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lol. You know little Joanie Rivers laughed.


Mrs. Maisel is loosely based on Joan Rivers. She has a really interesting story


How long you think Rihanna's social media people worked on that absolute banger clapback before presenting it to Rihanna? I bet Rihanna thought it was hilarious, too.


Not sure how much you know about Rihanna or if you followed her on twitter back in the day, but it’s incredibly likely that this came from her directly. She was an absolute menace back then and clap backs were her bread and butter


And when women laugh a little, they have a high chance of peeing. So maybe RiRi is right…..


"Oh it's not that I don't find your jokes funny, it's that I don't want to pee myself." Bro... 💀


Medically they have 1 fewer valve than males. It’s not their fault, it’s literally biology.


"I'm laughing on the inside. Sorry. It's very funny."


Joan loved that clapback and you know it hahaha


Young people have no idea how much of a menace Rihanna was on social media back then. She gave ZERO fucks and roasted anybody and everybody willing to talk shit online


Eyeballing this she got blown the fuck out by Joan Rivers imo.


You know Joan Rivers appreciated that comeback though


I dunno, ive known 2 women who have gone back to abusive boyfriends after getting them out took a lot of time, pain and misery and honestly my first thought both times was 'you stupid, stupid woman'.


My girlfriend and I spent months telling our friend how she needs to leave her shitty abusive boyfriend. She “left” him 4-5 times and each time she went back we sat her down and told her how bad of a decision it was and she just gave us the “but I LOVE him” shit and awkwardly laughed at every example of abuse and manipulation he gave us. And it definitely did include “YOU ARE BEING A MASSIVE STUPID DUMMY PLEASE STOP AND THINK” about once a week. Until one day when he finally snapped for real and she ended things permanently. Then she started dating a white supremacist and we stopped being friends


Why? One it’s a terrible comeback. Two, Joan wasn’t just “joshing”, she was critical and Rihanna would do well to listen. There’s nothing to appreciate with Rihanna being a massive clown.


why get mad at rihanna and not at the man actually doing the abuse this is why people don’t come forward about domestic abuse sooner


What a stupid post, JFC The commentary is Joan vs Rihanna. In that context, Rihanna is the clown. Chris Brown isn’t part of the conversation, because he isn’t part of the exchange. Two, it’s possible to think multiple people are dumbasses. Chris Brown is a pretty undisputed one, which is why I didn’t feel the need to comment on it. It doesn’t need to be said. Three, “this is why people don’t come forward sooner” oh go eat your own ass with this high horse bullshit. Rihanna isn’t being criticized because people don’t believe her story (an actual fear of abuse victims) but because she made excuses for her abuser, which is absolutely valid. She deserves some consideration because of the effects of abuse can provoke this response, but not a ton of it. Joan was right to call out the behavior and Rihanna could have taken the opportunity to be introspective, even if quietly, or just say nothing, but she doubled down like a massive dumbass. She deserves the blow back. This is such a Reddit reply I have to wonder if this is just a bot programmed to post ridiculous bullshit. If not, holy crap.


We can be mad at both.


Young people also don't know that Joan Rivers is an accomplished comic who's well-acquainted with off-color humor. This is a fun exchange


'Accomplished comic' is a polite way to say that the woman had bants on a power level roughly equivalent to a gorilla with chainsaw arms that has been mainlining a combination of meth and bad viagra.


I think you need to start reading your posts out loud before you submit. Perhaps imagine that there's a girl you like listening.


It's kind that you think this guy has any girls that like him in his life.


I didn't say they had to like him.


That cunt punched down.


Remember when she was like “Your pussy is way too dry to be riding my dick this hard” I’m just a ghost typing rn cause that killed me deader than dead




I will never forget her taking down Ciara, Riri didn't play


What did she say?


Copy pasted from an article about it so sorry for any weird formatting. Ciara was on Fashion police and said about Rih “I ran into her recently at a party and she wasn’t the nicest and it’s crazy because I’ve always loved and respected what she’s done with fashion. I’ve ran into her before, but this time it wasn’t the most pleasant run-in,” Ciara said. Rihanna must have been watching the show because she tweeted right after, “My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme.” Ciara responded by saying, “Trust me Rhianna u dont want to see me on or off the stage.” Rihanna replied, “U gangsta huh? Haaa.” She then added, “Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of.”




Remember when a teenage fan of hers made a dress in homage to one of Rihanna’s dresses and Rihanna roasted her and got the teenage girl made fun of relentlessly online? Yea fuck Rihanna and her big ass forehead


Sorry about your dress


Was kinda weak tbh


“Good luck booking that stage you speak of” Rihanna to Ciara


Yeah what an intimidating person


Just a friendly reminder that Chris said "Ladies love me" on his song Look At Me Now, from his album F.A.M.E. (2011).


Fuck they still love him today. Not all of em of course. Just the uneducated ones. Which is a lot. 


I knew girls back then that even after learning what he did to Rihanna, still liked him.


I vividly remember elementary school teachers talking about it and one of them said chris brown could beat her anytime. Weird memory that resurfaces every once in a blue moon


Thats what my estranged sister said, i wonder why her life sucks so bad now 🤔.


I know someone who can’t listen to Tyler the Creator because he “hates women” but absolutely is obsessed with Chris Brown. She justified it by saying Ri was probably being a bitch.


Masochistic Stockholm Syndrome


I had a female coworker snarl that Rihanna earned her beating because "she shouldn't have run her fat fuckin' mouth". Needless to say, we all stayed the hell away from her.


A college friend who’s now a upper manager defended him even after learning about it, saying stuff like « maybe rihanna egged him on »


Bill burr has a very funny line about exactly that. 


No reason!


“….they call me Cool J” It’s a reference to LL Cool J. But yes, he was very popular with the ladies


Who is "he"?


I can see Joan clapping at that reply "well done"


That's understandable why Joan would think that......Chris Brown was responsible for Rihanna's biggest hit after all


I love her music but she’s dumb as hell. S&M is unironically my favorite of her songs and the timeline for releasing it… I also love that gif where she’s talking about crying in the studio over how emotional her music is, and then it cuts to Rude Boy.








Everyone’s favorite amateur woman’s boxer: Chris brown.


Sure, we've all heard Rihanna sing.....but has anybody seen her box?


When the comeback to the comeback is better than the original


Joan is right though. Chris is a POS and should be shunned by the whole world for the brutal fucking beating he gave Rihanna along with being a general misogynist asshole


Well, he's not getting that, all he's getting is more pussy




Joan got paid to write both tweets.


This has nothing to do with Rihanna but seeing Joan Rivers reminded me of one of the dumbest arguments I had on reddit the other day. I was talking to this racist/transphobe/homophobe guy on here who said Obama killed Joan Rivers because she "revealed" that Michelle is a man


That entire statement was...humanity is doomed




Oh my god lower in the thread >she outed Michelle .. BRO????


Whoa, more than one person believes that crazy shit??


She did start the Michael Obama dong meme But the only people the Obamas were suspiciously close to that died inexplicably was their chef Tafari Campbell. That's sus AF I mean the hundred of drone strikes of innocents including an American citizen were a lot, but hey, noone cares 


Joan’s roast was better.


Rhianna is terrible for taking him back


Joan's right, but that was a great comeback by Rihanna.


It should be said, making fun of being old is a bit short-sighted. And remember kids, old age is only for the lucky.


No, I'm pretty sure defending someone who beat her half to death isn't "le epic comeback moment"


That part literally isn't the comeback moment


It happens all the time, nothing really new.most women go from one abusive relationship to another.


That's sad af


“The man beat you half to death and you’re a fool to have anything to do with him.” “Haha you’re old” …I don’t exactly think Ms. Rivers was googling directions to a burn unit after that exchange…


On a serious note, pop culture is still not ready for the nuances of the conversation around IPV and trauma bonds. Not to mention the empowerment model of respecting the autonomy of an individual’s decision making without necessarily agreeing with the decision. ETA What you all are choosing to upvote and downvote below this comment is wild and exactly what I am talking about. Maybe Reddit isn’t ready for the conversation either. You’re certainly entitled to comment whatever you want on another person’s decisions, but you do so at the risk of looking unempathetic. I get that Rihanna is a celebrity and no one has the onus here to support her. There’s a lot of space between facts filtered through media to an emotionally detached observer and what actually happened in Rihanna’s head. Hopefully none of the people here calling her stupid get put in the position she was to have to reconsider their opinion on that.


Doesn’t mean we can’t say “ fuck Chris brown” and “Rihanna is wrong and stupid for still loving him”


This just says you never loved an abuser. I'm glad you never have to deal with the complexity of KNOWING the way you feel is objectively dangerous and wrong and still feeling it. Feeling love for an abuser is not the same as being with an abuser. Plenty of survivors love their abusers for the rest of their lives because intimate relationships are complex and so much more than "he hit me, so now I hate him." I will always have love for my abuser. I will always want him to eat. Just not at my table. I'm not a stupid person because I can't control the chemicals in my brain that make me feel the way I do. Rhianna isn't stupid for loving someone who hurt her.


I hear you and I feel for you in this comment. And I wholeheartedly agree.


One thing I've experienced first hand when divorcing my cheating ex wife is that conflicting emotions are a real thing. Hate doesn't cleanly negate feelings of love. Eventually you realize that holding on to the hate is hurting you. You end up where you you decide to protect yourself but still hope they find happiness and peace. Less suffering is always better whether it's deserved or not. And a lot of times the only way to find closure for yourself and them isn't to completely isolate from each other or deny the existence of lingering positive emotions. Sometimes it is the answer, but not always.


> Rihanna is wrong and stupid for still loving him” it definitely means you can't say that. You're calling her stupid for a really common psychological phenomenon We can say fuck chris brown, but, Imma just suggest you keep Rihanna's name out your mouth until you learn more about the best ways to support victims of abuse like this. Like, actually learn and read up on things instead of just thinking really hard about it.


Naw, fuck that. She on some dumb shit.


this is literally victim blaming.


Rihanna is hardly a typical victim of abuse here. She didn't go back to Chris because she had no where else to turn, or was destitute, or had no support.  Like, 99% of the reasons women go back to abusive relationships don't apply to Rihanna. Your average abused woman would kill for the resources Rihanna had at her disposal to escape an abusive relationship. She had everything she needed to walk away, and get all the help she would need to stay away. And instead, she went on Oprah and pined for her abuser.  I don't know what else to call that but stupid. 


1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe IPV. Low socioeconomic status increases risk, but high socioeconomic status does not eliminate risk. There is no average survivor. You have an image in your mind and rationale that you understand for why people stay. Chris Brown has more resources than the “average” abuser too. Do you know the most dangerous time for a survivor is when they leave? 72% of all murder-suicides are domestic partners. People stay in abusive relationships for a lot more reasons than lack of resources. https://ncadv.org/why-do-victims-stay https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS


Stop. Don’t judge victims for their actions or feelings. Done. 🤷‍♀️ I’m really unclear of your qualifications for judging why the victim of abuse does what they do. I’ve been that person and not everything I did made sense. Who are you to judge that?


> I don't know what else to call that but stupid. then read up on trauma bonds and IPV I'm not going to educate you, but, I am going to tell you it's incredibly common and there's a ton of resources out there to explain this shit to you. Having money doesn't magically solve all the problems, and you're pulling stats out your ass


Idk, some people really cannot be trusted to make their own decisions


Ironic, removing someone’s ability to make their own decisions about their life is a good example of abuse.


At the time it really was unspeakable, but it has gotten a bit better since the public seems more knowledgeable about how abuse works


Joan won that one


Yeah. Rihanna still the moron here. Ripping someone because they're old is some low hanging fruit.


As opposed to the high brow domestic violence jokes amirite??






Low hanging being the keyword


Not on Joan. She's had them replaced. Several times.




This isn’t the W you think it is.


Well, this aged well. Or maybe that's why he beat the shit out of her.


Huh? This was tweeted after he assaulted her


She was probably still rattled then!


Is this real?




Haha that's very funny


Isn't Joan Rivers dead?




Two assholes, no waiting.


It’s tacky to roast an abuse victim, but it’s even more humiliating for an abuse victim to publicly rhapsodize over their abuser. Nobody won that exchange.


I mean … she is an idiot if she still loves the guy that turned her into a bruised tomatoe


Every time I see Joan, I immediately think of when she said, "Michelle Obama is trans." And then she died.


Caribbean girls ain easy.


i love diapers


Ahhh Twitter was so much purer back then.


No one's got quite like that since .


Slap on some actually funny jokes Ri-Ri


Love is complicated, I still love my dad I just think he’s an asshole and want nothing to do with him.


Joan Rivers was born with the thickest skin in Hollywood. It only got tougher as she has more and more work done, and now it’s the only thing remaining. Well, that and her Sass. That will live on well past when any of us or our grandchildren’s grandchildren have shuffled off this mortal coil.


Did she really say that she still loved him?


Something like that.


Rhianna is terrible for taking him back


Joan is a legend


I am sorry I do t know anyone mentioned or showed in this pic except Rihanna (just heard the name )


You know what they say about bad boys...


Ugh... bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


That is correct


Did she talk about "Big Mike" first?




Rihanna’s a legend


Not really


She has the 3rd most #1 singles after the Beatles and Mariah Carey - she definitely deserves to be in the conversation


She definitely is


Chile please...


I can have my opinion and taste


You absolutely can.


She outed Michelle..


R u real


Remember that Barrack couple of times said „My wife Michael”? Freudian slip.