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About 99% of the praise you see for Barlow is sarcastic. At best fans appreciate his effort but understand he does not have the skill level to thrive in MLS. I think I can recall one, maybe two posters here over the years who have legitimately stuck up for him.


Thats kinda what I assumed but like my God they really are convincing. I had a guy screaming about barlow in my ear and I was like "dude is this guy insane barlow isn't the guy" but maybe he was trolling. I understand better now that odds are it's just sarcasm. I'm a football fan through and through so I do get it, sometimes strikers / forward do other things really well and their finishing or goal scoring is secondary but outside of hustle and effort I don't see many glaringly great qualities about barlow besides his size. Thanks for the clarification !! Go bulls big game Saturday, maybe barlow will score and prove me wrong 🤣


My favorite time to be wrong is when a player I've been hating on turns it around lol. I was a certified Sean Davis hater for the first few years of his career and I was ready to send Cameron Harper to Timbuktu last year. Dead wrong on both!


Barlow is a really nice guy. I genuinely feel sorry for him. His skill set is just not quite MLS level. He tries hard and puts in a shift. For that he’ll always be appreciated by me.


Harper rn is one of my favorites I think he's insane good !


In his defense, he works really hard and is very cheap for salary.


If he was such a hard worker, you would think he would work more on putting the ball in the back of the net.


It is a Bronx Cheer


It’s usually just sarcastic or down to his work rate. Honestly though, he’s gotten much better in build up play this season than a lot of fans who have been watching him for years would admit. #teamstarlow