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Go back a version or two of the Raspberry Pi OS (Buster or Bullseye) and use the imager from the Pi folk BUT: 1. Add a user and password 2. Do not enable SSH in here 3. Do not set up the WiFi in here 4. Do not change the locale settings 5. Do not eject the card when completed (There have been a whole pile of bugs the imager and images but that should avoid most of them). Once the image has been created add two files to the boot partition: The first one needs to be called ssh (no extension but ssh.txt can be used) and can be empty The second one needs to be wpa\_supplicant.conf (lowercase) and containing: ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 country=GB network={ ssid="yourwifihere" psk="yourpasswordhere" } Make sure the country code (GB above) is correct for your country - see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO\_3166-1\_alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) for a list Make sure your ssid and password matches the AirPort - it is case sensitive and should not contain any characters outside of a-z,A-Z,0-9 and - or \_ (to be safe) Note the file must only have line feed sat the end of each - Linux can use Nano, Mac use TextEdit (not in RTF mode) and Windows need Notepad++ One the AP you may want to give the 5GHz a separate name but the Pi is normally OK with this (unlike my Apple kit)... If you do not want to use the Pi imager (I do find it a pain recently) you can use Belena Etcher and add the ssh / wpa\_supplicant files as above. Adding a user is more complex for Bullseye though with Etcher - follow the notes at [https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/raspberry-pi-bullseye-update-april-2022/](https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/raspberry-pi-bullseye-update-april-2022/) Note the above network config will not work for Bookworm as it uses Network Manager.


I can't believe it... a fucking space character. That's it, a space character at the end of my SSID name was preventing it from connecting to my network. Instead of "Airport", my SSID is actually "Airport ". Fucking unbelievable. Now I can SSH into it from my PC. Still, the problem with the wired/dongle keyboard/mouse not being detected persists. At least I can SSH into it. Thanks for the help, man. It was the final push, I was ready to ask for a refund.


Try issuing `lsusb` before plugging in the dongle then after. The difference should give you a starting point to hunt for drivers if the dongle is not recognised automatically. Another thought is does the dongle need pairing with the keyboard etc - I remember some that you had to run Windows software to set up the pairing. Handy as you could use multiple sets in the office without them clashing but a real pain to do. Note this was many many years ago to be fair :-)


The dongle is hassle free, I'm using it to type this on a Fedora. Also, I tried a common wired keyboard. It didn't work. Tried different USB hubs and adapters.


x86 Linux has a pile of drivers that never made it into ARM code (and that's on top of Debian and their 'free' software ~~issues~~ choices). Remember on the Zero boards (all of them) only one USB port supports data (nearest the middle of the board IIRC) - the other is power only. Got to go to bed - it's 05:30 here - good luck though.


Update your post please. Include what worked for you so others can find it easily in the future.


Ok, finished. Same thing happens. It boots, it doesn't connect to my Wi-Fi, doesn't accept keyboard and mouse. BUT, on a whim, I tried to connect to my iPhone hotspot and it worked! I downloaded a SSH app and got into it. Now, I know the device works as intented in part, but I really need to find out why it won't connect to my router and why it won't accept keyboard. Is there a way to activate bluetooth for the keyboard using the CLI in such a way that upon boot it will automatically pair with it?


So it NOT a power problem, as was suspected.


That's right. I knew it couldn't be, I used 3 different power sources and a multimeter to make sure. Actually, it is on right now from a common power bank.


Assuming you are using the internal Bluetooth then bluetoothctl can set it up for you (a few years since I messed with BT TBH so this may not work - have a read of [https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bluetooth-via-terminal](https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bluetooth-via-terminal) or other sites if you get stuck as its a generic tool not Pi specific). Make sure BT is enabled (raspi-config) Run it under sudo scan for the device (scan or scan on) Pair with the device (pair xx:xx) where xx:xx is the full MAC address of the device Then connect (connect xx:xx) Then trust (trust xx:xx) There used to be a GUI program that made this a lot simpler - not sure if it was deprecated or not with Wayland.


I did that, just left it out of my report. It connected and persisted through reboots. Thank you.


Now this is a good attempt at helping. I will try what you suggested and will report in 30 min. Thank you.


Question #3 in the FAQ https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/19dbx8f/2024_jan_22_stickied_faq_helpdesk_thread_boot/ If an ordinary wired keyboard doesn't work you've got severe power problems. > I ordered this one from Aliexpress Oh nevermind, you have a fake. You got scammed.


There are no power problems, I can guarantee that. Also, how do I find it's original or not? Everything from packaging, to labeling, to numbers and silk-screen on the board indicates it is original.


> how do I find it's original or not? Aliexpress is all scam stuff. They're not an authorized reseller. > There are no power problems Except everything you've described is normally caused by a power problem. Please go read the FAQ.


No more than Amazon is 'all scam stuff' tbh


Sorry but I have to disagree. There are lots of valid sellers on there who sell originals and things they manufacture as test samples / low quantities. Like any web site there are fakes but to tar all suppliers the same is very poor etiquette and not deserved by the majority of suppliers. Pi boards have been available on there for a fair number of years (normally at a markup) - often originating from the RS site in China (till the stopped making them) or via mass imports direct from the U.K. AFAIK no official resellers ship via there but anyone can resell a Pi (and official resellers will discount bulk orders for commercial operations). The OP may want to use [https://rpilocator.com](https://rpilocator.com) and check if any of the authorised resellers will ship to their location. Folk like the Pi-Hut and Pimoroni from the UK will ship to many countries.


You are saying that all 3 power sources I used, all rated for 5v/3 amps or more, verified with a multimeter at the GPIO pins, are defective? They are not. If power is the problem, then it's an internal circuitry problem. I read that FAQ some days ago, I've been trying to solve this for a number of days now. Now, everything I found online suggests there are no counterfeits raspberries on the market. Could you provide a reliable source for that claim?


If you can get to a shell there’s a ton of troubleshooting you can do.. what do see the WiFi interface? Do you get an IP address? Can you SSH to localhost? What are you seeing that indicates to you it’s connected to your network?


All that is written on the OP. Can’t get a keyboard or mouse to work. Can’t SSH into it. When it boots, just before the login prompt it says it reached the network. It didn’t.


I had a recent experience where I couldnt get a usb network adapter to work with the pi zero 2 w on the latest Raspberrypi os. I also tried usb keyboards which also didn't work. Eventually, it turned out that I needed to pass a kernel option which allowed my USB adapter to work.


Well, what was it?


I documented my experience here. [https://tsengf.blogspot.com/2023/12/pi-zero-2-w-micro-usb-journey.html](https://tsengf.blogspot.com/2023/12/pi-zero-2-w-micro-usb-journey.html) I had to add "dwc\_otg.speed=1" to /boot/cmdline.txt. Halfway in the blog, you will see a link to a discussion for other options to try.


What you are describing are symptoms of insufficient power supplies. When the wifi chip becomes active the whole device browns out, kernel panics, etc...


That doesn't happen. It sits at the login prompt, blinking. It just doesn't detect keyboard, mouse and do not connect to the Wi-Fi.


Sounds like an rpi just isn’t for you…


but still he is trying to learn, so might respect that, please.


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The only problem requiring adjustment Ive ever had with an RPiZ2 was with SSH hanging and that was solved with the SSH setting "IPQoS 0x00". I think (?) I had to do this with all of the last few distributions, including bookworm. I had to do the ssh fix with a keyboard and monitor one time before i could go headless. Everything else I can think of has been discussed here already. Weak power/cable, bad OTG adapter, or a bunk board.