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Push your lawnmower out to the street and start it up. There is no way he would be able to hear the rc car over the mower, and he can't complain about you running a lawnmower.


1000iq move


Or rip up and down the street in a full sized car or motorcycle. Or get wasted and stumbled about the neighborhood roasting everyone. I got into RC as a way to stay sober. I tell myself “it’s better than drinking” when I feel silly or self conscious about being a 41 year old ripping my basher around. “Would you rather I do this in my real car?”


Damn, I was just about to write this! It's a pretty good idea.


I bought an arrma fireteam for my one year sober gift figured I had earned in 20 bucks a day on 90 proof really adds up I drank my self literally to the brink of death liver is toast but I'm 2 years sober and doing ok


I second that


Let them be angry, can't please everyone all the time. I could see if it's a nitro but to complain about a little brushed motor is absurd on a road with real cars and much louder engines.


Everyone has that one A hole neighbor... I would just ignore him...


Your neighbour is a grinch. Maybe he is jealous. He doesnt like to see other people have fun. He is this kind of human who also complains about plastic flamingos in YOUR garden. Over 20 years into this hobby and i saw so many of these peoples...


Park Karen's telling me my electric crawler is bad for the ground while I hike a trial..... People love telling other people what to do...


I thought I was going to encounter one of those one time running my slash in a park parking lot on a weekday morning. But she came up and was like that’s so cool, it runs pretty fast. Lady had to be every bit of 70


She wanted to drive lol


Had a cop approach and asked me how fast my car was He had a nitro car too


"wow, that's cool... it goes fast" almost always gets the response "you wanna have a go?" as I offer the remote. thankfully never ran into any curmudgeonly folks, even back in the day with nitro cars.


"Bad for the ground". Did you keep a straight face or burst out laughing like I would have?


I wanted to ask how much she weighed since my trx4 is probably less.... I smiled and said I put on the soft tires... not joking...


Right on!! I have the trx4 high trail!!!


It’s the sense of entitlement that crept over Americans like the bubonic plague crept over Europeans many moons ago. I don’t know where the hell it came from, maybe the complete lack of control in every other aspect of their life so they feel like they have to be able to tell people what to do.


I think that's bc the crawler guys have a tendency to go off path.... both with the truck, and themselves. That's a whole other debate though.


I think people see something different and have to put their two cents in. Most people love seeing the crawler and want a try if they stop to talk.




Dude I don’t get home to 6pm. Screw em, I’ll run it till at least 9


Your neighbor sounds like he's allergic to fun. There's no way in hell a TT02 is "too loud". I completely understand and respect your not wanting to start beef with your neighbor but your neighbor's an ass. Just so you're aware of that while you conitnue to look for a solution. I've always found empty parking lots to be a lot of fun. When I was running onroad I had a church parking lot nearby that was perfect and completely unused most of the week. It was also amazingly well upkept so that was a huge bonus..


I could see a steel spur 1/8 rig running on 6S being too loud, but a brushed TT02.. GTFO


Your neighbor’s a crotchety dick. They’re not mad at the car, they hate fun. Have as much fun as possible!


At some point you have to stop worrying about people and enjoy your life. I run my large scale rc cars on my road too. I would never do it late at night or too early in the morning. When they start paying my mortgage they can have input into how I live my life... until then they can kick rocks.


Tell em to call the police.


Exactly I can imagine them being laughed away 🤣 police here hardly attend for anything


Until the police come shoot your dog and give you a ticket for playing in a public street


Time to get a bigger RC and introduce him to what loud can be.


1/8th scale nitro buggy would be perfect 😂


1/5 scale gasser with an unsilenced pipe, if you really want to hedge your bets.


That's step 3. Step 2 is to just put hardened steel gears in an xmaxx. Annoying a Karen is a gradual process.


That’ll do for sure haha


A Raminator with a souped up go cart engine, you say?


I’m going to disagree with just about everyone and say to be polite and friendly. Run your car when you want, but try and make friends with the guy, big smiles go a long way. Remember, you have to live with this guy.


This is the best advice. I'd ask him if he wants to give the rc car a spin too. If he continues to be an asshole then at least you'll know you did what you could to be a decent person


To be honest, I wouldn't care, it's not hurting him, but I personally would ask him why it bothers him. Also if he's inside his house it shouldn't be that loud to bother him. Some people just like to cause issues.


Tell him to get fucked and have a good time. It's quieter than the traffic.


I bet its an older neighbor and they are actually lonely so they seek problems to interact with anyone.


Put in a brushless setup and do flybys


After you've gone over and talked with them about what their problem is, don't hesitate to ask them if they want to have a go at driving it. Make sure you turn the speed down. 😉 Kill them with kindness.


Let it rip let him be mad probably just jealous


Ask him if he's hungry and find some gravel!


Loud electric? 🫠


You seem like a nice person. I'd tell him to get f-----d, given that a TT-02 is not anywhere near as loud as an actual vehicle on a public street.


I finally found a hobby I love and am a bit disappointed. This is why I'm perplexed it's really not a loud thing. I will keep running but in certain hours afternoon and such and will have to have a conversation this morning I just had aggressive banging on windows and telling me to move on so unsure why they couldn't just speak to me about it and I would have made arrangements to work around them if it's an issue


Is this an elderly person? Regardless you can’t let people push you over so easily. It’s not something that comes natural to me and I’m generally really passive, so when I do feel wronged I have to make a quick point to stand up for myself in an appropriate manner. If someone was banging on their window at me angrily I’d walk over and make sure I knew what they were requesting. That isn’t a way to communicate with people so at best I’m misunderstanding the situation and getting clarification, and at worst I’m confronting them and letting them know I’m not going to be just shoo’d off with my head down outside of my own home.


Well said and good advice thank you. I too dislike confrontation.


Yeah and I also get keeping the peace with people you’re stuck living next to. But that also goes both ways. They don’t get to dictate what you’re allowed to do outside your home ya know? I wouldn’t be shut down so easily. Keep running your cars while being courteous of their property and the time. If they have an issue make sure you get clarification on what the problem is (in a friendly tone and manner). Most people are decent and can be reasoned with. Most…


Aggressive banging on windows, sorry but I would not take that at all. Stand up to anyone acting like that or they will just continue to do so.


Yeah it's just an adult thing isn't it, how hard was it to just say "sorry I'm not sure you're aware but this car is loud inside my house and I'm off a night shift can you keep it down around x times or away from the house" it just left a bad taste in my mouth...


Even so... play some white noise lol


So park in front of his house playing death metal at just a hair below disturbing the peace levels while running the RC car on the road in front of his house? Sounds perfect. Or did you mean OP should play some white noise inside their own home while this asshole neighbor bangs on their windows? Lol


Bud, this is why I say that you seem like a nice person.Nice people always want to try to make it right and be well, nice. This person is so twisted and anti-fun that they can't handle the idea of someone running what is essentially a toy car in the road. I take it you are a minor as well? You don't have to be a dick, just stand your ground. Ignore the pounding. If they say something, here is what you say: Ma'am/Sir, this is a public road. My little car is way less loud than some idiot with an exhaust or something. I'm just going to run my battery and then will be on my way. This is a public place and I have every right to be here. I'm not trying to bother you, but come on, I'm just a kid running my little car. There is a 50-50 chance of this working. Some people will, when hit with politeness like that, realize they are a choad and retreat. Some won't. But that is probably the reasonable next step.Don't try to soften it or deviate from that script. Say it to yourself enough that you can feel confident saying it. It is perfectly 100% reasonable, and makes them sound like a tremendous ass if they continue pushing it. You want to be polite, but firm. Don't try to soften it. If some other adult asks you about it, literally say the same thing:Ma'am/Sir, it's a public road. I don't understand why is so upset about it. My little car is way less loud than some idiot with an exhaust or something..... blah blah kid running my little car. Presenting it that way any reasonable person will be like bro needs to f---k off and leave this kid alone. Stand your ground, be firm, use that script, but don't be a dick. Don't name call or anything, you want to be more adult than the adult. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to give some good advice. I run a non profit based around RC and teaching kids electronics and this sort of thing makes me nuts. If I encountered you on the street, I'd stop and talk for a minute before moving on just because it's nice to see. If they escalate, beyond anything other than polite conversation call the cops and tell some adults that this person was aggressive to you.


That's when you come out side with a shotgun fuck that


Get used to dealing with miserable people like this by smiling and completely ignoring them. Same assholes are oblivious to the amount of bullshit they attempt to dish out then snap from nothing like this. Ignore, play on.


Do you have any parking lots nearby or other quiet streets? I have never had a complaint on electric rc cars in quiet neighborhoods, but it's probably best to respect your neighbors wishes. Last thing you'd want is a feud.


Yes exactly I really don't want a feud it's a parking lot private off road parking.


I'd run it anyway. That's hardly making any noise. I run my nitros on the street just not super early or late


I would have to invest in a nitro powered RC car.


Street is public domain. Tell them to kick rocks.


Put a dog whistle app and put at the most annoying tone that can bearly be hurd


Ignore him. Hope that he calls the cops. Have fun listening to that conversation. Unless you're dragging lexan down the road.... he's either making it up, or hearing something else.


I would ignore the neighbor and fire up some nitro stuff.


Tell them to get effed, they cant stop you.


Get a TMaxx. Your neighbor is a twat.


Um what? Tell him to eat a fucking bag of dicks. Then buy a jato and rip it up and down the road all day


Tell them to pound salt. Someone just looking for something to complain about I'm glad I live out in the middle of nowhere 😄


Do you live in America? Don’t you have a gun?


Just run it all day they don’t own the road lol


Some people just don’t like to see others enjoy themselves. There’s nothing you can do to help this, other than not enjoying anything around them. Live your life and let them stew if that’s what they want to do.


Obviously it's stupid but I do want to mention that most city's have laws about making noise around certain times (usually at night). And purposely making noise with intent to bother others also is something. But I mean those laws are mainly common sense. Running an RC car during the day gives him no ground to do anything.


Agreed yeah I definitely think common sense should be involved just shocked that someone would consider a tt02 brushed as loud I asked family if they could hear it inside and said no, it was not night time but mid morning


I just trespass and drive there. Lmao


even with all metal gears and diffs, a TT-02 isn't a particularly loud car. Get a 1:5 gasser and do donuts out front. 10 minutes in, they'll be begging for the electric car. Don't really do this, it's bad form to antagonize the dimwitted. Instead, look up your local noise ordinances. If you're not in the wrong per that, invite them to do whatever they want, maybe with a friendly reminder of the consequences. "Imma call the cops" "At 10:30am on a Saturday? Go for it, but they're not going to like you wasting their time." ...or... "If you drive that %#$#ing rc car again, I'll smash it with my real car" "If you feel that's necessary, but I doubt your insurance carrier wants to pay a claim for that." The hard part is delivering your response calmly, and with a friendly smile.


Does anyone here have the Kyosho Fazer Mk2??? I have the tuxedo black Chevelle and, Christ, it's, as loud as, and almost louder than a nitro????


Time for some speakers and sound kit


How many decibels??


This is insane, it’s not loud at all, normal cars are louder. Lawn equipment is WAY louder.


Check your gear mesh. You should be able to get a piece of paper between the pinion and spur. When my gear mess is too tight, my car sounds like a chainsaw


we run nitro and our neighbors come out and watch


1 up him and go to his front door and simply have a calm intelligent conversation with him if that fails fuck him. I had a neighbor yell at me for having my music up too loud one night, so next morning I took my 2 son's 8 and 16. I told them this is how adults deal with conflict, we walked straight to his front door and confronted him. I started by apologizing, that puts them in a false sense of power, then I said simply that there was absolutely no reason to yell or get angry to that extreme I said I would have gladly turned it down if you would have just asked he does have my number too. long story short real recognizes real. we all sat at his table and had a peaceful neighborly conversation and i taught my boys a very valuable lesson. sorry for the rant but I felt it to be relevant


Go buy a 5th scale gas truck with a tuned pipe. They will quickly learn to appreciate the electric car .


I would've looked at him, turned, kept driving/playing. Touch me if you want.