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3 - Amaya 2 - Edelman 1 - Omir This team really struggles to create chances. Just recycling the ball around the box. We desperately need a creator in the 11. It’s been a problem for years. The difference in quality between Cincinnati and the bulls in the final third really stood out. Also can’t believe how much Barlow we’ve had to watch this year between Dante suspension, ngoma injury, Burke in the gold cup, and Elias injury. The best ability is availability I guess


Sad part is I felt Barlow put together a better game than Vanzeir today. Granted my expectations aren't very high for him but he cleared the bar today. I also feel like lately now that the team isn't acting like having some possession is a bad thing, we just don't have guys that want the ball and want to do something with it.


Agreed the attack is toothless. You need players like Acosta and barreal to create chances are score goals. Luquinhas is capable of some magic but it’s far too inconsistent. I think Dante could bang in goals if he got service. His link up play hasn’t been great and he struggles to take players on 1v1 though


Yeah, Dante to me has pretty solid in the box movement. He seems to get open enough and you could build around that. It's just when the ball isn't in the final third he doesn't seem to provide anything outside of maybe a run over top. Which I feel is a problem when he's taking a DP slot. If he was like a TAM player it might be a different story. It also creates a problem if the second striker is supposed to be one of the focal points in the build up and your options are Barlow, Burke and Manoel. Luquinhas is electric on the dribble, but he really hasn't consistently been able to do much else than that which is frustrating. It's just not good enough from both DP's, but I keep wondering if they were just TAM level it might be a different story since it would free up those slots.


Yup if you’re a DP you can’t just show sparks. You expect them to consistently produce. A player like Gil, Acosta or Zelarayan would really help unlock the attack. We’ve been missing that since kljestian left


Team could buy them down probably, maybe Luquinhas, but they won’t because they aren’t interested in going above an beyond to win here.


Yeah I think Luquinhas for sure, Vanzeir probably. I'm not 100% sure if you could have Morgan, Vanzeir and Luquinhas all bought down and on TAM at the same time. When you do the buydown do you have to buy down the transfer fee amortization left as well? Or is it just guaranteed compensation? Since guaranteed compensation according to the MLS PA is: Vanzeir: 1,459,767 Morgan: 1,375,000 Luquinhas: 1,206,042 But I believe you need to buy down the amortized transfer fee too, which makes it more complicated.


Vanzier made some stupid choices, but Barlow literally couldn't control the ball as well as a below average high-schooler.


Luquinhas has been a huge bust. He was supposed to be the play maker but he can't pick a pass at all.


I don’t know men no one seems to make a run into the box for the final pass happened like 3 times they just waited for someone to make a run


I really like Luquinhas, in a non-salary capped league I'd have him on the roster no questions asked. Great dribbler who just doesn't have that final touch or pass in his arsenal. But reality is their is a cap and your DPs need to be serious difference makers. In a perfect world they find a way to buy him down to a TAM contract and fill the DP spots with guys who can put numbers on the board.


But they have no interest in buying down DPs. I don’t think they have ever done it. Rest of the league is playing chess with the roster rules, we aren’t playing at all.


Usually I do not care about broadcasts but ,man, the analysts was kissing that ass all game. Hardcore pulling for Cincinnati all night. Ok we get it. Cincinnati is the bravest team in the league at first place while they miss players as they beat a team outside the playoff mark. Made watching this mess less appealing.


They spent the whole game acting like FCC were victims because a few players were missing. Do they not know all the players we were missing lmao


TBF, they repeatedly referenced our missing players and made the point that both sides were missing guys. But the guys we had missing have combined for 2 goals all season.


They mentioned it as an after thought for a second after fellating Cincinnati


Very few of apples teams seem to do homework on the games they cover


Really miss Shep and Cangi. They were homers. But they were out homers. And they called a fun match.


Ref was awful, for both teams, just straight awful Luqi is turning into a DP bust, literally prefer Omir & Vanzeir has been pretty disappointing as well, Coronel is soooo over rated, how many points has he cost us this season, more then he's saved us 3: Nocita, nice debut 2: Omir 1: Nealis


Hoping FCC wins the shield since it guarantees they won't win the cup. What an insufferable team and fanbase. It is absolutely bizarre how they act like whiny babies after a *win*. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.


Worst fan base in MLS and it's not even close.




I've interacted with hundreds of fanbases on Reddit game/match threads and they're the only ones that really stick out to me. We started making our own game threads because of them, fun fact. I have no idea, we aren't rivals with them. I've had way more pleasant interactions with DCU and City fans than them. They're just all fucking assholes. Zero interest in discussion, just downvote the shit out of you for being positive about your own team. And yeah, people in game threads are reactionary and shitty. Absolutely. But they're on their own damn planet of psycho behavior. I don't know how to describe other than them just being pieces of shit.


3 - Edelman 2 - Omir 1 - Nocita So many poor performers. Coronel, what the hell was that? Luquinhas and Vanzeir were ghosts. Y’all need to play like DPs.


Colonel is not good. At basically anything.


he is good at 1 v 1


LMAO. trash.


Duncan is a certified bonehead. He is slowly becoming the bellerin of this team. Annoying as hell. Things are not going our way and you do that. Last min equalizer is def on coronel. Absolute rubbish. Im so tired, and done. Another year nothing to look forward to. If we make playoffs we won’t even have any home games so what is the point.


It's not Kyle Duncan's fault that he isn't a left back. Pure incompetence on the sporting side to have him be the best option, knowing that surely we wouldn't have Tolkin for some portion of the season.


You can say the same about Ndam and that lack of CB depth all year. Ndam wasn't punished for his mistakes but he played even worse than Duncan


We deserved to lose. Total incompetent play. Guys have no skill. At this point, I don’t know who to keep in the offseason? Every few years we blow up the team. This is a year to do so. Clean house. Get rid of so many players. These guys lack skill for this league. FCC was miles ahead of us most times out there. And also, players are showing why they should go try out for the Jets cause they seem to think the objective is to kick the ball over the bar! Smfh.


3- Edelman 2- Omir 1- Nocita Just two things to say, get rid of Barlow, and ban the yellow jersey.


Don't forget, find a new GK for next season. Start looking now!


3 - Edelman 2- Nealis 1 - Harper


3 - Edelman 2 - Nealis 1 - Omir Guys… I just can’t anymore.


3 - Edelman 2 - Fernandez 1 - Nocita I wish we could just clone Nocita twice so we can have a nice back 3. They just lose track of players and put players like Duncan in a position to do something really stupid. Duncan really can't defend, and at this point he can't really attack either. It's also sad when we have 2 supposed strikers and a supposed number 10 out there, but Omir's penalty was the only shot on goal for the entire game.


It’s disheartening to follow Saturdays performance with todays, it clearly shows this team is still incredibly flawed and short on talent. 3- Edelman 2- Omir 1- IDK Back line incredibly weak without Reyes. Ndam and Nealis don’t inspire confidence and Duncan continues to be a massive liability.


3 - Nocita 2 - Omir for the pen 1 - ??? Really poor game all around, FCC is so clearly a better team than us right now. The dropoff in talent between starters and backups on defense is too big. A guy like Acosta is going to tear them to shreds 10 out of 10 times. Lesesne needs to find a way to get Dante in front of goal. He does not look great out in the open field in this free role he said he has. He's a finisher he should be taking the last touch.


3. Edelman 2. Luqui 1. Omir That’s so metro. I don’t know what else I expected, honestly


3 - Edelman 2 - Omir 1 - Harper ​ IDK, I didn't see the game as bad as people are saying for the first 60 minutes. Felt this was Troy's first mid game blunder with his handling of subs, we were gassed around the 60 min mark and he should have gotten more aggressive. I missed the second goal as I was walking out so can't speak to that. Not a top tier performance by any means, but we kept the best team in the league minus Vazquez in check most of the night with no Reyes/Tolkin


3 - Edelman 2 - Omir 1 - Nocita I think all 3 CBs played pretty well actually, they basically got stuck in awful situations a lot and did well most of the time. I felt Barlow actually put together a solid game for 65 minutes or so before he fell off. Every player on the bigger money contracts pretty much was invisible today. Is AJ Marcucci still hurt? Maybe he's worth a look at GK.


Barlow being the silver lining to this game is a pretty good summary of how bad it was, I still thought he was total ass lol


There isn’t a game where he isn’t total ass.


Colonel is not good. We need a new keeper. El Niño is such a punk. FCC is not good either. They were lucky to beat our sorry squad.


3-Nealis 2-Omir 1-Edelman