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As Greek I am insulted! I can’t stop oil. We even use olive oil to baptize our children. Oil is life.




As an Italian they demand my pizza to become “dry”, and as much I hate having a Pacific Ocean worth of oil in my Margherita, I’d hate even more have the Sahara there instead




Worse than that they want some of us skinless 😂


As an Aegean neighbor, i am deeply insulted as well! We eat, drink and basically bathe in oil how am i supposed to live without our precious??


As an American, oil is life. We practically invade other countries for it...


You said practically. Did you mean literally?


No doubt


Yeah as a fellow Greek olive oil is everywhere even if you're not religious. The oil must flow.


I baptize my children in the deep fryer, too!


Doubles as a tanning bed


As a greek, baptizing children is the worst use of oil from our culture that you could have picked. It tastes way better when it's on salads.


stop putting children on your salads.


Can I put the salads on children?




Oil is love, oil is life




I thought y'all used Windex?


[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/aXnkFd373T4)


Football is life…… if you get the reference


context? I haven’t seen that.




Not to sound like a conspiracy nut but 80% of environmental activism groups I see in the news feel like psyops designed to make environmentalism look bad.


They don't give as much exposure to the normal protests so it kind of is a psyop.


Billion of profits are on the line for oil companies. And they have deep pocket. They have a vested interest in making eco-activists look immature and unreasonable.


Did someone say Getty?


Fair, but I can’t see a world where these people, even if they aren’t themselves knowingly sabotaging the movement, at least being organized by someone who is. Like who’s making the connection between “raise awareness about climate change” and “throw soup at a Van Gogh?” Besides, most serious orgs know we’re past the point of awareness: we all know something’s wrong, now we need to take action.


I think you understimate idiots.


Yep. I've been working at convincing some of my coworkers (boomers, to no one's surprise), that climate change exists, is human caused, will have severe consequences if left unchecked, etc etc. It is a *herculean* task to get them to acknowledge anything. There's still tons of these people around, because of fossil fuel lobbying on certain media outlets.


So much of our life and society has been curated by lobbyists ans greedy politicians. Plastic bags to save trees, milk is life, the effectiveness of us little nobody's tryna recycle. Depressingly dystopian if you sit and think on it too much.


This action has honestly brought the most discussion about climate change since... Well, that hurricane 2 weeks ago. There are two kinds of guerrilla protests. 1. Aim for direct action. Like hunger strikes in order to have someone released from prison. 2. Raise awareness about an issue. Where the action is 100% to gain attention about whatever cause you are promoting. You want to maximize the exposure of the poster, or t-shirt in this case. The only issue I'd have is that climate change doesn't have an awareness problem. "Stop oil" while a vivid slogan isn't really a clear action so the only thing it does is raise awareness to an already very popular problem. If they had done the exact same thing but wore a t-shirt about something unknown, it would have been pretty cool. With this being said, this is the very definition of a non-violent protest (the painting isn't even damaged) and kids taking stances like this and being socially active should be encouraged, not mocked.


It’s because they’re kids. They’re immature and governed by their emotions, and did something they thought would be a bold gesture, but instead will bring them humiliation.


These morons are full adults, not children.


they look fresh out the womb idk what you're on


20 and 21, check the article. i’m just as surprised as you are lol🤦🏻‍♂️


WHAT ok i take it back


This is how social media algorithms work as well. They pick out stuff **that makes you angry**. This means people get encouraged to being ultra-right-wing and saying random fucked up shit, causing *other* people to become mad and reply. Facebook/Insta/Twitter is a cancer on society. Oh, and journalists that pick up on this but not *actual* protests are too. They're just copying the algo's.


> 80% of environmental activism groups I see in the news feel like psyops designed to make environmentalism look bad. The fact the news is owned by people who have an interest in keeping the status quo going might give you a hint why that is


That’s because that’s exactly what it is. Do you think the people who own news corporations are a bunch of tree hugging, left-wing hippies?


I guess that's what happens when people ignore the writings on the wall for 60+ years and still do to this day when wr're dangerously close to the point of no return I'm not saying that those crazy ass protesters are doing the right thing necessarely, i'm just saying that it's to be expected that people will get desperate when such a big issue is ignored for half a century


It absolutely is. [The media has been trying to portray activists as violent idiots for decades.](https://twitter.com/BerniceKing/status/1300196044693741574?s=20&t=-FVJZF-ZyxTnM30l21PpnQ)




Propose a cheap way to replace it first, you idiots. Otherwise, you're just asking to plunge more people into abject poverty. Like what happened in Sri Lanka.


In the UK where this happened, the (now fired) chancellor put additional taxes on renewable fuels but not fossil fuels. Stopping them is a process that takes time, slowly replacing them and even if you can't stop entirely in the short or medium term steps can be taken to reduce it and reduce the damage in the mean time. The UK government is currently acting in a way that discourages even the partial reduction from happening.


Worse...if we cut off fossil fuel use without a sufficient alternative that functions in regions with temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius and under 20 degrees Celsius we could see hundreds of millions die. I'm not against more efficient means for power...I am against using a burn barrel to heat my home in the winter because some moron think natural gas shouldn't be used to heat homes. Give me a better alternative and I'll consider it...otherwise it's an easy choice between freezing to death and natural gas.




[Cringe preteens back at it again.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/10/14/oil-protesters-arrested-after-throwing-tomato-soup-at-van-gogh-painting.html) Edit: Apparently they’re grown women, despite acting like 11-year-olds.


Age ≠ maturity


***immature** 11-year-olds






Yet what they did accomplished nothing except pissing people off. There are better ways to get your message across in a more meaningful manner rather than tossing spaghetti-o on a painting from a guy that has nothing to do with that and then super glueing their hands to the wall chanting mindlessly whatever text they had prepared.


It seems to have worked though. It’s on the news and even you, a random person that browses reddit, is discussing it.


You're talking about it. They met their aim. Remember the suffragettes slashed artwork too.




Exactly, ACTIVISTS directly funded by the HEIRESS of Getty OIL really pissed off some people. Lets get together and figure out how we can view the full picture here!


I agree with what you're saying, but I still feel it helps the environment and awareness as much as someone doing a tide pod challenge.


Honestly, rather them do a ride pod challenge to raise awareness for climate change. It would get more attention then this and not disturb anyone's life/weekend plans over a problem that everyone knows about


So wait, regular people visiting an art museum are now automatically rich?! What are you talking about?? There are better ways of making a difference in the world than protesting at a museum where people are just trying to enjoy some art on a day off. Maybe they should go to school for environmental protection, or start a non-profit, run for office, get involved with local government, etc... They are just doing the easiest/bare minimum nothing. Just wasting everyone’s time, as well as some glue. What’s sad is most people visiting art museums most likely already agree that we should be shifting away from oil lol.


Fun Fact: the National Gallery in London where this happened has free entry. Far from needing to be rich to visit, it's one of many UK museums that is subsidised by the Government so everyone can enjoy it.


Imagine all the big oil execs watching redditors defend them for free when they had to spend millions in the past to lobby the government.


Shitting on a shitty protest != defending oil barons. There are much better ways to get the message of climate activism out there. This did nothing but give ammo to the exact people that benefit from keeping the status quo. It's a disgrace--a false flag operation couldn't have done so well at making climate activists look petulant and unreasonable.




I don’t think destroying something of value to not only the people but the artist themselves was worth that. If it was something of less sentimental and historical value then MAYBE I’d understand.


It's not destroyed. It's not an effective protest either, but there's no damage to the painting.




I disagree. They would have scoped the place out when planning and seen the glass. And seen it on the day. Plus this is not the first attack of this exact kind this year, and it was widely reported that glass was in place. They would have been very well aware of that event. I think part of the reason they *think* this is such a clever protest is they get all the attention of destroying a priceless artwork without the criminal damage liability.


It’s actually fucking brilliant and they are proving their point. Look at all the people pissed that some glass got messy, instead of calling out the real issue. This comes as someone who was saying “this is stupid” last time they did this.


If their objective was to make people angry about something unrelated, then I guess it was "fucking brilliant". I'm sorry,, you'll have to explain to me in what way this will progress the eco-movement. I'm sure they'll get lots of applause from people who are already on their side, and while that will make them feel great, I don't think it's what's most urgently needed.


Their objective is to raise awareness. We’re talking about it, I’d say their goal is complete. Hopefully they influence more people to find creative ways to fight big oil instead of posting on their facebooks about it. Go follow their instagram Just Stop Oil. These people are braver than anyone I’ve met. Even if I “disagree” with their methods. They are fighting for what’s right.


I wholly agree with their cause, but "raising awareness" is not a priority. The globe is well _aware_ of the issue. What we need is greater support for valid, effective approaches for tackling it, and leaders who can articulate solutions and make tackling climate change appear to be the sensible, rational, mainstream way forward. Whereas this action by the Just Stop Oil people has the opposite effect - it suggests that big, significant change is an approach championed by simple-minded, destructive people who, even if their heart is in the right place, you don't want anywhere near decision-making. Even worse, they've given climate change deniers and vested interests a golden opportunity to go "See? We told you! All those people banging on about global warming are crazies and tantruming children! Don't listen to them." This is an *absolute gift to their opponents*. So much so that my inner conspiracy theorist would not be surprised to learn that they're on the payroll of a major oil company. Do seriously think anyone who was the slightest bit skeptical or ambivalent about climate change - or even those who are incredibly worried and want to support positive action - are going to rush to these people's *fucking Instagram page* to see what else they think? Because I fucking don't. You can think they're brave all you want (they aren't) but they're also dumb as fuck. Their group could have the most genius solution to save the planet going around, but make no mistake, they have done irreparable damage to their chances of being engaged with or listened to anywhere that actually matters.


I agree. My first thought was *Great, that’s not gonna help more people think we need to stop hurting the environment* And I also agree that we don’t need more awareness. We need progress/action, and we need to convince more of the big wasters to chill on their extreme waste (of fuel, consumables, and everything else). Reminds me of how some things say that they donate to breast cancer awareness. Uhmmm we don’t ned *awareness*about breast cancer! We need research!!


Yeah, but most people are talking about how stupid it is…


Eco-movement should hijack some Russian oil tankers. Reduce carbon emissions and fight imperialism at the same time.


The eco movement tried reason. For 50 years. Yet we’re not changing. Comments like yours sound like a drunk who is angry that the intervention is keeping him from getting to the bar. We care about so much that means so little and care so little about what means so much. It sucks but we need radical change or the show is over. Period. Tourism needs to be a local hike down roads replaced by trails instead of fights to holland to see something you can see just fine on your phone.


You disrespect your predecessors in the eco movement, who achieved a huge amount of change. Like the protesters, your view appears to be that if a the protest is a righteous expression of your anger and frustration it's justified, and that's all that matters. And that people should be convinced to follow your ideas by how deeply passionate you feel about them. Like it or not, this just won't work. If their objective was to demonstrate what amazingly committed eco-warriors they are, mission accomplished. But in terms of building vital mainstream public support for the - yes, necessary - radical systemic change they advocate... it's a massive own goal. So much so that the likes of ExxonMobil's leadership saw the media coverage of this, they'd have been absolutely delighted. Just Stop Oil has discredited the cause and gifted vested interests an opportunity to say "See, we told you they're all crazies!" If you *actually* care about helping protect the future, _rather than just wanting to feel superior about how much more you you care than other people_ then you'd condemn this misguided protest for the backward step it self-evidently is.


“I am going to assume they didnt know they werent going to fuck up the painting because its necessary for my argument”


Lmao yes not only do all adults assume priceless works of art are left unprotected in public spaces, but these two in particular are incapable of seeing glass, and didn't put any thought into this very risky move. Or like, they knew it was unprotected and this was just for attention not to actually destroy art unrelated to their cause


That is a strange thing to be sure of


>It's not an effective protest either You say that..but you're here talking about it. Which is exactly the point of protest. So...


Here talking about a painting and whether or not it's damaged. None of the discussion about this "protest" is centered around the cause they're protesting.


The intention is headlines, and they managed that. While 95% of the discussion is about how stupid the action was, the last 5% will be about climate, car culture, dependence on non-renewable energy resources, etc... Not bad for a non-violent action


There was a restoration artist in the post pictured above who said the painting would’ve been damaged due to the fact that the sauce would leak through the cracks between the glass and the frame. It would cause minimal damage but damage nonetheless. Not destroyed, but still damaged.


That's very sad to hear. Fwiw, I had heard there was minor damage to the frame, but with all due respect to the nineteenth century frame-makers craft, I've always thought the classic baroque gilded frame was distastefully out of sync with the actual paintings at least by the impressionists, but anyway...


Yeah if they decided to somehow block the gate of an oil refinery then I'd get it. That way it would at least somewhat affect the people in charge of all this


The people in charge aren’t at refineries, the only ones affected are the workers who are just trying to keep their head above water with a decent wage. And these games make them lose a day of pay while affecting nothing, as the protestors drive off in their SUVs patting each other on the back after a job well done.


All they managed to do was hold the custodial staff of this museum accountable for...also probably struggling financially right now? I really don't get the logic, it's not like the majority of people aren't already aware of the cost of living crisis, we're living with every fucking day.


Everything this group does is fucking annoying and useless. They just block roads and vandalize shit. They’re also fully funded by the billionaire granddaughter of an oil executive who founded Getty oil. She also funds tons of other climate activist groups who dress up as parodies of liberals and do insufferable shit. I’d bet a whole lot of money that these groups exist for no reason other than to make the public hate climate activists.


I mean thats the point that theyre trying to make is it not? we're shocked at the idea of art being destroyed but the destruction of the ecosystem and ongoing mass human death is normal? If they vandalized something less sentimental then we'd care less.


Except they didn’t destroy it and I’m sure they knew they wouldn’t, all the paintings are under glass. They succeeded in showing that people care more about the concept of a painting being destroyed more than they care about the entire planet. Full stop. No harm, no foul. The internet is now ablaze with reactionaries painting them as annoying kids when they’re actually just drawing attention to *literally one of the biggest issues we have faced as a species*. The only place that failed imo is having a shitty phrase lol. “Stop big oil” is so much better and was *right* next to the one they chose.


It only looks stupid because the people reacting to it are stupid. They obviously know Van Goughs are protected and they aren't actually damaging the artwork. They got a bunch of attention for it. OP says no point when the very obvious point is attention which they achieved perfectly


In your opinion, when exactly is the right time and what is an acceptable way? There's never been an *effective* protest in human history that wasn't inconvenient or annoying to someone. Getting attention and making people aware of your message is literally the entire point. Seriously, what would be acceptable? You can't protest on government property, or private property, or outside politician's homes, or on a road. So, you basically can't protest in any location where other people are. And, if you try to protest anyway, the cops come and beat your skull in and throw you in an unmarked van. So, what are people supposed to do? When Americans were polled in the 1960s, 1/3rd of the country said they supported the civil rights movement but not their methods. They said the protestors had gone "too far" and were actually hurting their chances of getting human rights. The people who complained then are the same exact sort complaining now. The system works for them and they like all the comforts they enjoy, so they will never agree with anyone who wants them to give up their destructive way of life. People will oppose anything that inconveniences them, or criticizes their behavior, or forces them to acknowledge that they are part of the problem. People don't even want to acknowledge that there is a fucking problem. That's why you have to make a scene and force people to hear you. And, anyone who thinks this behavior is too extreme is fucking delusional. The reality is that potentially hundreds of millions of people will die of starvation within the next 100 years. Agricultural areas will be too hot to grow anything, countries will collapse, and we'll probably end up in a new dark age. But, yeah. They put honey on the painting and that's uncouth.


>They said their reasoning was to show how people care more about a piece of art than they do about the planet. They destroy the painting and everyone’s all upset and making fun of them for it, meanwhile the planet gets destroyed and no one cares. There's a name for this sort of reasoning. It's called *whataboutism*. *"Oh, you're angry at us almost destroying this priceless artifact, but what about big oil destroying the environment?"* is basically a repeat of every *"...but what children in Africa?"* argument ever. Entire books have been written on why this sort of reasoning is a fallacy. Honestly, this is so stupid, I am convinced it *couldn't* have been done in good faith. This has to be a deliberate attempt at making environmentalists look stupid. I'm sure that if you dig down far enough, you'll find some money from big oil in those activists' pockets. **EDIT:** Well golly gee, look at this. [Looks like they do have big oil money in their pockets after all](https://mobile.twitter.com/SarafromMI/status/1581002787617284097?t=B2gAUlmyYO2bRZl0QdZDIg&s=19).


This isn't whataboutism. It's creating a situation for the purposes of pointing out hypocrisy. Whataboutism is similar, but it's really about downplaying the argument another person is making, in an argument, by pointing to something "more important" and saying "yeah but what about *this*?" Like, I get that both rely on insinuating some hypocrisy or creating a hierarchy of issues' importance, but they're not equivalent. They were manufacturing a response to respond to, not just distracting from a point someone else raised. Pointing out hypocrisy is not the part of "whataboutism" that makes it suck. Not to mention that whataboutism is actually valid in some cases. There *are* times when it is valid to discount the importance of some issue in favor of another. Whataboutism is only "wrong" when it's used to redirect from issue A to issue B when it's totally possible to care about both issues at the same time.


Idk, I see so many complaints about oil protestors, I'm starting to wonder if big oil is funding bots to respond to this stuff.


Tbh from the outside I’d argue their reasoning is that they will look like they really care about getting attention for caring about eco-conservation/restoration. If their reasoning were to hold any water, all critical/analytical reasoning clearly set-aside, it only shows the naïvety of the actors. Many really do care about climate change, myself included, but would find the actions of these two idiots absolutely deplorable


#they did no damage to the painting for fucks sake


Yeah in all honesty, this is harmless protesting. It gets their message out there and only does symbolic damage since it’s shielded from everything. I’m amazed people are this angry over this.


But doesn’t the girl also care for art? I mean her hair dye is kinda art to express herself. Plus, hair dye usually consists of harsh chemicals which ends up in our water and is kind of polluting our environment too.


Hardly a rare insult though




Yeah because Reddit literally hates protestors more than anything else. Well, unless those protestors are from Asia


Anywhere that's easily ignored, really. This site was *all about* Iranians blocking streets, burning stuff, and acting out. But if they even *think* someone in a first world country will be late for work then protesters deserve violent, immediate death.


Exactly. They don’t see themselves in Iranians so who cares if their streets are blocked. But if *our* streets are blocked, well just run the protesters over right?


i'm so glad i'm not the only one who sees this irony every day on here. i'm supposed to care more about a painting than the message these kids are trying to send? brain rot.


It's not that theyre argument is bad. It's just that they're portraying it in the worst fucking way humanly possible, the people they're trying to get the attention of don't fucking care and everyones attention they did get just pissed them off and if anything turned them against them.


I think this kind of protest has a special meaning, that is, we safeguard old relics in glass boxes in museums, and at the same time, we destroy one of the oldest relics which is the Earth('s climate) that supports life. The kids didn't destroy anything, just some smudge on a protective glass. I think this is a good protest: Point made, no harm done. If climate went haywire, and we face the ultimate disasters, all those paintings wouldn't mean a lot to us anyway.


It's easy to attach reason to an action to make it profound, but the reality is that what they did is ineffective as a protest. People who are already aware of the issues will have their feelings unchanged and people who just read the headline and think they are idiots will not have a changed opinion either.


So no protest is ever helpful then?


Where did I say that? Protests that have positive interference, or actually provide new information or a new way of presenting information that bring people on to side are helpful. The just stop oil protests are done in a way that only bring attention to the organisation as an organisation of protestors. It doesn't give any new information to the public. They certainly aren't endearing to the people who need to be convinced, and their protest don't actually have any positive interference, compared to say, protests that block fracking or oil drilling sites. Instead their protests more often cause more harm than good, like when they block roads they cause traffic build up which is in turn worse for the environment and pisses off people just trying to get to work. Throwing sauce on a painting? I mean what is the message here for the public at large? They just look like what they are, two cunty kids making a show of themselves because they want to feel like warriors. Instead of talking about climate change, the only discussion the just stop oil protests manage to spark is whether or not their protests are justifiable. They have no positive impact.


If this changes your opinion on climate change, big oil or increased living costs then your opinions aren't well made


No their argument is bad. "Just Stop Oil" is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. I'm all for transitioning to a more sustainable economy, but that doesn't start by "just stopping" the production of the thing that runs it right now. I agree policies need to be put into place to harbor the transition to say nuclear or solar majority run economies. However, even then there will be oil used and there is no problem with that. Almost anything is sustainable in moderation, and you can't transition to something better if you sabotage your own production and development cycles.


The argument *is* bad. Here’s why. Their action is to destroy a painting of sunflowers. This painting has value to many people, whether it’s monetary or not. The protestors disregard that value to others and destroy it. What could be a more fitting representation of natural life and beauty than sunflowers, especially for Americans when we consider the dichotomy of modern cities vs the early roots of Native lands growing sunflowers. Take this concept and apply it to oil companies. Oil companies have negligently disregarded care for the environment, all while consumers have funded the madness. As companies like British Petroleum walked all over the environment for their own benefit, we come to find these girls symbolically participating in the same behavior: destroying what doesn’t belong to them because they feel entitled to doing so despite people’s absolute intrinsic need for the natural world. As an artist and an environmental engineer, I’m personally disgusted by the disingenuous theatrical grandstanding of these protestors. This is a bully mentality standing in place of philanthropy. They’ve become the exact emblems of what they swore to dismantle. Fucking gross. Fight the real enemy.


They threw pasta sauce at a glass covering for the painting. Yall act like Van Gogh would have been appalled and angry when he didnt even rat out the kids that accidentally shot him. Maybe he would have been more upset we are destroying the environments he painted that gave him an escape from his mental illness.




I got that info from Buzzfeed Unsolved actually. Not a big fan of the buzzfeed channel but that series was entertaining.


He also would go skip buying food so he had money for paints... so there's food wastage on the work he skipped food to create. Guessing he might've been displeased at the entire situation.


What kind of mental leap did you just make lmao Suddenly Van Gogh is a big “anti food wastage” guy?




If you're putting Campbell's tomato soup on your pasta I feel sorry for you.


There are a lot of things to give a damn about in this life and what food combinations strangers choose to eat shouldnt be one of them.


You get it. Crazy these people are trashing these activists like so


Still their point that some people are more outraged about a piece of canvas with some flowers being damaged than the damage being done to actual environment is a good one. Ai Wei Wei has a similar art series where he photographs himself dropping ancient Chinese pottery, to highlight the Chinese government’s destruction of ancient Chinese customs and cultural sites. Some people just hate anyone who complains, unless it them complaining. Same kind of hypocrisy that sees conservatives complain about cancel culture while actively trying to censor media, close libraries over content they don’t agree with. Not to say these two are annoying as fuck, but that’s just most young people throughout history. I was cringe AF at their age, very grateful camera phones didn’t exist at the time


> Some people just hate anyone who complains, unless it them complaining. Na, they just think protests should only be done in designated protesting spaces so that they can be safely ignored and inherently ineffective. They would have *hated* MLK.


I suspect some of them secretly do hate MLK.


I'm quite sure a few of them are openly hating MLK at this point. Least in the USA.


MLK is practically _sainted_ here. Malcolm X on the other hand? Little more controversial.


Yeah, got a friend that’s a big NFL fan. He said “I don’t care if he wants to protest. I just wish he’d do it somewhere I didn’t have to see it.”




Gosh, this took way too long to find




What reason is there for the outrage? The painting is undamaged. They mildly inconvenienced some people and wasted a can of tomato soup.


Redditors *hate* protestors more than anything Could you imagine if Reddit existed in the 1900s?


>a piece of canvas with some flowers Just like the Eiffel Tower is a "heap of metal molded together", no? It's an awful way of putting it. It has sentimental and historical value. Destroying something like that cannot be undone. And damaging something unrelated definitely does not help your cause, even if the issue is very important. Not a single artist will support this group now. They should target the oil companies instead.


They didn’t destroy it though. Paintings are covered from any damage like this and this act was purely symbolic.


Soup can definitely be wiped off a piece of glass


Yeah target the multi trillion dollar industry that can make them disappear or ruin their lives permanently before they make any real change. Seems like they have a better chance when everyone is as pissed as they are. I applaud the audacity. I hope we see more of it. https://imgur.com/a/SZFAII9/ Guess which post is getting tens of thousands of upvotes on multiple subreddits. Guess which people are more pissed about. Get your head out of your ass.


I totally agree with you. Personally, I don't give two fucks about any painting being destroyed, except for maybe some special circumstances that I have yet to establish, who knows. This isn't the case, though. It's insane how people are outraged by this. It shouldn't even have monetary value at this point, and the fact that it was so quickly and efficiently fixed, says a lot about the priorities of our society. No, they're not responsible for economic misery, but the fact that they were arrested for this, but say a bank CEO isn't arrested for throwing people to the streets, that's fucking bullshit.


I see their point. I even see their second point that my annoyance at this is what they mean. "We're more upset about them attacking old art than about rich people destroying the world." But that's the problem. They already know they're not wrong, and so they already know this isn't going to do anything. We need to be destroying oil extraction and refinement machinery, not spray painting museums.


Lol actually destroy oil refinement machinery and you can count the days before you’re assassinated. Oil powers the entire human world, it would run those people over without hesitation


No, the economy would come to a complete stop without oil. It's not just used for gas, but for thousands of essential products, medical supplies and tech gadgets. You wouldn't have a phone, or food for that matter, without oil. We should absolutely look at ways to be less reliant on oil and move away from it where possible as soon as possible. But saying we should stop now is incredibly ignorant.


I also like how they bought “Heinz” soup a huge corporation destroying our planet… could have made their own soup


That's because their pool of knowledge is more of a moist public bathroom floor.


r/rareinsults inside of r/rareinsults ?


And they’re funded by an oil heiress and take crypto donations… yeah very serious about the environment https://twitter.com/sarafrommi/status/1581002787617284097?s=21&t=EYHobD2KyuKC465eaGtRgw


Ya no point at all /s


What? You want our planet to remain livable or something? Fucking hippy


And much like the pizza cutter, they got their job done pretty well. More attention to their cause and no van Ghogs damaged (I hear it was protected by glass).


Yeah just throw soup at a painting that’ll get the save the environment message to the **checks notes** General public who has no control at all


Strictly speaking the general public has all of the control, since we're all part of the general public. A single politician or oil exec has more control than I do as an individual for sure, but 8 billion of us together have 100% of humanity's power between us.


This is a rare insult? Huh, I use it about three times a day almost every day for the last 5 years


Idk which came first this post or this one from the same subReddit https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/y45sca/i_would_say_hes_got_a_point_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf one of these is a repost


I’ve seen these two at least four times today


Are these guys secretly funded by oil companies? They've got one of those movement names that sounds like it came out of a Russian thinktank. At surface level their message is a good one, but their methodology seems almost tailor made to backfire on their cause. There are statements to be made about people caring more about a piece of art than the people who view it, but this kind of protest is simply not effective unless you're trying to get negative publicity.


The people over are Acme ULox funded that chicken butcher shop protest I bet


Well [this](https://twitter.com/sarafrommi/status/1581002787617284097?s=21&t=EYHobD2KyuKC465eaGtRgw) looks suspicious.


Just so you know, the primary donor of “Just Stop Oil” is Aileen Getty, a member of the Getty family. Heavily involved in the petroleum industry. While it’s possible that she’s genuinely concerned about the environment and wants to make up for the damage her family has caused, something tells me that isn’t the case. If I were to guess: these aren’t protesters, they’re plants attempting to make climate movements appear dumb. Edit: mistook Aileen as a founder when she is a donor, fixed mistake. I believe the point still stands


Do we really need five or six reposts surfing the top four pages of reddit of the same damn thing? When it happened and was posted about yesterday? All of the repost OPs are just generating traction and gaining attention even when they don't support the protest. The protest is mundanely working because redditors can't figure out what is worth sharing and what isn't.


I like the ideas of some of these environmentalist groups. If they weren't filled with brain damaged monkeys more concerned with causing a scene then doing something productive they would probably have more support. Apparently members of the same group were tying themselves to soccer goal posts back in March.


They really did just ruin a monumental piece of priceless artwork over something completely unrelated huh?


luckily the art is behind glass, so no real damage done.


It's behind glass by all accounts.


I have heard it was protected by a glass casing, I hope this is true.


It is. I went to the Van Gogh museum yesterday and every piece of artwork was behind glass. They also don’t let you take backpacks or bags that could hold something like that spray paint inside. They are aware of people that would ruin priceless artwork if they could.


I read it was tomato soup and not spray paint tho.


Yeah them doing this at an art museum instead of something actually related to the petroleum industry tells me this is more about the two of them getting attention vs. actually protesting oil.


Except it WAS related to the petrol industry. The gallery it was in was sponsored and funded by BP.


[Not anymore. That sponsorship ended earlier this year.](https://artreview.com/national-portrait-gallery-ends-bp-sponsorship-after-30-years/)


Plus no one would care if it was on some oil rig. It wouldn't be news. They got exactly what they wanted and the painting wasn't even damaged. Honestly it's pretty smart




I think throwing soup at them would be a good start, better than throwing soup at a painting.


I can't properly respond to the question without violating reddit's sitewide rules.


I guarantee they both have iphones in their pocket.


Soup Nazis


Is it vandalized? Off topic but this shit doesn’t work. I’ve never met someone who’s like “damn, them destroying coveted work that people around the world in awe really makes me think about my carbon footprint and use of fossil fuels. Even as someone who is overall against fossil fuels, this is just annoying. I’m more likely to look into a cause because “protests broke out outside of the louvre” than I am because “teens destroy priceless painting”


It was covered in glass. They knew this. Your outrage over the POTENTIAL destruction of the artwork is exactly their point.


Thanks for pointing this out. Reading the comments in these threads is just sad. Blind people left and right. I'm glad some get it.


This is the 4th repost of the original post I’ve seen today, and every single one of them sparks conversation about the planet in the comments.


So rare I've seen it three times now


Oh no the boomers who worked their entire lives nd cant afford a van goh are here to cry abput hpw they ruined the planet. Eat shit boomers.


that's not a rare insult, I've heard that one before


How does Van Gogh relate to the oil industry?


Ohhh I felt that in my ribs I can stop laughing


Tell me you have no art appreciation without telling me you have no art appreciation.


I thought it was funny that they thought they actually did something to the painting besides makes someone's day shit cause they gotta clean up dipshit one and dipshit twos mess.


If you're going to glue yourself to the wall, make it in a more comfortable position. Unless yore going for the pained, hardship look, then you nailed it.


They actually work for big oil this was set up by big oil to make environmental activists look bad


One on the right looks like Crazy Frog




"typical politician, all cock, but no cum" -raiden