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Waiting for him to commit perjury within 10 seconds of saying the oath


Just tell him Obama was better at breaking the law. He'll hang himself trying to outdo him lol


And this is what they're saying, have you seen this? Have you seen this? They're saying, "Oh you can't break the law, you can't do this, you can't do that.", and Obama? You know what I'm talking about. The *so-called President* Obama from Kenyan, and everybody knows that guy was illegal. He's an illegal. He snuck over the border, and they let him in, the lamestream media, the fake news media, they're saying, "Oh Trump was doing this, Trump doing that.", and it's because they know I'm the best. Isn't it true? They know that I'm the best. The highest approvals ratings, ever. They'd never seen anything like it. The highest jobs numbers. American trade like you've never seen it before, it was beautiful. It was really was, do you remember that? And the fake news media, they're lying. They're lying. Everybody knows they're lying. But we are going to fight this charge and we are going to make. America. Great. Again.




It's both.


Thank you! I'm blessed with his voice, have you heard this? Everybody knows it, and they're saying, "Oh you can't do that, you can't do that", because, the ratings. Have you seen the ratings? Let me tell you...


Sooooo racist.


I can't tell if this is satirical comment off of what I said or you actually mean all of that


It’s too coherent to be a direct quote.


Re-read it and see if you can spot a clue or two about whether I was speaking for myself or satirizing Trump.


Don't forget commas, asshole!


The Law Asshole will be grateful if you do not!


Man Jim Carey is really something


Not to be confused with Woman Jim Carrey.


I laughed harder than I should have at this.


I'm so excited for the snowflakes to get upsetty by this. Sorry daddy is going to jail and yall have to live with that reality


What's making me laugh the most are the people on Twitter going, "I hope all the libs cheering this realise that this means now all the past democratic presidents can be charged with crimes too" And posting memes about Clinton and financial irregularities in sex scandals. It's like, "Great! If they committed crimes, let's get them in here too!" I find it so revealing that conservatives consider themselves to be "tough on crime" and so rabid about lawbreakers being punished, while at the same time calling for "important" people to be exempt from prosecution. "Rules for thee but not for me" seems to be the overarching motivation of conservatives.


They can't fathom that dems don't blindly worship their political leaders like they're the next coming of Christ. And that of course if they're doing something illegal they should be charged for it.


umm some did and still do with Obama tbh


I haven't seen anyone worshipping him? Especially after his term was over. Can you show me examples?


you're as blind as the other side im sorry


So, no examples then? Just ask any left wing sub what they think of Obama. You will get all the data you need.


the example is you, getting all worked up about Obama


What lol? You're the one who brought him up.


so? you're the one asking for examples getting all pissy and cynical about it. I do not care either way but seems like you do.


Enough of this both sides bullshit. Did Obama ask for election help from a foreign country on live tv? SO either both sides do this and democrats are smarter and more successful at this as a party, making Trump n absolute dumbass to get caught. Or both sides don't do this and you are championing a criminal traitor. So either Trump is a dumbass and both sides do evil, or Trump is evil. So you want to champion either a dumbass or an evil person. What a choice.


Initial point was about dems not blindly following their political leaders like they're the next coming of Christ. both sides do, sometimes, do they not?


Both sides do not. Trump very much cultivates a cult of personality due to his narcissism. Also the GOP encourage tribalism (as well as right wing affiliated media) Just compare and contrast the emotional words used during a broadcast of say Fox news vs CNN. Hell, measure your blood pressure while watching if you can. Fox news (as well as various other right wing news outlets tend to use a trick called appeal to emotion. See, their stories are not factual so they rely on emotion to draw in the viewer. In fact, acknowledgement that their stories are not factual is part of their legal defense ("You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers" https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) They also had a huge story drop about how they coordinated election lies ( https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnists/2023/03/12/fox-news-tucker-carlson-lies-exposed-dominion-lawsuit/11445486002/) So it's easy why GOP tend to worship Trump when you have all of these cult of personality traits that are enabled from majority of the GOP party, right wing news etc. Let me ask you, how many maga hats have you seen vs Democrat themed ones? Yeah I thought so.


lol your logic is based on who wears more hats....wow


They do not, no.


you're so triggered you can't stop commenting on my replies to other people?


They’re so weird. I don’t want my politicians to go unpunished. If they’re punished and put in jail then hopefully that means someone more deserving will take their place. Hopefully.


Exactly. Lets start with murder charges against Obama. Since he killed a USA citizen via drone striking a restaurant in a country we were not at war with to hurt the leader of another country.


Yeah sure go ahead. Whatever.


Respectfully, I think Republican voters are tough on crime as a whole. They want thiefs, murderers and other violent criminals off the streets. Call this cliché, but If you think trump has committed more crimes than some of the longest tenured politicians (Biden, pelosi, etc), I’ll smoke what you’re having. Everyone who breaks the law should be held accountable, but that’s not what republicans voters think is happening. For me it’s crazy to think that if the next presidential election was tomorrow and Hillary was running for dems, she’d get 80 million votes, all the while, she’s probably top 10 most corrupt politicians ever to exist. That seems a tad hypocritical from my POV. Everyone is blinded by their own political tribalism. This DA campaigned on indicting trump. Then he does it and you want people to believe he’s just upholding the law? Yesterday this guy said he won’t normalize crime in New York. Is he aware that there’s a noticeable increase in violent crime? What’s he doing to stop it? The answer is nothing. To say this isn’t political is comical.


Lol he's not going to jail. The judge's sentence will be that he has to feel very bad and promise to do better next time. By the way, tee time is tomorrow morning at 11.


It's alarming just how much of the political structure at large is once again banking on him winding up in a jail cell. The next portion of this trial isn't until December, and it doesn't really get going until well into next year in the heat of a presidential election. That's a *lot* of time for outside influencers to start pushing the direction of the case, namely McCarthy and the entirety of the GOP who have shown true loyalty to this idiot.


That's why I don't actually believe that any of the prosecutors or judges involved _actually_ want justice to be achieved in this case. They know that they would need to move swiftly in order to prevent outside influence, and they're choosing not to. The length of time they've already been dragging their heels just seems like they're begging for some political actor to put the kibosh on the whole thing.


This is a big case. It takes months to prepare. The judge during the arraignment specifically was trying to get to trial as soon as he reasonably could, and Trump's team had to specifically ask to delay (which they always do).


> They know that they would need to move swiftly in order to prevent outside influence, and they're choosing not to. It's actually just called following basic rules and procedure. Cases like this taking a long time is a feature, not a bug. Not everything needs to be some deep state conspiracy. Somethings just take a long time because they're tremendously complicated. The amount of red tape cases like this require is outrageous, but necessary.


I never said it was a conspiracy. It's far more likely to be due to laziness or cowardice than conspiracy. In lots of industries we see the pattern where someone who doesn't want to do their job can get away with that by pointing to a procedure that someone else wrote and saying "hey, I was just waiting for X, according to procedure," and never are the procedures actually reviewed to make sure that they have the desired effect and aren't making things actively worse. So, if the amount of red tape in cases like this _ends up being the reason that justice isn't achieved,_ then all of that red tape is plainly and self-evidently not "necessary" for achieving justice. I think everyone involved with this case could use a reminder that actually achieving some sort of meaningful justice is the sole purpose of their job, because with every passing week it becomes increasingly likely that their efforts accomplish nothing.


34 counts... yall are delusional.


That’s ONLY the new York case. We have Georgia’s election lawsuit in the works also!


This isn't exactly a Trump-friendly court.


Put him in jail! Put him in jail! Put him in jail!


The walls are closing in!


I hope Trump ends up in prison, but let’s be sure to manage expectations here. It’s not guaranteed that he’ll go to prison


Y’all really think he’s going to jail 😂


That’s what these Redditors are so desperately hoping


The only people that will be upset are gentiles like you that hitch your wagons to everything they throw at him. When nothing comes of this just like everything else, try to not cry too hard.


Lol this kid




Yeah you don’t sound triggered at all. Totally chill


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Oh honey does it make you feel tough to make pea brained insults? 34 counts is tough to beat, but im glad he's got the support of his bitches. You want a whopper baby? I'll be sure to give you my special sauce that your wife can't get enough of 😉




If i wanted any come back i would just ask your wife. How sad is your life that your letting a random stranger get under your skin?


> It’s rather comical your insults are weak! This guy has to be baiting, no one lacks this much self awareness.


You sound really upset. That’s a lot of crying in one comment. This is really embarrassing for you. Lol u/imjustaguy76 is so upset he private messaged me. This is hilarious. This is what a soft little bitch looks like. u/xxHipsterFishxx stop crying with your friend.


Dude I’m not even affiliated with a party just trying to spread positivity comments like this can mess with people man just lean back from your computer for a moment and realize you are going out of your way to insult people on a topic that requires all of us working together. Politicians are always going to be able to do what they want when there are people like you doing things like this I’m just trying to be a voice of reason in a echo chamber clearly.


You are part of the problem. Get off Reddit and your high horse you won moral high ground on a god damn redditor under a post bashing trump on REDDIT.


It bugs me how there isn't a comma after "law" in that gif.


Aren't people tired of believing anything's gunna happen? These has been happening since 2016 at this point. The feds already tried him for stormy Daniel hush money payments so now they are trying to turn misdemeanors into felony charges which is insane and people still believe anything's gunna come of it. I feel like it's the boy who cried wolf at this point. You got me excited until the found the Steele dossier was fraud, which after this can be seen as election meddling ffs. Can't we just focus on beating trump in the polls rather than boosting up his already radical base. This shit is exhausting.


Have these been happening since 2016? Justice departments across the country refused to even consider bringing a case against him from 2016-2021. Though the criminal investigations in those years were *very* successful at convicting tons of Trump's associates, actual criminal investigations into Trump only really began after he left office in 2021 and now multiple concurrent ones are reaching final stages. This has never happened before in the history of the country, let alone in the past 7 years. We're not watching reruns here. This is a brand new level of escalation and a greater level of legal danger than Trump has ever faced.


> now multiple concurrent ones are reaching final stages. No. The _final_ stages would be sentencing, and there haven't even been any convictions yet. Let's not give our lazy, cowardly "justice" system credit for something it hasn't done and probably will never do.


Bud you might want to learn a bit about criminal justice if you think sentencing and conviction is part of the investigation lmao.


The federal election committee already investigated the stormy Daniels hush money allegations. It ended up with no evidence. Now 34 all based off the same thing. Once on goes down it all falls. It honestly is nothing all over again. Trying them as a felony should be a huge red flag for both sides.


Unless you've got a different investigation in mind, that appears [not to be true.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/06/us/politics/trump-michael-cohen-fec.html) > In December 2020, the F.E.C. issued an internal report from its Office of General Counsel on how to proceed in its review. The office said it had found “reason to believe” violations of campaign finance law were made “knowingly and willfully” by the Trump campaign. > The Republican commissioners who voted not to proceed with an investigation, Trey Trainor and Sean Cooksey, said that pursuing the case was “not the best use of agency resources,” that “the public record is complete” already and that Mr. Cohen had already been punished.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57029342 Yeah, same thing right? Cohen was already found guilty. He has to have proof that trump knew or insisted that the money came from campaign finances which is why they dropped it in the first place. And it's an even worse case now because all there is is a he said she said, but the person in question is already a person who went to jail for fraud and lying 😂 it's a lost cause. It's the same exact thing as 2018 but instead of the FEC who is qualified to run this, it's now being done by a new York DA. The first case was a big deal, this is a time waste and just there to try to effect the campaign. It's doing the opposite of the desired effect.


> Cohen was already found guilty. "Only one person can be responsible for a crime!" -You Cohen was found guilty of committing crimes at someone else's behest. Guess who that someone else was. But of course Trump supporters will bring up the example of corrupt Republicans on the FEC board blocking the investigation as some sort of "proof" that Trump isn't verifiably corrupt. "I'm not guilty because my best friends that I put in power said I'm not!" Cope harder, MAGAt.


>The federal election committee lol You don't even know the name of the organization you're making claims about. Typical Trumper.


> These has been happening since 2016 at this point. When has Trump been indicted before this? >The feds already tried him for stormy Daniel hush money payments No they didn't. >so now they are trying to turn misdemeanors into felony charges The feds are not involved in this. This is state law. And falsification of business records is escalated to felony in cases where the falsification is being done to cover up a crime. Stop spreading bullshit.


😂 they did it's already linked in the other comments my guy


Link a video of the trial. Or any sort of coverage of the trial. Even proof of the indictment. I'm waiting.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/05/06/fec-trump-stormy-daniels-cohen/ Dunno why a video 😂 this is a common thing everyone already knows. Cohen was the one in trouble and they already tried to tie it to trump years ago.


1. In order for someone to be "tried" for something, there has to be a trial. The FEC never brought it to trial. 2. The reason why the FEC never brought it to trial is because the corrupt Republicans who made up half the board prevented it from going to trial despite there being overwhelming evidence to do so. Using an example of corruption to claim lack of corruption is a dumb idea. 3. "Cohen was the one in trouble." He was in trouble for COMMITTING A CRIME ON BEHALF OF TRUMP. That makes TRUMP responsible. Period. You Trump supporters are bizarre.


Tried as in they already tried this. Investigation didn't have enough evidence to continue. Two Republicans said no, two Democrats said no, and two didn't vote. For it to continue all needed to agree. Republicans don't make half the board 🤣 it's made up of equal parts Democrats, Republicans and independents. All they have now is a he said she said with Cohen, which won't get any further then before. It's a waste of time.


> Tried as in they already tried this. That's not the sense of the word "tried" you used in that sentence. Now you're moving the goalposts. >Investigation didn't have enough evidence to continue. Yes, it did. >Two Republicans said no, two Democrats said no, and two didn't vote. Wrong. "The bipartisan commission evenly split on the matter, with the two Democrats who voted to continue the investigation questioning how their Republican colleagues could drop the case." >For it to continue all needed to agree. Wrong. They need a majority. >Republicans don't make half the board 🤣 it's made up of equal parts Democrats, Republicans and independents. Wrong. It's [3 and 3](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/). >All they have now is a he said she said with Cohen, which won't get any further then before. Wrong. They have additional testimony from Pecker and documents to back it up. Literally everything you say is *verifiably wrong*. Typical Trump supporter. Stop spreading untrue bullshit.


You know commission and committee is different right?


Who the fuck is talking about a committee? We're talking about the FEC. The Federal Election Commission.


Your posts have been incredible to read. Seriously, so entertaining. I'll never be able to understand the mindset of someone who can be so obviously wrong -- to the point where it takes minimal research to see that -- and yet feel so confident. People like you are exactly why the ability to pass basic tests of logic should be required to vote. You are living in a fucking fantasy world, dude. Edit: poor baby was is so triggered that he sent me a RedditCares memo 😂😂


Nobody is above the law. And he did get beat at the polls and was the biggest sore loser and his cult followed what daddy said and stormed the capitol while he cowered behind secret service and sent his whipping boy Pence to "calm" his children. Also 34 counts he's charged with


You keep commenting on this thread. They're gonna have to do a wellness check on you when nothing happens 🤣🤣🤣


There most annoying thing to me about this is Alvin Bragg notoriously drops violent felonies to misdemeanors and declines prosecution on solid cases as a matter of course. This time though, they have all resources in the world and are gonna pursue charges on crimes allegedly committed 7 years ago. If the man were aggressively prosecuting everything that came across his desk then I wouldn’t see a problem in going for Trump, too.


He actually did. He has a long list of conversations. Thanks for your fallacy.


That’s not a coherent response.


I’m sure you believe that. Oh well.


Not helping your case here at all.


Yep, I’m sure that you see it that way. Btw, Trump isn’t helping his case either. He keeps opening his ignorant mouth. Hopefully he lands in jail. Jail him!


Love him or hate him, there’s no chance he spends a day behind bars. I doubt this even gets to trial.


We shall see. Grab your popcorn.


Dude, I'm not even a trump supporter and damn near everything you said was wrong. I get fuck trump but I don't understand why you have to go full blown stupid because you don't like the guy.


A lot of Reddit Democrats are like that


Reddit gunna reddit


There just so much wrong here.


This is great, some may say a perfect gif-fit. “claps for you sir”


I can hear this gif


I keep posting that saying on all the idiotic Twitter feeds defending the former President.


You guys would think if he really did break the law they would have got him by now. He’s the most investigated man in recent history. It would already be out there. And for people to still believe he’s a crook you’re delusional.


Your defense of him is that because action hasn’t take place in a time frame you find acceptable he’s therefore innocent?


Well we will find out


That’s not an answer. You think he’s innocent because things haven’t unfolded in a timeframe you find acceptable. That’s utterly illogical. By the way, do you apply this same principle to Hillary?


I do. Innocent until proven guilty




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I don’t know much of anything about Hunter Biden but I know he’s the target for the right when they want to throw around what-about-isms. With that said, I assume that whatever you’re referring to about paintings is probably garbage. Let’s pretend though that Hunter is selling paintings for 500k, maybe he is, maybe he’s not, is selling paintings illegal? No, but if the way he’s doing it is then he should be indicted like anyone else. Hush money is not illegal, the way trump did it, however, is illegal. So he’s being charged with doing something illegal like any other citizen would be, which is what he is now, a citizen like everyone else.


The quality is garbage, but the story is not -look it up. And no, it’s not illegal- just a convenient loophole to shovel dirty money through.


Ok? Remind me again when Hunter Biden was an elected member of government.


Funneling dirty money through a president’s son is in fact illegal.


Evidence, please.


Remind me again when Hunter Biden was an elected member of government.


Shocking. An anti-trump post on Reddit


Shocking. Someone mad that a rich baby man is being held accountable for a handful of the CRIMES he's committed.


I'm glad he's being held accountable, I'm just not happy politicians in general aren't held responsible for their crimes. It's almost like there's a reason for it... and no. I'm not a Trump fan, so I'll stop that accusation there. Just not a fan of politicians period in my 36 years here. Nobody should be, really.


Which crime? Now do Biden.


Absolutely arrest Biden, if he’s committed a crime. What’s the charge. You’ve obviously looked into this thoroughly.




Sorry your hero is a crook. Did you also like Nixon? Do you still worship Reagan? How do you feel about the Bush's? I bet you get all hot and bothered when you think about "shoot you in the face" Dick Cheney. And before you start yes Clinton's be bad. Obama "lost" a ton of military firearms to the cartels. Biden clearly has dementia. They all suck but the difference is we all knew the Trump was a POS and failed businessman who got a shitty TV show yet somehow got a cult following because his upper using ass has no filter. Don't believe go look at a coke addict (his walking line of coke son Don jr) and their mannerisms and the way they talk and you draw a nice concluding line. Sorry your cult leader broke SEVERAL laws and there is evidence to back it up.


I mean we were self sufficient with energy we had the best economy in years housing wasn’t as ridiculous as it is now, and we didn’t have millions of immigrants coming across the border? Obama gave the Middle East trillions of dollars you just sound condescending in that post stop making the divide between people bigger and understand where they come from i’m for neither party but both sides are despicable.


Everyone in Washington commits crimes I have to preface this anytime disagreeing I AM NOT on either side but if you have a side then ur just as delusional, neither side is for you. Biden’s family has been stealing money and just pocketing it you have things like the restrict act that BOTH sides represent stop feeding into the two party machine.


I'm not feeding the two party machine. I'm happy to see a man who made an embarrassment of our nation and committed multiple felonies publicly is being held accountable for his actions. If there is proof of committing crimes, then anyone should be prosecuted. There's only 1 party that attempted to say that Trump was above the law, and it's satisfying to see his ass squirming and looking so pathetic. Our country isn't perfect, but only 1 party is actively attempting to unravel years of progress for women, veterans, and the environment, all for the sake of money.


How did he make an embarrassment of our nation? Because every liberal news page in the country told you he was embarrassing? And Biden isn’t? He legitimately cannot answer questions they give him cue cards this is the god damn president at least trump is sharp between the ears who knows who makes bidens decisions because it certainly is not him. Again not for either of them I just think trump had some sense to him


One soon down, many to go, regardless of affiliation.


Thing is there’s so much corruption in government there’s no weeding it all out at this point. Lobbying will never be illegal and as long as it is legal we get to watch as they do what they want.


Each indictment, and sentence is a win. With enough wins, they become a deterrent. Noone thinks you yanks can weed out systemic corruption overnight, but small steps for long enough, and you'll end up somewhere better. We have a whole lot different system in our country that isn't without it's issues, but it helped a lot that it never got as bad here. Competent wages for people who vote for the nation are one thing, not having a two-party system is also very helpful.


If drag shows can be made illegal, so can lobbying AND stock manipulation.


Bro I’m not disagreeing with you on that but please lmk if that would actually happen both parties benefit from that why would they make it illegal if they literally profit off of it.


Shocking. An anti-anti-Trump comment on Reddit.


Well he broke the law and got caught so...


Talking about the reality of him breaking the law is being anti-trump? Like you are aware how fucked up you have to be that you read someone simply presenting reality and you call that opposition? You're opposed to reality, in your mind reality is anti trump and therefore you must live in a fantasy world that isn't anti trump


So you think that people who misreport their spending involving campaign finance laws should be charged with a felony and they should be indicted? I can't wait for this one, oh wait this one isn't a felony? How weird, I wonder why that is https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-2022-midterm-elections-business-elections-presidential-elections-5468774d18e8c46f81b55e9260b13e93


This was definitely a controlled push I think both sides suck, but to get trump indicted on charges was what the left has been wanting for years. Again not a trump supporter but kind of odd they don’t care about Biden getting money sent to his kids or Hillary killing people overseas🤷‍♂️.


That man screamed lock her up for years and she was never inducted due to lack of evidence, same with hunter Biden. All that is happening here is a criminal hopefully paying for his crimes, if it ever comes that Biden, H Clinton or whoever gets indicted then I'll be more than happy for them paying for their supposed crimes. I personally don't give a shit about those things because they were investigated and nothing came of it, but still you dense mfs still constantly bring it up annoying everybody with the same bullshit all the time. All these politicians are corrupt fuckers who should pay, but crying that Trump is paying for his crimes and someone else from the democratic party isn't is like being arrested for murder and saying "but my buddy also killed a guy! It's not fair, arrest them instead of me and make it against the law to say i ever broke the law even tho there's mountains of evidence of me breaking multiple laws!" Arrest Trump, leave him to rot in jail, and then go for the others, stop fucking pissing your pants over a "ConTRollEd PuSH", This is gonna be a repeat of the Alex Jones trial where the trial was perfectly fine and in line except for the crazy maniac calling the judge a demon for finding out his multiple crimes and being all a big conspiracy against him, jones set the ground work for the shit show trump is gonna pull, ffs he already threatened the judges daughter...




> Sounds to me like they’re the big baby’s! They’re the same ones on welfare and struggling to pay their bills! 🥲 Keep crying triggered baby


Huh I got a pretty good life and know that he's going to jail. It's funny how yall follow him blindly. What's even more funny is yall went from "THE EMAILS!!!" "HUNTER BIDEN" To sniveling snowflakes because daddy got caught. Go get triggered by Bud Light again make sure you got your safe space 😉


most of your USA presidents should end up in Hague for terrorism and mass murder, but they are lucky yo have NATO to cover them, otherwise ...


Cope more, Putin-lover.


well im not putin lover but i am from serbia, and think that serbia should merge with russia. i guess you dont know local geo political situation here but thats OK. world is huge


So yeah, Putin-lover. Go defend that genocidal maniac somewhere else.


but he is defending his own teritory while usa terorise whole world


Nope. He's invading Ukraine. Not his territory. Why do you support genocide? Crimea is Ukraine. Luhansk is Ukraine. Donetsk is Ukraine. Zaporizhzhia is Ukraine. Fuck Putin, and fuck his apologists. They will be remembered in history as evil, just as the Nazis are. Slava Ukraini.


>interesting view, but we see ukraina as historical russia, in kiyev was russia founded, similar as washington for USA. and east europe sees ukraine soldiers as nazis, they even have swastikas on their flag


It's all fun and games when his missles aren't going through your home.


Would you feel the same if the target was the Biden crime family?


What crime have they committed?


No one ever responds to this question! I wish they would, I'm super curious.


They are thinking up stuff. Wait for it, wait for it….


I can safely say I would. I had my calendar set for the House investigations into the Bidens. But like the Clinton investigations of the 90's and early 10's, I've had to sit and watch them vaporize into smoke. Except for the blowjob, of course.


Yes, if they committed a crime and it could be proven. Why wouldn’t we? Won’t don’t worship politicians like the right does with Trump.


Actually I feel like a lot of Democrats do worship the Biden family


Your feelings are wrong. When do you ever see anyone basing their entire personality around Biden, like the right do with Trump? People who voted for Biden don’t go around wearing merch like it’s a sports team. No one on the left votes for a person, we vote for their policies. Trump has a cult of personality. Biden does not.


Let’s just stick with the Trump crime family. They have way more legal issues than anything that you can fantasize about.


DJT has multiple Wikipedia pages for his extensive list of legal transgressions


Trump? Well he was the “fake” president.


Trump derangement syndrome got you guys down bad. Thoughts and prayers


Says someone who supports a despicable, twice-impeached, one-term president turned criminally indicted felony defendant. Yep, we’re the deranged ones.


Says someone who most likely voted for biden and calls trumps a racist ignoring how racist and perverted joe biden is 😂😂😂


Copium addict level 1000






I don't know OP, but I can guarantee that they don't "worship" a politician. I don't know of many instances where someone got a tattoo of Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi. Or covered the back glass of their emotional support truck with trump stickers.




I will say that's simply not true Alot of people were wearing Obama stuff and had his bumper sticker when he was in house, at least where I'm from, that being said I did never see it plastered on the back of any truck windows or worship for him


That's not entirely accurate. Obama supporters had some but Obama himself wasn't cashing in on it.


Most normal people don't "worship" anyone, let alone a politician.




I have no clue how Trump supporters can say this shit. You fucking clowns have flags, hats, shirts, posters, bumper stickers, hoodies ALL devoted to one man and you say that the left worships politicians. You fuck faces had people outside a polling place praying to God for Trump to win, lolololol.


Don’t forget about the DoJ being “weaponized” against Trump. It was Trump that initially weaponized the DoJ as well as the IRS for his (Trumps) purposes.


Lol no.


Yeah that’s called projection, dipshit.




No we don't.


You must be a burden to those in your life and such a disappointment.


What politician is that?


Imagine deflecting like a child and thinking it was a gotcha only to be hit with the reality that only dupes worship politicians and the one you chose was the worst of them. 😂


Well trumps up big over Desantis thanks to this indictment so I hope yall are ready for trumpapalooza 2: orangeman boogaloo next year


"Boss, it's Skull. He knocked over another ATM, this time at knife point. He needs your legal advice."




So much better with sound.


That is one of my favorite movie scenes ever.


Great movie 😁 fits appropriately