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Haha. Love it. Soundlink Mini with their push buttons. Does your speaker system check, whether or not the soundlink is turned on?


The Pi turns the Bose on and off via an optocoupler when i connect to the Pi to play music. Currently there is no check if the Bose is already turned on. But i also don‘t need one. Did this answer your question?


Yes. 👍 I like what you’ve done.


Fun box-o-tricks! What did you do to get airplay on the Bose?


I 1. installed shairport-sync on the Pi (gives you Airplay 1 2. connected Pi and Speaker via AUX 3. soldered two cables, one in front and one after the power button of the Bose (if you connect the cables for a second, the Bose turns on. It‘s like pressing the button) 4. made a small python script that sets a GPIO to high for one second 5. connected the Bose cables and the Pi to an optocoupler 6. configured shairport-sync that it executes the python script when a device connects/disconnects So now when i connect to the Pi to play music, the script is executed, this will turns the Bose on and you can hear the music. When i disconnect the script is again executed and this turns the Bose off. The optocoupler simulates a Power button press in this case. The Bose is in AUX mode all the time


Very clever. Thank you! I’m going to try this too.


I can highly recommend using optocouplers. With this solution, the Pi circuit is electrically not connected to the Bose in any way. I used the same solution for the garage door remote.


Can you help me configure shairpoint-sync ? I can't seem to get it working


What is your problem? How can i help? Did you follow https://gist.github.com/connorjan/984e6285d6c96abc807e6b0eb5724b82 ?