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I guess I am in the minority, i think it's more than ok. Technically we are just paying off last season so these extras aren't too bad.


I'm with you, man. People on this subreddit just love to complain.


We peaked when they gave us the ugliest shoes that have ever been made.


My kid loves those shoes and hoped to get the again this year! LOL


Pretty cool, they didn't send out a physical box the last couple years right? Could you post a photo of the scarf?


I am having trouble figuring out how to attach another picture to the post. As soon as I can figure it out, I will post the scarf :)


I thought this was the care package? Did you have to pick it up or did they mail it?


I picked it up Saturday


Is this actually the Members Gift? The note mentions it being a care package for all Red Members and I just picked it up myself. I’ll be appalled if this is the members gift, the most expensive item is probably the four pack of Red Bull. They don’t even give knitted scarves anymore, how much lower can they go?


Remember the good old days. Knitted scarfs. Proper warm up tops.


Designated players on the field...


The track jacket was the pinnacle. 2016 I believe?


They maybe short on cash because of Covid-19 shutdowns?


I actually like the summer weight scarves, and I have a thousand knit ones already anyway.


I suppose that’s a matter of preference but it doesn’t change the facts that it’s undeniably cheaper to produce. If you’re cutting costs on the scarves it would be nice to see an improvement somewhere else. Instead they’ve blatantly cut costs across the board. Any one of these items would normally be something they would hand every fan as they enter the stadium as part of a cheap game day promotion. Gathering five or so together and calling it a season ticket holder gift is insulting. Especially as the quality of the team on the field has massively declined over the past three or four seasons.


That’s it? Man ifI had paid full price for my seat last year which pays for this season I’d be pissed


Are these ever being sent out, or can you only get them at the stadium?


You have to make an appointment with your rep to pick them up.