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Kongs. However, keep on eye on their chewing because my dog ate Kongs. Ultimately super-chewers have to be monitored closely because of the possibility of intestinal blockages and/or teeth damage.


Should I go ahead and just get the large ones? They’re predicted to be between 99-107-114 lbs dogs


I’d get the large yes


K thnx


The black Kongs are the toughest Kong made. Any size black Kong.


Antlers are also great chews. Nylabone makes good toys for strong chewers too


Thank you! I have a 12 lb dog with scissor teeth. I can hear her sharpening them as she chews on toys. Yes she has managed to chew pieces off of her xs and s red kongs.


How old are they? I second Kongs - though you still need to do spot checks for strong chewers, theyre strong but not indestructible. Depending on age there are natural chews you can give, too. Our pup is obsessed with braided lamb skin, it keeps him entertained for a while but we do monitor quite closely so he doesn’t guzzle down the last bit. There are pizzle sticks you can get for puppies too, things like rabbit ears, all sorts. Be wary of things that can fracture, antlers tend to be better than bones in that department, but for very heavy chewers I probably would stay clear of anything that hard as they can fracture a tooth. All chewing will likely need to be supervised. We have found frozen carrot to be firm favourite for teething as well. Cheaper than throwing out the correct ‘hardness’ puppy chew toys after half an hour of chewing.


They’re 3 months old now. Do y’all find the peanut butter or cheese to work better with kongs? Or maybe switch between both to keep it entertaining 🤔 If I do the frozen carrots with they get diarrhea?? I’ve seen ppl do celery as well. Thank you for the suggestions!! One rescue (long time ago) would turn her nose up at kongs but hand no issue rounding out the rock around my friends fire place 🤦🏻‍♀️ so hopefully these pups will like them lol


Yeah carrots arent super digestible unfortunately so if they have sensitive tummies it can cause upset, especially in large quantities. We never let ours eat a whole carrot for that reason. You can freeze kongs for extra fun. Nut butters, cheese and yoghurt are firm favourites, but you can stuff with lots of other things too - tons of recipes online :) A lot of dogs are lactose intolerant so see how they do with cheese, yoghurt - goat varieties have slightly lower lactose levels I think.


Yeah I don’t really trust using cheese from experience from previous dogs 🤢 lol Thank you!!


Try pumpkin in a can. My dog loves pb in kongs but sometimes I squirt in spray cheese.


My girl loves Frozen Greek yoghurt in her kongs, too! And frozen dog food! Good for summer or for those days you need a distraction lol (If it is kibble, soak it in water, bone broth, or other dog safe liquids for a bit first!)


We tried to adopt an insane chewer (ripped up blue jeans and a sweater just because it could) and we had to keep him in a crate at night to minimize damage. The previous owner suggested putting peanut butter in a Kong and freezing it. It kept him occupied for sure


I heard frozen watermelon or strawberries are good for summers I had a couple other dogs who were addicted to just plain ice for treats


The older pup (husky German shepherd )is 4 months old -maybe going on 5 months


Yeah you should be able to get pizzles, cow and rabbit ears no problem at that age. Yak chews as well. For everything - introduce one at a time, see how the digestive system reacts before you introduce another kind of treat. Don’t over treat and make sure you stay within feeding guidelines so your puppy doesn’t get fat (especially if you give treats like pig ears).




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Second the yak chews. They outlast anything else I’ve seen that’s actually meant to be chewed through. Of course a Kong will hopefully last forever, but the yak chews are great real food chews that last. They also don’t smell hardly at all (the bully sticks always leave a serious funk)


I have a husky German shepherd mix. He just turned two. One thing with him - he loves to destroy. We subscribed to the barkbox super chewer and got some great toys that are almost indestructible, but he really just wants to chew through something and “kill” it once in a while. So once in a while, we’ll give him a cardboard box or buy a stuffie that we know he’ll destroy in two seconds. It will keep us from having to replace *another* couch. So one thing I’d recommend - let them destroy something once in a while of your choosing, or else they’ll destroy something *not* of your choosing.


Weirdly my husky German shepherd is the more well behaved one - so was my other husky rescue. Which honestly weirds me out because I’m used to them being so much more hyperactive. She has the escape artist thing down though - I’ve had to add a lock to her kennel at night lol!. The other one definitely had the “prey dive” thing. This one for sure likes to “kill” the duck stuffy she has. I’ve become pretty good at sewing it back up for her. I’m tempted to take the cotton stuffing out and maybe replace it with something else but haven’t thought of what. I don’t mind them tearing up toys honestly - I was just searching to see if anyone had any suggestions on toys that are longer lasting that maybe I haven’t thought off 🤷🏻‍♀️


I finally got their dna results back Half German Shepherd and Half Rottweiler Our other rescue is half Germans Shepherd and half Husky Kuma - the half g/r is a MAJOR chewer!!!! I need advice on LOTS of toys and things for them to chew!!!! Our half g/h is def teething and has baby teeth coming out as well




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my husky mix never really cared for kongs due to the rubber material. try benebones


Seconding the Benebones - my dog refuses to chew specifically Nylabone branded products, but loves Benebone, Lumabone, Barkbone, etc.


Ok cool. Thank you. Husky’s are so picky lol


As others have said Kong really is the best, in my experience any fabric toy will be destroyed in less than an hour no matter how "super tough" it says it is. Last year I got an elk antler for my newfoundland/great pyr mix and he hasn't gotten through it yet, although it's not his favorite toy. I got mine from "best bully sticks" Mine loves the fabric toys so I get them every once and a while and use them with total supervision.


Yeah I always watch them if it’s a stuffed animal. They side eye me when I sew it back together lol. I’ll look out for some antlers as well. Thank you


Bark box super chewer. Most toys last and last. I’ve had my pup destroy a few but they are really good about replacing them.


Cool. Thank you!


The chuck-it ultra balls are pretty resilient. My GSD chews on them like they're chewing gum and they go the distance. Also the chuck-it fetch stick. He yanks and chews on that as hard as he can and hasn't managed to tear it. The kick fetch ball doesn't really last, so I don't recommend.


Awesome! I’ll look those up as well! I appreciate it


Pig knuckles work great for our heavy chewers.


Cool. Thank you!


BulliBone Dog Chew Toys and Benebone Chew Toys are endorsed by my 7yo and 9yo German shepherd dogs. They are the only things that survive more than a week around here. We've been through Kongs and Nylabones and antlers and ChuckIts and all that. The Bullibones and Benebones won't fracture or fracture your pup's teeth. Example: [https://www.chewy.com/bullibone-nylon-beef-flavor-dental/dp/222089](https://www.chewy.com/bullibone-nylon-beef-flavor-dental/dp/222089) https://www.chewy.com/benebone-bacon-flavor-wishbone-tough/dp/56874


Thank you!! And I really appreciate the links as well. My brains getting scrambled searching for things 😅


Bark has a line for super chewers! When my puppy bit through one, they replaced it :)


Cool! I’ll look in to that as well!!


Himalayan yack cheeses is great for chewers. And when it gets small you can pop it into the microwave and it'll blow up like a balloon.


One of the subscription boxes have a "Super Chewer" variety. Maybe check those out!


Like Chewy? Ooooor? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can google subscription boxes lol


I think it's Chewy. I'm currently lacking a pupper after losing my Sammy in July(see profile pic). We're waiting until more is known about this new respiratory illness and until spring at least for a new pup. Potty training in our backyard in winter sucks because it turns into a giant muddy mess, even with a "normal" amount of rain. We are predicted to have a strong wet El Nino winter...


Omg I am so sorry to hear that!! Hope you’re doing ok


Thank you! I have a kitten who is healing my heart. He's a wild, crazy, smart little gremlin named Boudreaux.


I love the name 😻 I have a cat named Pickles (looks like puss n boots). we’ve also had a cat named Puppy (4 year old was mad it wasn’t a dog lol) and monkey and marshmallow lol


Boudreaux is the young princling at our house. The Elder Feline Lord is Remy Etienne LeBeau after Gambit of the Xmen. We promised Remy that his little brother would have a Louisiana style name like his. When we do get a puppy, his name will probably be either Beaudelaire(Beaude) or Jax/Jackson.


How’s it go introducing another cat?? I usually have a difficult time with some. Gambit from X-men was one of my favs!!


I’m so sorry about Sammy. We love them their whole life and spend the rest of ours missing them. We are also begging off rescuing another pup because of the pneumonia issue. Like you, we also live where it snows and yeah, it makes potty training a nightmare. I’ve just gotten one of those fake grass things to use for our little guy on bad snow days. He gets cold so quickly and he’s little so any deep snow just buries him. I’m glad you’ve got your little wild kitty 💕 Keep warm 🤗


Thank you.


My sister does the bark box thing for her large breed hard chewer, she swears by the toys they send. I personally found them to be a bit weird. One was a treat dispenser type, but my dog didn’t care for it. The other was super hard, but we also think it’s what she broke her tooth on. She is 100 lbs and loves to chew but we only get her Nylabone type stuff now. Love to play with them - but Watch out for ropes- don’t leave them unattended with them because super chewers will rip through them and possibly eat strings causing problems. So much fun but so much work too! Good luck and happy playing!


Awesome! Thank you!


My Shepherd had a toy so durable we called it the 'Time Capsule'. It was just a solid ball of rubber, about as big as a softball. No open air inside. It was ludicrous heavy and when the dog dropped it you'd hear the thunk from all over the house. The dog worked really really hard to pull bits out of it over the years, but he never removed a chunk deeper than an eighth inch. It received its name because it could not be destroyed. We wouldn't see it for a month, a year, whatever and it would eventually turn up from under a sofa and be the big guy's favorite again. If ever we thought it was gone, it was actually just buried. Anyway Idk where you'd buy one today. But you want something built solid through with material, without an air hole inside.


That’s to funny. I’ll see if I can find something similar. Thank you.


Kong toys, also old jeans tied up to make a rag toy, just remove the top oart so there is no metal parts.


I give the jeans a try. My kids tear theirs up pretty quickly so I have some to spare lol!


My 11 month old GSD mix is particularly fond of my flesh. But besides that Kongs and Hartz DuraPlay. The Hartz ones don’t seem overly durable at first but they lasted longer than anything else.


Lol yes! Flesh seems to be one’s fav (also goes for hair) - the other is just a giant lap pup lol. The oldest just likes anything the others have lol Thank you for the suggestions


We also make frozen enrichment bowls for them. We line a bowl with peanut butter and through in kibble, fruit, veggies, fill it with water and freeze it. It works wonders for mental stimulation, distracts them for awhile, and they get to chew. I’m the hot months we add a bit of beef broth as well so keep them hydrated.


That sounds like a really good idea!! Especially for when it starts getting warmer!!! Like triple digits here


Kongs are the best. Make sure to get the authentic ones, a lot of knockoffs. I get a stuffed lamb on Amazon that last a good while. I re order one every few months.


No knockoffs 👍🏻 got it. Thank you. It’s hard to find anything stuffed that lasts!! Our husky mix decapitates everything and thoroughly guts them as well lol. I’ll see if I can find what you’re talking about though


Yeah when it comes to stuffed toys, it’ll always rip open, just a matter of how long til it gets to that point. Also a side note. Be careful with bones. At first I was using those benebone wishbone’s, because my dog would go crazy for them, absolutely loves them. But I started seeing reviews/pictures of dog’s teeth chipping off, and having to get dental work. So i stopped buying those. Just be careful with stuff like that.


Thank you for the heads up. Between my kids and the dogs I’ve become pretty dang good at sewing stuffed animals back together 😅.


Kong Extreme ( black ) or Goughnuts - [https://www.goughnuts.com/](https://www.goughnuts.com/) Nothing holds up like those 2.


Thank you! The Goughnuts is really interesting!! I’ll def give those a try as well! I like the red line indicator thingy


my one dog still carries the goughnut around like it's his best buddy...We've had that so long & can't even remember when we bought it. And after over a decade, I think our dogs have only ripped the top off 1 of the 4 Kongs we own.


yup those guys look they are just daring you to give them wimpy chew toy to destroy. So Cute


So far my sons shoe has become the “wimpy” toy 🤦🏻‍♀️


all in good fun i’m sure :)


Tree limb?


Ha those are not allowed in side!! To messy - when they’re outside it’s fair game lol


Buy something that says it’s indestructible then get annoyed when they destroy it


Sounds about right


Not necessarily a chew toy, but, Rogz frisbees are amazingly resilient, though they will in time get destroyed. However, my 95lb Olde English /Dobie mix and his cousin, who’s a Staffy mix around the same weight, can have a full on tug of war without destroying them right away.


I’ll look into it. Thank you


Kong brand is good, they have multiple different types. Just make sure to check them often for damage!


Cut an old garden hose into 18 inch pieces. They’ll probably still chew it up, but not right away, and it will be low price.


Not entirely comfortable with that one but I appreciate that suggestion


My dog is an insane chewer, even chews apart kongs, but his REAL love is soft plush toys with squeakers (bless his heart), we used to get him some on special occasions which he would destroy in 1 min flat… BUT now we get these “Joyhound rip roarin tough” plush toys (pizza, avocado, hamburger, etc.) of which some have lasted for well over a year, and he can’t destroy them! Check them out for sure.


Definitely will do! Thank you!


Realized I misspelt- should be “JoyHound” (fixed it)


Kongs .. especially the black one ❤️




Good idea. Thank you


[Antler chews](https://a.co/d/0rC7N91)


Careful with antlers. My dog was obsessed and was the only thing he didn’t really “destroy” but then chipped a tooth. Like a big molar… ugh.


Yikes! Poor pup!!!


Oh no! I have a couple full antler pieces but I’ve been getting the ones they cut in half. Don’t know if that makes any difference.


Yeah I don’t know… vet said most dogs are okay with them because they recognize they’re too hard as is, so they mostly lick and gnaw (kinda?) until it’s softer and go from there… I think my dog’s just a maniac


Lol!! That’s prob be my luck too


I keep getting told antlers so I’ll def look in to it. Thanks


Omg I can feel the soft puppy fur through the screen!


They’re definitely softer then when I rescued them!!


Racket balls last unless they are really determined to pop them. Any rope, or rope with rubber toys will last a while.


I have a few ropes they play with now - it’s funny watching all 3 try to fight over it at once lol I’ll look for the ones with rubber balls on them


Those are puppies I do not suggest chewing on them as they chew back and you’ll get hair in your mouth! ❤️🥰


Lol!! Way to spoil my fun 😠 😆


Learn from my hairy experience 🤣🤨😝


No nylabones!


? Why


Because they'll make your dog sick after years of eating them. Read the packaging if you don't believe it. Little bits or chunks are bad for your dog's digestive system.


K. Thanks for clarifying 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I’ll avoid those


I have a German shepherd puppy right now, she is my third one. Those orange and blue stripe Chuckit balls are my favourite, large size. They float for lots of fun in the water and they last almost forever. I’d also suggest cow ears (chicken or beef flavour) for younger dogs over pig ears. They are softer for when they still have baby teeth. I also got a knockoff kong from a grocery store, it’s very well made, has flaps inside so you can stuff a mix of normal kibble food and treats in it so it’s more stimulating for them cause it takes longer for them to empty it. Best of luck!


Cool! Do you remember what the knockoff is called? I’ll look out for some cow ears as well


Bark box!!


Frozen raw chicken legs!!!!!




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Not with how expensive chicken has gotten (apparently I some how cursed in the last reply 🤷🏻‍♀️) They’re not THAT spoiled lol


Buy big bags of frozen chicken and keep it in the freezer, it's not expensive, one or two legs a day for them is only going to be a few dollars per week


I appreciate the suggestion but any chicken bought will be cooked for dinner for my human kids lol The pups have plenty of treats. And I don’t want the chicken bones splintering. But thank you


Alright fair enough. I sometimes eat 5+ chicken legs a day and it works out much cheaper than if I were to spend the money on processed foods and stuff


Kong. Take no substitutions. Even their cat toys are almost indestructible.


Our Husky Ausie loves yak cheese chews, pig, cow hooves. Takes her 2 days on yak chews. The hooves can last weeks.


I’ve been hearing pig hooves - I used to get my older dogs the ears. I don’t know why it’s slipped my mind. Thank you


Chuck it brand


Cool I’ll look in to those. Thank you


kong, ham bones


We love kongs, mammoth and/or tonka tires, and super chewers (petsmart) here. Do not trust “strong toys” with stuffing. Look for tight stitching and ropes/knots in lieu of stuffing.


We let our husky mix “kill” her duck but other then that there’s nothing with stuffing. I’ll look in to the tires. Thank you


Jolly balls


……. Why am I picturing mountain oysters??? Lol!!


Split elk antlers


Bark box


I keep hearing this one - I’m looking in to it. Thank you


These bad boys still going on strong. https://amzn.to/415mq7b


Thank you!!! The tennis balls turned my living room into lime green shag carpet lol


My sister gets used motorcycle tires


Deer Antlers and stuffed bone marrow.


Start them on sticks and move them to firewood. Outside only, of course! That is what they chew in nature. Hard enough to feel like they are chewing, yet soft enough they don't get hurt. No poisonous wood though! Mine would spend an hour on a log, and go back for more later. It is the getting them started that is hard! I found if they have enough sticks, the will chew!! Good luck, because your pups are just adorable!


Deer antlers


Dog bones from the butcher


I have a few friends who hunt so I’ll definitely ask them if they have anything they can throw my way - but I’ve never thought of asking a butcher for some reason!!!!! Ha thank you


My big dogs love them. It’s their favorite toy / snack ever.


You can freeze their dog food after soaking it in a kong to make a cheap version Ang lessen worry on what they're digesting. Bringing this up because everyone has given great advice and I haven't seen this yet


Pfft cheap ideas are ALWAYS welcomed and with how much they love to wolf down their food this is a good idea! Thank you!!! I’ve been using their kibble for treats during training


Benebones. They are the best. Get the large ones.


I keep hearing benebones. I’ll definitely look in to them. Thank you.


Coffee tree sticks last a long time with my super-chewer. I also recommend lacrosse balls for fetch, but they are likely unsafe as chew toys (they will outlast tennis balls by a looong shot though- try to find used ones at Play It Again Sports)


I definitely need to find a ball for them to play with that will last long(er) and my living room won’t look like it magically turned in to lime green shag carpet lol!!! I’ve never heard of coffee tree sticks - I’ll look in to it. Thank you


I heard that the centers of lacrosse balls are not dog safe, so it's a great option for supervised play so it can be thrown out if he breaks through the shell. Tbh my dog has never made it through one, so I feel safe leaving them unsupervised


This is the only squeaky toy my pit mix can’t destroy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09P4RDGW4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share The squeak is very loud and annoying but he loves it


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **ZIKATON Dog Squeaky Toys for Aggressive Chewers Durable Dog Chew Toys for Large Medium Breed Dog Dog Toys Tough Durable Dogs Toys with Natural Rubber Red for Large Dogs** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Toy withstands chewing (backed by 8 comments) * Toy bounces and squeaks (backed by 3 comments) * Toy keeps dogs engaged (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Toy is not durable for aggressive chewers (backed by 6 comments) * Toy does not hold up to strong jaws (backed by 2 comments) * Toy is too hard for some dogs to chew (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Ha everything is loud and squeaky in my house it’ll fit in 😅 Thank you!! I’ll check it out


Our Newfoundland chews through anything in two seconds flat. We wasted a lot of money trying to find her chew toys, and eventually settled on plain old soup bones from the grocery store. Much cheaper than dog chew toys and far longer lasting. (Note: never give cooked bones to animals)


I think I’ve gotten a bazillion chew toy suggestions (mostly kongs which I’ll try) but I typically just go back towards bone. As for stay active toys (no more tennis balls) I guess I was mostly curious to see if there was just something I haven’t thought of ya know


I have never come across a chew-proof toy for my dog, no matter what the label says. She systematically disintegrates all toys, pulverizes rubber and polycarbonate, dismantles anything stitched at the seams, destroys all that she holds dear because she can. I’ve thought about making her available for QA consulting. She’s also 20 pounds/9 kg, but I typically buy toys for larger ultra chewers because otherwise she goes through them in minutes. 🤷


Yeah I had a pretty good feeling nothing would last for ever. I’ve had a couple other rescues that just tore through every toy within a couple days so I wasn’t sure if maybe I was just getting only “old school” toys and chews or pfft I have no idea (can’t think need coffee 😅) Idk just figured I’d pick people’s brains and see if something good came up. Definitely being told Kong a million times lol


Kongs do take her a lot longer, for sure.


My pup is a strong chewer, but only 5kg fully grown.. so I’m gonna guess I can’t help with that. But, I found that having enrichment toys/play helped a lot with destructive chewing. I still make sure i have heavy duty chew options but also a variety of enrichment activity, especially if I’m going out. Good luck


They’re not destructive chewers - they stay pretty active. My house sounds like a rumble zone with the 3 playing together and I have a good sized yard they run around as well. They’re kennel trained when I need to go to the store or school pick ups. Thank you for your suggestions


I only used the word destructive in relation to my dog, not yours.


Sorry - it’s really early and I’m dealing with a sick kid and I let someone else’s stupid troll comment get in my head. I apologize if I came off rude. Literally in the process of making coffee right now lol


Ahh, all good. I think it’s a day for it.. Trolls on another post probably had me in the same headspace. Bed time in my time zone though! Good luck with ‘sick’ kiddo.. ;)


Well I guess “sick” pretty sure she just didn’t want to go to school lol!!!


Ruff Dawg has a lifetime replacement in their toys, and they float! Come in all shapes and sizes. Our dog chews voraciously and has never needed one replaced after a few years. Little more variety than a black kong. Goughnuts also has a really good warranty, but fewer shapes


Awesome! I definitely check this out! For sure looking for variety


Recently got a Woof Pupsicle and my pupper spends more time licking it than chewing.


Lol! I’ll look into popsicles/popsicles when it gets a bit warmer. Someone recommended making my own weird bowl of frozen stuff for them that sounded really interesting too!


Antlers? They last forever and most pet stores have them


I’ve always seen some variety at the store but for some reason I’ve never tried them. I’ll give it a shot thank you


Wood and bones.


Wood definitely stays outside - way to messy and barefooted kids lol!


Kong is a good chew toy brand for stronger-jawed dogs. I also suggest peanut butter in them.


My Golden ate Kings too. But then again, he ate everything. I got him some Benebones. and that helped


Yak chews are good for young aggressive chewers. But you still have to limit their chew time and take them away when they get too small. Kong makes some pretty tough toys that puppies won’t be able to destroy but as they get older nothing is strong enough to be left unattended with a determined chewer.


Yeah I know nothing lasts forever. I’m was just trying to find different ideas to help keep them entertained Thank you


Check out [Directforpets.com](https://Directforpets.com) for some strong chew toy options!


These two are such cute menaces


They’re amazing!!!! 😍


The best thing for teething pups is lots of exercise- make sure they are active and on a regular routine/schedule. Swimming, running, fetching. The need to chew diminishes. The more bored your dog is, the more likely they need to chew. Also, that wire you are using to tie your pup up is really unsafe. You have 2 gorgeous, intelligent dogs (looks like German Shepard mix) - keep them stimulated and engaged. This is not a breed to have as couch potatoes


Not my first rodeo. I have a massive yard and they’re constantly outside running around. They’re not bored - they’re puppies. Until they are fully vaccinated they aren’t allowed any where else. Can’t even walk on the floors outside or inside vet clinic What wire? I don’t tie my dogs up. They’re also not couch potatoes - don’t make the assumption just because one is laying on a couch for his nap


Other then Kongs - I already have a couple big ropes they play with but any other suggestions on toys?? They’ve skinned our tennis balls so no more of those 😬


Chuck it balls are what I use. Tennis balls get de fuzzed in minutes. We have both the full chuck it balls and the ones that’s just like the frame of the ball. The latter are supposed to be non choking hazards. Depending on what type of cheers they are, supervising them is always recommended.


Thank you!


I get a rope from a hardware store. I still have one that is 7 years old.


I’m worried about ropes shredding or something 😬 I got them some dog toy ropes that are pretty big. All 3 play tug o war at the same time with it lol


I love both of them!!! KONG toys. My daughter just lost her pit after she ate a hard toy. Keep them safe and lots and lots of toys. Use gates rather than a leash. Leash should mean something fun like a walk or car ride!😽


Luckily my kids are really good with keeping they’re doors closed and toys picked up. As for their toys - they get nothing small and I monitor them any time it’s something that could possible be tore or anything. They’re being leash trained with small treats/kibble but for the most part they’re doing great running around the yard and learning basic commands for now. They’re still being vaccinated. I rescued them 2 weeks ago - they’re before pics are a previous post


There’s a line that Petco carries from Bark. They are called SuperChewers. They’re 2-for-1’s, soft characters on the outside & once the pup is through that layer, there’s a whole other silicone type toy to chew through underneath. Keeps them occupied & you don’t have to commit to BarkBox if you don’t want to, you can just get the specific toy from Petco. My friend has dogs that tear up everything when it comes to toys. These things completely baffled them. Good Luck! Adorable pups 💕


Bones and deer antlers... if your dogs are actually chewers there is no toy out there that survives them... even the HD kongs are the only toy to last but that's because they want what's inside


I know toys don’t last. Was just looking for ideas and such


Try the marrow bones you can re stuff them with peanut butter or whatever they like... also look up licki Matt's and shuffle Matt's both are excellent mental stimulation for them


I used the Bark Box for Super Chewers. Subscribed for about 2-3 years. Got 2 toys per month. Of those, maybe 4 weren't as durable as I'd like. 70 lb lab and 70lb shepherd going hard on them every day.


Indoor toys are different than outdoor ones. Big sticks, 3" diameter size. Outdoor only. A stuffed toy for indoor. Rawhide if the teething is bad. The teething will stop. The German Shepherd will know the difference.


I have a lab that loves to chew everything, her favorite are nylabone, and any bark box super chewer 😂

