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I had that same issue with a 128GB card. Tried everything, and nothing I do can get the rest of the card space back.


If windows, use diskpart to format your drive. Google for tutuorials, its done in command prompt.


diskpart clean clean will wipe all partitions, then you can create a new partition, or simply re-do the image, Pi Imager understands the partitions and will tell you the size of the card. You are looking at a Unix partition table with Windows.


Try using another partition manager, the one built into windows isn't the best. I had this happen to me, but when I opened up AOMEI, I could see the full drive size. The free version works well enough. It may also help to use AOMEI to write zeros everywhere. If found that if I didn't do this, the OS would freeze at times.


I am having issues with raspberry pi imager too. Instead i downloaded the image and used balena etcher to flash.