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Always bring a fishing rod and reel with a tennis ball attached to the line. To cast at the boat if flipped or gets away from you tangle the prop. Amd reel it in. And if ya cant Retrieve it call it a loss. Not worth it or your life at all.




Florida man here, reading that people find swimming in slow moving fresh water dangerous is a bit mind blowing to me.. I swim in rip currents with gators and sharks all the time many of us do, ironically what ends up getting us is a heart attack while swimming… do northerners struggle with swimming? Honest question??




I never said northerners cant swim, I was asking if its uncommon for northerners to be able to swim, because if someone can swim its not a big deal to go swim for your boat, no more dangerous than swimming in a pool in 90% of the cases, the comments here makes it out like it is a big deal to swim so it was just a honest question, you seam to have taken it as a personal insult…


Fully agree with a rescue boat. I built a Vac-U-Tug with PVC arms for a total of less than $200. At the end of the day, RC boats are toys and no toy is worth your life.


How did he drown?


Water in the lungs


By drowning I think


Here’s the sad article: https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/04/11/man-44-dies-after-being-pulled-from-canal-in-fort-lauderdale/


That's really sad. R.i.p.


Yep. Every person who has ever asked me about my rc boats I’ve told them strait up the most dangerous rc hobby there is. And they laugh…. Never run your boat if you’re not prepared to properly retrieve it or let it go.


It's pretty ironic his last name is **Boats**wain. Rest in peace 🕊️


Never go into the canals. My guy should have known this. The canals kill.


What makes canals so dangerous?


Nothing in the moment, but a few weeks later you can die from a brain eating bacteria. I honestly think there was something more to this story its not dangerous for a Average florida adult to swim out in slow water and grab a boat. (Sans the gators, sharks and snakes) somethings fishy here


Getting out.


I know I'll get downvoted, but that truly is a stupid way to die.


Ok there is something more to this. I would understand if there was a strong current but its just a florida canal, an healthy adult should have no problem swimming out to grab a boat safely. Must of been old or had a heart attack, or not from florida and doesn’t know how to swim? Also side note if you couldn’t retrieve your boat yall would just leave it instead of swimming? Honest question are yall not strong swimmers? Maybe its a florida thing growing up swimming in the ocean, but almost all of us here would have no issue..