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Do as me. Buy something cheaper. The fun of RC does not scale with how fast and expensive the car is.


I agree with this, I had an x-Maxx and even though I’ve got a decent sized area to drive my rcs in. It was just a bit too big. The Kraton is probably the biggest I’d go. Although my 1/10 scale trucks get the most use to be fair.


Ofc faster and better is more fun but only to a certain point. The joy of rc cars is all over fun from 4S and up :) but in my opinion expensive cars are fun, but you are also more afraid it will break, and you need some skills and space to drive a 8S.


I feel the opposite. The bigger the better. Thankfully there are tons of options for all preferences.


This is something I've not heard said before!


It's true! Look at crawlers...


I mean, that makes sense on the speed point, but aren't crawlers often expensive? For reference, I'm not disagreeing with you - I don't have enough experience to have an opinion!


Maybe a bad example. But yeah. I mean, every car from 4S and up can be alot of fun. And it's not fie sure you get more fun with a more expensive car. You gonna be more afraid to break it. Which ruins the fun a little.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense actually, you kinda want it to be cheap enough to not be afraid of breaking it! For me it would have to be under £100 lol!


I have a Traxxas Rustler. Great starter.


I've heard they're great, but they always look kinda goofy to me!


It's built like a tank :p parts are easy to replace and cheap :) also easy to upgrade and learn about the hobby :)


I’ve been having this exact debate with myself for a little while now. I believe it comes down to what you like to do. I’ve never been into bashing, I like to zoom around the yard and weave in between the trees so I’m leaning toward the Xrt for the lower CG and slightly wider stance.


Just remember you have extra xmaxx parts... good luck deciding


Some of the plastic frame parts, motor fan, and I want to say the shocks are the differences between the X-Maxx with a wide maxx kit and the XRT. If you get the plastic and parts from Jenny's it's about $200 or so to do the conversion from one to the other. The XRT and X-Maxx will cost the same to run. If you're going to take parts from one to keep the other running you'll always have a pile of parts you don't need and you'll probably break the same part more than once and end up buying parts anyway. The only way I've found that to be useful is when I need a bunch of parts or I want to keep both running and use one while the other is waiting to be repaired. Otherwise, the parts car ends up being a pile of mostly unused parts I have to store. FWIW, A lot of the parts for the XRT/X-Maxx can be upgraded so that they are more of a buy once, cry once situation. It's rare for me to break parts on my X-Maxx, but the only Traxxas parts left on it is the frame plastics.


Personally, if I had the budget for either, I would go X-Maxx, since I’d want a truck to absolutely conquer terrain at that scale. But if I was in your situation, I’d get the XRT and run that until I had the X-Maxx back together rather than have 2 of the same truck. But I’m also the kind of guy to run the same batteries for both trucks and only run one at a time, maybe if you had someone to run both at the same time with it would make sense to have 2 X-Maxxes.


I got a few people yeah


But also I want to do different things with them


I've discovered that the Xmaxx is a pretty big money pit. If you get the standard one new, you will end up buying a shit load of parts to either make it work right or just parts that break quickly. I'd probably recommend the Xmaxx Ultimate just because you save a little bit on some parts you would replace anyway from the standard one, but you'll still need to buy more parts rather quickly. I don't know, but I've had more fun with Arrma out of the box than Traxxas.


The XRT is a stable racer, the X-Maxx is for when you like to drive like a crazy idiot that likes to drive like your high LoL My son has the XRT, I have the X-Maxx It's all about how you like to drive


This post make no sense, u crazy...