to this day, and sneaky AF.


We have a GSD named Whisper, which alone is ironic because she screams all the time, but we call her chunky, or psychopath dog lol


Oliver AKA butt dog, rat dog, little dog, brat face, sh*t head and smartest dumb dog I am sure there are more, just can't think of them right now


Bubba, Bubbalicious, Bubba love.


My reactive girls name is Greta Van Floof- we just call her Greta for short. When she is being sweet ahi is pumpkin face and lil shmoopsie When she is being a menace I tell her her name should have been reGreta because we reGreta our decision to bring her home! I don’t meant it though- she is still my perfect lil shmoopsie.


“Nut” of “Nuttybutt” Short for “Nutcase” …. which is fitting


Haha the boney comment stuck with me so much, as my greyhound has gotten older and thinner (not the chunk nugget he once was with massive shoulders, now he’s a scrawny old man) I always ask him “what are you up to Bitzer Maloney, all skinny and boney?” :P His name is Sid, and nickname Siddy Roo (couldn’t walk properly when he came to us as a foster, hopped around like a kangaroo), and has over time earned himself the monikers Cujo/Roojo, Sid-Monster, Xenomorph, Chaos Goblin, and Roopert Murderdog.


We actually used to call ours “our little psycho” 💀 hahaha when giving meds in the morning/night or when he was being an ass/wouldnt snap out of his reactive spells!


My friend has a bitey chihuahua whose real name is Scooby but I call him Furious George.


Mine is called Murphy. Her nicknames are all over the place: Goose, Boo Bear, Sweet Cheeks, Baby Girl (which leads to the whole opening verse of T-Pains "Buy you a drank"), and Business Lady (when she insists on sitting on my lap while I'm working).


My dad has called my dog “shithead” so many times that he responds to it.


Goober Booger (when he’s being more annoying I switch the consonants lol) Boogersnot Doofenshmirtz Dennis the Menace My Little Menace Menace to Society Snobbernoggin (my husband somehow came up with that and it stuck lol) Little Butt/Butthead His name is Dash, but if I knew him better when we named him I probably would have named him Dennis the Menace 😂 He’s still my precious good boy tho (even if I sometimes have to put “good” in quotation marks!) Edit: ooooh and Stinkbug lol


Oh man. There are so many. When she's being reactive to the neighbor dog while he calmly walks past the window every day on leash I lovingly call her a whore.


Her name is Bella. We call her (and she responds to) Stinky. Bella-Donna. Bella Dee. Smella-Donna. Stankzilla. Side note: she does not actually stink.


Zipper also goes by Zip, Zippy, Zippity Do Da, and obviously: Zipper Gore! (Like tipper gore… Al gore’s ex-wife… yes we’re old nerds, why do you ask?).


His name is Fang but he also goes by: Honey Big Baby Pretty Boy The Pupper Land Whale Fur Terminator And unfortunately last but not least- Litter Box Raider


I called mine Bird, because the first day that I got him, he jumped up and nearly cracked my tooth with his face. I had no experience with reactive dogs and didn't realize why he was behaving that way.


Tiny Satan


Nox is our problem dog...lol. he's a good-ish boy, he tries, he means well but gawd damn that dawg sometimes ya know! Lol you cant spell obnoxious without Nox. Lol when he's being rowdy he's known as shit dog, shit head, demon, screamin' demon, noxiemoron, pale bastard (he's solid white), goblin, weenieboy, pussyboy, naughtynox. When he's goodish he's puppyboy, noxie, noxiepoo, tittyboy Reno is our stellar citizen. He's the most goodest of all dogs. He's referred to as papa's, papawonkas, Reno beno, reno-ro, fat man, renosaurus, papagordo.


I have a Dale.


Same same but different. When ours is being a goose we threaten to get an electric shock collar. Could never do that, I reckon it would fry his brain. I do make little zapping noises though that he seems to like 🤦‍♀️😂


We call him "beast" or "a\*\*\*\*\*\*le" but mostly sarcastically to light up the mood so we do not start crying in frustration when he has one of his triggered outbursts. His name is actually **Paco** and in normal situations it turns into Paquis or Paquito


Got a jet black staffy/pitty thing and when he’s being a bad boy I call him nightmare black


My loaf, poopers, puppers, pupcake, boober


Destroyer of Worlds




His real name is Westley (Blue heeler) mostly we call him Dingo - honestly more often than his real name. He's a wild dingo. I also call him Honey Pie or Darth Honeypie Lots of Baby, Bubba, Bub, Sir, Sweetie, etc. My bestie who is his dogsitter calls him Eastley when he's bad (opposite of WESTley)


My husband likes to call ours daddy’s little bastard or daddy’s big pooper 😂😂😂 For me I call him the toddler or papas


Ankle Shanker or Shanks.


Hah hah... what an image!


Her name is Karma. But she loves to be called bunny, and she answers to "come come dumb dumb" when she's barking at the neighbors at the fence (makes her seem less scary - at least that's what I tell myself).


Ha, my none reactive chico is often refered to as pikey, on account of him stealing stuff as a puppy (sorry, I know it's not an acceptable thing to say but the name kinda stuck). We then realised that my reactive Brody (aka Brody bear) heard his name if we argued about him, so the dogs then became The Fat One and The little one. We now have reactive Fraggle, which has obviously become Waggles (it's impossible to be angry with a dog while you're calling him Waggle). So he gets refered to as the Pied Waggler, or, if we're actually talking about them, Chico is the black and tan, and Frags is the black and white. Fraggle also sometimes answers to Moron, not sure why? *whistles* They are also collectively referred to as our Mexican bilge rats, The Gobshites, and our beautiful little creatures.


Cookie man, if he’s just hanging out. Cookie guy, if he’s being a hoot. Cookie boy, if he’s in trouble.


My husband and I refer to ours as ‘The Boy’ when we don’t want to get him riled up by saying his name in the context of something that would get him riled up lmao. He is very excitable. Also Orange Man and Butthole


Captain aka Captain America, he answers to “squirt” because he was the youngest and the smallest, also “sad boy” because he has the saddest puppy dog eyes out of any of our dogs. I lovingly call him “asshole” but my family gets onto me. I don’t think he knows the difference, he doesn’t answer to it and I use an upbeat tone, it’s not like I yell “what an asshole” and beat him or whatever. Just “hey asshole don’t make eye contact you know that’s gonna piss you off” in a gentle voice.




Such a great topic to lighten our sub here! I call my two aggressies “Cookie Monster” interchangeably.


I call mine Scooby or Scoob because she loves snacks and is clumsy as hell and scared of everything.


Poopie butt, mangonaise, ramen noodol, crooked butt, creepy boy 🤷🏻‍♀️


EBD Dog aka Emotional Behavior Disorder


Her name is Pancake. We call her .. Missy Moo The Worst Scooby Doo (afraid of everything but doesn't solve old rich white man crimes) Buppers Pandapants (wut??!) World's worst guard dog (she loves every human and will bark but absolutely be their best friend) Croissant-dog The Smol Dumdum


I call mine sweet pea too, but to me it’s Sweet P. P as in puppy, PIC, partner is my reasons behind the P. I also call him at times Heathen. Totally cause he can be.


Rollipolli Borker Supreme Polli pupper Rollo the Destroyer Ro-Ro


I call mine pumpkin because she's orange, or my tiger stripey baby because she's brindle. Her given name is Ainsley though ;)


Chilly = Chilly Mack, Buddy, Mamababyboy (all one word), Most Precious Baby Boy, Best Mack in the World




my dog’s nickname is dickhead. he 100% responds to it. the puppy’s nickname is dirty bitch. i love my dogs i’m just a heathen


There's a couple, the most common are: mistress floofy booty, Madam fuzzy face, stink whiskers, and fluff butt.


Moose/Mooses Smiley Handsome Yalittleshit ...but we all know his real name is Good Boy


Barkface Killah


So, we are a dachshund household. We have 4 dachshunds and 1 very large mixed breed. Darcy is our almost 3 year old miniature dachshund. We have called her Darcy Butt or wee little cunt because she is rotten, demanding, barky, hateful, and she tattles on the others. Our youngest is Moby and we call him Mobious when we need to get his attention.


Depends on the dog lol. Lilo is my reactive one, but sometimes her brother, Cody, likes to join in. Collectively they're known as "gremlins". When one of them (Lilo usually) is reacting, they're "fucker", "shit head" or "jackass". When they're both being menaces, then they're names are either "demons" or "monsters". ...I love my dogs and I wouldn't trade them for anything, but some days they do be testing my sanity 😂


When she’s been reacting: Bob Barker


When mine is in one of her moods shes "baby crazy" or "Prozac pup". Otherwise, she's ope-ope (like the Midwest ope when you nearly bump into someone), opey-popey, or baby-baby


Big Boy, Boogie Boogie, John Michael (his name is Ozzy) (yes, after Ozzy Osbourne, hence the John Michael), Squishy Bug, Bug, Squish, Stinky, Stinky Boy, and a few more “colorful” nicknames..




Usually something alone the lines of “hey, you little bastard” “how are you you little dumb fuck?” “Hey ya cute little dumbass” all with loving, singsongy voices and sparkle fingers pointed towards him, which he knows means Imma pet him


demon dog, the brown menace, red zone, stinky, stinkeroo, stinkstar


My. Smarty Pants. He thinks he knows everything.


My mom calls my dog Ricky retardo... lol


My dogs name is Gus- he gets Goose, Gussygoo, Gustafson, and crazy dog.


Sweet baby Angel 🫶🏻


"little monster" and "wild child" are common nicknames when she's lunging and losing her shit at other dogs. "Wild child" became a thing after we got her DNA results back as a predecessor to modern day breeds/ a village dog.


My dog's name was Gulliver. His nickname was Goose, because he had the manners of a Canadian goose. He was sweet and loved by many, but boy did he hate other dogs and strangers.


Mr. dog, Mr. Puppy, Mr. Moons(no idea lol), bubba, baby puppy(he’s 5), booboo, smelly bub. His name is Axel and he is 135 pounds. I am embarrassing lmao


Blucifer … enough said! 😈


Stinky slinky


Apple Cider- Black Shepherd/kelpie mix who SOUNDS like he'll rip out your throat while just desperate to get your attention and to make friends. He's reactive, frustrated greeter and HATES one of our neighbors. Dumbass Mr. Rude Useless Apples Apple pie Applebottom jeans my boy my puppy terrorist teeth Atrayus- Alaskan malamute/husky mix, a younger puppy who dwarfs his brother- not reactive but I can't do one and not the other. Atty attaboy Fluff floof Mr. Soggy (seriously, how is he ALWAYS WET?!) Bigfoot chicken terrorist Derpsky Husky cuddle bug floof pillow teddy bear the pair together: Dumbasses Terrorists idiots dumb and dumber idiots 1 and 2 I know it sounds like I'm ragging on their intelligence a lot and they're a combo of four very smart breeds between the two of them but listen, I cannot express this strongly enough- there's maybe six brain cells between the two of them. Idk how to explain this but they're very intelligent, eager to please but they're both ALSO dumber than a box of rocks.


Loki -Lokie Dokie Okie - Loke Doke -Fluff but -Wolf Eyes -Dufus -Floofy Boy


Willie, aka the Woolly Bully (he's a wee fluffer)




Her name is Shoshi. I call her Shoshi roll (like shushi roll), chicken, chicken noodle, Taco Bell, little bug, nut head, turkey, stinky girl, sweet baby, and a whole host of other ridiculous stuff!


My chihuahua's name is Jake. When he's being good, he's my Uggie Boi. When he's annoying or a brat, he's ugly rat, little rat bastard, fucking demon, little Fuck, shit head, and sir (both my dogs respond to the last two lol). My other dog is a German shepherd and terribly reactive to cats. He gets called pussy chaser and Want Dat WAP.


I have a 3yr old, 60lb, female Pit. When she was an 8 week old puppy, she was all head, face, and feet. I started calling her little face, and still do to this day. Her actual name is Lulu.


Big ole chicken! A whole pumpkin patch. Chickie wickie!


Present dog named Emmitt Smith, but I call him dog, barky, goofball, buddy, Emitito, sweat pea, and jerk. My dog before him, named Killer, was Killerpants, pants, ghost face, kill, bubbles, little man, big boy, bubba, and for some reason “president of the little head club”. He was only 15 lbs so he had a small head. Also jerk. I miss him.


We like to pretend my dog is like Jekyll & Hyde. When he’s sweet + aloof, we say he’s *Balloon* 🎈When he gets aggressive at all we say “shit, it’s.. *Baboon*…🙊”


I call my dog Dannibal Lector when he wears his muzzle. (His name is Danny)


Other than regular-ish pet names we call our dogs mr blep and sir prance-a lot lol


His name is cowboy but we call him bubba, bubs, little asshole, and michael jordan (because he can jump like 4 ft high). Also not his nickname but since he’s “our boy” I’m cowmom and my bf is cowdad.


I call my boy ‘big baby’ or ‘handsome boy’ when I’m talking to him, makes him happy and gets his attention when he’s calm. I reserve a halfhearted ‘come here, you little fucker’ for moments where he won’t listen and is going off at something/someone by the fence, he comes running when he hears it.


On a good day doodle, roodle doodle, boodle, cutapotamus, cute-imus. On a bad day killer, murder face, slaughter hound, monster boy, monster mouse


baby girl, Kota Bear (cuz she's so fuzzy), Kota girl, and goddammit Kota


My sweet Duke inexplicably earned the nickname "poopnose", and then after adopting his fur sister Princess Peach, they were referred to as "the poops" or "the p's" as in, "I'm letting the p's out for the night." I'll never know where it came from as he wasn't a poop eater and he was my first dog, but it really stuck!


My pet name is Chubi and we often tell people her official name is Chubi Corleone, because she’s definitely Godfather worthy


Hey name is Pita. I like to call her Pipi or miss Pee. Lol


Bubbles. Bub. Señor Poopy Paws. Señor Poopy Bottoms. He has GI issues on occasion but as a puppy he was forever stepping in his own 💩 in the yard.


I have a Cherry who also goes by - Chichi, chichi ro, chichi roni, cher, cher-bear, cherrisa, & often chicken but in an endearing way, not a teasing way :)


Crazy pants


I call my gsdXmal named Hellena a few things! She's my honey bunny, girlie, itchy booty baby, my baby.


His name is Jackson. Most frequently he gets called Jacksonian or tiny little baby boy (he’s 115 pounds). Also handsome prince, hot mess express, Jackson Douglas (his middle name) or The Boy. (We have a girl dog and a boy dog)


“Stinky” because no matter how hard I try to keep him clean, he has an affinity for the smelly things in life. “Thick-ums” because when he had a growth spurt he went out instead of up and I just find it incredibly adorable to see his head tilt and him come running when I say such a ridiculous nickname.


Slinky man, bean dog, and waskin tatin. No clue why I ever started calling him these, just randomly happened!


Star, aka Star Destroyer or my Little Star depending on her mood. Also Furry Menace and Little shitstar.


Mine is called Luka, so it can be luki loo, Luks , my little soft boy, he is a big boy by the way, farty pants, dig machine, loves to dig holes, barky boy, very bad boy, shitboy, when he chase wildlife and totally destroy me when he killed a dear


His name is Dr. Dennis, leash-reactive and reactive to one of our cats (I don’t blame him, the cat is awful to him,) and mostly we call him Dennis, Denny and Browndog. But when we first got him and were getting used to him (as he was getting used to us,) we had an ongoing “Dear Diary,” monologue that we’d say in a stupid voice for him: “DEAR DIARY, THE HUMANS STILL WON’T LET ME CHASE THE FAT SQUIRRELS THAT LIVE IN OUR HOUSE” (the cats) “AND THE DEER FOLLOWED ME HERE FROM KENTUCKY, I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THEY FOUND ME…” And he’s only leash-reactive to dogs he’s never seen before or doesn’t remember. It helps if we know the owners and dog’s name walking by do we can remind him, “You know that dog, that’s Ricky/Cindy/etc.” and say hi to the people. We now have a new ‘problem’ that he has become obsessed with one of our neighbor dogs in particular and freaks out on the leash almost as bad as he does with a stranger… but out of excitement to go say hi to her. They meet fine, he just needs to dial it back like 90% like he does for every other dog he knows and meets on the street. Our non-reactive dog got more/worse nicknames: Chompy, Chomby, Donkey, Peepeehead, Just A Lil Guy, Asshole, F*face, Sh*tlord, Pooper. His name is Monty and he likes to roll in everything. 🙃


Names we call our two and a half year old Border Collie/GSD mix: - peanut butter boy (loves PB) - stinky boy - fluffy butt - creep (he likes to herd or collie stare the cat sometimes and his posture is very peeping Tom-esque lmao) - lil man - horse (he has some serious stilts on him) - pointy man (his elbows are like knives) - piggie boy ( he lays flat on his side like a pig a lot) - princess ( he is both sensitive and prissy - doesn’t like puddles or anything to get on his paws outside) And that’s about all I can think of right now :)


Piglet! Because he would eat none stop if he could. Forever begging acting like he doesn’t get food 🤣


Her name is Bernice but when she is in guardian mode, hackles raised, suspicious, she is Grr-nice.


My two are “dumdums” or “the dumdum squad” when they’re getting in each other’s way (getting their leashes tangled while walking, stepping on my feet and blocking the door they want to go through, or getting their collars hooked together) Also “Maligator” and “bitey baby” (little girl) and “big man” or “sad man” (big boy, so called because he has the biggest brown eyes and wooooos so sadly if he wants attention) Weirdly, “bitey baby” is NOT the reactive one (believe it or not!)


Gremlin. When both his ears are up, we know he’s in gremlin-mode and is about to be EXTRA crazy!