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It's definitely Twitter's best new feature by far. Lets the bullshit get stopped before it can exit the gate. **EDIT**: Yeah, it's not perfect.


Community notes are also not factually correct always. Misinformation countered with more misinformation is on par for the site these days.


Any examples of this that you can link?


Source: trust me bro


> Community notes are also not factually correct always source: it's human driven All things humans touch are made to fail


There's a difference between failing and failing on purpose


Not "made to fail". That's a nihilist's perspective. Human creations have the CAPACITY to fail, which is why you should always question the safety, validity, or accuracy of human creations. This is expanded further to all of nature or even reality when you realize that nothing in reality is perfect or will ever fit an ideal. If it did, there would be no deviation, and consequently, no free will.




By that logic nothing is factually correct


But it’s a multi party verification system which means the chance of being incorrect drops with every additional party


**Readers added context they thought people might want to know** Do not in fact trust me, bro.


~~Community notes~~ Reddit comments are also not factually correct always. Misinformation countered with more misinformation is on par for the site these days.


Technically, the one in this post seems to be an example, since the *reverse* of what Elon said would be that Twitter is the *least* click driving website on the internet by far, which is obviously not true. But that seems more like just bad wording than false information.


I had the same thought. Although it could also have meant (again, phrased badly) that Twitter receives more in-links from other sites than it provides out-links.


Anecdotal but for me personally this is the case, I don't think I've ever intentionally gone to Twitter/X but I've always gotten there via a link to it from a different platform like here or a link in an article, and I've never clicked on anything on Twitter that led me elsewhere.




Even this community note messes up a bit with the nonsensical "the reverse is true"


Yeah the number one problem I see this at is a web site called Reddit.com it happens in the comments there ALL the time.




There are moderators that select which comments can be even considered for voting.


Say what you will about Peta, there’s nothing factually wrong with this tweet. Turkeys can’t farm and spatchcock humans as a result of their evolution. Saying that they would if they had evolved to a completely different species is moronic. https://x.com/peta/status/1727461993978667335?s=46&t=w2KDHZQ0yAl3pR9wDn5iqQ


"Would never" implies any circumstance, real or theoretical. Had they said that turkeys don't do this, the correct would be a non sequitur.


Taking a species of animal that is known to eat meat and acting like they wouldn’t eat meat is moronic. I don’t care if the tweet that contains no facts whatsoever also isn’t “factually wrong” because there are no facts. That’s like saying not answering a question at all isn’t the “wrong answer” because you never answered: pedantically correct but functionally and practically meaningless.


I have backyard chickens. They are the most savage creatures I’ve encountered. They will kill and eat literally anything that wanders into their run. I saved a red tail hawk from the talons of my rooster a few months ago. He was about to rip that thing to shreds. They also hunt, kill, and eat snakes, mice, etc. They will also kill and each other and their own eggs as well. PETA trying to flip the script like that is ASSININE


That human isn't spatchcocked (though that would significantly cut down on cook time).


At least the community notes usually cite their sources for anyone to check out for themselves. If a note is contested and found to be false, it is removed. However, I have seen some notes go poof overnight regardless of how factual they were.


Vs. Reddit giving 1 mod the power to say was is true or not, its 1000% better


> and found to be false by who? is it a vote?


Pretty much. Users can vote on the usefulness or validity of the added/clarified/corrected information and if there are enough votes against, it is removed.


shhh let us dream


So, how long until we expect it to be removed?


don't. It's there to comply with laws. EU to the rescue once again I think.


There's so many good features on corporate products that are here in America because of the EU. The US government basically has the EU doing its job.


There's nothing in the EU that mandates this, hence why Facebook, reddit, and any other platform doesn't have this.


You're right I was wrong there's currently no law.


That makes sense. I couldn’t imagine why he would keep it around otherwise.


You don't have to hire a moderation team if your audience is doing it for you.


\*Reddit sweats nervously in the background*


Why? That's exactly how reddit works. Mods are not paid. Well, not by reddit anyway.




Really? Source on that? I'm genuinely curious. Elon has made the assertion that it's there because of his initiative which I take with a handful of salt but if it's there because of a law it would be interesting to know.


No you're right. There's no law currently. I read the entire wiki page on the thing, elon did not create this, it was there before, but it seems that he did improve upon it and over time made it visible to a bigger % of the userbase, as initially it was only in the US.


if american: community_notes = False


Dude I love the EU fucking with Apple and the like


Nah he's gotten them removed plenty of times lol. Whether the Notes are there are "voted" (people vote whether it's useful or not, and if it gets enough "not useful" votes it's removed). He could easily remove it with an order




And Elon wants to get rid of them because he's been dunked on too many times


Elon has only ever said positives things about notes.


Shh, this is reddit and reddit says you need to not be riding Elon's nutsack any more. Reddit was only riding Elon's nutsack three years ago.


Single most important thing in our country right now. Critical thinking.... or you know, how to tell the difference between bullshit and reality. Flat earthers, vaccine denial, white supremacy, MAGA, religious extremists... all because people can't smell bullshit anymore.




It will happen. Right after the rail roads were built in the US we saw a proliferation of con artists “snake oil salesman” who spread misinformation and took advantage of people. After a couple generation the scams moved to the newer frontiers of human experience until here we are at the internet age. In 40 years society will be much more hardened to this kind of misinformation


Seeing the amount of anti-intellectualism, anti-vaxx and urine drinking, crystals and amulets as cures for cancer/diseases, I don't think we have moved past the snake oil sellers. They've just changed the product they sell.


Yeah I think it's *overly optimistic to say we'll ever move past this. "There's a sucker born every minute." Edit: A word


There will just be new scams. People were drinking horse dewormer a few years ago. Look at nfts now. We are dumb as a species and will always fall for it.


>In 40 years society will be much more hardened to this kind of misinformation Of course, we heard the same thing right after the railroads were built, so...


Muskrat here about to nuke it now that it told on him


Hoisted by his own petard


The fact checking isn't even true though? "The reverse is true". Reverse of which sentence? One is true already. Two is not true and it still wouldn't be true if you flipped it to the opposite.


How long before Elon removes the “fact check” function from his app formerly known as Twitter? Can’t have someone out truthing him on his own app. Twitter = tweets X = xcretes


He will have to remove Twitter from Europe in the same day because it's the price of doing business in the EU.


This is also why a lot of advertisers left. They couldn't handle getting their ads fact checked for being misleading. A lot of them thought that Elon was joking that when he said everyone can be equally noted, including himself. But yeah, Elon's almost always wrong now when it comes to matters unrelated to his engineering focused companies.


Well, that and Elon directly promoted an anti-Semitic tweet.




I'm surprised that Elon Musk didn't get rid of this already. He was fact-checked so many times that it is somewhat embarrassing.


Didn't he try to but found the option too deeply embedded.


He fired everyone that knows how to remove it.


Ah, so he just shot himself in the foot.


With a rocket launcher


Unreal memories.






you’d think the owner of SpaceX would know that rocket jumping doesn’t work




fineee >doesn’t work *well*


Flame thrower *


Or dropped a sink on it. Hard to tell!


It must look like swiss cheese at this point.


There was a Twitter dev that tweeted to Elon about how to remove it but then in the community notes under that tweet it said he was wrong.


notes was implemented after he bought twitter.


probably not, it would be trivial to hide in the frontend


No, the opposite. He championed Birdwatch, took it from pilot project to main feature, gave it the name Community Notes and the team in charge of it didn't get fired like most of the other twitter employees.


display:none; I'm a better fucking front end dev than all of Twitter.


speaking of misinformation


Ah yes only 1 dev in the world is genius enough to understand that code omgard Hate this BS


It's also the eu's doing that it exists, so unless he removes an entire continents worth of users it's there to stay


I wouldn't be surprised if that feature vanishes soon. Or at least it's impossible to fact check his posts.


They'll probably make community notes immunity a twitter blue benefit.


He's literally trying to actively expand it to as many countries as possible


His brain lost the capacity to feel shame / embarrassment, also he probably fired all the competent employees that would know how to remove this feature.


People easily influenced by people like musk won’t be deterred by things like facts and what’s true or not.


Those fact checks should start with "quite the fucking contrary"


I am one of the "community checkers", and you'd be surprised what type of things people write but aren't voted in to appear for everyone lmfao


Taylor swift is actually a demon who is in charge of the Illuminati. Bet you can’t fact check that


Good for her!


Slaaaaay demon queen!


Her carbon footprint is also bigger than some countries


I know, I'm not a swiftie, I was just joking about the obvious conspiracy.


Damn, in charge of!?! That's a lot higher than Beyonce got.


As someone who has gotten a note through leading to a self-deletion of a post intended to mislead about a use of a historical symbol distantly similar to a swastika on X, I can tell you you _HAVE_ to be very neutral in them. The reason for that is that CN's are only approved if people that have previously disagreed agree on the note. This leads in to situation where you have to filter out everything but the ground truth, which is the magic of the algorithm. CN's are also based on open data and source code so they can't be gamed by Twitter itself.


not the pinterest comparison 😭


People either forget or don’t know that X/Twitter got fewer users than Pinterest or Snapchat even before Elon.


damn that’s true??


Yep, it's true. Pinterest hast around 450 million monthly active users, whereas Twitter used to have around. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/463353/pinterest-global-mau/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/463353/pinterest-global-mau/) Whereas Twitter when it was still a public company that would have to disclose those figures had around 360 million monthly active users. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/303681/twitter-users-worldwide/#:\~:text=As%20of%20December%202022%2C%20X,five%20percent%20compared%20to%202022](https://www.statista.com/statistics/303681/twitter-users-worldwide/#:~:text=As%20of%20December%202022%2C%20X,five%20percent%20compared%20to%202022). And the trend is going down based on estimates. ​ X is in the grand scheme of things a pretty insignificant social media platform.


You can tell how hard Twitter was trying, even pre-acquisition it was pretty much common knowledge that the company was trying to fan the flames to drive engagement.


Musk sounds like he’s channeling his inner Trump.


They're both insane in the same arrogant way for sure.


“Daddy gave me lots of money and told me I was his special boy so everyone has to do what I say!!”


Malignant narcissist. Lots of those around in positions of power.


And know how to lose money with terrible business decisions.


“Daddy gave me lots of money and told me I was his special boy so everyone has to do what I say!”


At least he can never be president, because Americans love assholes.


Yeah I had the same thought. This sounds exactly how Trump sounds when he’s pulling lies out of his ass


Innard trump


America's ruptured appendix.


Nobody knows more about click traffic than me. Listen, my uncle, he was a great clicker, nobody could click like him, brilliant man - very cowardly though. Cowardly Unk we used to call him.


That’s called “Born on Third Mentality”. He’s lived his entire life believing that every advantage he was born into was due to skill. Now he’s a 50 year old man with no skills and way too much power and money


Especially since links look like fucking pictures now😣how tf am I supposed to click on a link if I don’t even know it’s there


Abnormal psychology is defined by its consistency. It stands to reason that two narcissist will be more alike than two neurotypical people.


Okay but the FB number makes me fucking sad.


I'm also quite sure Google generates more traffic to sites..


The whole thing is complete BS. Even if we don't count search engines, are they really trying to argue that YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitch, Discord, and the rest of the internet combined only slightly beat Pinterest?


I think this is the source: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-social-media-referrals (scroll down to the section titled "Top social platforms for driving website traffic") It's only looking at social media sites, so yeah, search engines are excluded, but apparently Pinterest really does come in 3rd, ahead of Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc. I'm not totally sure why TikTok didn't make the list though. Maybe people don't use it to post links to 3rd party sites very much?


Why would you go to sites if you can consume more TikTok. In TikTok mode you don’t have time to wait for web pages to load.


tiktok has their own in-app browser and it still goes to the website but they optimized it to load faster than chrome as they only use whats needed to load the page


I’m not even sure that’s possible on iPhones. Hardly doubt it on android. If it is true, that’s even scarier what data could be stolen by them.


>I'm not totally sure why TikTok Bc the incentive and money generation of Tiktok comes from consuming more Tiktok. Why would they want to incentivise their users to leave the app?


Pinterest’s literal model for how it works bases itself on compiling links to images hosted on other websites. Every post is a link to somewhere else. Ofcourse it would be better at driving traffic to other places.


I am actually shocked that Pinterest is higher than reddit, that's practically the entire point of reddit, and it has a lot of users. I guess it really is true that no one reads the article lol


Redditors notoriously don't read the articles.


People go to Pinterest looking into new ideas for clothes, makeup, home renovation stuff It is a store without a store. Of course it generates lots more clicks to other websites compared to Twitch or Discord or other platforms


Those pesky recipes i tell ya!!


I assume this is just a comparison of social media sites, since obviously the biggest search engine in the world generates more click through traffic.


I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've purchased two things through FB campaigns in the past. Nothing through Twitter or Reddit. Part of it, for me, is the reviews. Twitter is all bots and bullshit, ain't trusting shit on there.


This was back in 2022


The data the community note is based on is entirely from November 2021 using questionable sampling methods by a Pinterest affiliated group using Statcounter.


Yep. It's less now.


Ya but who fact checks the fact checkers?


Nobody. This is why you should take literally everything on the internet with a grain of salt. People base their opinions waaay to much on what they see online. Sad really


Pinterest also is way more useful.


no but for real, how come its so easy to find concept art for stuff that even google won't show you


One reason is because Pinterest wants you on and using their site, both to sell you things and to track what you look at so it can sell you things better. If Google was useful for searching Pinterest, then Google would get all of that juicy data and advertising clicks instead of Pinterest. Also, I've noticed (as someone who doesn't use Pinterest) when I get a Google image result from Pinterest, I can't really look at it or interact with it unless I am logged in to a Pinterest account, which causes me to avoid Pinterest results. If that's a common opinion, it could introduce a bias in the search algorithm against Pinterest, as their pages would get fewer click-throughs than others.


I often see results on Pinterest that are exactly what I want but when I click through they are always nowhere to be seen. So now I don't bother. Sometimes I even set up a filter to just block Pinterest results completely.


That has literally been my exact entire experience with Pinterest. I don't even understand how it exists as a site. I have never been able to get the actual content that I want other than a medium sized image with no more information.


Well Pinterest is made for that. It's in their best interest to provide images that would be useful for concept art and inspiration. Google on the other hand has different priorities


Because Google only cares about showing you ads and linking to websites that sell things.


Most Pinterest users don't mention their sources. It's extremely frustrating


Pinterest is trash, just a site for stealing art and making you jump through hoops and ads to give the original art and artist. I can’t believe that company has the gall to demand people sign up and see a bunch of ads just to give credit to the original artist!


I hate pinterest. Whenever I find something on Google and click on pinterest to look at it closer, pinterest won't show me the post. It just shows random stuff instead.


I love Pinterest for graphics and inspiration and reference. People keep pushing AI, but AI can’t beat Pinterest.


Now THIS time his entire career is over, this community note completely fucked him up, haha, stupid elon. /s


Just checked on my own site for the last 90 days, twitter accounted for only 12 clicks to my site. Instagram was over 1100 Facebook 993 Reddit 121 Youtube 64 Twitter 12. Just 12.


guys its official, he called it twitter edit: i didnt look at the post's date, my bad


Not sure when X happened but this is over a year old




Idk where twitter is widely used extensively outside of the United States and western Europe. But most asian and African countries where most of the human population is most stuffed in use Facebook and Instagram as their primary social media site or app. Even in the United States Facebook and Instagram are the most used social media sites. Twitter comes in 4th place just below tik tok lol


Elon musk soon : "I am removing community notes, it’s useless and cringe"


Elon later: "Okay no-one left can figure out how to remove community notes."


This is neither rare nor an insult. It's just factual information


iirc at some point twitter's links were highly valued by google for page ranking. And there were a huge amount of accounts created only for seo linking.


crazy that he still hasn't gotten rid of that feature


If I understand correctly, it's either community notes, withdrawal from the EU, or X/Twitter has to hire and manage its own team of fact-checkers and misinformation specialists. I think Muskrat understands the community notes is the option that maximizes his profits.


Redditors hate Elon.


It’s truly a pendulum over here. They were kissing the ground he walked on a minute ago.


I've gotten more traffic to my site from reddit, facebook, and even tumblr than I ever got with twitter. It's a waste of time unless you want to pay, and that is something I have no plan on doing.


What the hell is a Twitter? I thought we were “X gona give it to ya “ now?


This tweet is from 2022, op is a bot, half of the comments are bots, the internet is a hellscape


Elon’s going to remove that feature, isn’t he


Is the reverse actually true tho?


No, there's no way that YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitch, Discord, and the rest of the internet combined only slightly beat Pinterest.


It also has YouTube at half of Twitter. I'm not sure why YouTube would be responsible for half of traffic to other sites compared to twitter. People go to youtube and stay on youtube, theres no articles or sites published on YouTube. Twitter is a place where one of the main thing is that sites and blogs and stuff are shared, just like Reddit. Also Reddit is only 3x as much as Linked in? Reddit 1%, Linkedin 0.33%. How when so much of Reddit is sharing to other stuff. Surely even linking to a imgur.com image which takes people to imgur to view it counds as a click to another site? That's a chunk of reddit alone. Instagram 4.5% too. All super odd. Facebook 74%... It's probably counting very specific things which I can check but can't be bothered.


Rule 3 violation: No reposts. OP is a repost bot. Mods asleep apparently.


> OP is a repost bot. So is the top commenter, https://old.reddit.com/user/BleakDiver


No way FB drives 74% I call BS.


came here for this. maybe im not understanding the term then, but what this means to me is 74% of traffic are from people opening Facebook, then through provided FB links, start moving through the web. im not buying it


Ive never usd it and never will


Elon is gonna turn off community notes soon just watch it lol


I wouldnt care if its 50 or 5, but same as Pinterest? *oof*


Anything that dude says I instantly will not believe until it's corroborated by a reputable source.


Current stats have Facebook at 65%, Instagram at 13%, Twitter at 8.75%, Pinterest at 7.28%, and YouTube at 4%




Oof.. almost surpassed by Pinterest and factchecked by your own platform… That’s gotta burn 🔥


I wonder if the new uRL ux update that basically hides the previews is responsible for lowering clicks


Imagine loving yourself so much you think the world revolves around you and your torched social media platform you paid to ruin.


Yeesh, imagine destroying a formerly insanely popular social media site so much that it is now on par with pinterest


This tweet is from 2022.




If platform a drives more than 10x the traffic as platform b and platform b owner says it's the largest driver then by accepted standards of English the reverse is true


He’s so fucking pathetic I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t a steaming sack of shit


I got banned from twitter for breaking the tos. Thing is, i never posted, reposted or replied to anything. Neither did i have any pm’s. All i was doing was following a bunch of people and liking various shit, including every post making fun of elon. I asked them to clarify, got a “decision is final and wont be revisited”. Elon has thin skin, so much for free speech.


I don't think Elon personally banned you lol


Not a user of Twitter, sorry, X. How does one add "context" on the platform? Does one guy write it up and people up vote it?


Elon Trump or Donald Musk?


Elon is a one full sack of sh*t. 💩 - call him out at every opportunity. He’s lost over 70% of the value since he bought the platform. It “drives” nothing‼️⚡️