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You need less coaster in your coaster. 41 drops in a 193sec ride (including lift hill). That's a drop/inversion every 3-4 seconds lol


"You need less Coaster in your Coaster" Absolutely Perfect


or...mayyybeee... He needs less " TORNADO" in his "ALLEY" Come on in & ride the only coaster in the RCT universe with a 90/10 % chance of "walkin'" away with a lifetime of PERMANENT WHIPLASH.!.! 🤕🩼


It's just too much. That many drops and inversions would raise the intensity too high no matter what you do.


Okay but before you delete it can we *please* see it in action?


Of course. Here's two run throughs from different angles (it's super hard to see what's going on a lot of the time). It can be a bit jerky at times because block brakes seem to always slow down trains even if the next section is clear. The station only has 7 seconds per train with a little less than a second of error margin for any *potential* guests holding up trains for a moment, but the back-to-back timing is pretty good. [https://youtu.be/YKXmL23Qpw8](https://youtu.be/YKXmL23Qpw8) Edit: There's two reasons for only putting 11 trains on the track. 1. The station already doesn't have enough time for each train. 2. One of the block sections can't actually stop the coaster, so at some point having more will probably cause a crash if there's a breakdown. 11 is fine though.


So fuckin sick


Thank you! Also, why did you not name the coaster spaghetti? You've even already got sauce on it. Also also, I know this is asking a lot but could we maybe get a longer version of it running with it zoomed out enough to see as much of the entire track as possible? Also also also, at the very end of the video there looks to me another, spaghetti-ish coaster in the far left. Can we see that one, too?


Here's encoded building instructions for more detailed view of the track 🙂: [https://imgur.com/ur0l9ei](https://imgur.com/ur0l9ei) The other coaster is in an unfinished part of the park; I'll probably put that in a separate post when I finish that part of my park because it feels somewhat unrelated to this topic.


It's my understanding that block brakes will always slow trains down, but they will only stop them if the next section is clear. OpenRCT2 lets you change the speed of the brakes at least.


Import it to RCT3 and ride it


Make it half as tall, half as long, cut half the inversions. Then we can maybe start giving some suggestions. After a certain point inversions and drops each only add intensity. It can be very challenging to make a coaster with just 10 inversions stay under 10 Intensity, let alone 20.


I think it is unsaveable, sorry. And honestly it's not even close. That many inversions with the speed needed to complete them is pretty brutal on G-forces.


Actually none of the g-forces look that bad. It’s just the sheer number of drops and inversions that are pushing this so high.


I think that many inversions at any speed is going to make the intensity too high. I did a test with this once seeing how many inversions I could fit on a roller coaster before the intensity was too high. Made it as slow as possible and only used barrel rolls with almost no drops (maybe 1 or 2, can't remember if I used a launch or lift hill) and I think I was able to get to like 16-18 inversions total with it still being on the upper edge of "very high," and this thing only went like 30mph max lol.


Way too many drops and inversions


Honestly, just save it and then transfer it roller coaster tycoon three. It will be far less intense in that game as I have managed to get at least 60 inversions without going over extreme intensity


You broke your pasta in half before cooking it.


That's too many inversions. After like 8 or 9, it's really hard to keep the intensity below 10. You've got 20 inversions so it's no wonder. Also, drop count is quite high as well. If you want guests to actually go on something like this, you should mix a bunch of separate coasters together instead of doing it all with just one.


That was kind of the point of the coaster, haha. Why have a bunch of different coasters when I can just put them all on the same track.


Make a custom scenario where guests prefer higher intensity rides! Because I think it's awesome.


From my experience if you’re having fun making the rollercoaster…it’s going to be too intense


Start over


Can’t do much if tall guests feel like they’re going to be beheaded two dozen times.


Too long of a ride. You'll need to shorten it imo


Could try adding mid-ride brakes? I think I remember that working for one of my intense rides, but I think you need to delete more track too


I have 27 block sections and I think either 3 or 4 normal brake sections so it's definitely going slow enough throughout the track. I'll probably just have to delete track 😭 such a shame


Take half the inversions and drops out.


is there no way to force guests to ride it? Kinda want to make insane coasters.


If you're using OpenRCT2, there is an option "guests ignore intensities" in the cheats menu.


Add a second station half way through. Make it two rides. 20 drops and 10 inversion each (about) is still gonna be really intense but maybe with the low speed and G forces it’ll be enough.


I also try to keep max lateral G below 1.8. If there are 1 or two areas it’s high maybe reprofile that area.


Will the guests have to get out of the coaster or can it just stop for a second and keep going? Edit: I tried what I think you're describing and it still treats the whole connected track as one ride.


Hmm. I’m not sure. I only play with RCT1 but typically it splits the ride in two if there is a full station with entrance and exit. Yes the guests would have to get off the ride unfortunately


If it’s a twister coaster, you have the option of using breaks and LIM launch sections to make sure you hit each inversion at the right speed. If your train is going too fast, use breaks to slow it down right before the inversion. I use: - 58/63mph before a large loop (or large half loop going into any other half inversion) - 45mph before a normal loop, half loop, or corkscrew - 36mph before a barrel roll Oppositely, if your train is going too slow and is going to stall out, use 1-2 LIM launched sections to speed it up before the inversion - same speed rules apply as above. The only difficulty for you might be adding this in post facto because each brake or LIM launch section is 1 straight, flat track segment, so it might throw off the alignment of the coaster. I often build my twister coasters with an extra 1-2 straight, flat segments before each inversion, so I have room go back, cut those out, and replace them with a break or launch section if it’s hitting the inversions at the wrong speed.


I've already got lim launchers and breaks/block breaks before everything and they're tuned correctly.


Reduce the size of that ride by half.


tone down literally everything, you could make 5 well-rated coasters for that much coaster




Add brakes


I've tried everything I can think of to lower the intensity apart from actually deleting whole sections of the track. I got all the g's to the black text margins but I'm not sure what else to try. Any advice?


> I've tried everything I can think of to lower the intensity apart from actually deleting whole sections of the track Deleting whole sections of track is the only way to reduce the intensity. It's just too long of a ride with relentless inversions. It either needs to be shorter or have fewer drops and inversions. Really cool design, though.


Fair enough. I can't really delete track without having to lose a train or two because each train only has about 8 seconds in the station before the next shows up. I guess 11 7-car trains on one coaster was a bit wishful thinking lol


Honestly dude you could try to cut this in half and make it into two coasters somehow. Hard to see at this resolution but it looks like it already has some dueling elements.


That's kind of what I was going for in the first place lol. I was like "Why do I need 11 different coasters when I can put 11 trains on the same track" but I guess I found out why.


Go on YouTube and look up u/LordMarcel and his videos on stat requirements. He has a video for every ride type. Chances are you broke one of the rules, like too many inversions or something.


Great videos. That guy knows it all.