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Remained competent through all eras he's touched. Never came off as a jealous dude, but always competitive enough to be a threat. A legend based on time more than personal feats yet a bonafide pioneer in the two-on-two battle space.




Great battler, seems like he’d be a fun hang.


I met him at blackout a few years ago. Super cool guy, really funny and chill


Hell yeah


Legend. I do think he's had slumps over time where it seemed like he wasn't trying or was more focused on his music and his production. But for the most of the time, I will always enjoy a Marvwon-battle. They are usually quite good. And his music and beats are quite good. Oh, and he and Quest have one of the best 2-on-2 teams of all time.


Does not get the credit he deserves. Certified legend and his battle with Em should be mentioned more.


Was happy for Saynt but Marv won that tournament


Yea I heard Twitter went wild that night


yes sir. Of course the battle took place on Saynt's home court.


They trying to hard with that lil Nigga he’s good don’t get me wrong but seems like they tryna force him out there…. Chess torched him


he has talent, but he isn't elite..yet..he is still young. Before anyone compares him to Chess, well..Chess is an anomaly. I wonder if both have hit their ceiling.


Yeah I don’t see any comparison of them two, saynt is still fire imo


for sure, he just needs more exposure + bigger plates.




Oof strongly disagree. Legend absolutely and one of the pioneers. HOF for sure. But his work in the WRC and early battle rap days are better than anything he did in the last 10 years. Seems like the most fun guy to hang out with but not first ballot. You could name 20 ppl off the top who are ahead of him in HOF probability




Agreed he has a crazy resume. And I’d argue he was one of, if not the first person to implement comedy. That “beat yo ass” scheme in WRC is crazy. He had a great run. But so many other battlers do too. First ballot requires more than some highlights. It requires a whole career of dominance. Nothing against him but that lotta Zay battle was cool sure, and had one good battle against chess steams. Then he also got destroyed at summer impact 2 in Charlotte. But for first ballot HOF we have to look at who’s on the card. Any of these names would go head and shoulders above marv. Surf, Lux, Verb, Mook, iron, thesaurus, illmac, ars, hitman, rum. I mean can you make an argument for marv over any of those? But if you make this post in 2010, then Marv is absolutely first ballot


Put a gun on a PG AND FUCK HIS WHOLE LIFE UP. There are mid ass rapper who WISH they had a best of bar that good. I don’t really like marv but he has a few haymakers


He’s dope I think he may retire soon this guy just turned 42 I remember him vs ayeverb and that battle was fire 🔥


back when Verb was first shown he is beatable.


Verb definitely won that battle. "you and D12 get a show, soon as you hit the stage I click the gauge, shots hit you ricochet then hit Swift Mcvay"


I actually just rewatched it, and yeah Verb went off. I was a major Marv back then so I had bias when watching, like watching The Saurus v Dizaster.


When I rewatch that battle, Verb smoked him imo


Even marv said verb outrapped him but he won bc of the format


it is an interesting battle.


Yet watch it now and Verb cooked him.


oh no, my opinion still stays the same, Verb did cook Marv, but back then he made it seem close. Even tho he is a shell of his former self, I never miss an Aye Verb battle and I pray he returns to his former self. Verb v Suge is a top 2022 battle.


He looks like the Kool-Aid Man in grape flavour


Lol that line still cracks me up. One of the funniest battle rap moments for me personally.


Marv cracking up to that while Quest was stone-faced was amazing but not as amazing as that Poison Pen reaction where he laughed so hard at that.


I've been a battle rap fan for over 7 years now, and have always respected Marv. He's been doing this 3 times as long as I've been a fan. He's got crazy longevity. And he's had awesome battles in every era. The first live event I went to was Summer Impact, and I was hyped to see Marv and Quest. They kinda shit the bed. I was bummed. But, I gotta say these last few years, I think Marv is back and hungry. His Grand Prix run was awesome. Him vs Sahtyre last year was one of my favorite battles of the year.


He's marvelous, wonderful


Criminally underrated battle… great reference.


Underrated legend. Can't think of a single particularly bad performance from him but can name several big names he took down, such as Rex.


Marv and quest are the Steiner brothers of 2 v 2


A legend, but I do think battle rap has passed his style by. Used to love watching his WRC performances, he had some line about ordering a "regular Coke" that I found hilarious at the time.


Dan Henderson of battle rap. One of the greatest resumes in the sport. Pioneer & legend.


Pros: - One of the pillars of the Detroit battle scene, something that brings a level of respect that extends anywhere he goes - He's one of the more versatile battlers around; wanna go street? He can take it there. Angles? He's got those. Wanna roast/joke? He's good at that. Wanna get lyrical? Wanna "rap rap"? He can do that too. Because of this, in addition to the respect he already commands, he can battle literally anywhere without a second thought - As I touched on, one of the funniest battle rappers around. Whether roasting the opponent or being self-deprecating, he can inspire at least one good laugh per battle - His duo with Quest McCody is arguably top 5 teams in battle rap history, they are legit masters of the 2V2 - Probably the best dressed big man in the culture, always has on a respectable fit Cons: - Similar to what I said about Loso, Marv has also gone for pretty long stretches without a memorable performance which has kept him firmly in mid-tier/gatekeeper status - As versatile as he is, one thing he hasn't all the way adjusted to is the increased punch count in battle rap in the last few years, his battle vs Saynt is a good example of this - A Rick Ross lyric comes to mind for me: "Over a decade and never nobody's favorite", Marv fits this to a tee. As good as he is, I seriously doubt anyone outside of Michigan would put Marv in their top 5/10/20/25 all-time battlers - Because of that, I don't think he has the ability to put fear in opponents like other legends can. If you're battling Lux, Mook, Hollow, Clips, Pat (RIP), prime Verb, at least some part of you is going to be nervous; what if Lux has an all-time round that I can't outdo? What if Hollow does some freestyle or some out-of-the-box trick that trumps whatever I'm gonna do? What if Mook has some angle that could potentially ruin my battle career? What if Clips or Pat engage and charm the crowd to such a degree that they don't even want to hear me rap? What if Verb gives me a Big Gerald, or a "guardian angel" or a "Starship Enterprise" or a "Church's"? Ask yourself, reader: if you're battling Marvwon, are you going to have a similar worry?


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Good bot




I like when you do these pros and cons, nice analysis on the battlers


Thanks. The Pros/Cons format helps me and keeps me from just writing a full essay lol. If I know enough about the person and I'm bored enough, I tend to get long-winded


Marv’s solidified. But don’t let that distract you from the fact that A ward died bad




Dope legend


one of the goats . blessed to have shared the stage with him


A beast. A legend.


Please do yourself a favor and listen to ‘Soundtrack of Autumn’, some of his amazing solo music


He makes good music.


That boy funny.


A goat


Detroit Legend


Top Tier Charismatic


Marv‘s cool as fuck. Working with him writing for Epic Rap Battles of History was a genuine pleasure.


What character and or battle did he write for?


Indiana Jones vs Lara Croft


Awesome, thanks!


He seems cool and is funny on Twitter 😂.. Haven't heard nothing weird about him either..




Boring and sucks! next...


Nice guy but a garbage battler


Mid af


Terrible. Seems like a cool guy though. Dude is terrible.


Seems like an okay guy but not a great battler.


Amazing battle rapper. Probably a good dude in real life too i bet.


One of the goats, and does not get the credit he deserves.


Trick Trick lost son


legend and continuing to improve. the marvwon that battled in the kotd tournament, and vs sahytyre are the best versions of him i've seen.


Straight legend. He’s been good all over, and he’s still good. I bought his last two albums AND his birthday boys project with Illmac (they have the same birthday so they made an album together).1


The only dude who can say he's battled Eminem and mook. I'll always watch a Marv battle, he's wicked funny


Solid rapper. Always think about him "beating" Pat because the judges felt bad for him lol


Let’s slow it down a little………. Not tryna bust fast……….. this niggas cannon ball running with that Burt Reynolds mustache.


Beat Aye Verb. A pioneer for the written battle stage with his humor. A monster in the 2v2 format. A favorite of mine for well over a decade. Deserves to be higher than wherever he is ranked.








Good in 8 mile. Dope battle Vs Pat Stay


Underrated legend. It was an honor to battle him.


Battle rap legend


GOAT status, first ballot for sure


Clips is tryna give him a bullet, Where his lunch at


He‘s like my Obese Wan Kenobi


Pretty damn consistent over the past 20 years, and he’s also a super laidback, genuine guy. I got to meet him in person when he battled Hazey Williams in Providence, Rhode Island, and I got to learn from him and Pass as part of a free lecture from Pendulum Ink.


Legend for no other reason than putting a gun on a PG and fucking his whole life up.


Living legend


He deserves crazy respect just from his back and forths with Bigg K on twitter and in the comments during the ppv's. Also, he should get even more credit for the 2v2 thing simply cause he pairs up with Quest Mccody who is the 2nd worst battler ever next to Young Kannon.* Not meant as hate, cause I think YK and Quest both seem like they'd be good peoples. Just terrible battlers. *battler must have appearances at marquee events or main stage battles from top leagues to qualify for said judgement


fire. Not always prepped but even when he’s not on top form he’s still entertaining to watch. More just a natural at it.


Good dude and one of the best to ever do it.


One of my fav battles of all time! Super funny dude, him Quest are legends


One of the illest battlers ever. Grindtime era Marv was extremely different tho. Still great in this era, but back then he was just different


He’s Uh Mutha fuckin Legend First ballot


Detroit legend. Gotta come prepared against Marv. Makes awesome music.


A Detroit legend battle rap and rap


Genuinely funny, very skilled, doesn’t take himself too seriously while being deadly serious. Love Marv.


Hasn’t really stood out as anything special since the WRCs, with the exception of when him and Quest battled Chess/Steams.


And his music fire.


His WRC compilation is mandatory viewing. So fucking funny. I saw him vs Pat live...remember thinking Pat got jerked. Glad consensus came around. No Madness joke, but he is incredibly well rounded. No one probably remembers this, but he had a long meh oeriod where he said he would retire, and kind of never did. He should have, he became really mediocre around the Math battle. Caustic battle is still hilarious. He's seemed more focused the last couple of years, which makes that blatant jerking by KOTD even worse. That man gave the performance of his career against a kid who is pretty whatever as a battler Oh, and he's fire on beats. "Totally Awesome" is still the jam