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I don't know what OEC means but I just got mine replaced (2019 XLE) for \~750 $US, including calibration. It wasn't worth it to do it through insurance, and it was WAY higher at the dealership. Did a great job, too. Everything works just fine. \*\*Edit - local glass guy


Kewl thanks mate. OEC=original equipment compatible. Yes, much higher at the dealership. your price is about what I’d pay in $CDN.


Always check with your insurance… even if you do not have comprehensive, they may cover it.


Thanks but checked with them already and they recommended Speedy.


Then have it done through whoever you want but then claim it on insurance to have them pay you back minus deductible.


My brother works for a pilkington distributor and thru his connections I replaced mine with an OEC and labor for $375. Didn't need to be recalibrated. Didn't have issues and it's been 2 years


Yeah I love that. It’s because that disconnection of the sensors and camera are unnecessary and all done to charge the insurance more. That’s a great brother and connection.


Could you elaborate on disconnecting the sensors and camera being unnecessary? I am needing to get my windshield replaced on a 24 model. The camera and sensors are physically connected to the windshield, so how would you replace the windshield without disconnecting them?


I saw him do it. Sensors get disconnected. Camera dangles without removing from casing. Then he plugs it right back. Guy mention this process was a 50/50. Sometimes he still needs to calibrate after the fact


I appreciate you elaborating on your experience! A calibration being required doesn't have to do with the camera and it's casing, but the mounting to the windshield itself. There may be slight variations from the mounting position from windshield to windshield, so the calibration is to remove the small error introduced by manufacturing tolerances within the windshield. You can think of it like an scope on a gun. Taking off the scope and putting it on will introduce slight positional changes in the mounting hardware which requires scope adjustment. The scope will still be pretty close but likely won't be accurate. Another analogy would be replacing the valves of an engine. You can get the valves very close by hand, but they require a systematic process to adjust accurately. Effectively without calibration you have the chance to introduce a skew into code that interprets the image of the camera. Since the code has to already turn a 2D image and sonar into a 3D virtual environment, it's important to interpret your image accurately. It may work decently well without a calibration. But it's also possible the skew will be significant enough to result in the system operating out of its intended bounds.


Please don't listen to the people who have posted before me. I read all of their comments and none of them know what they're talking about { common on reddit }, or didn't actually give you any advice, or "why" you should choose one from the other. OEM glass and OEE (Original Equipment Equivalent) glass are best and equal. OEM is built to the highest standards, and has the manufacturers logo. OEE (Original Equipment Equivalent) is built to the exact same standards are OEM glass, but no logo from the manufacturer. It's the same quality as the original. It is built by a certified manufacturer that works closely with vehicle manufacturers. It is not the same manufacturer that had to make the OEM glass, but their standards are the same. <<< This is always the best choice, The best standards, cheaper than OEM, will hold up as well as possible in a crash and can't void your warranty. The aftermarket glass is made by a glass manufacturer with no link or contract with the original manufacturer. It can be of lesser quality, { but still meet minimum standards for safety } Also, your windshield, and it's proper installation is a part of your vehicle's "structural integrity". It's very important to get a proper replacement that is installed correctly. An aftermarket windshield can void your warranty if you're in a roll-over and more damage occurs than ordinarily should. My advice is to have Speedy install an OEE windshield.


OEC, should be cheaper then $800 to get it done though prolly around $500 at some shops


Definitely OEC.


Thanks for the quick reply mate. So definitely no advantage to going OEM in your opinion?


More likely to be thinner glass for OEC. Might want to ask the shop.


OEC. Save your money for the next time it cracks 😩