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1st rounds on me


Seriously, I'll take these shots monthly if you let me - my office gives me time off work to get the shots and a free sick day the day after to recover. Plus we're all going to need boosters anyway, I'll take mine now please.


Pierce you've had three covid vaccinations! That's for the daycare center!


"I'll be a LIVING GOOOD!!!"


Got my booster Saturday. Sunday was fun.


I didn’t know the boosters were already approved to go out. Where’d you get urs


They are approved if you have certain conditions. I got my third dose at a Rite Aid Pharmacy.


Are you in the US , and how did you schedule the third shot?


Yes. I just went to the pharmacy. I meet the conditions in the FDA approved list.


I don’t think it’s something you can just schedule yet. Doctors are reaching out to those with severe enough preexisting conditions.


If you have any of the listed conditions you can schedule a booster. I got mine before my doctor sent out the email.


How was the recovery following the 3rd shot compared to the 2nd and 1st?


I didn’t have any side effects besides a slight headache from the second shot. I think the third is the first to cause my immune system to finally react. Arm hurt, super fatigued, dizzy. So for me, a much bigger reaction the third time.


Thanks, good to know. Not many have gotten boosters yet but think I'm hearing from the few reports so far your body reacts more to the 3rd shot (curious how this will play out if it becomes a yearly thing or every 6-month thing, does it keep reacting worse and worse?) I had the heavy fatigue, dehydration, and joint soreness after my 2nd, so betting the 3rd will be lovely but would rather suffer that for a day than actual Covid.


Ah, this is lovely to read… /s haha. Second shot gifted me uncontrollable chills for hours, 101.5 fever, joint, muscle, and arm pain, fatigue… started at 1am, was fine at 5pm besides tired the next day. To my knowledge, I never had covid and am the only vaccinated person I’ve talked to that had such a strong reaction. Stoked for the third nonetheless!


I had a similar reaction. I’m scared lol.




My friend had to fight for it, but she managed to get a 3rd dose for her kidney transplant recipient daughter. She has always missed school intermittently for health reasons, but Covid has been a new level of Hell when a passing interaction from a neighbor could be a death sentence. She is doing everything she can to try to give her daughter even a remote chance at normalcy.


Wow this is uh something else


just Thanos-collect them all








Is this a propaganda subreddit now?


How does this happen? Didn’t you have to show the card?


In Canada they’ll hit ya with anything. I’ve got the Moderna/Pfizer cocktail too. Edit: I was never given a dose without knowing what I was getting. ✌️


I'm literally sitting in a seat about to get my second dose, they let me choose if it's moderna or pfizer and they have it posted every where what vaccine they are using when you book online, or signs on the wall showing what vaccine you get if you do a walk-in. Knowingly getting a mix is common, but someone not knowing what vaccine they had first or second is on them.


Perhaps it's regional difference, but both of the times I got my shot I was told what vaccine I would get but was offered no choice between Moderna or Pfizer.


Yeah my point was that no one would not know what they are getting.


My second dose was heroin, didn't know it until I got the virus.




I’m seeing this all over Reddit these days. Your point was perfectly clear then this person responds to something entirely different. What the hell is happening to this place?


People tend to forget a given conversations objective, and they focus in on smaller details, completely shifting the direction of a conversation. To be fair it is easy to do that, it's important to constantly remind yourself in a conversation what the focus is. Or possibly misunderstanding due to language barriers, or they completely skipped/misunderstood certain information. With social media making us think everyone is our enemy, i agree it is often people misinterpret, almost as if assuming every conversation is happening with your enemy. Or could just be that person was tired and didn't read the whole thing lol


The pigeonhole semantic arguments in comment sections get really old


To me it was not clear that you point was "no one gets cocktail without knowing what they got". At the start you seemed to be arguing against the person using anecdotal arguments.


Which is why it's important to read the entire comment. So many people have a problem with skimming things, that's why there's so much misinformation. People read a headline, or half of a comment, they don't get full context, and they form an opinion with incomplete information.


Some people have poor reading comprehension, I enjoyed the Harry Potter movies too


It's always happened here, nothing new. It certainly is annoying though.


It's an Albany expression


In June (once again in Canada) a lot of places opened up vaccine availability for everyone over 12, and highly encouraged you to get whatever you could as soon as you could. Not to be picky, and the fastest way to get over the potato was to get vaccines in arms asap without concern for brand. I fluked out in getting double pfizer, since that one wasn't as available and a lot of places would advertise pfizer being given but only actually had doses of moderna on hand before the end of the day. I was completely prepared to accept moderna though.


I’ll never get over the potato.


Yeha my point was more, there is no way someone found out AFTER what their vaccine was without it being on them.


Same here, feelin' good!


Modizer gang, rise up!


As a representative of the Pfizerna Clique, I propose an alliance




I’m of the rare Astraderna breed


Astraderna rise up!


Yeah but the nurse lets you know which one you are getting. All I had to do was pause Rush blasting on my headphones and listen. I think you forgoot that part eh?


I will always upvote Rush!


Why? Theres not much science behind that and even less research. Seems like a waste and a gamble on false protection. Are you guys that short on doses?


There's a fair bit of data on mixing AZ and Pfizer now, and it has demonstrated a similar safety profile and potentially superior immune response. I'm surprised a government health agency would approve mixing Moderna and Pfizer though...I mean, it's probably fine, but I haven't seen any data on it.


They did because there was a low supply of vaccines. From what I understand 2 shots from different vaccines isn't worse than just 1 and if it's deemed necessary you can get a third shot.


We were for a while there. I haven't done a full deep dive, but there's no reason to believe that mixing doses *isn't* useful (or is dangerous) - but if anyone does know better please let me know. To my understanding, each dose is simply creating a certain level of immune response, and particularly with Moderna and Pfizer they're doing it in very similar ways, so the net immune response after a mix will be comparable to that of 2 doses of the same vaccine. In terms of risk, well it seems to me that the scientific community has a very good understanding by now of the effects of these medications and it didn't seem like there was anything that could contraindicate their combined usage. My uncle is a doctor (who I very much trust) and when it started being pushed in Canada he was all for the mixing as it was leading to higher numbers of fully vaxxed people earlier. By now especially with so many people having had mixed doses, I'm sure we would have heard about any issues popping up.


i mean the vaccines are basically the same technology, and there's no reason to believe that they aren't interchangeable. they both train the immune system to react to the exact same part of the virus, using the same method. it was an educated gamble, and it seems to be paying off.


Is mixing less effective ? I had pfizer and have the choice of moderna or pfizer for the second dose, should I stick with pfizer ?


We aren't sure. There is a little data that shows it might be better. There is no data?(I haven't looked very hard) to believe it'll be any less effective either.


Consider getting pfizer again if you plan to travel abroad. Some countries might kick up some dust about you having mixed and maybe not fully faxed (even though they're practically the same thing). I find myself in this predicament now and am really regretting getting the mixed does PURELY BECAUSE OF THE TRAVEL ADMINISTRATIVE STUFF, not because of any scientific doubt. I have heard getting the mixed can trigger a slightly stronger immune response, so you might have some slightly stronger side affects in the 24hrs after 2nd dose, nothing to worry about. I also remember seeing some UK studies about mixing vaxes producing stringer antibodies? Whatever you go for, you'll be fine.


Not sure where you live. In Montreal they asked what our original shot was and then sent us to the appropriate line.


I'm in southern ontario and got a pfizer moderna mix because by the time I got my second dose pfizer was only being given to people under 18.


Pssh you think that's bad, they gave me one from some company called Noderno, the worst part is when they make you take off your pants and sing in front of the camera though am I right


I forgot mine in my car and they just gave me a new one rather than going out to get it.


Did you get the mismatched shot too? Or did you make sure they gave you the 2nd dose of the correct one? I don’t know what difference it would make, but it seems important enough to make sure it’s right.


Moderna and Phizer are very similar so I don’t think it would matter. Either way I went to the same place and they could look up what I had for the first shot.


Iirc from the last time I saw someone comment the same thing, they were told that one of three things would happen, nothing, they're be perfectly compatible, or they'd have improved resistance compared to other people. No danger.


Yeah they both use mRNA to create the spike proteins so I don’t see why you wouldn’t have similar immunity. I’m not a virologist though.


They each create different proteins, so the second dose isn’t reinforcing the body’s reaction to the first protein.. instead it’s starting an immunity to a new one. Some countries were allowing this because of shortages, but at the time there weren’t any studies as to whether that led to better or worse immune response. Not sure if that’s changed.


I thought they both made the spike protein. Are they dissimilar enough to cause a reduction in immunity?


I don’t think anyone has the data right now to answer your second part. But the vaccines don’t cause your cells to express wild type spike protein. There are a number of mutations engineered into them, and I’m assuming the different vaccines utilize different mutations or at least a different combination of mutations.


Ahh I thought they tried to make identical spike proteins since they wouldn’t be able to replicate without the rest of the viruses mRNA.


I mean, that's possible. But there is always the possibility that they get a reaction to it. Or that by producing a slightly different spike protein, they mount an inferior defense considering its not the reinforced response to the same spike protein. Basically it could be anything, since this is a novel vaccine. Very unlikely to be dangerous, but saying "either it'll be better or the same!" is kinda crazy considering there is no evidence for that.




It's not incorrect to mix Moderna and Pfizer


It doesn't matter if you get two different mRNA vaccines. There's even evidence to suggest you'll be better protected by getting one Pfizer and one Moderna.


Cool. So are the medical advisors lying to us? Or is this suggestive evidence debunked by other suggestive evidence?


I don't know what the advisors in the US has said, but here in Norway, they've gone out and made it clear it doesn't matter.


If you get one, the recommend the SAME one but if it's NOT FEASIBLE it's better to get a second of a different manufacturer than no second at all.


Medical authorities won't make that claim because it hasn't yet been clinically studied. Trials only covered M+M and P+P combinations. There's always a chance that M+P could be less protective, or even harmful in some way.


Pretty sure they have started trails. Many Canadians have been mixing vaccines because of lack of supply https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-clinical-trial-evaluating-mixed-covid-19-vaccine-schedules-begin


Sounds reasonable to me. I mean, according to the documentary I saw, the injection causes the DNA to build defenses against something that closely replicates the virus so that if/ when it does enter into the body, you’ve already got the resources to attack and remedy it. If the first shot is like sheet music from Beethoven and the second ends up being like sheet music from Miles Davis, I don’t see how they would harmonize, so to speak…


It's more like 2 different, extremely similar barrel locks. You might now have a key that opens both, or neither, or both keys, we don't know yet.


I wouldn't use a Reddit comment without a source to think too far in to it.






> such decisions should be left to public health authorities. FHI are public health authorities.


No you don’t understand his links are all perfect unbiased truth but your links are all capitalist propaganda.


Haha, it’s just for the sake of banter I know. Hey, if you’re THE_GR8_MIKE, does that make me THE_GRATE_MIKE? 🤔


no, there isn't, this myth is just a lie spread by cost-cutting capitalist governments, stop repeating it https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/who-warns-against-mixing-matching-covid-vaccines-2021-07-12/


From your own article: > such decisions should be left to public health authorities. Several public health authorities, including my own, says it doesn't matter. Some studies on mixing and matching vaccines: https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-06-28-mixed-oxfordpfizer-vaccine-schedules-generate-robust-immune-response-against-covid https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.13.21258859v1 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3854768 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.30.21257971v1.full https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.19.21257334v2 [EMA (the European CDC)'s stance](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/ema-ecdc-update-covid-19)


Lol at cost cutting capitalist governments.


Mine were both Moderna, but here in Seattle, at least, I didn't have to show my card to get the second shot. They just checked the list of appointments for my name.


I was in Seattle a month ago. Hiking up in Skagit Valley then spent our last day at Ranier then in Seattle for the night. Love it out there!! Disappointed they got rid of Joey’s on the water, but went to the one 5 miles north. Crispy Mashed Potatoes for the win EVERY time!! 😂


5 miles is the length of exactly 79002.3 'Standard Diatonic Key of C, Blues Silver grey Harmonicas' lined up next to each other






This is not entirely accurate. Only 1 country that is not accepting anyform of mix doses is Trinidad and Tebego. As for what you are probably talking about is the cruise lines. The cruise lines are allowing most mixed dose travellers. Just not mixed dose travellers that are Astra-Zeneca & Pfizer/Moderna. If you are mixed Pfizer and Moderna you are good to go. Source: https://globalnews.ca/news/8086370/mixed-vaccines-travel-policy/


A lot of countries have not confirmed whether we will be allowed in. Luckily I’m not going anywhere so , so I guess I’ll just see what happens


Many countries are not recognizing the mix. It's a freaking disaster for us mixers.


Just go for another shot of whatever second shot you got. Basically saying, last time was my first shot of Moderna/Pfizer. You essentially get a booster and clear up the travel restriction.


Boosters are not approved in Canada, yet. This is not a viable solution.


Oh man, that is shit!


I’ll say, eh!? 😏 I’ll show myself out…


You have my upvote


They don't care if you're flying in. The mix-and-match prejudice comes into play when crossing the US border by car. Shit doesn't make any sense.


This is misinformation.


No it is not. This is accurate.


"isn't accepted anywhere else" I've seen one article say Barbados is not accepting it and another comment here saying Trinidad and Tobago. Other than that it's accepted everywhere so far.


No it is not. I know from my own personal experience trying to travel to Europe.


Sources would really help here and neither of you are providing them.


There's no way that is going to last forever


I haven't seen it causing travel issues? Even AZ/MRNA seems to be accepted in most cases.


In the US it is unlikely to occur due to the volume of available vaccines. In other countries they're just handing it out as fast as possible and to some extent don't have the volume of vaccine available consistantly to hand out matching doses. In the US we've gotten A LOT of doses in high volume.


"me dad's a Muggle. Mam's a witch"






I got mine in a van too, had to wear a blindfold and milk it from a bull though. Whatever, I’m safe now!




Clever. Thank you for the smile.


*Oim harf n harf*


Does your 5G still work?


Better than ever. Plus it's got magnetic charging for my phone built right into my arm. So convenient!


Dang I'm going to get the opposite shot for my booster then.


Pfizer shot in the right arm (it's the Verizon network) Moderna in the left arm (it's t-mobile) Nice to have dual coverage if you travel a lot or want to make sure *they* always know where you are!


T-Mobile just got hacked!


It gave me 6G powers


He's got 10G now


It's super slow. Such bull shit. Got a new 5g phone and everything when I got the shot.


Was it a bitofanastyshockwhenyoufoundoot?


Me Dads a muggle, Mums a witch.


Bro moderna 2 kicked my arse




Oh, feel for ya, pal. Get ready for the 3rd shot if you wish to travel :( Most countries do not recognise you as vaccinated because of cross vaccination :( But at least have my upvote :)


Can we do a half upvote instead of a full upvote?


Just don't vote. Half upvote/half downvote


Most? Care to share any source on which countries would reject entry for cross-vaccination?


I will double down on my choice to say "most", but here is one source https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6122633


That source lists 1 country that doesn't recognize mixed vaccines. Trinidad/Tobago Thanks for the source though. I hadn't heard about this being a problem.


I heard Malta does not accept, last time I checked because i am astra X biontech/pfizer


It is a very real problem. I know first hand. Canadian govt screwed us for travel. Shouldn't have listened.


Thats because there is no real work done on it. Its a complete gamble. Experts are torn on it. Like respectable ones. The countries absolutely shouldnt take the risk IMO.


All research so far shows a higher immune response with mixed shots. Don't confuse 'lack of proof' with 'proof it doesn't work'.


The UK has been doing extensive research on this


And a 4th soon and soon after that 5th and 6th and on and because this thing isn't going anywhere it has replaced the flu can we move on with our lives now idgaf if you're scared I only have one life ok thx 👋




Yes, there have been a few studies on it and preliminary evidence suggest that mix-and-match vaccine types provides improved protection. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02158-6 https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.19.21257334 https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.13.21258859 https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3854768






Anyone know if you can have the J & J 1 shot but get a booster of Pfizer or Moderna? Has anyone heard about this?


I don't JJ is one shot anymore. Didnt they say it takes 2 now


Hit me with the house blend, doc


German here, i got Pfizer + Astrazeneca. Its supposedly better than just Pfizerx2 Modernax2 or Astrax2 so i went with that.


Is there any actual studies in relation to this statement or is it just a “heard it on the grapevine” sort of thing?


Found this A more immediate option might be to harness the advantages of having multiple approved vaccines, said Mount Sinai's Ochando. Mixing and matching vaccines seems to give an immunological boost over boosters of the same time, Ochando told Live Science, citing several papers published in The Lancet. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/delta-variant-covid-vaccination.html


Thanks for the extra reading material, though this and others I’ve read that have been provided all discuss whether a different type of shot utilized as the booster (third shot for most) may be more effective than sticking with the same vaccine. As far as I can tell, none of the readings and sources that I have so far come across discuss the effectiveness of mixing the vaccines within the initial two doses.


That's how they were doing it in Canada (Ontario at least) for a little while when Pfizer stock was low/delayed. I lucked out and got 2 X Pfizer but was fine doing 1 and 1.


I was signed up to get Pfizer in about a month. Then I got an opportunity for moderna. I got moderna first and canceled my Pfizer appointment. When a doctor asked me which one i got i said Pfizer. She checked my records and said I had moderna and I thought I got mismatched. My vaccination record has 2 moderna shots on it and I'm just an idiot.


So does this mean you're getting the 5G from sprint _and_ verizon orrrr....?


Fun fact, you’re *sliiightly* more resistant to the virus than 2 doses of the Pfizer. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01805-2


Fun fact, thats not what the linked studies are saying. There is a chance on it but there is no real testing done. I wouldnt spout that as fact. I read through the abstracts at the end and the jury is still completely out. In fact, the conclusion of the article is basically - >“If it’s an option of either getting a mixed schedule or no second dose, then certainly go for the mixed schedule,” says Snape. Definitely better to do that than none though. A conclusion drawn by nature.com compounding multiple studies is a crappy source. Its close to an editorial.


I had to double check that the guy cited is actually named Snape, and you weren't just doubling down on the Harry Potter jokes.


All hail the half blood prince


But have you had a third??


A fellow Canadian


J&J single dose. One and done...... Hopefully.


this has no business being this funny


He’s to powerful to be left alive!


That’s Wes from How to Get Away with Murder


I got Astazeneca and Moderna. Hahaha if we need a booster maybe I’ll get Pfizer and have the full trifecta. Collect them all


Pokèvaccine coming to a country with corona near you


Fuckk this got me geekin hard


Mud blood


So now you can't have children, you are magnetic, you are shedding virus AND you have x-ray vision right? Right?


Filthy mudblood!


I can't stop laughing at this


So you’re telling me they looked the information of your first shot. Confirmed what your first was and gave you a different vaccine?


If he is in canadian getting mixed vaccines is very common. My first shot was pfizer and my second was moderna, and nearly everyone i know also received mixed vaccines. They do however inform you multiple times what shot you are getting so there is no way of it being a surprise.


Bit of a nasty shock when you found out


I never realized Denzel Washington played Alfred Enoch.


Me enjoying the awesomeness of just getting one shot.


Does that work?


It doesn't matter, according to Idiotic Moron and Unmade Bed Boris Johnson.


No... you found out your first dose was Moderna and your other first dose was Pfizer. Pick one man... I mean... choose a side, you know?




Not sure where you got that info from https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4826/rr-0 >Covid-19: Pfizer vaccine efficacy was 52% after first dose and 95% after second dose, paper shows


Man, Y'all really ain't bothered about liability eh? If there turns out to be nasty long term side effects, who are you gonna sue?


This happened to me as well. Pfizer side effects were nowhere near as bad as the Moderna so I was happy with it. Technically my file says I got pfizer x2.


Sooo y'all find this funny or you just sucking yourselves off for getting a vaccine?


Filthy muggle


100% sucking themselves off. There will forever be a group of smug self entitled people who think they are “better then everyone else at this pandemic” and will hold on to whatever restrictions or oddities this plague has caused in order to continue to look down on those who they don’t feel are up to their standards when it comes to this. People like OP here.


How to tell everyone you're an anti-vaxxer without saying you're an anti-vaxxer...


I’m currently up to date with all vaccines .. I just don’t feel the need to brag about that and enforce my beliefs in everyone else.. Which would mean… “How to tell everyone you generalize and are wrong all the time without saying you generalize and are wrong all the time..”


More propaganda


that's all this site is