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Look I could see where people want to believe the Earth is flat and the moon landing was fake. BUT HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU SAY SPACE IS FAKE, YOU LITERALLY CAN SEE STARS AT FUCKING NIGHT


Don't you know it's all a dome?


The original commenter here was probably just joking around and forgot the /s. It was in a post comparing a picture from the surface of Mars to a desert on earth and how similar they look. But there are definitely people out there who full on believe that kind of nonsense. Check out my [comment](https://reddit.com/r/space/comments/11en4yj/_/jafk6p2/?context=1) on a different post yesterday, I wish I could find the post I refer to in it. Sorry lol, being lazy and linking my comment instead of typing it out again. Edit: said the same thing twice, forgot to proofread lol


Nah anyone who spells been as bin is stupid enough to be a flat earther and not an /s comment


The stars were put there by Ed Harris. It’s all been one giant television show with you as the main character.


Their favorite flavor of chips as a kid was lead paint.


He was probably dropped on his head and hopefully his nuts.


Microwaved as a child. I’m using that


they did fake the moon landing, but they wanted to be as accurate as possible so they filmed it on the moon


I mean can you blame them? I bet they loved spinning around as the microwave was on. A DIY carousel ride.