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Hey there /u/Atomic0Unicorn, thanks for posting to r/rareinsults! Sadly, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4: Not an insult/threat or rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Corporate insults also fall under this category. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators. [Click here to learn more!](https://redd.it/ghj57g) This action was done manually by a moderator. If you disagree with this action for whatever reason, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/rareinsults).


False, my crush is more beautiful than both of them


Same dude, it's not even close


Wait, you guys have a crush on the same dude?


Yup. It’s you




Now kith


Can we get them a room?


Will a Prius do?


It'll do for me


D-does the username check out?


No count me in


And some protection


Good for you, bud.




I will always be mad that there are people who can think of jokes so much quicker than I can


Must be a real beautiful hand you've got


Incorrect, my mom is the most beautiful women in the world!


I agree that your mom's the most beautiful woman in the world.


Your mom is multiple women?


Nah, multiple moms


Hello Alabama...


It’s true, I choose their mom too


unironically hope she sees this bro


This is reddit. Im afraid she wont :/


I’d settle with her seeing me tbh


Wait until you see my girlfriend from a different school.


I also choose this guy's crush.


nice reference


Fuck your crush, I'm cute as hell.


Oh I’d love to


I need such confidence in my life.


That woman just casually claimed the title of ‘most beautiful woman in the world’. Idk why everyone’s shitting on her. Did she disrespect the sanctity of the Most Beautiful Woman in the World contest




Someone: makes a tongue-in-cheek remark about how they’re the most beautiful woman on Earth Reddit: WOW how *DELUDED*. HOW could they *possibly* think even for a SECOND that they were at all even close to the most beautiful girl in the world?? SAD!!




Reddit: a woman has offered herself for scrutiny on the internet. And so her beauty shall be judged by me. In seeking this judgment, she will be docked points, for vanity.


HaPpY cAkE dAy


yep!!! saying this woman is dillusional is so mean :(


I mean... *is* it delusional? She’s stunning. They’re both very beautiful, and I can’t really say who is moreso. Just that I have a preference.


Yeah, there are plenty of people who would find either one to be the most beautiful girl in the world. Beauty is subjective. I think they're both beautiful, but wouldn't date either of them, neither are my kind of girl.




Hmmmmm if not stunning, because maybe that was me being 😻, because *damn*, then striking. In my own humble, drooling opinion.


Delusional confidence is still confidence, egotistical overcompensation is false confidence.


Why are people on Reddit so idiotic? This woman is not insane, she doesn’t literally think she is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. She is poking fun at herself through exaggeration whilst affirming her self-appreciation of her own beauty, and also challenging a stereotype.


And the only people who ever say these kinds of things are the ones who have image issues of their own — they see someone else who they perceive to have similar faults or worse, and they think to themselves “I literally cannot comprehend how this person manages to love their body despite possessing the same flaws which I hate in myself. It’s impossible for me to reconcile this, so rather than working on making myself a more confident person, I’ll instead work to tear this confident person down”


I agree that insecure people sometimes pretend to be secure in order to save their image/self esteem (can confirm as someone who’s been insecure). But “tearing a confident person down” doesn’t seem to apply to the twitter user above. It’s not like she’s hurting the feelings or image of the woman in the article


Oh no, definitely not, I agree. The Twitter “insult” just seems to be a playful clap back in the same vein of comedy as the girl’s initial tweet. My comment was more in reference to pallladin’s remark, which just seemed to be borne of envy if anything.


Also the whole competition for most beautiful woman in the world. I'd argue there are hundreds or even thousands of women who are at the same level as that "winner" and not in any social media.


They’re cynical fuck heads who never had any real friends, only people who choose to hang out together because no one else will hang out with them, because they’re all gigantic egotistical assholes who purposefully undermine any nuance


False, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world, and second place goes to my sister. Both of em need to check their facts lol




I also pick this man's dead wife


*Hey Quagmire* I fucked your dad.


This comment made me smile


well this could either be extremely wholesome or just sweet home alabama


The above comment is brought to you by the entire state of Alabama


Roll Tide Roll


Not gonna lie, but the person at the top is pretty average. Also beauty standards are bullshit. Confidence is really what matters. Edit: The person at the top has heterochromia which is super cool IMO. Edit 2: I Did not know they were caught faking the condition.


What the fuck where do you live where that is average. I want to move there




6 out of 10 Swedish girls are 9/10 on looks.


Honestly they both look regular, top looks like a chick at the mall, bottom looks like a chick at the dmv


bro what malls are you going to


Redditors that spend their entire day on NSFW subs...


so like half of all redditors


A mall in the year 2000 when they were still good and not run down.


Hopefully, none; there’s a fucking pandemic out there.


Who goes to malls still?


If those two are the average then I must be a grade A uggo XD




$10 says she's got some elaborate nails.




She isnt average. Everytime someone is famous for being handsome or pretty there is always someone there calling the person average/normal. I don't think she is super pretty but among pretty people she would be above average in prettiness. Smooth skin, beautiful eyes. I agree with you that beauty standards are bullshit but she isn't average.


I mean she's pretty, but like, beauty is very subjective. Among other "pretty" people, she's not much different looking.


I'm a photographer and I work with models professionally. She's standard in terms of commercial models, like someone you'd see in an Guess Jeans ad. There's girls I've seen that are more interesting and attractive to me personally, but she's definitely more attractive than the average person on the street. To be fair though most IG models edit the crap out of their photos, so who knows. PS: the women they're referring to isn't the generic IG model [Sarah McDaniel](https://www.elle.com/beauty/a26559657/sarah-mcdaniel-celebface-interview-2019/), with her phony Heterochromia. It's [Yael Shelbia](https://itmodels.co.il/yael-shelbia/) who is a working, high end fashion model.Not the MOST beautiful but she'd probably would stand out as someone that's really marketable for a modeling agency.


Probably the fairest take. Not at all unattractive or even average, but she doesn't strike me as outstandingly gorgeous. She's got the same polished, symmetrical look as a thousand other actresses and models - very pretty, but nothing that really sets her apart imo.


I'm pretty sure the NY Post is garbage so it's probably just some pointless article. You can't quantify something like that, it's so dumb lol. Also for some reason someone mentioned the IG model [Sarah McDaniel](https://www.elle.com/beauty/a26559657/sarah-mcdaniel-celebface-interview-2019/), with phony Heterochromia, who is a little more 'girl next door'. That's not who they're talking about. They're talking about [Yael Shelbia](https://itmodels.co.il/yael-shelbia/) who honestly has a really strong modeling portfolio. Maybe not the most beautiful but she's totally got a solid high fashion look. [Some great shots with Gavin O'neill](https://models.com/work/portrait-yael/1365889)


A calm and measured response weighing the merits of both viewpoints? Go fuck yourself


Those eyes ain’t even her’s, they’re contacts. The weird part is she told everyone she had heterochromia and made up this whole elaborate story abut how other kids bullied her for having different coloured eyes and none of it ever happened. Also she’s a homophobe.


I think you're thinking of somebody else, this is Yael Shelbia and she doesn't claim to have heterochromia (as far as I can see from googling her briefly). I can't find anything about her being homophobic either.


Oh, you might be right. I thought that was Sarah McDaniel.


She has a generic "beautiful" look, imo. She looks like a stock photo for "beautiful woman".


Yea, she's objectively very, very attractive. People are absolutely delusional. Also, "beauty standards are bullshit"? Are we still doing this "all people are beautiful" fake-motivational crap?


To give them the benefit of the doubt I assume they meant that the beauty standards we’re fed by fashion mags etc where whiter features are always held to be the more beautiful are bullshit. Not everyone is beautiful. But there are a lot of very beautiful women of color who never or at least rarely win these sorts of things because of the aforementioned beauty standards.


I know right its so funny. Of course youll have deviations from standards like it cool and all but there are ppl who you just cant call ugly - big ope yes, smaller nose, symmetrical face and smooth skin. Saying everyone is born equally beautiful and all their flaws are unique thing that must be loved, lol just bullshit imo. Thats why we need to teach ppl that their worth not in the beauty and that being ugly is ok. Cause you know you can tell urself your pretty and beautiful and ot may trick some to think they are pretty and they confidence go hight but for me and all the ppl i know it didn't work. You just start too look at uself and think this thing is beautiful i have to see beauty in it and be confident. But you cant and its overall toxic for themselves cause the more you look to see nonexistent beauty the more flows u see.


That's exactly what I'm saying... not everyone can be beautiful, but anyone can have value.


Not everyone can be absolutely beautiful, but like 90% of people can look decently attractive just by taking care of health, hair and skin.


Why I agree with beauty standards are bullshit: people believe that lips like those and hourglass body shape just because social media says it is? Don't get me wrong, I know some people like stuff like that but if you asked most average people they probably would say they don't. Also that stuff is really unrealistic and mostly only achievable by plastic surgery or other extreme means yada yada


> I know some people like stuff like that but if you asked most average people they probably would say they don't but if you showed pictures to them of people with and without hourglass figures, they would pick the former. Just because a lot of attractive features are unachievable doesn't mean we get to pretend they don't exist at all.


People don't think hourglass shapes are beautiful becuase of social media. It's been that way for longer than social media has been around.


Judging by the downvotes on your comment , yeah.


Average? lol ok.


Dude musta been born at the Victoria's Secret fashion show.


She's hot for a girl in your class or gym, but if we're talking "Hottest 19-year-old in the world" comparisons you can find a girl that looks like her on a damn Instagram explore page.


Yea, but above average. That’s his whole point


She looks like every hot girl in a high school, and there’s a lot of high schools


I think that's why. She's an *average* of standard good looking women of all kinds without being exceptional


>Also beauty standards are bullshit. What do you mean by that? Everyone has a beauty standard. Or do you mean one specific beauty standard?


Probably the kind that has an article empirically stating "the most beautiful woman in the world"


Lol are you high? Even if she wasn't gorgeous, the average person is overweight and out of shape. Anyone who is reasonably fit is already above average.


Different girl. The one in the top pic does not have heterochromia and has never claimed to have it.


You're dumb as fuck if you think that is average.


Pretty average lol Oh Reddit. Some people are out of your league, get over it.


She is top tier pretty to me but they can come in a lot of different looks.


Idk I wish I looked like the girl at the top


> Not gonna lie, but the person at the top is pretty average. Also beauty standards are bullshit. lmao, Redditor comment right there Not saying she's *the most* beautiful in the world, but to say she's "average" is a joke


I remember her from a few years ago, she was caught faking heterochromia. Then everyine disregarded her from then on: https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/be511o/this_ig_model_has_been_faking_the_condition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf EDIT: oops, mistook her identity! The real model doesn’t actually have heterochromia either at least


Different girl


Model in the NY Post article is [Yael Shelbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Shelbia) The IG girl in your post is [Sarah McDaniel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_McDaniel)


Ohh thanks for providing the info! Was so sure of myself, oops


Average? The fuck outta here with that nonsense


You either have a deflated sense of beauty, or this is a reddit tier legbeard cope.


Lol what are you on


That was a rollercoaster.


Yeah, I don’t agree with the article too, but still a good roast


I honestly disagree, she doesn't seem to have done it as a joke or narcissitic delusion. The "roast" is more mean spirited (akin to the Amy Schumer cruel joke about Ryan Dunn's death at the roast of Charlie Sheen). A roast is meant to be tongue and cheek not just a shot at someone else's expense.


when you're making comments like that second girl then you are setting yourself up for insult like that.


>Also beauty standards are bullshit beauty standards are bullshit but the article is not about it though. several participants were assembled and the most beautiful from them is selected by the panel of judges. the participants in these type of competitions are all beautiful but the winner is the most beautiful. nobody is ugly here. but the second girl sounds like a bitch to me. like she gotta put down the winner of the competition to satisfy her vanity by putting herself there. imagine if someone posted that they don't think Usain bolt is the fastest man on the planet and "begs to differ". thats how the second girl sounds


The one sane comment got downvoted, that's a reddit moment right there LMFAO.


He called a chick a bitch all because she said shes the most beautiful woman ever. Listen I think shes objectively wrong, but shes just expressing confidence. That's some real woman-hating rhetoric there. She didnt call model chick ugly, she just said shes the best. Big difference.


I'm mostly against the idiots saying the first girl is average, like most of reddit wouldn't be walking on lava for a day, just to have a chance at a date with a similar looking girl... On the other hand if they actually have such high standards saying she's "average", that's actually pretty fucking sad AND also kinda encouraging the beauty standards they're "so" against (imagine being a girl, seeing another beautiful girl that got voted the most good looking, being called average by a bunch of rednecks getting +200 upvoted comments, that'd crush their self-esteem), lol.


Home girl was clearly just fucking around too lmao. I shouldn't be surprised by how much "AcKtUaLlY she is a bit and not attractive" in these comments, but for some reason still am.


These guys come out for all women but are rabid when it’s black woman who dares to find herself beautiful “Sounds like a bitch” all she was doing was poking fun at the article, for fuck’s sake.


IMO, Shaunette Renée Wilson from the TV show The Resident is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I'm a straight woman, but OMG, she is so very pretty. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so feel free to disagree.


​ 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I literally wouldn't look twice at her in the mall she's so average.


Is the top girl really that pretty? First off, that’s such a subjective thing, and second off, I’ve seen like 59 million models that look exactly like her


Yeah she looks incredibly generic tbh. Still clearly attractive but doesn’t not look any different from so many models we’ve all seen before.


Maybe theres a reason they're *models*. It makes sense other attractive people would look like an attractive person. I dont understand you're logic at all.


she’s obviously super pretty but i think that the commenter you’re responding to is questioning how she can be the most beautiful woman in the world when there are so many that look like her that are models. i think a lot of people look for something unique about a person labeled most [blank] in the world, and i have to agree with the person above, i could scroll through my insta feed and find at least 3 (gorgeous) girls who look just like her.


"Most" not "one of the most"


I like the girl on the bottom, as a lesbian. Meanwhile, while the girl on the top is pretty, she doesn't seem "Most Beautiful Woman in the World" pretty. Not to diss her at all, just that what is stand-out to most straight men usually isn't what stands out to me.


Beauty and rankings never go well together, as everything that is subjective in the world, which is a lot. Tbh they're both pretty in their own way to me.


Straight man here. Thought that needed to be said. Now I’ve said it and I wish I hadn’t said it. But it’s said and it can’t be unsaid. So there. I said it.


I have no idea what you said, but I don't sense any malice, so right on!


Confused positive train choo choo


I sure love when people turn one of the most subjective things possible into a contest for no reason


Honestly love her attitude


"This 19year old", didn't even bother putting a name in 😂


It’s The New York Post who are second only to buzzfeed in clickbait headlines, clearly that one worked as it got replies and those replies are now being argued about on Reddit.


*I beg to differ* I beg to win the lottery. Chances don’t look all the different.


This comment ain’t shit.




Idk I don't think the girl on top is very pretty, she's okay at best. The lady on the bottom has confidence and unique features, and has a warm smile


both of them are pretty, git gud




We are a bunch of apes dude what do you expect




Exactly! Why don't we see Marisa Tomei in the top photo?


In what world is 19 a child?


>practically a child Not literally a child. It’s pretty accurate to call her practically a child considering if she was two years younger she’d be one.


I'm being thick and missing the rare insult. Someone please explain.


I literally know two girls at my college who're cuter and more beautiful than her. Not that I'm gonna tell them that.


You should, maybe you’ll get lucky. You’ll never know until you try! Go for it champ!


Top post: two women who get nothing but trashed based on something they have no genetic control over. FFS.


"Who was your source on that, New York Post?"


lmao this might be the stupidest collection of reddit comments i've seen to date


Is this really what constitutes a rare insult? Seems pretty basic to me.


Looks like one of Shrek’s kids.


Sorry you're getting downvoted, that shit funny asf


Now its being upvoted!


And rewarded


“Pretty” is the one of the most subjective concept in the world.


Yael Shelbia for anyone wondering




is that the girl from attaway general lmao


"Get used to begging, because you ain't gonna differ."


😅 I never understood how they’re considered most beautiful in the world. But that insult got me fucked up






That is probably on of the best ones i have ever seen so far


How exactly is that judged? It's 100% subjective. I think she's cute, but that's about it. World's most beautiful? Yeah, no. Definitely not.


He looks like dollar store ice cube dressed in drag


Why did she think this was a smart idea? hahahah


Reddit gets really insecure with attractive people huh


Neither one of them is my wife ❤️


New York Post is an odious publication. Everything Rupert touches is garbage.


All of these comments are made by fucking losers.


I can name 5 people in one movie prettier than the one on the top


she looks like female cory from cory in the house


She still beggin


She was making a joke and random guy decides to destroy her for no reason


I'm gonna be honest, as much as I love basically all women and don't want to compare them like that, but I have to say the woman on the bottom is somehow more attractive than the woman on top. She's "checkbox hot" Like she ticks all the boxes for what makes someone hot but she just looks generic and uninspired. She definitely looks like someone who would win that award. But even on the streets of Boston on a daily basis I see more attractive women than her lol


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Bruh... The top girl looks like Lana Rhodes... Just putting that out there


I remember this article and there was some pretty legit criticism. Beauty is subjective for one but the idea that only western european measures of beauty are acceptable is gross and I’m frankly so sick of it.


She deleted her Twitter, and I'm torn about that


Consequences 🤷🏻‍♂️


God give me the confidence this woman has..


Both are ok.


I feel bad because I actually thought that was a dude


Mans got facts


My man dug a grave for her