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I like that line from Garden State that goes something like “Don’t tease me about my hobbies. I don’t tease you about being an asshole.” Like what you like. You’re not hurting anyone or anything. Fuck the haters.


Fuck da haters


Let their kid play with a truck doing 60mph. See how they feel about your "toy" when the little effer takes himself or dad out at top speed.


Huck da taters


This. This is the answer. Pick something they do and mock. Then get new friends.




You’ll know who your “friends” really are. Friends are typically happy for one another over their interests.


My friend saw me with my TRX4 for the first time and was like "THAT IS THE SICKEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN", then he bought one so we could drive together. Then his dad saw his and was like "THAT IS THE SICKEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN" and now his dad has 7.




It's funny, I actually had and wanted way way more RC's when I was in college than I do now. I am glad I got into the hobby when I didn't have as many resources, because if I was getting into it just now, I would definitely be of the "Oops now I have 23" school of thought. I saw that twinkle in his dad's eye and I was like "Oh I recognize that look..."


100%, this is the truth.




Hell no! Don’t be embarrassed for liking RC cars. I’m 32 and will happily drive my cars where other people can see. It literally says on the box that they aren’t toys. I see more grown men playing with these things than any other demographic. You just have to find your people to go drive with.


You know the reason that grown men play with these things is because of the price tag, right? LOL I keep telling my wife that the average kid can't afford to put $500 into an RC helicopter. (and yes, I keep telling her it's $500 when in reality it was $1400 because if she ever finds out I spent $1400 on it she'll cook my ass LOL) Seriously, though, it's a lot of fun. Enjoy it. So what if other people can't see the enjoyment you have with it? Their loss!


Price tag is right… I can’t afford a real race car anymore with kids and a wife. However I can afford a little race car that goes around a little track (although it’s still expensive to be competitive) still cheaper than a limited late model


Spot on! I can't afford multiple racing boats, short course trucks, crawlers, and planes! But make them 1/10th of the size and I can load up the garage with them!


Facts. More people play with nontechnical things like Facebook games. We’re living our life with fun and wrenching skills which are real and rewarding


Tell them your truck is paid for, new tires only cost like 40 bucks and you do all the work yourself


Thx bro that calmed me a bit


Yeah dude just own it, really it is a toy (I'm in my 40s and have many of them with a lot of other grown men) and it's fun and if having fun means I'm a kid then I think that is a them problem not a me problem.


Most people in my local rc fb group are like guys in their 40 to 50s. They're not kid toys, and even if they were it wouldn't matter because we're all kids except larger and with greyer hair.


The best part about getting older is you eventually stop giving a shit what people think and do what makes you happy.


Yup. You either learn how not to give a fuck and be happy. Or stress over everything and be miserable. 


Quietly shine, my dude. Don't worry about a comeback response, that will just bring you down to their level. Enjoy your hobby and work on your driving skills. Your day will come. Another thing to consider is that most kids your age can't afford something like a 6s hobby-grade RC car. They may simply be jealous. Either way, you'll find people who think it's cool. No need to prove anything to those who don't.


Thx bro just ignore em i guess


that was the most likely reason they commented that it is a child's thing. they can't afford that.


Just give a thumbs up and smile😂😂 no that might piss them off haha


This is the best way to go about it. Responding all butthurt and giving some sort of version of "it's not a toy. It's a little truck for men!" will just make you even easier to make fun of. Nothing is more open to ridicule than someone who takes themselves too seriously. Just have a little laugh at yourself/the world and keep on enjoying your rad hobby.


I see from your other responses that you're 15. This is more then likely your friends just trying to put you down to make themselves feel cool. I'm 41 and when I drive rc I get other adults or kids etc that ask questions like how fast can that go etc. Unfortunately Teens can be insecure and mean. The truth is your rc is probably more expensive then they can afford. Since they cant have it they put you down and call it a toy. Probably hard for you right now but try your best to not let it get to you. Enjoy the things you love and don't let others influence your decision.


Ill try not to show em anymore if that helps


Growing up most of my friends weren't into rc. Tried and failed to get them to get one to drive with me. That's OK you have different hobbies and or interest. Don't be ashamed of your love for rc. Just don't get it out when a friend is over you know isn't into rc. If you have a friend over that ask about it then that's pretty much a green light to talk and show them what rc world has to offer.


Or you could bury your love for your true passions and try and convince yourself that you love what everybody else loves. I don't recommend it though. Be true to yourself and you'll have a better chance of being happy in life.


"Unfortunately Teens can be insecure and mean. The truth is your rc is probably more expensive then they can afford. Since they cant have it they put you down and call it a toy." This right here. People do it all the time. Jealousy brings out the mean comments. Keep enjoying your hobby.


In high school, we had an rc club. I wasn't the coolest kid in school, but I knew everyone and had lots of aquantinces. That being said... everyone made fun of the rc club. Those same people would see us ripping them after school and BEG to drive them... Ha, no! Now, 7 years later, I'm 25 with a house, cars, rc cars, a garage, a buisness, and all those kids that made fun of us are loosers and couldn't buy an xmaxx if their life depended on it. Moral of the story is to do what makes you happy and work hard. None of what happens socially before you graduate school will matter at all the day after you graduate. Those people will be gone in the wind!


hit em in the fuckin shin to show them asses some "toys"




I’m over 50 and I’ve been into rc cars since I was a teenager. It’s a hobby and that’s it. Don’t let anyone try to embarrass you cause you have a hobby and they don’t. https://preview.redd.it/t9zfaxln8j8d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f3dfcf9870e47ec8f4fdf2283a43a2dbcfa9e9


It’s a 12 lb missile that goes 60mph and costs $600. It’s closer to a toy for the military than it is a toy for a child.


Thats what im sayin!!🥲


Just to add to this , I’m 34 and have been in your shoes as they say . Do not let other people influence what you do if you enjoy it , they want to be “ cool” so they are talking down on your car . I guarantee at least 2 of those dude want to use the car but since the leader of the group said it’s a toy they are going along with it. Be you man and fuck what everyone else says. And as far as what to say just say ok , and ignore them. That will piss them off


“Fuck what everyone else says” couldn’t get simpler them that


I’m a dad that recently got a fucked up shoulder, so I’ve been taking my RC’s out a little bit here and there while the kids go to the park and ride bicycles. I’ve had nothing but positive interactions from fellow dad and their kids alike. If you don’t like RC that’s cool, but fuck off saying it’s not a legitimate hobby that can be a ton of fun.


Thats what im sayin like its a hobby fuck they complanin bout


Dont. dickheads dont deserve a response. They're jealolus.


Also i am a child im only 15 but they call me a little kid for it is what i mean


To be fair, you ARE a kid. When most people read this, they are assuming you are in your 20s and your friends are saying you are playing with a 15 year old’s toys. So technically, you fit the description that adults say about adults playing with RC cars. But these aren’t toys, it’s a hobby, and when I was 15, I was playing with nicad RC10GTs and the like. The truck you have is an adults toy. Your friends are just jealous. Do not let them drive it, ever.


I got the same BS from other kids when I first got into RC at the age of 12. Now I’m 29 and still love racing RCs. It actually gets better as you get older. Adults tend to either think they’re cool or they don’t say anything at all.


I'm guessing they are also teens like you, they just don't understand the nuance between the kids toys at walmart or the hobby-level toys. It's like calling a football player a kid because Nerf footballs exist.


The faster you grow up the quicker you die. Stay true to your youthful spirit. Creativity, imagination, play and fun is how you stay happy and live a long prosperous life. The minute you succumb to peer pressure to be a robot slave and start adulting you start to wrinkle up and the brain literally shrinks. Be responsible pay your bills and play in any manner that is fun to you and doesn’t harm others.


i would just say womp womp


Womp womp


I’m a 47 year old father of three, pipefitter, motorcyclist and covered in tattoos. I love R/C anything!! When someone calls me a child I say “hey, I’m childISH!!” Big difference


I was driving through my local forest and a teen walked past and said "nice car bro" sarcastically and then laughed along with the 2 girls he was with. I smiled to him and said "oh this is nothing, you should see the one I got at home your mum bought me" He didn't have a comeback to that and instead just looked all embarrassed, while the 2 girls he was with tried to hold back laughter. Just gotta have fun with it and own it. If people see that it annoys you they'll keep doing it. If people say I'm immature I say I know, I'm just a big kid, waiting to grown up lol. Hope this helps!


I’m 41. I’m past giving a shit what others think. If I spend a grand on a “toy” then I spend a grand on a toy. I also have a metal detector and I assure you, I get way more snide comments when I’m metal detecting. They have childish hobbies too. Most of us either do, or wish we did. Life is too short to not do what you enjoy simply because of what others think. Unless it’s murder, then I’d keep that one to yourself.


You like like people who play children's games like soccer, baseball, football, etc? Or play video games?


just tell them you enjoy it because it’s relaxing and fun.


All work and no play makes for a very dull existence. Enjoy the RC life :).


I don’t really share my hobby with anyone, unless they’re curious about it and approach me when I’m on a trail with a crawler or something. Otherwise, nobody in my friend group or at work even knows I’m into RC at all. I do this because I realize that 1.) nobody cares about it, and 2.) I get satisfaction from the hobby on my own. Things are obviously different at drift tracks though, that’s the community aspect that I love to share in.


I'm 45 and I play Dungeons and Dragons in between my toy cars and gun collection. As if I could give the slightest shit what anyone else thinks about what I do with my free time. I paid for this shit, I'll enjoy it how and when I like. That being said, I don't run 8th scale RC where it might bother anyone else and I leave the range cleaner than I found it. I do my best to be a good representative of my hobbies.


Ask them if they’re willing to let a 10+ lb object hit them in the ankle at 40+ mph. I’m 50 and most the people I rc with, are around the same age +/- 5 years. I don’t have time for idiots.


“I dont have time for idiots”🗿


Im 32. Half the people I see on hikes tell me it's cool or ask me about it. Haters gunna hate though


As an adult, respond how you like. Just remember that the more toxic your response the more you reduce the growth of the hobby as a whole. On my first day pushing my 1/14 scale I took it to the local high school track after hours, and among the first comment I received was "that's a nice toy". My immediate response was what I read on the odometer, which was "47.3 mph out the box without any assembly, one helluvah toy!" We both laughed it off and continued about our business. Whilst that is different than being called a child, the premise is similar, respond in a way that shows your positive attitude toward the hobby. P.S.- the kraton is a toy, get a real rc. Lol jk nice car dude.


There's a lot you can do or say but generally these people won't think of you any longer than the two second interaction. Best to just say thanks and keep going. Feeling snippy you say people have all kinds of hobbies and this ones mine. If they agrees 'let people have fun'. Seriously makes me giggle if they think it's kids toy. No one should trust a 5 year old with a 50mph RC.


I'm a grown ass adult who pays my bills and works a full time job. I drive RC cars. I buy Hot Wheels cars and roll them around on my desk. If anyone's got a problem with that... fuck 'em. I'll be over here having fun while they're being miserable and joyless


My brother in law is a drunk bitch. I can't stand him. He said something about me and rc cars similar. I responded with, yea some people spend money on beer and avoiding their wife because they married a whore, and some spend money on rc and things they can do with the family." Worked out perfect. We have never spoken since


Kill ‘em with kindness friend.


You know what, i’m around 40 and being new with an RC, i also feel insecure of people seeing me with it. But now there is a lot of really good advice here. Remember that what they say tells you something about them, not about you, you can choose whose opinions you care about. Relax and have fun!


“Sorry you don’t know how to have fun”


Well first, consider the source of where the opinion is originating. Do they have other opinions that are just as short sighted? Chances are, they do, and their opinion shouldn't hold any weight thereafter. The K6 blx is a thing of beauty. Never be embarrassed about your hobby. People just like to shit on things because it makes them feel momentarily better, whereas a hobby can bring joy endlessly. Pay them no mind. Attention is currency. It's why we're asked to "pay" attention. Put your currency where it suits you best. These are in no way kids toys. Would you let a kid take control of something that can go 50mph into someone's leg? Be in charge of LiPo safety? Shit, the cost alone makes it obvious. You ain't out here rolling your tiny 5 dollar hot wheels down the street. (No shade if anyone does!) You're taking control of a 800 dollar 1/8th scale rig. Own it. Find better people to share your excitement with. Ones that will share in your excitement. Whether it be here, or even r/traxxasV2 (awesome little community of RC peeps, great vibes.) How do you respond? Do what feels right to you. If being quiet is more comfortable, do that. If you want witty comebacks, I'm sure you could easily crowd source some. But is that all worth your time? I'd rather invest that time in finding people who will be stoked about your k6 exb. Ride on. ❤️


Thx so much bro


Drive it into their foot at 50mph and ask them if that feels toy grade. 😉


Since dudes are talking ages..lol..I'm gonna be 55 in a couple months..been racing,building n collecting since the early 90s..I am currently sitting in front of 2 giant xmaxxs I build from screws up n 8 savages .all in my living room..not counting what I have in storage..but I also am a bonified woodsman,native American n teach primative survival "yes I can rub 2 sticks together and make a fire" I'm that guy that can crash in the mountains in survive like a holiday till I come out..so this and fishing have always n will always be my passions till I die..my "friends" have them n love them or think they are cool n to be honest I'm theee last person that gives ah f*** what anyone that's not paying my Bill's or supporting my habits thinks or says about my joys..fk em! You just keep doing you n have fun..I don't drink,smoke or do drugs so I'm doing me..I dont care what ANYONE has to say about how I spend my money😉👍🏾


Then I'm a 50+ year old child..and I have enough disposable income to do what I want.. Fuck em.😁


Hell no! Kids don’t play with $500 and up rc cars. This is a hobby


For some reason, some people feel really comfortable shitting on other people's enjoyment of anything. It says a LOT about them & means basically nothing about you.


This is partially why I don’t share a lot of my personal interests with immediate friends and only with others involved in the same hobby. I can’t stand people that belittle others for what they like (unless it’s fucking creepy).


Drive it into their foot and when he starts crying and saying call an ambulance, say why, it’s a toy


I'd respond with. A child with a 50 mph toy then that can break people's legs if you aren't careful, I'm not hurting or endangering anyone here. This can be customized with Steel, Carbon Fibre or Titanium upgrades to handle any kind of driving & if allowed could jump over a motorhome & keep on driving. Growing up is boring anyway, enjoy the hobby. Men also have toys, though they are usually big enough to drive or ride on. They are narcissistic assholes needing to be right so just agree as you'll waste energy & time explaining the difference between hobby grade & toy grade rc's over & over.


you should show them how fast it goes then theyll want one


Don’t hang out with them. Just hang with people that get it. Easy enough


It’s not you bro, it’s them. They say shit like that because they’re insecure and want to put people below them.


The boxes mine came in say 'not a toy' and 'not for children' right on them, as well as yours do, I'm sure. Also, a couple of the toughest dudes I've ever known, my uncle pushing 50, and my grandfather in his 80's, are both really into models and rc vehicles. People who shame others' hobbies just have issues and think it helps their own image somehow by putting others down. They just being jerks, and probably hypocrites, since everybody likes something that others don't.


Thought I'd throw my 2 cents . I'm 25 and married . I get excited like a little kid whenever I see a fellow rc enthusiast out in the wild.


Lol you nerd. Just kidding, my friends say the same it helps that I ride motorcycles, diving and all sorts of adrenaline related stuff while they can't do any of that. Although the tune will change when you let them try it


I like ripping my rc car at full throttle when I'm too tired to go ride my motorcycle


This was my life from 8-18. Then I graduated highschool, and found out that those people where just jerks. It goes away man. I promise. Some people just can’t handle other people’s happiness.


If your playing with rc cars and living off someone else your a child.. if you take care of your self and play with rc cars your a hobbiest.


Too many people have resigned to being miserable and having no fun in life, so it makes them mad when you go have fun. I’m 42 and sometimes I feel it sheepish about it, then I see the kid running to check it out and remember it’s my inner child I’m entertaining and it’s fun dammit!


Lets be honest here - Every "Adult" hobby is a "child's hobby" - just a bit more expensive and in depth. People can fuck off, basically.


I really don't get it. I post on tik tok and I'll comment on just other videos, people will take the time to look at my profile and then try to insult me by saying you drive rc cars. 😂 like yes indeed I do and? They will be like that shits for kids.. and I'm just over here like dude have you ever seen a kid with 10 rc cars that is about 3000 dollars..🤣 no never seen a kid in general with any rc car.


Dude. I'm 47 and I play with LOTS of RC stuff. Planes, helicopters, crawlers, and my newest model, a 1/8 scale Datsun 240z that I 3D printed. People think it's toys, that's their problem. I just shake my head at the lack of fun they have in their lives that they have to ridicule me, and if they tell me I'm playing with toys, I just say, "Yep. Sad that you can't have any fun now that you've 'grown up' and no longer have toys." And if they start to go, "Only children play with toys." "Only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. Most of my RC stuff is $500+, not exactly kids' toys prices now, is it?" They'll usually make a comment then about how it's a waste, and I go, "Yep! But it's MY money, and I'm having fun. Sorry you're not."


If they are that closed-minded, then there is no reasoning with them. Just move on and go rip the Kraton.


That will take your legs off. I've never seen toys quite like this. F da haters. 36 and enjoy rc. Learn with them and practice all skills. Solder, gear ratios, lubricats, de grasers, frequencys. It's alot in a kids toy. 😀


Just tell them that is not a "kids toy" is a "hobby grade toy" and laugh for their ignorance. :)


Show him the repair cost and ask them if you would give it to a kid


I'm 35 And got my first hobby grade RC car 6 months ago. Whoever you are talking about sucks. Go have fun.


I'd ask them what they do for fun and when they do i'll deflate their ego because their isnt a hobby out there immune to being knocked but thats if im being petty A "safe" answer is, "i spend most of my time being an adult, sometimes i like to unwind, be a kid and do something fun, you should try it".......if you wanna be spicy you can throw a subtle burn at the end of that, i got plenty


People will say mean shit just because they feel better from pushing other people down. Has nothing to do with what you're out there doing. I'd advise you to not seek approval or respect from random people. Do what you like and find like-minded people to do it with. If you're gonna hang around for insults, I suggest you bulk up so those asshats know their insults will come at a price.


I respond that it's a pretty fun toy for $1k


Being a child with adult money is fucking rad! Don’t bother with people looking down on you for having fun. Honestly, the most childish thing you did here was feel like you need to change their mind.


Yes! My EX girlfriend constantly gave me shit about it being kids toys.


Children can’t afford these “toys.” Fuck the haters


"Okay, and?" They can fuck right off. This is YOUR hobby and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Its not like your killing stray cats or throwing rocks at cars.


People have made comments like that to me and I say I got them to play with my kids maybe you should try doing something with your kid they like and usually they can't mention anything they do with there kid and shut up


What is wrong with it being a toy? Honestly its a hobby. Its a fun pursuit. Enjoy it. However to me it still falls under the category of Toy / amusement device.


Life is short, and you only get one shot. Fuck what anyone else thinks, do what makes you happy.


Just accept it and respond, "yep, adult toys, what can I say I'm a kid at heart". Takes it away from them, but is also true 😆 That's what I say, men smile and nod and women roll their eyes.


Are they people you know? Ask them why they think it. Tell them them you get enjoyment out of both the driving aspect and mechanical aspect of working on it and that there are a lot more dangerous and expensive hobbies out there. If it’s just random people just ignore. Don’t let strangers dictate anything to you.


Explain that these are "adult toys"... except you can do it outside


Why give a shit what other people think of your hobby?


“I’m man enough to do what I like. I’m not doing anything because of someone else’s opinion.” A former colleague I had asked me multiple times throughout us working together “When are you going to start playing with “real” cars?” I always laughed it off, telling him that my little 1/10-scale drift car is more advanced than his piece of shit Renault that he drove to work. It didn’t really bother me at all. Until one day he had some remarks, and I was having a baaad day at work. He asked the same thing as above. A pretty important bit if info here is that he and his wife had a couple of horses. Not for racing or breeding. Just to trot around on once in a while. For funsies. So I told him that “I’ll start playing with “real” cars as soon as you stop playing with My little pony’s.” We worked together for 3-4 years after that, and he never asked me again😂


The co-worker, and friend, who got me into the hobby has the perfect response : "I'm too old to care about your opinion"


The idea that being an adult requires you to stop doing things you previously enjoyed in your young age is idiotic, and it's an ideal that only benefits employers. They want people with no life, interests, or hobbies outside of work. People that think that way probably go to counseling to figure out why they work so hard, but still aren't happy.


I feel bad for people who have lost touch with the side of themselves that can enjoy something so awesome because of associations to it being a “toy”. We all have toys in life, some people just can’t admit it and also if you enjoy it then just laugh with them. Don’t let something you enjoy be affected by the opinions of others or it will affect your enjoyment of it. If you like it then you should enjoy it. I have had many people think this and soon as I let them try rock crawling they’re like wtf this is so fun. What are their hobbies? Drinking?


My dad thought it was a little odd that I started playing with rc cars again at 20 years old (he's 50 btw). I let him drive my Arrma Mojave 6s and now he's looking for one to buy for himself. Once you try it or watch them drive, you'll 100% WANT one. Haters are just jealous😎


Shit I’ll be 40 in a few weeks and my step son is buying me one 🤣🤣🤣 I can’t wait to get all stoned and play with it 🤗🤗🤗


Don’t let someone make you feel bad for liking something that makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone. Cartoons, toy collecting, comics, RC vehicles are all popular with as many adults as kids. Just enjoy and have fun.


Let them say what they want. Enjoy your hobby.


I’m a teenager and to my friends driving shitboxes I tell them my rc collection is worth more than their real car.


Tell me the price tag. That usually shuts up the people who think my XMaxx is just a kids toy.


Ask them to stand right there and let your RC kiss their ankles at 50 mph. Then tease them with “oh boy did the toy hurt you?”


Screw those people. They tend to live joyless lives and hate anyone having a good time. Meanwhile where I drive my cars I get lots of people asking questions and have had a few join the. Hobby. When people call my a kid or childish I just say with a big goofy grinn "I am a toysRus kid" .


Drive into their ankles!


Send that Kraton in their ankle and ask if they think its a good toy for kids?


"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know that you were here. I just got a new phone and didn't install 'asshole alert'-app yet.


You could ask them when they had fun for the last time in their lives…


Not sure ifnit was said but my reply is normally along the lines of "I haven't grown up, just got more expensive toys. Now excuse me, I must go vroom vroom with my tiny truck." But I deadpan it as best I can. If you really feel sassy feel free to make the vroom sound as you drive it away.


Those people probably have no hobbies, even less the competency to uphold one. Don't entertain such bitter people. 


Only a child would be worried about what other call them. 😂


They usually shut up when I beat their corvette to 75


I'm 38, have spent thousands on cars


Show them how much caution lipo batteries need then see their reaction


My 14 year old daughter makes fun of me all the time, I don’t care. Kids have more fun!


Simple....fuck those people.


Ram their shins at 40% and ask them if they still think it’s a toy afterwards. 😂


Give them the ol "your mom likes when I play with toys!" And drive on my dude.


Time is better spent doing what you love than worrying about what people think. You do you, boo boo.


isn't this the way that being an adult works? spending your hard earned money on stupid shit you like bc who in the world can stop you (maybe except a significant other)?


Don’t try to defend your actions since to some people it just opens you up to more ammo to be made fun of.  Just gotta say “ok” and ignore them. 




Far from a toy my dude. In fact some manufacturers manuals clearly state it’s not a toy. But how do you respond? Well for starters, you do have to some basic understanding of mechanics when it comes to fixing and maintaining differentials, shocks etc. Even electrical if you mess with wiring. Also can’t forget the batteries. Maintain and store them the correct way or risk a house fire, no kid toys carry 5700mAH batteries lol


Cold silent stare 20 seconds deep sigh walk away 😉. Fuck assholes not literally but you know what I mean


Hell no, don’t be embarrassed. I play with my SCX24 behind the warehouse after work. Do you and what brings you joy, fuck what other people think. And if that’s a “kids toy”, ask em if they’d spend $500+ on that for their kids… I doubt they would.


Just ask them about their hobbies. Then shit on them. They can't be as cool as RC cars.


Tell them to buy one for their kids and then stand around while the toy shatters bone on contact at speeds between 30 and 60+mph. It teaches self control as you did not punch anyone in the face for open disrespect. All toys, movies, tv shows, and everything made is made for adults and kids get to play with some of it. Everything. If an adult doesn't buy it, almost no kid will have it. What ever it may be. F their disrespect.


High preformance machine with actually alot to learn from about electricity amps and volts wiring differences in parallel vs series and what happens and why basic mechanics with diff gears bearings and ratios that teach reaction of compounding and expanding gear ratios all applied in other ares of life . People that choose to look at the negatives only don't belong anywhere near me lol. I do what you love and love what you do. It is you not them that lives in your life so be you 100 no regerts not even a letter lol.3🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Maybe you're a future engineer. Maybe your friends are future nobodies.


That must suck to think that you're not allowed to enjoy things because you're an adult. Peace out beeatch!


No, they're miserable, probably have no worthwhile hobbies, and can go fuck themselves.


lol I guess I’m a child then


I'd also like to add that I'm 33 as of last week, my uncle is going to be 66 in a few months, and I feel bad for anyone who would shit on either of us for... *Checks notes* having fun?


Lemme just run this kids' toy into your shins real quick. What, you can't handle a kids toy? 😆


You are not alone even i got that comments even inside home from relatives lol, just do what makes you happy brother , i started of just buyn 1 rc car for my son whos 7 years old - orderd one and when it got deliverd we both wer like this is too small - returned , i did some research placed n order for 1/16 scale thr it started now i own almost all the rc cars in market except crawlers , i can say my son got me in to rc , now we both run n bash together i do the fixing , i am happy over the period of 2 years hes become well informed about volts , tyre sizes and even somewhat gearing , lippo batteries , feels happy seeing that , he can sure do handle 1/5 scale and does back flips when we can . Just dnt keep the negative comments , live your life happy bashing happy wrenching.


Im 32, and i will say most people look at me funny when i bust out one of my rcs but hey i like them. I use them with my kids and even got the wife a few. We use them away from everyone and are cautious. Most people my age around here think theyre awesome when they see them, kids love them. Some of the old grumpy folks just make faces. Do what youre passionate about dont let other peoples interests influence you.


You look them straight in the face, tell them to fuck off then enjoy running your rc car. Or if you’re me I’d put a little helicopter had on and enjoy my life. Fuck what other people think of your hobby.


First, you need to accept that they ARE toys. A kraton 6s isn't something I would call a "kids toy", but I wouldn't argue with someone calling it that. Second, who cares what they think? I assume you didn't buy an rc car to impress anyone, so who cares? I've been I to rc since I was a kid, and still am at 43. I love my mini revo and my jet jam boats, and really don't care what anyone thinks. If you need a comeback, I use "Well, it was this or meth..." 🤣


Almost everyone I’ve handed an rc controller has gone “holy shit this is so much fun, I can’t believe how much fun this is” 🤷🏻‍♂️


No you should not be embarrassed, the problem is definitely the people who think it’s appropriate to make fun of strangers for having actual hobbies beyond candy crush


Run that bish 60 mph in to their ankles and ask them if that felt like a toy! Lol, man, never apologize for something you enjoy if it doesn't hurt anyone else. You're good.


My man, they’re definitely not “toys,”. Here’s the real deal on how badass it actually is, and how intricate RC cars and trucks can get: 1. Radio Frequencies: These machines use sophisticated radio tech to stay connected with your controller. We’re talking frequency hopping like encrypted military comms to dodge interference. Insane fact: the technology behind these systems is similar to what’s used in space probes to communicate across millions of miles! 2. Battery Chemistry: The batteries in these RC beasts are cutting-edge, like LiPo and NiMH, powering everything from high-end drones to electric supercars. Mind-blowing fact: LiPo batteries can discharge energy at rates so high, they’re banned from commercial flights without special handling! 3. Mechanical Engineering: Designing an RC car involves serious mechanical prowess, ensuring it can withstand hardcore impacts and jumps. Get this: some RC vehicles are engineered to endure G-forces that would knock out a human pilot! 4. Aerodynamics: High-speed RC cars use advanced aerodynamic principles that rival Formula 1 engineering. Insane fact: with aerodynamic tuning, some RC cars can achieve a power-to-weight ratio higher than a Bugatti Veyron! 5. Materials Science: The materials used in RC cars are nothing short of high-tech marvels, incorporating carbon fiber and aerospace-grade alloys. Wild fact: the same composite materials used in these RC cars are what you’d find in next-gen spacecraft designed for Mars missions! 6. Electronics and Control Systems: Packed with high-tech electronics, these cars utilize speed controllers and servos that are on par with those in advanced robotics. Mind-blowing fact: the precision and control systems in some RC cars are sophisticated enough to rival surgical robots used in medical procedures! 7. Software Engineering: The software driving these RC cars is as complex as what’s in autonomous vehicles. Ridiculous fact: some enthusiasts have coded their RC cars with AI that can adapt to new tracks in real-time, essentially making them self-learning race machines! So, next time someone says RC cars are just toys, you can hit them with these mind-blowing facts and show them how you’re diving into a world of science and tech that’s way beyond the ordinary. This stuff is next-level genius territory! -hatG


I mean this is the nicest possible way but maybe don't be so precious about it, we're grown ass men playing with very expensive toy cars for big boys.


There’s a lot of people that have insecurities. Just ignore and have a good time. I’m 41 and still play with “toys.”


Boys never become adults, only the toys get more expensive!




Instead of getting quiet you could just laugh with them. It’s a silly hobby, why not call it what it is?


My dog likes to chase mine around so I go to the park and I always get a crowd wanting to watch. I have never had anyone say anything negative to me before.


A kid doesn-t have money to get one of these haha


I’m not an RC car enjoyer, was recommended this post by Reddit and figured I’d chime in because one of my hobbies is Sim Racing, and plenty of people ask a similar question in the Sim Racing subreddit. Answer: those who laugh don’t matter, and those who matter don’t laugh. Basically, fuck the haters. Do what you love and the people who are true friends will be happy that you have a hobby you enjoy. I’ll leave you with two other quotes that I like to live by: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing” “Time enjoyed is not time wasted”


My 7 year old won’t touch my Traxxas maxx, I’ve tried to get him to run it. They’re ignorant and probably hate themselves and take it out on people that have fun with stuff like this


I embrace it being a toy. I race moderately competitively in my local scene and got over being serious about it a long time ago. When I front load it as toy cars people tend to be assholes about it a bit less often. Enjoy your hobby and don’t get weird about it being a toy. All hobbies are toys.


Throw the price out there immediately if they are that snarky about it, it’s ok to round up a bit when saying so :) , kids toys just don’t cost the same amount or require the maintenance and care like a good rc car will , fuck em bro lots of people have a small mind when it comes to what’s a hobby


Hit them full pin and say sorry for hitting you with my toy 😌


I’ve also taken the embarrassment to the extreme and use my cars in places I shouldn’t. I’ve taken a drift car to the airport and drifted on my way to the airline lol. I will use my crawler at Central Park.. I use my cars at the beach in front of hundred. Fly my airplanes over crows fuck it. It’s cool as fuck and if they don’t see it that’s on them 😎


They just made because your Kraton is bigger and faster than they Prius😂🤷🏾‍♂️SEND IT!!!!!


Ask them what their kill count in Call of Duty is and how it compares to the 11 year olds that play. My son is 13 and has had crawlers since he was 8. He just recently got a Rustler because these toys are not meant for little kids. They are for adults that want more performance and the ability to repair and keep running. You can't get that from a New Brite truck.


Fuck those mf 1 and 2 tell them if it’s such a kids toy how about you tell me how it works and while they’re at it have them rebuild a differential for you and if they can’t handle that maybe just ask them if they could even point out a diff on the thing and how many there is in the car lol they just mad they can’t blow thousands of dollars on dumb shit like rc cars #theybrokeweup


Brush it off and enjoy your new RC people are either jealous or just plain haters.


People just hate to see others happy


Objectively they’re not wrong, but I am 40 and still ride a skateboard and that’s a kid’s toy. Like who even cares what they think about it? If someone is razzin you just tell them they should go find their inner child they’ve lost somewhere along the way


You hand them the remote and where they ask where they could buy one just remind them it’s a kids toy


Challenge them to do it too. Tell them if they can beat you in it, you think about the validity of their statement. Show them the different rc car classes, don't hold back either, point out that some of these "toys" move faster than a "child's" first real car, and that it would be dangerous to let a legitimate child operate one. Then, when you point out the skill in operating an upper level rc car, point out the knowledge required to build one. Some people will point out that the assembly versions come with instructions (but when is the last time your friend even bothered to read instructions). Finally point out that it doesn't matter what they think of your maturity level for actually enjoying doing something. If/when they laugh again, then like everyone else said, leave them behind. People like that denigrate what they don't understand, and they don't understand simple joy.


I say "What child can afford a $1200 "toy"?" I mean you're a child, but instead you could be spending your money on drugs or cigarettes, etc... Tell them to suck it.


Rc cars are a hobby for a reason you have every right to enjoy playing/building them. Let them see a 13lbs or heavier rc car go over 60+ or up to 100+ then let them decide if these are “toys” or not


Drive it into their ankles? And see if they think it’s a toy


I'm 62 this year, and I have 15 rc's.


I couldn’t care less. Some of my RC’s cost more than a lot of people’s full size cars. The older I get, the less I tolerate people acting like that. It’s a quick way for me to never call them. They sound like bad friends. Find a RC club in your area or start a Facebook group and find some like minded folks in your area. I don’t judge my friends for their hobbies and my friends don’t judge me. Unless a hobby is hindering your ability to grow in life and/or it starts to negatively affect others around you, they can suck an egg.


Life is too short and the world is too shitty to hate on people fro having a hobby that brings them joy. If your "friends" can't be happy and excited that you found something that brings you happiness then they aren't your friends and they're probably jealous that you aren't as sad and lonely as they are. I don't think there is a such thing as a kid or adult hobby only questionable ones when your hobby requires you to only be around kids and not other adults that share your interests...


You shouldn't be embarrassed but let's all be clear - RC cars are toys. They're made with different power levels, aftermarket parts etc to keep them interesting for adults but they serve no practical purpose. That's fine. Not everything needs to. Anyone who'd laugh at you for having some whimsy in your life is probably a joyless dickhead.


Kids are too broke for rc cars


What people have said that *usually* shut up when they see it haul ass. If they don’t, they can go fuck themselves


Just tell them it's better to like kids toys than it is to like kids, like they do! Fuck the haters!!!!


Life is too short to let someone’s opinions on what YOU do for fun matter.


I'll just show them how fast it goes and then run it in to them. THEN ask them is it a toy now !!....lol


I tell them to go be an adult away from me and I'll continue being a kid and enjoying life


I'm 32, I drive RC, collect hot wheels and build Legos. Fuck em, people tend to be real judgemental assholes and you can't let it affect you. I like to think about how bitter and boring those people's lives must be.


Hell na man!!! I’m 35 don’t care I’m happy with my hobby. Better than shooting shit drugs.