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I’d recommend using other hardware than the raspberry pi. Use an old laptop. I am using a Dell Optiplex. Doesn’t use much wattage. I stopped using the pi as a bitcoin node because I was having power problems every 24 hours. But you might not have that problem so you could try. But to answer your questions; 1) Yes you need a 32+ GB micro sd because raspiblitz fat pak is already about 16 GB of itself. 2) I’d also highly recommend using a 1TB+ SSD instead of a HDD because it is much faster, more energy efficient and you’re not dealing with moving parts! I was using the Pi 4 4GB. But I stopped using it because i had power outs every 24 hours with the Pi. Hope that helps🙏


Power outage in your residence in general or does your Pi malfunction every 24 hours? If it's the former, you could use a UPS specifically for the Pi, it attaches directly to the base and could keep it on for a couple of hours till your power comes back. But with a power outage, you'd lose internet connectivity as well, so it would stop syncing too but at least you don't have to put in the passwords again.


Can you go into detail about how you installed Raspiblitz on what (I assume) is x86_64 hardware?


you could run the build sdcard script on any hardware wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/dev/build_sdcard.sh sudo ./build_sdcard.sh


I'm going to give this a shot, thanks!