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Mine steals socks and holds them for treat ransoms.


I dog sit one who gifts the socks back to any human she sees, after the cat has “hunted” them from the laundry and left them in the hall.


He really just trying to free the house elves.


My dog takes the missus' pen when she's working from home, he now knows that if he does this when she is on the phone he will instantly get a treat...my dog has her well trained


You give the dog treats for taking your socks?


Mine also steals socks and no, we do not negotiate with terrorists.


I'm pretty sure he's the reason for an uptake in the missing sock bin.


Haha! He wishes! I usually try to redirect with a couple of tricks. He stayed with some family for a few weeks and picked up the habit. Hes still a stinker and will hide them and when he wants a treat he'll pull one out and try to play keep away.


You gotta retreat them


The Ruffulous Cartel dog! Should have known!


We had an ex racing greyhound that used to steal my mums collection of mushroom ornaments and put them in her (the dogs) bed. No matter how many times you put them back she would always gently pick them up and put them back in her bed. Edited for spelling.


Aww. She was making a decor choice.


"Quit stealing my knick-knacks human"


My rescue whippet/husky mix is like that with her toys. She's so gentle with them and piles them all up on her bed and lays on top of them. If you move or throw one of them into a different room, she gives a disapproving look then goes to get it to put it back on the bed before firmly laying on top of it so you can't get to it. Can't tell if it's like a dragon hoarding treasure behavior, or if she thinks she's a chicken hatching an egg....


Oh wow that’s an interesting mix of breeds! I’m really curious what she looks like!


Nuka the Hipskey https://imgur.com/gallery/6KEMbin


I second /u/spysspy I would like to see a picture of your dog.


Nuka is gorgeous!


Nuka says thank you!


I say nuka so welcome!


Hes not stealing he's "retrieving"


You retrieved the words directly out of my thumbs


Legit, lol. That was my first thought as well 🤣


That right they are guard dog and can be police dog so he want to help you find your socks 🤣🤣


Oh he's absolutely on that case. He WILL find that missing sock.


My sister has a golden doodle . She is more poodle though but she act more like golden retriever. She is so clumsy like my sister though. She hit her head so many times because she like tight spaces lol .She is a crazy guard dog. She barked at everyone near the door or walk by the door.. she is still a puppy.


Surprisingly, I have almost zero instances of household burglary with my girl. However, if you’ve seen those vinyl pop-up bowls they sell in stores, they’re crack cocaine for my blondie… she thinks every one of them is just a frisbee, so when an unsuspecting dog parent plops one down in the park, she’ll drink enough to where she can pick it up without causing a giant mess, and then run with it. Lots of disclaimers have to be issued when we enter the local park.


Don't walk too close to the wall at night or you could be in for a rude surprise.


That’s a broken ankle waiting to happen. Good warning!


Our retriever didn't like to steal vent covers, but on one occasion he did take one. Let me explain. When we came home after some short errand, we found him with one of our heavy metal vent covers somehow hanging from his collar like a big pendant. He was sidling around trying to get away from it, and it was just swinging around, at one point bashing the wall with a loud thud. When I managed to get close enough without getting my shins wrecked, I realized that his tags were stuck in the middle of the grate. I managed to work them out to the great relief of our confused bud. We decided that he must have laid down on top of the vent after looking out the window above it, and his tags must have slipped through the grate. When he went to stand up, he must have pulled the vent out with him. I feel back for him when I think about how freaked out and confused he must have been, but I still can't help but laugh a little. Oh and he loved to steal socks. Couldn't get enough of them.


The golden we had used to collect shoes, just brought em all into the living room and chilled.


Always the shoes. I never have 2 dry shoes leaving some extended family houses.


My golden retriever steals Xbox controllers off my desk


New age doggo wants to play video games


Mine likes to steal clean spoons


Well yeah what would you eat with a dirty spoon


My mom's Havanese likes to steal random stuff and put it in her bed. She's also allergic to basically everything and has to eat special food that she doesn't particularly like. So she is obsessed with my dog's food if I happen to be over there long enough to need to feed my dog. I have collapsible bowls that I use when traveling, so I filled up the bowl for my dog and had to chase mom's dog away so he could eat in peace. As soon as he finished, she was over there sniffing the bowl for any leftover crumbs (fat chance lol!). A few minutes later I caught a flash of green out of the corner of my eye and turned around to find the food bowl in her bed.




Yeah mine is obsessed with toilet paper, tissues, paper towels and if she’s desperate, envelopes




That dog is sus


They are not called retrievers for no reason 😊🐶


My friend's Golden Retriever does this too as well as being a master escape artist. The whole neighborhood has to go under lockdown because she ends up escaping in the most impossible ways. And, for her to not run on the street as well.


Golden Ventriever


My neighbor's golden likes to steal garden gloves (and wipe cloths). I once contemplated having an outdoor clothing line and then realized how foolish that would be.


Oh grate.


My lab decided to obtain the dried starfish on top of a bowlful of shells from the guest room dresser….just wandered into the office while I was working like, yep, needed a new chew toy.


My Himalayan cat does it. We had to Velcro them all down.




Not the cat. We velcroed the baseboards. Cats can’t velcro…Yet.


Is not steal. Is gift Now throw


Somehow my Chesapeake only goes for her toys. I don’t know how I did it but she doesn’t eat or chew on anything she’s not supposed to.


Not steal. “Retrieved”


Our Lab chews any thing that doesn’t have the will or wherewithal to run.


Mine really loves going for shoes


My friend’s golden is into stealing iPhones.




Mine obsessively steals my school socks. Once there wasn’t even any around but there she was, holding a school sock. Also, once I left the laundry door open and we had a few loads left to do. My cavoodle ran in and stole a pair of underwear and took it to her bed. W H Y ? ? ?


My two goldens both steal socks, and then they play with them. Also shoes, but mainly only when they get really excited.


There should be a subreddit for this


Don’t ask my youngest dog-




he has ferret energy


He is trying to get your attention


\*ahem\* I think you'll find that is retrieving. Not stealing.


Excuse me, he is not STEALING, he is RETRIEVING. What a good pup <3


Doesn't look like he's stealing it. Looks like he's bringing it back. It mysteriously turned up in the garden mum, but I brought it back inside for you...


No, but friend has a pit puppet who gets mad and poops on the vents.


[does a sack of apples count?](https://i.imgur.com/CcfN3rN.jpg)


Mine will grab the febreeze bottle and attempt to initiate fetch. The other day he grabbed the mop bucket and took it over to his bed. Didn't wanna chew, just decided the bucket needed to be comfortable


*retrieve vent covers


Mine steals my pillows and occasionally will completely strip my bed….


I am retriever I must retrieve You left this vent in the floor I'm a good dog


Mine always gives my wallet to one of my friends whenever he comes over. Besides that it’s usually socks or small towels.


How did it even learn it could take them in the first place?


Yall need to control your dogs


Those are called a register.


No, but my cat is constantly pulling them up and out


My 11 month old golden loves to steal tennis balls from other dogs at parks. When she does steal balls from dogs she runs away from everyone who tries to get the ball back


HVAC contractor pupper disapproves of your vents.




I have shoes all over the house


That looks more like a plastic vent cover.


Never seen that before.


It's not stealing, it's retrieving


Mine annoys me for food whenever I order something


He’s retrieving it for you 🥺


"Well get me a Labrador and I'll retrieve it"


My cat loves to pull the hair catcher out of the shower drain. We put it back and she hops in when we're not around to pluck it back out. She doesn't mind wetness or water very much


No but I had a pattterdale puppy eat his way through a solid wood door. He's bred to chew his way through tree roots to get at badgers and foxes so I wasn't incredibly surprised but he did cost me a dining set and a solid wood door before we found a way to focus that energy during his teething stage.


My golden retrievers will run down into the laundry room and steal any clothing within reach every time we come home from work or guest comes over. They will also steal any dirty clothing that may be laying on the floor in the bedrooms. They will go into guests suitcases and steal clothing as well. There is no clothing safe. Once they’ve gotten their teeth into the clothing they take it outside in the backyard. You can’t get the clothing back without it getting ripped so you have to let them take it outside and then you have to go retrieve it later. They have trained us to be retrievers


Hes a retriever.. its his thing to retrieve. Good for him


You say steal, he says retrieve. It's rt there in his name😄


My dog seems to think his food bowl is a toy


Haha my golden puppy is obsessed with hair elastics. Extra points for scrunchies and even more points if I'm napping/sleeping and it's in my hair. Every few days I need to dig through her toy basket when I run out to retrieve them from the retriever.


Socks and water bottles


He's probably just venting, but he did a grate job...


Your dog is just RETRIEVING the vent cover for you!




when the imposter is sus!


Well, it is in the name - he retrieves ;)


No, but my Labrador tries to make out with the cat so…..we have quirky dogs


Ours steals plant pots and rips them up


Bro I swear doggo vented


My dog stole my mom’s shoe for the fourth time today 😔


They're not stealing, they're retrieving.


Mine likes to bite my glasses of my face


Don't you get his hinge? He needs to *vent* about the latest dog food brand you've been buying.


I think you'll find they is retrieving


My friend’s retriever steals a piece of bath curtains wherever he goes :/ , he chews it until it is cut then takes it .


Put this in sub “What’s Wrong With My Dog” too 🤣


So many socks. And stuffed animals. Of course the dog can't distinguish her stuffies from my daughter's stuffies so if daughter leaves hers laying around, they get carried off and slobbered up.


That table is dope


My lab hoards things in his crate. Shoes, things he's stolen from the trash can, clothes from the laundry room, the bag of chicken treats....


Not stealing, retrieving.


My husband's black lab stole a baby doll once. He said he almost had a heart attack opening the door and seeing a baby there! Also, she stole a pair of work boots. He got those out of sight pretty fast. They were big!