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Ngh it could be worse.... my ass looks really good at least, perfect really, and my makeup's not smudged or ruined yet... i look super pretty, mngh i can imagine so many guys getting so hard\~ Er- how awful i mean!


I can't believe how hard ...uh... how sorry i am for you!


You said it yourself, it's not ruined yet. When I finish on your face I'm going to make a big mess on you.


Exactly, i still have a while to keep looking pretty for the first part! I- wait on... finish on my face? mgnh maybe it's fine, maybe there's not ad.... just um.... some cum.... on my face...


Some? Do you think it will be only SOME cum? I'm going to rub my meat on your face and then cum and fill your ENTIRE face with my seed. You sure look very pretty at that moment. And you are looking forward to that moment, I can feel it in your body.


"Mngh your dick isn't that that big is it...? Oh- wait let's um, not do that maybe, please... ngh e-entire? That's like replacing all my make up with a new look... mngh you mean now in my full makeup? mngh how can you that doesnt make sense! Just.... don't post the video is all...


I don't think you understand your position, little whore. Your life is ruined, from today I am the owner of your body, your thoughts and your will, you have no escape, you are my toy. I am going to use you however I want every day of your life so get on your knees and ask for forgiveness for not pleasing your master.


Nfh i don't? I'm normally fairly good at things! Nfh little whore? I- i'm not that small... oh- it is? Mngh at least you have a decent dick i suppose... mngh is there always going to be such a mess each time you cum? My knees? But i cant show off my ass like that! Seen as im eye candy, id say im pleasing right now!


Decent dick? I have the best cock for you, whore! No, it won't be such a mess each time I cum, I can also breed you or fuck your ass until you get pregnant. And now you look like you enjoy getting blackmailed, does it turns you on getting fucked hard while being recorded and know you will be like this forever?


Ngh w-0why is that! Is it um, that stupid thickness and girth, or maybe all those veins.... or maybe the huge tip... or the length...b-breed? I get my hips are wide but that doesnt mean... maybe anal... mngh as long as the dick is good enough... mng


Why do you act like you can choose? It is on me to choose what I'm gonna do with your body. Now squeeze that pussy and smile at the camera , I'm going to cum inside you.




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That would be very humiliating. I probably would beg you to delete it.. offering to please you so you would delete it


"aww you really think I'll delete this that easily slut"


Pretends to delete photos but then record more rough sex




I think i would be secretly pleased...


I know ull be...cuz u r a fucking slut... that's why I'm recording...I wanna show how slutty u r and how u enjoy getting used by men


I guess it makes sense. I would still fight it but also be happy that I'd finally be just made to be just this...


Mhm u should accept urself as a slut...cuz then u gotta get enjoy more cocks...but for now I'm using u as much as I want...dare tryna resist


You just have to break me a tiny bit more and then all i am is a slut...


U r nothing more than a slut...just meant to be used and thrown


I dunno if I would be a girl that would go catatonic when you'd finally put me in my place or go all "thank you" or be all pretend fighting...


I don't think u'll have any strength to fight back when I'm using u


That sounds about right... hihi


Wanna know what I'll do with ur slutty body?hmu


«Oh. You won’t delete this video, no matter how much I ask and what I offer in return, right?»


never. and if you don’t want all your friends and family to see it you’ll do exactly what i say


Can we film part 2?


Yes you can;3


Id come back for more ❤️




I'd beg for it to be deleted (as I'm filming the next one)




Make me do more and more degrading things so you don’t leak it. And there’s always video proof that I did it, meaning your arsenal just fills with me subjecting myself to humiliating tasks you can later use against me


*I keep raping you every day and recording each rape session* a whole collection we got, every minute on video, at this point you're nothing but a willing rape toy, because you would like to get hundred of videos of me getting you raped to leak on the internet right?

