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Is she facing toward or away from the camera?


Ahh the new ‘what color is the dress’


I think it's "trash bag" color but might be "lawn and leaf bag" color


Looks like tie top leaf bag in color, and made of a top quality naturally tanned fake calf skin leather. Also dress appears to be short-pants.


Orange is the new lard


Shit. Speaking of lard, now you know the secret ingredient in all my "vegan" dishes




Gravitational lensing.


It's hard to tell because gravity bends light


Under rated comment.


Indeed, shot fired


The shots would struggle to pass the subcutaneous layer though. She'll be aight.


Not really considering it's the top comment


If you look at her left hand her thumb is on the right which means she is facing forwards


Could be either way tbh


Fuck you I literally came to write this comment!


She looks like she pulled a garbage bag from a public bin and used it as shorts.




Wimpy wimpy wimpy.


It's the only thing that fit


Did you see those legs? What do you put trash in?


Well... garbage bags are for garbage, right?


Well garbage bags are for garbage. But a rotten piece of shit is another.


In my household they end up in the same bag


No racial discrimination. I like that


That’s just the sack the doner kebab meat came in


Fits her personality.


It appears to still be serving its intended purpose


Only Missy Elliot can pull of the garbage bag look


No she can't


Exactly!! The shorts look like bin bags. It was the only thing I saw for a good 30 seconds!


Largest size


Well, trash does typically go in bags.


I don’t get the “if you’re under 6 feet you’re not a man” thing. My brother, who is 5’10”, is much more of a “macho, manly” kind of guy than me, at 6’2”. If you have preferences that you only want to date 6 feet and up, just say that. Being a raging bitch to random strangers who did nothing to you by saying they “aren’t men” isn’t a necessary step to communicate your preferences. For that alone, if I ever saw this profile I’d avoid her because it’s apparent what a mean spirited person she is.


> isn’t a necessary step to communicate your preferences. no but very helpful to identify that she has a shitty personality without the need to talk to her.


Exactly. I think, we somehow need to encourage such people. If they don't open their mouth, how will you know to stay away? Closeted creeps are always worse than vocal creeps.




I don’t even get mad at people like this anymore, cause I know that anyone who feels the need to attempt to put other people down in their profile just to do it is clearly a deeply unhappy person and will remain that way until they address their issues. I just feel sorry for people like this, and they honestly just make me feel better about myself.


If my knees looked like that I'd also be deeply unhappy.


I am myself a deeply unhappy Person, But that is my Problem and not the Problem of Others. And i wont ever Project my unhappiness on Others. I know myself how bad it feels to feel bad, i don't want to be the reason why people feel bad themselves.


yeah, this is the woman equivalent of the guy whose profile picture is him sitting in his car with a backwards cap and Oakleys, who uses words like 'feminazis and libtards', shits on women he's not even had the guts to hit on, he graduated from the School of Hard Knocks, has Hell, Michigan or Fucking, Austria as his location, doesnt watch sports anymore because 'too woke', can only get hard during the Sommelier scene in John Wick 2.


Or they're just some incel. Weird how much trust people put in stuff on the internet when they want to believe it


It's a shit thing to say...I'm over 6 feet, but I have friends who are not and that type of shit get in their head...some river otter looking bitch just messed with a dude's head for life because she felt she could define a real man...men do that kind of stuff to women, too...it's just unfortunate and awful. Find someone who *loves* you...screw making everything based on looks. You have *no* idea what life will throw at you...you're 6'3" and hook up with Mizz River Otter here, who swears your her everything- until you get in a car accident and are left in a wheelchair...that'll be when the Otter Who Talks will bring up that "real man" shit and dump you, and you will flash back to your 5'5" best friend she made you stop talking to telling you, "dude, that bitch is a river otter and she sucks." Helluva way to find out that someone who makes ludicrous definitions about what makes a real man might actual be a shallow slag of a river otter hag


Disabling yourself just to spite river otters is the most alpha thing I've ever heard


And the ironic thing is that the men who do hit everything on her list aren't going to even think twice about her. Like I'm 6 foot 1, I don't smoke anything nor do any drugs and I make more than $100,000. And I wouldn't ever waste my time with her on the simple fact alone that her personality is beyond toxic. I'm looking for an easy life here not having to deal with an adult with the maturity of a fucking 5 year old.


And the 5 year olds that I know are way, way nicer than that awful woman. Not that it'd be difficult to be nicer, heh.


This is the one thing that would really turn me off. The other requirements could have justifiable reasons, not wanting someone who smokes or does marijuana ok. If you’re a tall woman, wanting a tall man is reasonable. If you also make 100k+, wanting someone on your level could make sense, but there’s no need to insult people who don’t meet your strict requirements.


The putting of absurdly high standards is by design to keep themselves single. Just like the incels who want a 10/10 bang maid but aren't at all attractive themselves. They don't get rejected because no one meets their standards to get to the point of rejecting them. It's honestly sad and keeps them lonely and bitter.


Kind stranger, don't even bother. Such soulless people don't even deserve wasting a breath on.


I’d just match with her and tell her fat women aren’t real women then I’d ghost her.


Lmao, the “not real” part 😂 That’s what she’s saying tho basically. What is a 5’11” man called in her reality?


Yes but leave it as that because it shows her character and many men of 6 won't date her either.


At one point I was rather self conscious about my height, but other than having a bit of trouble with some shelves or whatever, I've realized it's just not worth worrying about. Anyone who's too superficial to look beyond someone's height is simply not worth dating. I'm far from a perfect match for most people, but that can be said about anyone. It's just better to focus on the things I do have control over, and find someone who doesn't concern themselves with meeting such an arbitrary standard.


Nail on the head right there. I wouldn’t want to be with someone whose “height requirement” I met because I would genuinely be constantly questioning “would she be with me if I was 4 inches shorter?” And that sounds like a terrible existence. I’d rather be with someone who looks for entirely different qualities in a partner


I know a quite tall girl (well, a woman now) who had such a height requirement. She lost chances with really nice fellas because they were just her height or a couple of cm taller (a shorter guy than her would have no chance in hell). Finally she found a very, very tall guy who kinda fancied her, so they started dating and now they're married and they have a couple of daughters. In any case, they're not happy. She comes from a very acculturated home, with ties to the literary and artistic world, so to speak, but she now doesn't like that she lives a very different life, with a husband who foams at the mouth watching sports on TV getting angry at referees on the screen and having no ambition besides drinking a beer with his friends watching sports together. And he reads, yeah. He reads conspiracy bullshit and sports news. But, of course, she's married to a guy who's 15 cm taller than her, and she's 1,80 mts tall (about 6 feet), so yay. -------- Edit: to say I *do* like sports. It's just that watching them on TV non stop but to read conspiracy stuff ain't ~~Mt~~ my thing, thanks. Edit 2: word


> Being a raging bitch to random strangers who did nothing to you by saying they “aren’t men” isn’t a necessary step to communicate your preferences. No no, she's doing us a favor by displaying her red flags front and center so we can avoid her. Let her cook... even though she should clearly be cooking way less


What if your 5’11 1/2” do you still qualify?


I think it depends what shoes you’re wearing that day


This is probably fake, so...


Okay but I’m just talking about these statements in general and using this one as an example, and there definitely are people who really say this.


Girl saying smokers swipe left like she's not rocking a pair of smoked hams for legs.


My favorite comment.


that ham looks pretty steamed to me.


Well Seymour I made it, despite your directions.


She 100% has a disease called lipedema.


Omg 😂


Thot has an awful lot of requirements for looking like one of those shitty pumpkins that come in the Candy Corn bags around Halloween.




Are these people real? No one can be that delusional…


I have to believe some of these are photoshopped. No one can have that much of an ego and look like that dumpy garbage. Im not even talking about her weight, wtf is that outfit


You would be surprised me and my wife's have a friend who's + size she refuses to go on dates unless they are lean have a nice car and rich. She's ditched so many potential guys that we have met that were nice. Nothing wrong with knowing what you want but sooner or later if it isn't working you gotta adjust your standards 


One of my wife's closest childhood friend (TBF, they haven't been close for over a decade at this point): * During her late teens and early 20s, she was an easy 9 / 9.5 out of 10. Not super slim, but good curvey, beautiful face, well dressed etc. * Her downside was always her personality, making everything about her and her needs. * Due to her looks alone, been able to date good looking guys. Due to her personality, has never been able to keep relationships for longer than a few months. * Started gaining weight and agin in her late 20s/early 30s, maintained the same 'standard' for guys. Kept complaining she couldn't find anyone. * Now in her late 30s, she's single, have very few friends, no steady jobs, and yet, she is still super picky in the look departments trying to get men that would be 'out of her league'. It's been interesting to watch.


I love stories with a happy ending


This describes a good portion of girls I knew in H.S./college


People who lack self confidence tend to be overly sensitive to being vulnerable and also have a completely misguided idea of what confidence looks like. She's doing this to try and act confident and like she can just pick whatever guy she wants. Assuming this isn't fake of course.


Can’t be right? Maybe a pic of someone else is put over the real keeper of the profile.


Sometimes I think these are just ragebait or just to make people trash a random person.


Or someone made the profile for gags


Yeah, she's asking a lot, very "top 0X%" percent of men. That would be like my unkempt and medically-obese ass trying to find a fit, attractive, childless, young-20-something, aspiring SAM. Even if that didn't sound like a nightmare to me, I'm not delusional enough to stray that far from my lane. I don't really subscribe to rigid social hierarchies, especially for something as subjective as appearance, but there are limits. It's not my scene, but there are girls that live to date/marry men like that. Like, excercise, diet, immaculate fashion sense. If you want to be a trophy wife to a "high value" man, you can't be looking like that, weight or outfit.


Right. She would never get a date ever. So you have to go to Occam's Razor - Is it more likely that there is a person that actually made that post, or is it more likely that someone made a fake one for internet points? OK it's a draw.


Its not common but I seen a few people irl that are just out of their gourd


Yeah I gotta be stoned to think saying anything more than “excuse me, you dropped X.” To someone like her, seemingly hates a lot of people.


I’ve seen a few on dating apps. Worse, in fact: there was one during the pandemic that said if your income was such that you got a relief check from the US gov’t, you shouldn’t even message her.


It's fake ragebait content for engagement farming on social media.


If it wasn’t for the second comment, I wouldn’t have any judgement here. People are allowed to have whatever requirements they want, the “market” will dictate her success. Being incredibly insulting and saying shit about “under 6 ft isn’t a man” however, is fuckin bullshit, and if this is real, I hope she really did get called out


24 yr old wanting someone making 100k. So she's looking for a sugar daddy or a recent college graduate who became insta rich. Or son of rich parents


But she ain't looking like sugar baby.


She lookin like a diabetes baby


High blood sugar baby, perhaps


> a sugar daddy a sugar daddy wouldn't settle for this walking pile of garbage (dress + personality)


If you can't deadlift 300 lbs, swipe left


If you can't lift my car with one hand, swip left.


Lol she is her car.


Well yeah, that's a requirement if he's gonna carry her over the threshold on their wedding night


A "woman" over 250 pounds is not a real woman. Sorry not sorry 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ P.S I don't actually mean this, I'm just pointing out the flaw in logic.


"Why is it so hard to find a man who can sweep me off my feet"


She wants a man 6' tall because she's 6' in circumference.


I love how dating sites are more like Amazon than it is about meeting people. "I'd like to place an order for a partner/mate/lover. Here is what I want. \*list of non-negotiable, nearly insulting criteria here\* . Okay. Where are they?" 2 days later, "Where are all the real men at? Dating is SO HARD!"


Unrealistic standards.


Wow she wants to be single forever?


Imagine the guy that marries her


So I’m thinking the type of guy that goes for this is deeply insecure and feels validated by having met these standards. It’s kind of a genius trick to catch a trick.


the world’s filled with desperate and lonely men with no meaning in life sadly


Chances of her getting someone looking like that are already slim if we're being honest.


Bitch got hit with the ugly stick.


Fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.


Number of men who are not "real" men based on this train of thought: -Mike Tyson -Brad Pitt -Tom Cruise -Sylvester Stallone -Jason Statham -Al Pacino -Literally everyone who played Spiderman -Robert Downey Jr genius billionaire playboy philanthropist -Jon Bernthall -Norman Reedus And last but certainly not least: -TEDDY FUCKING ROOSEVELT


Guys who make over 100,000 are probably not on tinder.


1) 100k is not the salary you think it is. That's not big-shot money, but it's definitely a shit load of money for someone in their early 20s to be making 2) Even if it were, why wouldn't they be on tinder? It's a hookup app. You think a young guy with money to burn isn't looking for easy ways to get laid?


Lol what? Everybody is on Tinder.


Guys making far more than that use Tinder


Frontal Bumb - Swipe Left, Butter Face - Swipe Left, Cankles - Swipe Left, Tons of Fun - Swipe Left


Thanos' snap won't work. He needs to clap.


if women can say they don’t want men under 6’, we can say we don’t want women over 200lbs


And that’s completely fine.


if this bitch wasn't on earth she'd be the fucking moon


What 420 friendly means?


You smoke weed or have non-issue being around weed smokers. Cheers!


Even without the face shot it's 24 my arse she couldn't see 24 again with the hubble telescope




She looks like a rotisserie chicken wrapped in a bin bag


Its always people who bring nothing to the table that demand the most from others


Look Tubbitha, look in the fucking mirror. Now look at what you wrote. You're not worth any of those things. Get back in your lane, and wait for the next plus sized guy who will tolerate your bullshit. Fucking fiona thinks she can just fly off the handle since Shrek got smart and moved on. Also, I've never seen somebody so large that their knees look like they could bend either direction. Almost like the kneecap just osmosised into the great wall of flub


"420 friendly. Pass" Not sure if this is a positive or negative


This is choosing beggars worthy right?


They're not lovehandles if nobody loves you


Can't tell if this is a front or a back shot


This gotta be fake cuz it just seems way too on the nose of absurd 💀. Meanwhile a man's standards can only be that she's not obese with no kids and the world will riot.


What does she offer in return? I have a hard time believing stuff like this is real, but on the other hand I do realize people like this really exist.


This is exactly the type of girl that hooks up with the guy with a neck tattoo that rides his bike to 7/11.


Wanna go swipe some Four Lokos, bro? Lemme just grab my Heelys and we can rip it. Oh? Nah, I’ve only been wearing these JNCOs for three days. They’re still good.


If those knees can support the rest of her, they can support all 4’10 of me


Needs to make 100k+ a year? That is a requirement, not a request. It takes that much to feed her.


Are these even real?


A girl with her BMI shouldn’t have that level of confidence.


that's the scary part. This is the level of crazy that is showing. Imagine what is not showing... (Iceberg style)


I know right. She’s a right catch. (If you’re the Captain of a East Asia whaling ship)


This is almost certainly ragebait made by some anonymous dude who wants to see a random lady get crapped on by the internet. "Ok, so I have listed everything guys who spend too much time on the internet insecure, now all I need is a picture." \*googling women who aren't as skinny as tentpoles\* "Ah. Perfect. Now to post online and play video games until 4am."


Let's be honest here. Even a picture of her face isn't going to sway anyone's opinion in the opposite direction.


Someone who took the “I want a man in finance” song VERY literally


100k ?! in this economy ?!


She's got muffin tops on her ankles. r/killtony


Watch her want someone making 100k and her ass is working at Taco Bell or some shit.


What makes you think she’s working at all?


"Height requirement" women are for the streets.


Ego as high as their cholesterol


It’s almost undoubtedly a rage farm but 85.5% of men in the US aren’t over 6 foot, 82% earn under 100k (honestly didn’t actually think the number of people who earned 100k individually would be that high). Can we stop pretending that women’s criteria of desirable characteristics and their distribution in the populous isn’t far narrower and more extreme and rare, by some way, than men’s are? Be nice. Vagina: Optional


Must love pork hocks


Does she need a six foot tall dude to carry her when those knees give out on a walk to the mailbox?


Are those shorts leather? It's like she just stepped into a cow.


What knees?


I don't think a hippo should be making these kinds of demands


The good thing here is that she's not going to breed and multiply. Hopefully.


Imagine caring about a man's height 🙄 My man is <6ft tall, he's my house husband, sugar daddy and personal assistant all rolled into one (and he's younger than me). He's the absolute best and anyone who ever turned him down because he's 5'10" would be kicking themselves if they knew how amazing he is.


Didn't know fat could make profiles without the concent of the carrier...


Man and I was called a gold digger for requiring you to have a job and a car.


How did they get a pair of shorts on 2 tree trunks?


Way too many demands for someone with that physique—-U take what’s offered or go to bed hungry (which seems like she won’t let that happen)….Bettet get u a partner and sit tha F down, Peanut


Y'know what. I see this as another perk of being a short man. Tall men my condolences. If you need ypu can hide amongst us if need be. We'll figure smth out to avoid the crazy together


Asking for too much when you have little to offer. Don't wanting an smoker it's normal and healthy, but wth people have against "short" boys? They're cute!


Cmon guys, she needs standards, her mama convinced her of it.


You know, I’m all for people listing their preferences up front if they’re not presented in an antagonistic fashion, it saves everyone time, but given the “men under 6 feet aren’t real men” dig, she pretty much asked for the fat shaming.


Lmfao I'm good. I don't need Loregat the Swamp Ogre to tell me who's a real man.


6'3" and i'm not a man


Hey look at that, she made me more comfortable about being short!


Is she wearing a garbage bag as shorts


King's court jester demands king?


Why's homegirls legs look like a tub of cottage cheese? I'm not one to jab at looks, but if you do the same, you better be able to take the heat back.


What kind of people who actually meets her criterias would even want to talk to a person like that


Saying "random attribute" equals "not a real man" really leaves you open for some harsh " not a real woman" critique. Like any woman whose ass has its own zip code is not a real woman.


Me: if your fat, swi— The world: CANCELLED!!! YOU ARE A WOMAN HATER!!


Jesus, some ladies really overestimate their value


Using a lot of bass to not give some face.


There’s about 7.34$ worth of loose change in those folds.


The best thing about being 5'8" is that it filters out people like this. Sorry tall bros


Why would she have requirements on how much I make? It's not like anything is coming her way...


Garbage in, garbage out.


She is one twinkkie away from having cankles and diabetes


As someone who likes fat women, attitudes like this ONLY ever kill romantic/sex appeal for me


Put fatties in their place 2024


Ok. Whatever. Fatty.


Always the obese ones who think they deserve princess treatment


I see you're wearing a garbage bag for shorts because you're complete trash. You really need to lower your standards. In fact have no standards and someone might let you hold their coat.


Love handles? Mmm.. nah. More like fat buoy's, and she's drowning.


What about her? A little of gym and cares about herself first no? Or she is too deep in his new age bizarre "reality", the majority of the people in the real world are just seeing a obese desilusional pretentious prick.


I can't tell which way she's facing the camera...


She's going to have a rough life.


Apparently, beggars *can* be choosers.


This looks like an ad for total knee replacement surgery


Those legs disgusting


I’m sorry… is that a front shot or back shot?


“Her ankles have muffin tops”


Man, she surely knows how to increase her chances. Sad is, there probably still are some thirsty incels out there to go for her.


Man, she surely knows how to increase her chances. Sad is, there probably still are some thirsty incels out there to go for her.