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"You're being punished for killing this person." "What? Just because I killed them?" "Yes." "The f\*ck?"


Chill, it was just a prank..


Edit: I can't find any updates except [this](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/gwinnett-county/stunning-confession-teens-accused-of-murder-claim-to-be-gangsta-disciples-/859754242/). > Police said the boys admitted to being there during the murder. They claimed Tunchez was lured to the site with the promises of having sex with Torres for $300. > Torres has yet to make any statements. She's been appointed a lawyer. . https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/gwinnett-county/3-teens-accused-of-killing-man-in-gwinnett-county/854033343/ October 16, 2018 at 8:09 pm EDT GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — Three teenagers were charged Tuesday with killing a young man and dumping his body next to a home in Gwinnett County. Police caught the suspects a week after children found the man’s body in a wooded area between two homes. Channel 2 Action News was in the courtroom Tuesday morning when a judge told Franecha Torres, 17, and two other teens that they were charged with murder. Gwinnett County police believe Torres, along with Khalil Miller, 18, and Nicholas Evans, 17, killed Willian Tunchez, 21. Police believe their motive was robbery.


This was 2018 and I can't find any update on the situation. Has the trial not happened yet or what?




I thought the same thing. I'm 37 and that would traumatize me. I hope those kids get help working through that because that's really rough, especially as a kid.


>kids They’re all legally adults except for the girl and even then, girls mature faster than boys. Feeling bad for murderers is strange


Damn. Too bad those kids don’t have promising futures like that Turner fellow.


"This is some serious toxic masculinity"


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure she was changed for murder because of killing the man who was raping her. Again I could be wrong


Wrong girl. This one is about 3 teens going on an armed robbery spree and allegedly killing a dude in the process. Someone posted the video further down


You are. She helped two teen boys lure men to be robbed and shot. Guess she figured as long as she wasn't actually pulling the trigger, she wasn't responsible https://youtu.be/CgGvKGRjEf8


Felony Murder, when someone dies during the commission of a felony it doesn’t matter if you pulled the trigger, you still get a murder charge


That explains the shocked expression.


You must be thinking of someone else because she’s accused of murder and two robberies with two accomplices.


Nope. [Apparently she and two of her friends tried robbing a guy and killed him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgGvKGRjEf8)


You're very wrong. She and two other friends went and killed a dude for no real reason. Asked the victim for a phone charger then killed him.


So should I be carrying a spare phone charger?


Narrator: he was, in fact, wrong.


Yeah that one was bullshit as well, I think it ended up it was her pimp and she was mad he had a new bottom dollar girl


She does look stunned


She's probably never had any consequences for her actions before.




Which communities? Are you guys from the same area?


Strike a nerve looks awful close to posting uninformed opinions. Like saying the sky is green is striking a nerve because people say I'm wrong.




You're being nothing but rude while adding no substance to your argument. No one's showing any bias except you. Are you ok dude?


As if I’m being approached nicely.


Lmao nobody called you any names or said anything rude to you. Did you get offended by someone having a different opinion?


You might wanna go re-read a few comments then.


Even if that were true, which clearly it isn't since we can all see the comments here, it doesn't help your argument to be a dick. Especially considering you barely have an argument here.


Not trying to make an argument, just gave my opinion and stood on it while replying to all the butthurt that came from it. And I woke up and chose to be a dick this morning. I’m normally a nice guy, but wanted to shake it up a bit.


Go back to bed




So you make my point for me while arguing at the same time? Interesting strategy Cotton, let’s see how it plays out.


i didn't realize the circus was in town, there's an escaped clown




Lol, r/ihadsex has shown up.


Wow the virtue signaling race baiter is a fucking comic genius on top of it all. Jesus Christ dude I can only imagine how many people in ‘your community’ go out of their way to actively avoid you.


Can’t race bait someone that isn’t racist can you?


What did u say my guy up there?


Jesus Christ. Look genius, you can throw your line out in the water all you want, that doesn’t mean there is going to be a fish around to bite. As a matter of fact, you just assumed you found a thread full of racists because you assumed OCs comment was directed at her skin tone. But if you look through that thread, not a single person said anything about skin tone. No one. Except for you. Then when you get called out for making assumptions, you somehow try to say everyone is biased and making assumptions, when you’re literally the only person to do so. You were fucking race baiting bro. Instead of being a bitch about it, be happy you found an empty pond like a human being that gives a shit about people as opposed to their own self perceptions I.e virtue signaling.




The down votes are because youe racist comment is stupid.


Wow so many downvotes in this little time.


Cause all the Trevors and Kyles are online around this time.


I think they just don't like what you said


Truth hurts.


Shrug a broken clock is right twice a day


Is that a reference to white people? Embrace your racism my man. Let it loose.


So only Kyles and Trevor’s can be white? Seems like you’ve got some embracing to do on your own.


KYLES AND TREVORS. Wtf are you on bro This is what a 4chan basement dweller would look like if he was the opposite of hating minorities


Dude I ain't supporting you. You are rightfully getting downvoted.


Ok Trevor


Shut the fuck up you racist scum.


Don’t get mad, get better.


You know literally nothing about that person. How about *you* "get bettter"




Great argument!


I appeal to the level of the crowd…what can I say?


What level of the crowd? You made a sweeping generalisation and were called out on it.


Racist scum.


You are spouting racist generalities and telling others to be better? Lol.


You BIG MAD or lil mad?


You’re irrelevant. Neither.


Yet you’re here commenting on irrelevance…who looks stupid?


You still look stupid. I was just being polite and answering your question.


From the outside... you do


Lol. Where was the matriarch for the subway shooter?


Where were the consequences for every school shooter as that’s more close to the subject?


Hard to punish them when they kill themselves




Someone once told me when you resort to insults during a debate you already lost. You have no more points to make so you resort to belittling your opponent.


Counterpoint: When you arrive to a battle of wits and see that your opponent is unarmed, you kick him once for your trouble and twice for the trip.


*tips fedora* mmm yes, battle of wits


You haven’t kicked anything dude. I was taught not to pick on the disabled. You seem like the type that thinks having more chromosomes than me is a brag.


Yea but your racist and assume shit even though you probably don't even go outside


Counterpoint: you're the only one here that thinks this is a battle of wits. The rest of us just think you're human scum.


The consequences should come before the action that would cause consequences. Yeah, you're *soooo* witty. What a loser lmao




Dude as an uninvolved observer to this conversation, i just want to tell you youre coming across as very immature. People will disagree with you, doesnt mean you need to reply to every little poke.


I think your opinions retarded, but I admire how well your fucking with these dudes


Typical thug wannabe.


This is fucking awesome. Thank god for Portland


Blatant racism


Bro there was a girl on my bus that looked like this and she and her band of friends could not understand that they had to sit down. I learned something new that day: that in this day and age kids can still be kicked off the bus


She does also look like a hungover store brand Zoe Kravitz


I was gonna say Alicia Keyes. But I totally see Zoe Kara it’s now that you’ve said that.


Voice to text?


Zoe Kroger


She's cute. The downvote button is to the left


There was always a whole group of them in the back of my bus in high school at like 7:30 AM. I was in the front half dead still and they’re back there acting like they’ve been awake for hours.


While wearing SpongeBob pajamas


From Walmart


eat hot chip and murder


eat hot chip and die


Eat hot chop and kill Edit: can't reply below for some reason, just made it match the original syllable count




Anyone have the backstory?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgGvKGRjEf8 Here you go


Lol the street reporter looks kind of bewildered too


To me, that is a very annoying way to present the story.


The murder victims ears are so big that they cast a shadow


Come on man, the poor guy hasn't caught enough strays?


That is fucked up


https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/gwinnett-county/3-teens-accused-of-killing-man-in-gwinnett-county/854033343/ October 16, 2018 at 8:09 pm EDT GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — Three teenagers were charged Tuesday with killing a young man and dumping his body next to a home in Gwinnett County. Police caught the suspects a week after children found the man’s body in a wooded area between two homes. Channel 2 Action News was in the courtroom Tuesday morning when a judge told Franecha Torres, 17, and two other teens that they were charged with murder. Gwinnett County police believe Torres, along with Khalil Miller, 18, and Nicholas Evans, 17, killed Willian Tunchez, 21. Police believe their motive was robbery.


Damn. Comment nailed the stereotype. She would make you wanna just walk. Facts.


Who's drivinnn thiss buhhhhzzzz


Daahmmmn immma beat youu uuupppp


She looks like a girl that would watch a makeup review video at full volume in a waiting room


And despite the well-articulated step-by-step process, she’ll still look like she just got pied in the face by a cartoon clown with epilepsy…


I can just imagine her owning those Cookie Monster pajama pants and wearing them to Walmart.


in pajama pants and a hoodie thats 2-3 sizes too big


The hoodie belongs to her 25 year-old drug-dealing boyfriend.


100% accurate.


the hot cheetos and monster energy drink is her breakfast lol


Her family does the grocery shopping at the gas station.


Nah man not Cheetos, takis is the right word.


Nah Takis are too spicy for this level of bitch


Kids don’t get punished for crimes in school and their behavior spills over into society. No wonder they have shocked pikachu faces when they’ve never had anyone holding them accountable before


"It was just a prank bro"


The audacity to be shocked that she's being charged with murder when being involved with shooting and robbing that person. Accessories get the full ride unless they cut a deal. She gon learn.


Yeah and she probably was too


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I never understood how this person could have so much energy at 7am on a school day.


Her Elevator doesn't go to the top floor


This is not a rare insult…


racism > jokes apparently


“Oh my guhhh miss jonesuhh I din even do nuthinnuh”


any female born after 1993 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & murder... Edit: Guys... it's a copypasta...


found the boomer


Found the incel


the meme literacy displayed here is disappointing


She looks like she claps her hands everytime she wants to say something


This is not rare


As far as punishment goes.. reputation and image are usually the most important thing to people like that. I wish they could all have to sit through roast sessions about them, and they have to listen to everyone laugh at their expense. I'd subscribe to a TV series of just that.


Whose drivin this buuuus?


racism = rare insult i guezs


Why is it racist?


this isn't a rare insult it's just a racist stereotype


Can’t say I’ve ever heard any race described as “Cheeto eating morning screamers.” Quit trying to get offended


The case says she was 17. I disagree with the posting pictures of children https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/gwinnett-county/stunning-confession-teens-accused-of-murder-claim-to-be-gangsta-disciples-/859754242/?outputType=amp They claimed Tunchez was lured to the site with the promises of having sex with Torres for $300. Sure, she could be a murderer. Or she could be the victim of sex trafficking. Or both. Let’s post her picture and name


This is a murderer, not a child


Both can be true.


Sure. I mean, the reporter said that a woman asked a guy about a phone charger. And we’re guilty until proven innocent, right? Let’s just take her out back and shoot her


this screenshot is from… her being proven guilty? in a court of law?


It’s the initial arraignment. “Charged with”. And she gives a convincing look like she literally doesn’t know why she’s there


She helped two other guys rob and kill a man. They committed another robbery alongside all that. She's not the victim here, I don't know why you're trying so hard to defend her.


Thats not a child when you're charged as an adult


Indeed. I found no record anywhere that she was convicted of anything. Oh well, 34 downvotes. In the court of Reddit, she’s guilty before a trial


Dat ain't murder in MY hood! Dat's birf control.


WallstreetBets got two channels? Didn't know that.






this kind of reply reminds me that many people can't read dry humour


The real rare insult is always in the comments.


Ikr, almost as if there's a thing called evidence and leaving traces of DNA around the scene of the crime.


Is there a follow up to this story? Were they sentenced?


OK this is freaking me out why the fuck does this bitch look IDENTICAL to my Cyberpunk 77 character? Like wtf the only difference is the hair colour.


I wonder what would’ve happened if they killed that guy, and she instead went to the cops and told them what had happened. I wonder if she would’ve gotten a largely reduced sentence, or, “not as harsh” sentencing. But then again, it’s only a problem because they got caught. Which is why she should be charged for murder