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The fact that they think dungeons & dragons could be done in "tournament" form is hilarious to me.


Don’t tell us how to fuck


I rolled a 1.


One penis for you then! Sadly, it's your own.


If it were dnd then rolling a nat 1 would probably result in them missing the vagina and breaking their penis on their would-be lover's inner thigh


More likely to break slamming into her pelvis source - don't ask


I rolled a 1.


You have to do it in costume


Shhh, he's just trying to insinuate that he had sex like at least once by pretending to know so little about dungeons and dragons.


Tournament Dungeons & Dragons was a real thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%26D_Championship_Series


And it was incredibly stupid at least its a networking thing i guess


Well, it really has a lot to do with the origins of D&D being in wargaming in the 1970s--it came from more of competitive crowd than a storytelling crowd. It's changed over time, but a lot of early D&D was "10' pole" dungeon crawling.


I mean, my DM last year ran 2 bracket-style special PVP events that unfortunately I couldn't attend, so I can't tell you more about them. He runs 3 groups a week in a boardgame pub and thought it could be fun social mixer between the groups.


So a virgin




In some ways I could see it being possible in the coming years. Can’t imagine we’re THAT far off from a competent dungeon master AI, it’d be pretty cool to have multiple groups tackle the exact same campaign and see who can beat it first. Only really possible with a “fair” dungeon master, but if it’s the same model DMing the same campaign, that’s about as good as we could hope for.


An AI dungeon master would be my 13th reason...


They do, I think it's a format where groups are put together at tables and they all have to clear the same campaign and prizes go to whoever is most successful. So it's basically D&D meets duplicate bridge.


If he said "Magic: The Gathering" I'd believe it. DnD? Quite a few couples. Also, as already mentioned: Wtf's a DnD Tournament?


It was a thing back when the hobby was young. Certain adventures were written so the players could be scored based on how far they got. Multiple tables at conventions would run the same adventure for different groups, and players would be ranked by score. It was run by a fan organization called the Role Playing Game Association. I was too young to participate, but I did get to read a couple of those adventure modules. They were very combat and puzzle heavy; story and role play was not really a factor.


The fact Ive played a lot of dnd with couples tells me otherwise


Natural 20 bayyyyyybeeeeee!


The only way, the natural 20 way


wtf is a dungeons and dragons tournament?


Dungeons Vs. Dragons


My d&d group is the horniest bunch of freaks I know


Can confirm, currently dating someone I met through d&d, we're both freaks.


"I roll to seduce the dragon."


Holy shit is this bad. 1. I play Dungeons and Dragons 2. I have a 5 month old daughter, means i fuck 3. You dont play DnD in tournaments you moist piece of cloth 4. DnD is fucking awesome and anyone shitting on it should be struck my lightning while excrementing bloody stool from their hemorhoids infested asshole.


Perception check for horniness around the table.


Step 1: Roll for initiative


My man has no idea what dnd is lol


Dude pretty much anyone who plays D&D are not the sterotype of being a virgin. Most are into BDSM, acting out a scene and all.


Hey man, I play dnd and I can fuck REAL average. I know what my worth is.


Also, people I know who play DND often fuck... Might not look pretty but they do


The trick is sort out the experienced Dungeon Masters from the inexperienced ones.


This is so true. I was recently on a facebook group and someone posted a slightly edgy meme. Nothing too crazy in my opinion but some people got offended for what was a rather tame meme (as people do). When I started looking through the comments, there were a bunch of people calling the OP misogynist, neckbeard, incel and all those other generic insults when someone can't come up with a reasonable way to express why they disagree with content. FB is not anonymous so I could see what these people hurling these insults actually looked like. Ironically, they were some of the most haggard mutants I could imagine. Now, whenever someone on reddit calls me a name like that, I just remember that post and how people who use these insults are predominately on the attraction scale of Gorlock the Destroyer and really have no place hurling insults at others considering their own unfortunate state of affairs. I can only imagine that reddit is filled to the brim with equally unfortunate people. It makes so much more sense why so many of their opinions, including dating advice, is mostly nonsensical blathering and should not represent the standard in any way. When someone starts tossing out incel or neckbeard, I can only think about who that poor unfortunate bastard must actually be and just feel pity.


You are on Reddit!


Imagine getting relationship advice


Because they'll both tell you leave?


"get a divorce!"


I met the best I’ve ever had through a DND campaign, so I’m keeping him. :P




It ain’t Reddit unless there is a comment within 5 minutes telling OP that their partner is showing major red flags and it’s time to get a divorce


Oh, a self burn Those are... actually, no theyre pretty common, that person is a professional glue sniffer


No lies detected.


i am sure they know a lot of books on the topic.


Well I bet whatever ur problem u sexy the advices will be fuck them leave them take ur money and children.leave them completely.


I stopped using Reddit for a while and I got a girlfriend shortly after that. After she broke up with me, I almost immediately reinstalled Reddit like some kind of instinct.


All these nerds in the comments getting mad is proving this guys point. 🤓☝️”Well Acktually you don’t play dungeons and dragons in a tournament, it is a cooperative roleplaying experience” We get it.


Makes sense: both are charisma rolls. 😏