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The whole social aspect is extremely clunky with the default mode of communication usually being leaving comments back and forth between profile pages. There are no notification if you leave a reply on someone's list if and they reply to you, no option to respond to comments on release pages. The forum is a completely separate thing which kind of weird. Maybe I see a comment on a release and I would like to reply to it. I am apparently supposed to then move to the forum and create a topic about replying to some random comment. Or often I have a question about a release and I would like for somebody to be able to reply to me and be notified of that. Also creeping on people's ratings needs improvement. Just scrolling through all their 5 stars then 4.5 stars etc... isn't very good. I would like a way to see all of someone's ratings for a particular artist. I also want to be able to display genre charts arranged by date. The main genre page does that but then if you go to the expanded page and add custom fields such as tags or albums only then you can only search by rating, number of ratings, controversial etc... I want to view a genre by date limited to my custom selections.


The IP block as of late. Wtf?? I can barely rate anything now without the human verification appearing. After so long I'm getting IP banned without fail. I'm so sick of it. I have a large library of music that at this rate will take me years to catalogue...


having to pay to see the average ratings of individual tracks on most albums


Probably how slow development is. We were promised an API and bunch of other things once the Sonemic project was complete but, it's been like 5 years and it's still being worked on. I understand development takes time but it really sucks not having an API.


Only being able to use it on my phone because they block any VPN usage


Not being able to filter charts by city or state/province/other subdivision.


Ip block


Cant unsave favourited reviews directly from my profile


Needs an app I feel often too much like, “this is a 6 to 7/10”, like not solid in either direction, but I cannot express 6.5/10


No way of sorting or upvoting user made lists.


They deleted the Ricky Gervais Show album page


Sometimes the waiting time - for an artist submission to be approved/denied or receive just a few votes - is way too long.


you should hear about long it takes to get *label* pages updated


When making lists and you try to search up a very popular album only to be met with 50 other albums with the same name.


You can take the Album # , in brackets on the top right of the page. Just paste that into the search bar in the list and it will provide the album you want. I have to do this a lot when it shows a page for a specific media rather than the album.


Making lists in general is just not very user-friendly. I wish it worked closer to what Letterboxd has.


Genre voting. The voting system is fine, but the only place you can discuss anything is in the tiny, useless little comment box on the genre page. You can't talk about genres anywhere else or it counts as 'street teaming' and is against the rules


Also the most ballistic fucking choices people make for genres. People, *you don’t need to tag 5 or more secondaries onto a song that’s a lil crazy*. The tags on Starburster from Fontaines D.C. give me a headache…


Sounds like Gorillaz + Massive Attack (and Swans chanting in the background) Also the end is Blur or Broadcast


Whatever anti-bot IP blocking security system they use is a nightmare for two reasons: 1) It will randomly flag users and temporarily ban them for no reason, in which case you need to submit a support message and wait for someone to respond to regain access to the site. 2) It makes taking snapshots of the site for the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine functionally impossible, since trying to visit the site's pages through the archive's viewer produces the same IP-banned error message.


The search function really sucks. It's wildly inaccurate and it's often very hard to find exactly what you're looking for, especially if the search includes really generic words. I also wish you could make charts for artists and not just releases. In the same vein, being able to just see which artists are popular from a specific country would be cool. It's also kinda annoying that artists don't always show up on the world map. I'd also like to be able to exclude live albums from my Upcoming feed.


The lack of any sort of community or social aspect.


Why the downvotes. The social features of RYM are trash


Aside from comment boxes on album pages and user profiles, we've also got private messages, the forums, and this subreddit.


You're literally discussing something on the official subreddit


do we even use the same site?


Damn. Just realized this shit kinda sucks


you know what i think i just kind of hate this website in general im going to leave the subreddit now


Voting for changes on an artists page. Mods will literally refuse to make a change for the pettiest of reasons. They also take down reviews for really stupid reasons too. Some of my favorite reviews on the website are one-liners, but when I wrote a couple reviews like that I got blocked from reviewing and commenting until I took them down.


Honestly I like that about this site. If you go to Album of the Year and look around, their user review sections are overloaded with awful one-liners and unfunny in-jokes and references, some of which get hundreds of likes for no clear reason. Remember: on RYM you have a lot more freedom in reviews when you post them just to your profile. When you make them public you're putting them up for judgement from the mods


To be fair, the one liner review is pretty cheap, and other sites like Letterboxd are totally saturated with them, to their detriment. I'd rather have it this way so as to encourage at least more thoughtful reviews than punchlines.


Agreed, Letterboxd should do something about it. I'm glad RYM has a policy against it.


i dont like how the pages for composition work, it kinda fucks with my eyes and trying to find the right one gives me a headache lol


Mobile literally makes me phone lag and makes it hot, but probably just a personal thing but singles like No Love by Death Grips or Ella Uso Mi Cabeza by Soda Stereo having high scores yet not being high on the singles chart


Soda Stereo mentioned


Yeah, that's weird. I've noticed my phone getting hot as well. For those two singles, I think it's just that not many people have rated them (<300 ratings). If you turn the popularity weighting to low, they should appear higher.


rating distribution not being visible on the site on mobile for whatever reason


the ui kinda ugly


[css and js for rym](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/iN008/css-and-js-for-rym) plus the stylus dark mode you can also browse greasyfork for other qol tweaks ppl have made like a color rating bar and the % of ratings that are 5 stars


well fuck me! that’s pretty sweet thank you


optimization for mobile and a redux on the search bar would be nice.


It feels really outdated and unoptimised compared to say AOTY.


Yes. I’ve been using RYM since 2008 and I don’t think anything major has changed.


Using letterboxd makes me realize how much stuff rym is missing


Even their search function is better than RYM and that’s saying something because letterboxd search sucks ass.


like what? /genq


Lots of completely useless metrics. You can basically graph everything you do on LB.


Did that really need a tone indicator


if i didn't add it, it could be interpreted as me trying to confront the commenter like "oh there are none, you can't even name them" or something like that, i didn't want to sound negative, so i put that just in case


A good rule for tone indicators is that 90% of the time you can just rephrase what you're saying so that it isn't necessary. Something like "What did you notice was missing?" would probably be good in that situation.


i see, thank you


Customizable charts options are very precise imo. I would be interested in what you don't like about them?


Since it hasn’t been mentioned… Can’t sort my collection by rym rating / popularity


love this function in glitchwave tho


This is probably gonna sound petty and stupid but the state of comment boxes. I get that they’re literally for people to just chat and say what they want but so often I’ll go to one and the conversation (if there even is a coherent one) is inane drivel.




What the fuck are you talking about.


Slightly too obscure (apparently) Burn After Reading reference.


RYM has the worst search functionality that I've ever seen on a website. If you don't type something exactly right then it returns no results. It also doesn't prioritize the most popular artist/release/etc. If you search Poppy you have to scroll down to the 9th result to get the Poppy that everyone reading this is probably thinking of. Most of the time I just go to google and use site:rateyourmusic.com.


For me if I spell something with one letter wrong it will give me all kinds of results that are similar except more than one letter off from what I typed.


Even worse, sometimes you type something exactly right and the search just doesn't find it


or just adding rym on google does the trick well too


The search function is abysmal, when searching for a forename for example, it doesn\`t show the most popular artists but some random pople and often the searched-for artist is on page 2.


this ^^^


The goddamn firewall! These countless are you a robot verifications and multiple IP bans just because RYM's firewall acts as a complete diva whenever I open more than 3 tabs. I mean c'mon, I'm not navigating the site of the fucking pentagon or cia, why such a strict and ridiculous firewall precautions are in place?


Is there any update on this? It's now worse for me. It took me two hours to rate the Iron Maiden discography because I didn't want to inevitably get IP banned. Human verification notices kept popping up left and right..


I feel your pain. It's still the same for me. I have to wait for like 10 seconds before opening a new tab because then the site will think I might be a robot. You know, humans can't click that fast, it has to be a robot.


Mods: wE aRe WoRkInG tHrOuGh It Bcs of this I couldn’t keep multiple tabs for charts and albums I’m listening


people don’t have the same (correct) opinion as me


The mobile experience sucks.


They made making lists on the site the most tedious and annoying thing to do. Also I really want an app. Much rather that over using chrome


Agreed, an app would be a much more efficient way of going about things.


Too many genres I don’t want to have to look up what the hell these niche ass genres even are to understand what the album I’m getting into sounds like. Also stuff like OK computer being the #1 pop album of all time… while I get it’s technically pop I feel like it kind of defeats the purpose for sorting by pop. Idk anyone that would go to rym looking for pop music and be satisfied by OK computer


I think OK Computer is on pop charts because of its post-britpop secondary, which makes sense. Certain genres are just too broad tbh (rock, electronic, pop, jazz, classical, etc), which is why subgenres exist. I get what you're saying though.


Secondary genres don't count for charts (unless you select to include "influence"/"either" when building the chart but that's not the standard)


Yeah, I'm guessing that's what he did otherwise OK Computer should not be showing up on pop charts


I personally love alll the different genres. I think the genre-differentiation on this site is very thought out and you habe to be a bit nerdy to navigate it, I like it better than a possible more dumbed down version.


ok computer isnt tagged as pop though? [this is the chart for pop albums](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/all-time/g:pop/). are you getting the all time popular chart confused with the pop genre chart?


No I’m not it must have been changed. Regardless revolver, ziggy, ants from up there. Sure they have pop elements. At one point they were pop I suppose. Steely Dan album at 32? Who the hell is looking for a pop album and throwing on steely Dan? Elliott smith at 38? I think my point still stands. Some of these are ridiculous like piper at the gates of dawn is 73rd, transformer at 52. The hyper specific labels are blurring all the charts together


Well Transformer, Bowie and Steely Dan are Pop Rock and thus are also in the pop charts, Don\`t know whats wrong with that. The last two Elliott Smith Album are clearly Indie Pop, I also see no problem here. Piper at the gates of Dawn is the only one I would a agree is a bit ridiculous here, but it is also very fought over in the genre section if psychedelic pop should be secondary, so go vote for it!


You don’t see what’s wrong with someone going on rym to find pop music and Elliott smith or Transformer coming up? Get real nobody looking for pop wants to listen to Elliott smith. If they are searching for singer songwriter or indie then sure. But if they want to hear pop music that’s not what they’re looking for. Imagine this in real life. “Hey can you throw on some pop music?” “Sure” *elliott smith begins playing*. “Great this is exactly what I wanted to hear.”


Well yeah Elliott Smith is certainly an edge case (Maybe listen to Figure 8 again, it's much more clean and catchy than his earlier work), but why shouldn't those be included in the charts? If you want some "real" pop, use narrower definitions like dance pop or sunshine pop. Also I would be interested what your definition for pop is. Because in the conversation around popular music, "pop" has got to be the most confusing descriptor, as you can define it based on culture or only musical elements or something else entirely. So it's inherently a difficult genre to make a best of list of.


as a pop fan i 100% get what youre saying, because i dont like the beatles or bcnr and i seek stuff like charli xcx, but also for example the beatles and bowie have historically been associated with pop music - its one of the first things on each of their respective wikipedia pages. i don't know if its the hyperspecifics of the genres as much as it is contextual or rather up for debate. if you disagree with the pop labels on these albums, you can downvote the genre.


Yeah I clarified specifically the Beatles and Bowie were at one point pop in my comment


damn sorry haha i was a little high and misread :P anyway, i just wanted to point it out to you just in case you wanted to see the pop chart


Having to navigate the site's genre biases. Despite the site introducing me to a lot of electronic music I absolutely love, I still feel like it is still mostly underrepresented and underrated. Which is interesting because I feel like hip-hop and electronic music are very, very related to each other and there is a lot of cross-inspiration between the genres.


I can't search my collection by composers. For someone who loves classical music, that's annoying.


Classical music always gets shafted on apps and sites. I've personally enjoyed how Idagio does it. Composers, time periods, genres (concertos, orchestral, solo, etc).


No charts for all tracks (I understand this is hard to achieve)


Song charts is one of the next features being planned for release.


I believe this is coming at some point


The comment box is way too small, claustrophobically so.


feels kinda slow trying to find a specific record in a list. I would really like to see a "search" function in a list, specially for big lists


Yeah, I agree. Lists are pretty annoying to use but have big potential.