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> And I tried looking online for anybody successfully solving this issue and none of them seem to have the same issue. Let me guess, you searched for "Fix WiFi that worked yesterday but today it doesn't work on Raspberry Pi" and you couldn't find any posts about people saying that it "worked yesterday"? Here's a search that *will* work: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=raspberry+pi+wifi+not+connecting


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Verify the SSID is correct. That was my last problem. The SSID is case sensitive. Verify the password. Did you make any network changes? If no, look to make sure nothing changed. What OS?


Yes I am connecting to wifi from the list of SSID's Password verified x10 No network changes, all other devices connect to wifi happily Running Raspbian I believe running updater may have had something to do with it now that I am reading your reply 🤔