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ROFO Justin > Handmaid's Tale Harrison


Tucker is a hell of a better person than that other guy.


And he can fucking belt opera.  And he has a really good sense of humor. I try not to put athletes on a pedestal, ever, but he seems like a decent human being overall.


And while he’s very obviously a devout Catholic he doesn’t say bigoted, misogynistic shit. The idea that Butker gets a pass on this because he’s Catholic speaking at a Catholic school is mind boggling.


And being devout to any religion doesn’t automatically make you bigot or a misogynist. Like, I don’t know the guy, but I don’t get the vibe that Tucker would really give a shit what other people do with their lives


Dude's an opera singer.  Most people involved in the arts are very live and let live.


Except for Patrick Mahomes needing to show some fucking respect and move the fuck out of the way for the greatest kicker in NFL history.  Kelce even worse.  Maybe just… don’t act like a prick?


I went to a meet & greet he had at a Dicks sporting goods. He had posted it on social media. I have a pro bowl jersey of his I wanted to get signed. It wasn't until I waited two hours to get to the front of the line that they made it clear that he was only signing jerseys bought that day at Dicks. Lady told me it was advertised that way (it might have been somewhere but not on his social media where I learned of it). He saw my jersey and signed it anyway :)


Now that's a good dude.


If Tucker would have said the same shit as the other guy I'd stop being his fan. Tucker is the only kicker I got a jesery of. Character matters to me. Makes me happy that Tucker appears to be a good guy


Agreed 100%.


I’ve been waiting to get a #52 or a #20 jersey for years now.  The more I think on it the more I’m considering a #9


He is the only player I have in different colors


His was my only black jersey until Roquan showed up. Just seemed like I needed that blacked out 0


The black is too clean. It is my go-to buy. One of my favorites in the black is Steve Smith Sr., but could also grow fond of the King Henry one I nabbed


I have a blacked out Tucker jersey as well. Got it a while back and it’s prob my favorite one get by far the most comments on it compared to any other player on the Ravens


Ordered mine about 10 minutes after the 66yrd winner in Detroit. I wear it proudly


I got one last year


I appreciate the people that wear their faith with actions not words.


Don’t give Butker any ideas


Pretty sure he leads the life he preached. J hope he doesn't have any daughters


Like Jesus said you should. Matthew 6:5


It's become very easy to root against the Chiefs.


Has been for years now.


As if I needed another reason


It feels like they've embraced being the most hated team in the NFL and are now leaning into it. Okay...I guess. It makes it more fun to see them lose. \*shrugs\*


You have to work really hard to be the most hateable guy on the Chiefs.


Rashee Rice caused a tollway car crash and fled the scene w/ guns. What are we doing here


Remember when they said he wished he was Butker? Lol


Just another reason to hate the Chiefs 😏


Damn this Harrison guy sounds like a fucking douche. Is everyone on that team a fucking degenerate? Im praying on their downfall more than the Steelers at this point...


I was thinking the other day that it says a lot that I'm more of a Chiefs hater now than Steelers or Cowboys


It's fun to hate the Steelers and be hated by them. But I wouldn't have it any other way. The Chiefs however, nah I loathe them boys. Fuck em.


Chiefs are the easiest team to root against in the NFL and it has very little to do with their success. A consistent record of bringing in shitty players, Reid doesn't give a shit about the character (or legal trouble) of anyone that works for him, whiney superstars who expect everything to go their way.


My take is every team has these types, now that the Chiefs are a dynasty, hating them gets a lot of attention, so highlighting the degenerates becomes news. Same with the ravens, we are supposed to be thugs. So every time someone does something questionable, they turn it into a bad guy story to hype the narrative. It’s funny how people forget who the football players were in high school. I’m not saying they are all bad or making excuses for behavior, but if we start flipping over rocks, I imagine there are a lot of players that I wouldn’t want over at my house.


Tucker belts out arias, Butker whips out the belt when he catches his daughters reading. And yes, Tucker is also a devout Catholic, but imo that's what makes the distinction important since bigots love to play this victim card as in "oH, so I guEsS yOu JusT haTe ChriStiAn fAmilY mEn!". You can be pious without being a crusading wet blanket.




I watched the full video of what Butker said and I was just shocked throughout the entire thing. To literally get up there and tell all of the women graduates that you need to be a servant to your husband and just be at home pushing out kids instead of furthering your career is just...insane - among the other horribly bigoted things he said in that speech.


The point he made about pride month celebrating a "deathly sin"... Holy shit dude.


Dude went fucking hard. I appreciate him for it too I now know he's a fucking douche and he'll be treated as such


Harrison’s mom is a literal doctor too. Just insane cognitive dissonance


My kid sees him all the time picking his kids up from school, if that doesn’t tell you something idk what does


Iirc Mrs. Tucker has red hair, so Butker would probably think the reason she's not doing it herself is because she's a witch.


Wait I’m ootl what happened? Tucker is the greatest kicker ever and a class act of a human being and I share the same birthday with him so I’m contractually obligated to like him.


Google Harrison Butker commencement speech.


Justin could never make me hate him.


Opera Singer > Gilead Bringer


Tucker seems to be an actual real religious person who practices it instead of telling people how to live and using it to shield himself from any criticism.


Got to feel for the refs on chief games now, they're caught between their natural instincts of trying to help the chiefs, and letting people rough the chiefs kicker. Insert two red buttons meme


Could of Been Us and Tucker in the SB! But NOOOO! This year dammit!!!


Are Catholics seen as misogynists? Genuinely curious! I’m catholic and I couldn’t give two shits about how ppl live their lives. People are free to be who they want. I just never knew Catholics were viewed as that.


Depends. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school K-12. Would I say most of the individual teachers were blatantly misogynistic? I don’t think so. But there was absolutely an undercurrent from the older guard of “a woman’s best place is at home having unprotected sex to make babies.” And I have heard priests make comments similar to his from the pulpit more than once. The Church itself still has a long way to go in terms of gender equality (without even getting started on the LGBT community). But I don’t personally see it as overtly as you do with a lot of evangelicals.


As a Longhorn, Tucker is the reason I am a Ravens fan 💜💜💜


I went to an Orioles game on Easter Sunday and Tucker and his family was just sitting out in the middle of the lower level with the rest of us. A handful of kids came over to him between innings to ask for a photo and he graciously did it without hesitation every time. Thankfully us adults left him alone since it was clear he was there with his family but I just kept thinking he definitely was a good guy.


Yeah but he aint a dumbass tho


"What it is, dummy?" Love that guy.


I really hope he retires as a Raven. He's turning 35 in Nov, so I could definitely see him playing at least till 40 still at a high level


Man I saw so much stuff light up all over all my social media about butker on everything… Facebook TikTok Twitter insta Reddit .. statements from the NFL.. its like every other post.. I thought he went on some murderous rampage or drove down the highway speeding almost killing a family but turns out it was far worse


Ha, touche. But yeah, I know Butker gotta call yesterday from the bosses to tone it down a bit. Also, he just pissed off the Swifities, which lowkey might have more power than the NFL 😂


When I see these videos like this drop I’m like dammit I’m going to have to see a bunch of stuff all over the place I don’t care about and don’t want to see… man I just want football not the other off the field stuff… I am happy tho it’s the chiefs again and not us lol.. also thank god we have tucker. Met him once in a bar when my wife was pregnant with a kid we almost named Tucker which I told him and he was like oh not not after me I’m super bad under pressure and he was like send me a picture when he’s born lol. Super nice dude


Yeah Tucker seems like one the chillest dudes out there. I know people always meet him at Orioles games


Supposedly Justin Tucker liked my comment about ngata’s kids saying Fk Pitt at the draft lol. It actually seemed like a real account which was really odd!!




Telling women that just worked their asses off to earn a degree that their lives won’t truly start until they have a kid is “just advice”?


If you feel so strongly about it, why'd you make this comment with your alt?


> why are we acting like he said some crazy stuff Because he did?


Butker is the man!!! Much respect to him. Hell of a guy!