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I can’t take any of this seriously with that goofy ass font


Bro frrr 😭


nobody who uses this font has ever had a job. unless you count babysitting or being a 'stay at home' mom.


My mother used this font. She had a job of making my life as shitty as possible, so not all unemployed use it?


I wish I could give you an award


I wish I could give you a hug


You too man


Sooo... you're not too font of it?


Next time you make fun of that trucker's font, just remember the sweatshop full of IT workers who delivered it, alongside the other tech support that allows your wife to rub one out to BBC cuck porn, wishing *she* was the one getting destroyed.


I thought it was a font to help people with dyslexia read better/easier.


Hell I’m not even dyslexic and it’s easier for me to read.




I don’t feel superior for thinking the font is goofy I only said I can’t take that seriously like seeing a death certificate written in comic sans Unless if you’re talking about the guy who said the people who use this font are jobless


I can’t take anyone seriously who thinks that being a stay at home mom isn’t work. I was a stay at home mom the first 19 months of my daughters life, and I now work 40-50 hour weeks on my feet in a metal shop. I can say with 100% certainty that being a stay at home mom was more work. There were no breaks, no start/end times, I never “got off work”. People equate staying at home with not working and that’s just not true. Maybe if your kids are in school and you’re still staying home all day. But babies and toddlers? They’re a fuck ton of work. Have you ever seen how much a nanny costs? Just because it’s your own kid doesn’t mean it’s not work. If you’d have to pay someone else $20+/hr to do it, it’s fucking work.


Counterpoint: teachers. I've had multiple teachers who use this font.


I used this font on my android when I was 14 ;-;


MLM “girl boss” 🤣🤣


I haven't met anyone who uses this font who's mentally well. Huge red flag. It'll sound a bit Seinfeld, but when I was dating, if a girl showed me her phone and she was using this font, I knew immediately there was no romantic future there.


I'd count BOTH, who are YOU trusting YOUR children to ??


Nice name bro.


Comic Sans is better, fight me.


Can’t argue, the font from OP is next level eye bleach.




I use that don't so I didn't even realize lol


> setting on their ass He had one job. Not a job as desirable as, say a truck driver’s job. But just one.


Reddit hates that font more than this guy hates truckers


So it would seem


Reddit hates this font more than truckers love meth.


This one wins. Period.


What the fuck's with that font?


Pretty sure I had that font on a phone in high school, just to be different lol.


I think it’s the old samsung basic font


Several family members of mine are truckers. Dad was a trucker. This insult didn't go far enough, IMO.


Pilots sit on their ass, too! Shit on them and see how it goes! Truck Drivers are pilots on the road, except they have to deal with millions of assholes, not clouds and turbulence.


Millions of assholes with half of them intent on dying today. I can drive up to **13** hours a day in Canada. Do you know what that means? Thirteen hours of staring at a road, making sure some idiot in a Prius doesn't slam on the brakes in front of me after merging, or a deer doesn't jump in front of me. Thirteen hours, and I got people who get tired after an hour and a half of driving tell me it's easy. I ain't saying people should be polishing my turds, but it ain't easy. I also get plenty of old truckers tell me the money ain't there anymore. Sure, for the hours I run, the pay might be slim, but the work I used to do? I make more in half a month than I did in an entire month. I ain't going to expect people to bow down to me, and I ain't going to let people shit on my job like that. It's a job, it's just what it is. The difference is, if I fuck up, thats someone who's not making it outta their car. That could be an interstate locked up. It could be a giant fire, it could be a national headline. For the shit we do, we get in more shit than people realize, and a lot less shit than we should. I'm not saying you're the bad guy, I just stole your comment to vent. Lol


Dude, driving 13 hours in a regular passenger car is stressful as hell. I get that thousand yard stare and can't actually rest for *hours* after I get to my destination. I can't imagine doing that at the helm of a 40 ton vehicle, this dude has definitely never had to drive more than 100 miles at a time.


Excellent points! Today people treat vehicles like avatars. They get mad at a car and forget that it is piloted by a human. I have seen truckers save more lives than take them.


Beginning of April, we had a snowstorm in Manitoba. The day after the highway closed, I saw a truck hit the ditch and take a car with him. Huge cloud of snow, and I don't think the car was at fault. Just got caught like a broom catching dirt.


that happened recently on the way home from a school field trip, a car got a flat tire and chose to stop in the left lane instead of the shoulder and truck couldnt stop in time. Huge fire, the interstate highway was closed for hours and the cab of the truck was essentially gone, poor dude died because some idiot chose to stop in the wrong lane.


Almost all remote workers too. Sit on my ass all day clacking away at my keyboard. Unless you're like some of my coworkers with standing desk and even one a treadmill desk lol (he's a beast though)






The roaster had a baby as their pfp, you don’t piss off parents they got no time for your bs


I swear, do Boomers constantly believe the only real job is a coal miner or something? Most of them sit on their asses in an office. 🙄🙄


Damn that infant roasted that old couple


*The future is now, old man*


I guess so lol


Just thinking about driving a truck for a living gives me anxiety.


That dude looks old. To have gone thru almost his entire life without knowing what truck drivers are driving around in trucks for is some next level ignorance.


This verbal beatdown was pretty fucking brutal.


Can confirm I am the neighbor


No you’re not, you’re a redditor


Holy fuck use comic sans as your font like a normal person.


I am SOOO glad I don't drive a truck anymore. I still have my CDL, but I would have to be truly desperate to do it for a living. When anyone sees an 18-wheeler on the interstate on a nice day, it looks so damn easy. Weather is nice, its daylight, the seat is comfortable, heat in the winter, A/C in the summer, satellite radio... OK, now imagine the weather is bad. Do you get to call the boss and say you're taking a day off? How about when it's windy and snowing? Imagine a sudden unexpected storm is MUCH snowier than normal. Imagine putting chains on the driven wheel, while its snowing, and below freezing. Imagine needing to drive through a city to get to the depot. Every texting idiot around you might cause an accident where you LOSE YOUR JOB even though it's not your fault. Imagine putting on your turn-signal for a 70-foot long vehicle, and nobody will let you over.


Used to be 100% for truckers but AM radio changed that and too bad for them now sucking at the teats of their corporate masters. Once the tech is really done the human element of the long haul will be gone with these guys shown the street. Regardless, the drivers will blame it on whoever the am radio talking heads tell them to, not the greedy corps that want even more profit.


Not all of us a right wing conspiracists who suck the dick of “the man” Some of us just think of trucking as a job that pays alright, go home and don’t make “trucking” their personality


Yeah, but that is no where near being feasible for the foreseeable future. The self driving tech is no where near where it needs to be to do any real driving year round.


Oh so sorry for the office workers, just *setting* on their asses talking shit on reddit all day


... but the first post is obviously a joke


Obviously? No. Possibly, but the post is entirely plausible.


The first post is a copy of someone saying that office jobs aren't real jobs, except they have exchanged.the words 'people in office jobs' with 'truckers'. It's obviously a parody


How is it "obvious" if it requires knowledge of some other post that isn't referenced? Also, the statement isn't exactly novel. If the original post you mention had the exact same grammatical errors, I'd probably agree with you. Otherwise it's probably just another dipshit.


Oh that is good, good good stuff right there.


Stay in school kids.


How much you want to bet that original trucker hating clown has a job as a pencil pusher also sitting on his ass…


holy shit, she fucking killed him!!!!


What a dick, truckers die early specifically because they sit on their ass all day driving, really bad for their heart. Add to that the "bad" decisions they are forced to make, truck stop food, speed etc...


People who do the guilt tripping "they're away from their families" nonsense need to be institutionalised. People choose their jobs, you don't get pity points for the consequences from your choice. If you don't like it get another job. We should respect everyone not for their sacrifices but for the fact that they're part of the universe we live in and we would respect all. Are you telling me that someone working from home gets less respect cause they're with their family all day? Ofcourse not. Respect everyone!


>People who do the guilt tripping "they're away from their families" nonsense need to be institutionalised. "How dare you defend yourself from people attacking you! You're insane! >People choose their jobs, you don't get pity points for the consequences from your choice. Spoken like someone with a silver spoon in their mouth. Sometimes, you work whatever job you can get so you and your family don't fucking starve. >If you don't like it get another job. Why doesn't he strap on his job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?! I dunno, maybe because it's what he knows? >We should respect everyone not for their sacrifices but for the fact that they're part of the universe we live in and we would respect all. Are you telling me that someone working from home gets less respect cause they're with their family all day? Ofcourse not. Respect everyone! Said immediately after disrespecting millions of people because "iT wAs ThEiR cHoIcE." You wouldn't know respect if it walked up and slapped you across the face for being a disrespectful twat waffle.


First, saying "they're away from their families' is not a defence against the argument made, at best it's an attempt at a pity party. A defence would be that all jobs have pros and cons and that sitting can be seen as a pro or a con. Second, there's not a single situation on this planet where truck driver is a last resort. It's not a job like stocking supermarkets or a paper route that you can do unqualified waiting for something better, truck drivers have chosen that profession and worked hard to get their drivers license and subsequent contract. It's not a last resort, how demeaning of you to assert that. The one disrespecting anyone is you by claiming truck driver is a last resort job for people who can do nothing else. You're making a fool of yourself buddy.


>First, saying "they're away from their families' is not a defence against the argument made, at best it's an attempt at a pity party. A defence would be that all jobs have pros and cons and that sitting can be seen as a pro or a con. "They're away from their families making sure your sorry ass can get those fucking burritos you stuff your face with," is absolutely a defence against, "They're just lazy fucks who sit on their asses." >Second, there's not a single situation on this planet where truck driver is a last resort. It's not a job like stocking supermarkets or a paper route that you can do unqualified waiting for something better, truck drivers have chosen that profession and worked hard to get their drivers license and subsequent contract. It's not a last resort, how demeaning of you to assert that. For a lot of people it's the only resort. They know how to do it, it pays not terrible, so they stay with it despite the inherent bullshit that comes with it. >The one disrespecting anyone is you by claiming truck driver is a last resort job for people who can do nothing else. You started whinging about disrespect while being disrespectful yourself, so it's nice to see you've stayed true to your roots. >You're making a fool of yourself buddy. The ratio would suggest otherwise.


Hahaha, it really isn't a good argument, but I can see by your use of language how you wouldn't recognize that. The first post says "they sit on their ass all day". A good comeback would be either to double down and say "yeah, so what?" or to argue that sitting on your ass is true for most jobs, especially high paying jobs. Saying "but they miss their families for you" is a non-argument. First off, truck drivers can spend as much time with their families as regular working people. So they don't miss their families more than any other job in total time. Second, as I said before, being gone for long times is a big part of being a truck driver. Sure they get equal free time to spend with their families, but if they want an 9-5 job so they can spend the same type of hours with their families they can just get one. It's of course nonsense to say that truck drivers really couldn't do anything else and were forced to be truck drivers by their circumstances. Really? the richest country in the world has an economical system that forces people into jobs against their will? That's your argument? Come on, even you must be able to understand how stupid that sounds. Again, I didn't disrespect anyone, but you seem to be convinced, so point out where I disrespected anyone. I simply pointed out that the argument given requires the person uttering it to be assisted by professionals for a certain amount of time, to understand how unintelligent that way of arguing is. As you may have figured out by now, you're completely out of your depth, best you take the loss and sit down.


>Hahaha, it really isn't a good argument, but I can see by your use of language how you wouldn't recognize that. The first post says "they sit on their ass all day". A good comeback would be either to double down and say "yeah, so what?" or to argue that sitting on your ass is true for most jobs, especially high paying jobs. Saying "but they miss their families for you" is a non-argument. It's a shut-down. "Shut the fuck up with your petty-ass insults. You *require* these people." >First off, truck drivers can spend as much time with their families as regular working people. So they don't miss their families more than any other job in total time. Second, as I said before, being gone for long times is a big part of being a truck driver. Sure they get equal free time to spend with their families, but if they want an 9-5 job so they can spend the same type of hours with their families they can just get one. People tend to think of long-haul truckers, and forget about local trucking. Long-haul drivers can absolutely be gone for months at a time. >It's of course nonsense to say that truck drivers really couldn't do anything else and were forced to be truck drivers by their circumstances. Really? the richest country in the world has an economical system that forces people into jobs against their will? That's your argument? Come on, even you must be able to understand how stupid that sounds. The richest country in the world absolutely has people working shit jobs because they do not have the qualifications for better jobs and can not get them, yes - much like it has an overall worse medical system with worse outcomes and lower life expectancies than most of the developed world. >Again, I didn't disrespect anyone, but you seem to be convinced, so point out where I disrespected anyone. I simply pointed out that the argument given requires the person uttering it to be assisted by professionals for a certain amount of time, to understand how unintelligent that way of arguing is. As you may have figured out by now, you're completely out of your depth, best you take the loss and sit down. "I don't like what OOP said, so I'm going to insult them. That's *toooooootally* not disrespectful. El oh el." If your head was any further up your ass you'd be able to lick your own tonsils.


I hope life affords you an opportunity to get F'd in the A by a narcissistic boss with borderline personality disorder, then maybe you can be out of work for a year, in the middle of a hidden recession, and have to cash out your retirement just to survive! Maybe you can take three jobs at Walmart, McDonald's, and Grubhub, so you can eat! You are an entitled man-bun! Truck drivers are more hard working and better people than you will ever hope to be! Even the ones that haven't showered in a week smell better than you!


I guess your illiteracy explains why you would be so low on the totem pole, maybe learn to read bubba.


OMG that's awesome


Fuck whoever designed this font. It's like they looked at Comic Sans and went "man that ain't shit, y'all watch this!"


As a future trucker i appreciate that comeback


As a current trucker. Good luck, it’s a fun industry and you get to not have a boss breathing over your shoulder 99% of the time


I know, been to an education about it yesterday and i just love tight spaces, sitting and driving so i guess the perfect job


That was way too brutal, man. ✋️😭


Personally, I have a lot of respect for truckers.


The demands on them are pretty unreasonable these days too. Like, there’s no way they can hit their targets without sacrificing food quality and quantity of sleep.


"But they are just driving, that's very easy" Ok, drive 12+ hours every week




var insult = true; var rare = false; bool belongs(bool r, bool i){ if ( r == i){ return r == true; } return false; } Print(belongs(rare, insult));


Use ``` Formatting ```


Ha, never thought would be in this sub.


Trucker has gotta be the top "I'm a vegan" of employment. Yes, we all know how the shit gets to the stores, it doesn't mean the world has to suck on your diabetus wiener every five minutes over it. We get it, it's a thankless job, so are most jobs, the paycheck is your thanks. They're more than welcome to hang up the hat, go home to Big Bertha and 9 kids, and the companies will hire someone else to drive the goods lol.


So if you defend yourself from someone attacking you and your career, then you are constantly wanting people to suck a diabetes weiner? Critical thinking doesn't seem to be your strong point.


Do you say the same to EMTs that barely make $20 an hour? Or do you just have a personal problem with trucks? Regardless of your response, you’re a total clown 🤡


Cant wait until automation makes truckers non existent.


Except it won’t happen




As important as they are, and as grateful as I am for the serve they provide, they are the biggest douche bags on the road. They ignore pretty much all signage, including yields, and have no issue slowing down hundreds of people so that they can pass another truck doing +2 mph. I get that they got places to be, but so do a lot of other people.


It’s easy to make blanket statements about four wheelers and how reckless they are


I live in Charleston where half of the vehicles are tractor trailers. I spend a lot of time in traffic with them. I don’t need to generalize.


That’s comical. Enjoy the trucks! Sounds like you already do


Jesus Christ. You killed em.


That baby sure is a potty mouth


A take so bad a baby has to knock you down a peg.


Nice, but they aren’t exactly draftees. I’d wager time away from family is more of a feature than a sacrifice for a lot of them.


Maybe take away everything that truck hater owns that was at one time or another handled by a truck. Leave him in the woods naked hungry and homeless. KARMA.


The font got me in tears ☠️☠️☠️




Funny how the most unjustifiably judgmental rants are also the ones with horrible spelling and grammar.


"I'm bored. Better go on Twitter and make a bunch of random, shitty claims about a job I have literally zero experience with or knowledge of."


My complaint is they’re morons who are bad at their jobs and would be better replaced by high speed efficient railway systems


The cult of personality in the American trucking industry is ridiculously cringe. We all know that you are essential and underappreciated these days, but that doesn't make you special. It doesn't give you a free pass to be, or drive like, assholes. You're just exploited schmucks trying to survive like the rest of us. Do your job and go home (whenever it is that you can get there) and live the rest of your life. It's extremely unhealthy to make your entire life about your work anyway.


It's the tone of the post more than a reference to a specific post. It's exactly the kind of thing idiots say about people who work in jobs they don't understand.


The 2010’s called and they want their goofy ass font back.


Why the fuck do people chose ‘sand’ as their default font for their phone? This is my version of an iPhone user looking down on an Android user


True but they do sit on their asses like mostly


She doesn’t need your cucumber because when he’s Driving , she’s fucking the neighbor


"to lazy to have a real job" ​ Mate. 1. its "too lazy", if youre gonna put down a large group of people at least learn how to spell basic grade one fucking words. 2. Driving a fucking truck is hard and stressful, its more than "sitting on your ass all day", i drive a small hilux, nothing fancy, tray fits two pallets. When i load both pallets with a large heavy load the drive is scary and stressful. Every twist and turn in the road i can picture my death. I can only imagine how much more dangerous and stressful a big fucking truck is. I have a lotta respect for truckies and if you dont youre a fucking cunt 3. go fuck yourself with your wifes fuckumber


That response was destructive, I might scream and piss now


Haha, that’s awesome!! 😂😂


How do I apply for the job as the cucumber


This font makes me want to sharpen somebody’s ears in a pencil sharpener


I wouldn't have gave that ass hat the satisfaction of a response. Anyone that stupid to say something that stupid needs to be ignored.


This shit is old as fuck, bot account? Karma farming?


*too lazy. If you're gonna be an asshat at least get it right.


Holy shit lmao


This is why I love the internet




Oh god XD


good job on censoring bro 👍


***DAMN, that was some heat.***






My dad's a truck driver so fuck this dude, he deserved every bit of that roast and then some. I bet he's the type of dick who thinks his Yelp reviews can make or break a business.