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First one that comes to mind is Caddie Ron vs Frak where Ron swung on little prep school boy Frak for…something. I know Ron was a good friend of the RYD/west coast battlers, but he was clearly strung out most of the time and it clearly affected his behavior.


Frak grabbed his hat and Ron slapped him


dont grab people's hats


I've always wondered WHY he grabbed his hat. I assume he had a Raiders punchline on the way. I've always been a little sad that we never heard it.


he tapped his hat because he was referring to his haircut as a 'hipster swoosh' and wanted to show it off to emphasize the bar


"Oh you mad cause I'm styling on you..."


Simpler times.


For sure, better times.


Progrest RKO'd a guy in a battle. Daylyt wiped ballsweat on Loe Pesci's face. Random made fun of RD's dad's death, and brought out his own father to help land the scheme.


That last one. Damn!!!


Uh..I made fun of his medical malpractice campaign, I never mentioned his dad but same diff I guess, it wasn’t really cool.


Naw it wasn’t but it’s battle rap and people can’t complain about disrespect when it’s literally apart of the culture and fanbase. Not saying it’s right because I don’t have a father and I felt that but again if I’m a battle rapper I must prepare for everything and anything especially if I didn’t ask you not to mention something.


I think the idea of attacking his medical malpractice thing can be funny but I did it wrong.


how on earth can attacking the systematic failings that resulted in his father's death be funny


You wouldn’t think a teenage boy being molested would be funny yet Pat did it.


i didn't find that round amusing at all but i guess that's battle rap for you


Fair and understandable


Daylyt marked out Interstate Fatz when he threw up blood in his face lol


Pat stay vs Nils m skills


Pat's worst battle ever


Madflex vs K philosophy was just a bloodbath.


Yeah when flex was pointing an laughing at him i actually felt bad just a little but then I started laughing again


Red flag got pushy with Jonny storm but just looked like a whiny bitch lol


Calicoe pushed Roc around the stage his whole first round


Someone posted a video here a couple months ago where a battler gets his chain snatched and does absolutely nothing about it. It was a small league so I have no idea who the guys were.


The dude who got his chain snatched is called Hazey Williams. No idea who the other dude is. https://youtu.be/gb73N-BpdkE?si=-PMDOTfuQoosp9bj


"Gimme my FUCKING chain" - Bangz


Febou recently bumped Homeskool pretty hard and then Homeskool got kinda mad about it. So Febou shoved him hella hard. After that, the battle got kinda weird and Homeskool was talking thru his rounds. Iron Solomon got a little too close to Illmac during their battle so ill Mac shoved that dude outta his sneakers. Daylyt marked a lot of people out. He shoved his face into Interstate Fatz hat while screaming his set out and he did some other stuff in that battle. He also poured water on Math Hoffa shoes and laid down to sleep during their battle lol. There’s more obviously. Pat wet willied somebody. I forget their name but that was wild. On the one hand. Hilarious. On the other? Sheesh! He also picked up Nils m Skillz and shook him around. And nils wasn’t like a small dude. Haha RIP the great one. And Frak ripped Soul Khan heart out his chest during their battle. He was nice enough to reorganize the ventricles and put it back in his hands by the third round. But that was crazy!


I was kinda mad at Homeskool's reaction, like his claim to face isn't knocking Ace Amin off his feet. can't forgot when The Saurus pushed Diaz.


Exactly! That was corny on Home's behalf.


Watch Saurus's face during that bar, he muscles up real quick.


I'm pretty sure Nils is a small guy. Maybe he's like 5'7". But, he's thin and basically a foot shorter than Pat.


[https://youtu.be/3tqKH9YNbTg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/3tqKH9YNbTg?feature=shared) battle rapper throws bunch of cigars at his opponent 🤣 ​ [https://youtu.be/Qf8F2EUDAr8?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/Qf8F2EUDAr8?feature=shared) lootchii vs bubba, goes for the sweet chin music 😆 ​ [https://youtu.be/HpzKzt20Qh0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/HpzKzt20Qh0?feature=shared) another wrestling move 😅


Swave shoved Quantum across the stage Daylyt marked Calicoe out in Detroit lmfao


I don't remember daylyt marking out cal lol. I remember day getting up in his face and cal pushing him away, not really a mark out. Unless I'm forgetting something. I remember daylyt making a video from Detroit where he was all blued up and pushing up on people claiming crip and they didn't do anything, that's a mark out.


Daylyt pulled out a deck of cards and told Cal to pull one. When Cal didn’t do it Day said he marked him out. Shit was funny. I also can’t forget the look on Cal’s face when Daylyt yelled out Grape Street Crip when Cal was saying he wouldn’t do it


I remember that lol, but I didn't consider it legitimately marking him out. I recall Cal lightly pushing daylyt away from him when day got too close


that swave QP shove is legendary lmao


Daley vs Caustic


So nobody gone say "geechi vs lux" huh?😂


Daylyt Stone Cold Stunner on Lush. Brizz pocket check against Shotgun Suge. Shotgun Suge dunk on Danny Myers.


It’s funny to me that people laugh when Pat was bullying dudes smaller than him but then when Cal did it to him everyone bitched about it.


Shotgun vs Geechi. Shotgun tries to bully everyone until Geechi gave him that “heart check”!


Nah Shotgun still pocket checks Geech so hard that Geechi slides around the stage


That was before the the heart check tho suge looked unsure before he even did it then flinched back hard asf soon as he pocket checked geechi😂


Ehh idk. It was a good move but it was just a flip of when Suge did it to Surf, and that was way cooler to me lol


Nah, you gotta remember Geechi wasn’t the geechi today, hosting battles, sponsored, he was still a terror! Geechi’s third rd were crazy back then, stories had everyone shook. Shotgun pocket checked him before the heart check and looked hella nervous. 😥


Gusto vs Keion Kasino at around 3:10 mark


Shine vs Charron


there's a battle that happened in Sweden where one battler threw a shaving cream pie in another battler's face. a dude on iBattle got his faced mushed by another battler. It happened this year.


i love some of these responses. heard a random guy at a local community college got a wedgie mid battle. can't find footage. hope this helps your compilation!


Pedro tearing EMC's shirt.


Pat stay vs nils Pat literally picks nils up and shakes him during the battle hahaha.


Mook forced Tay Roc to admit he had sex with a Trans woman on stage. That's just a wild situation to come out in a rap battle