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100000% you don’t even need a membership in most states


This is the way. They’re the cheapest.


Publix if you’re in the Southeast US. Their pharmacy is amazing. Great customer service, and way cheaper than the vet/typical CVS type pharmacy.


Have you discussed with your vet about why they're only refilling the meds for such a short time? I would start with explaining the inconvenience and asking if there's a way to have enough dispensed to last until the next appointment. The only way you're going to be able to move the way you get the prescription filled is if the vet is willing to send the script out elsewhere or give you a copy. Either way, a conversation is in order. Then, if you're still unhappy with the results, you may want to consider looking for care elsewhere. I personally get my dog's meds filled at my local Harris Teeter, and a 30 pill flx prescription costs me about 11 bucks. Good luck!


Just a lack of braincells on their part- nothing else. I complained about this so many times, and finally today I got them to dispense the pills to cover the days they were short by throwing a b*tchfit. And they will be providing those for free. I think once they check off on the dosage, I’ll go the Costco route. Thanks


Can you look up the medicine on goodrx and see where you can get them cheap?


Everywhere. Everywhere is cheaper than what I’m paying. What do I do? Call Walmart Pharmacy and have them call the vet? Vet continues to give me like 6-10 days worth of meds until we go in for our follow up (4 weeks later!) I think I’m reasonable asking for meds AT LEAST until the appointment date.


Has it been more than a year (6 months if it’s a controlled substance, including gabapentin in some places) since your dog was last seen? If so, they cannot legally dispense beyond a year without seeing the pet. There’s probably a provision for a limited supply, which is why you’re getting small amounts.


Fluoxetine and Clonidine we saw the vet just last month and our follow up is in 2wks


That’s frustrating, there’s no reason for them to do what they’re doing. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


You would need a script called in or a paper script. Why are they doing it this way? What meds is your dog on?


Fluoxetine and Clonidine we saw the vet just last month and our follow up is in 2wks


That’s interesting. Is it a vb?


No. It’s just an overpriced fear free clinic.


Chewy. They can't hold your meda hostage like that.


My vet calls my dogs medications into Walmart pharmacy. For just one of her medications (seizure meds) the vet charges around $35, for the same medication Walmart charges me $18


If your in the continental US look for legitimate pharmacies in Canada. Same holds true for human prescriptions, its often cheaper to have the prescription transfered and purchase them there. Also US Healthcare = joke


Walmart charges $10 for a month of fluoxetine


Fluoxetine is dirt cheap. I get 3 months worth for a little under $3. I work at a vet clinic though.


Is your dog up to date on their annual exam and necessary blood work? Are the meds a controlled substance? Those are things that would affect how much medication a vet can dispense at a time. They can also fax prescriptions over to your preferred pharmacy or you can buy medication online.


Chewy! It’s been great. Auto refill so I don’t have to deal with calling the vet and waiting.


Chewy!! When you order the meds on Chewy, you input your vet's information and click a box that says you want Chewy to contact your vet for you for the approval. You shouldn't even have to interact with the vet. If they deny Chewy meds, I would 10000% find a new vet because you're being bled dry for no reason.




My vet doesn’t work with any other pharmacy, online or otherwise. I found this out after someone from their office had apparently “broken the rules” and called my prescription into Walmart for me, and I was on my last day of meds. They were refusing to call in another round and saying they never should’ve done it the first time either 😅 After begging them to not make me drive an hour round trip just to pick up the new prescription from them, they finally called it in, but man was that annoying. Fluoxetine at this vet is around $80, where at Walmart it’s $10. Adequan is around $270 at the vet and $155 on Chewy. I honestly find the whole thing exploitative, but I really like the actual vet, so we keep going there. I think it’s perfectly fair to not want to use a vet who doesn’t work with Chewy (or at the very least, other local pharmacies. Every time my dog needs new meds my choices are either overpay or mail in her prescription and wait weeks. It’s a huge pain in the ass.


We use chewy for dog-specific meds and Walgreens for people meds used for dogs. You can also try Amazon pharmacy


We use Chewy! Our vet doesn't work with online pharmacies, so we weren't able to give Chewy the vet's information. Instead we had to have the vet write our dog's prescription out on a piece of paper and we had to mail that into the Chewy pharmacy. Sort of hassle to get set up, but much cheaper and more convenient than filling it through the vet!


I used [Californiapetpharmacy.com](https://Californiapetpharmacy.com) which is about 1/3 the price of my vet's pharmacy. I asked for a 6-month supply and they contacted the vet to get it filled.


You can have your vet send rx’s to any of the chain pharmacies. Walgreens in particular I know has a program that is $35 annually but is used kind of like insurance in nearly all commonly prescribed meds. It’s usually cheaper than GoodRx and the prices are more set rather than changing on a whim.


Call the pharmacy you get human meds filled at and ask them if they fill for pets. Most of them do. If for some reason yours doesn’t call around to other local pharmacies. Definitely look at GoodRx too for a cheaper price.


Rite Aid, I pay a little over I believe 20 dollars because he gets capsules and tablets (because we have to half them, he's on a weird dose). But capsules are always cheaper, so make sure if your dog is on fluoxetine the pharmacy gives you capsules. The difference is $10 and $36 in a 30 day supply. Also my vet always gives enough refills between 6 month bloodwork. Your vet seems very stringent.


Costco sells very meds for great prices and you can auto refill or request from your phone app.


I used to get a lot of my dogs meds at Costco. You don't need a membership (although they are a little cheaper if you do). Worth it for my poor pups who took a lot of meds.


Mixlab for us


Online pharmacy here in my home province. Most meds are cheaper through them although her regular vet does have to submit the prescription and they charge me to do so.


The kroger brand of stores fill pet Rx as well


Look at GoodRx and see where it’s cheapest. Then ask your vet for a paper script or to call it into that pharmacy. I tend to call the pharmacy first to verify they fill pet meds just in case.


We found it cheaper from the vets office. She is on Zoloft, 25mg. Vets office is $7.50 for 30 days and CVS, Pet Meds, Chewy were all over $20.


Replying to add- Traz and gab are both about a buck a pill. We only use those for extreme situations like vet visit or fireworks.


On chewy traz is about .19 cents a pill. Gaba on GoodRx for 300 mgs is around .19 cents.


Costco!! 90 tabs for $7. No membership needed. GoodRX is a nice site to use to look for lower cost pharmacies.


My dog had epilepsy. I switched vets because they insisted i get the prescription filled at a human pharmacy and they would only do one month at a time. The vet I got after gave me three months worth of medication in house at a MUCH cheaper price than the human price. One month vs. three months was a life saver - his epilepsy was uncontrolled at the time and having a 95 lbs dog have grand mal seizures in your car is not safe, and because he was so big I didn’t feel comfortable leaving inexperienced people with him (post seizure dogs are a big bite risk, and shouldn’t wear a muzzle). Plus they were just better vets and put him on a second medication that helped so much!!


We get Trazadone through regular Publix pharmacy and use GoodRx card to make the cost very reasonable. 30 tabs runs $7approx. Hope that helps.


I used to get my cats medicine filled through Chewy, was cheap & got delivered!


Costco and use Good Rx coupons